8 research outputs found

    Identification of Residues in the Cysteine-rich Domain of Raf-1 That Control Ras Binding and Raf-1 Activity

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    We have identified mutations in Raf-1 that increase binding to Ras. The mutations were identified making use of three mutant forms of Ras that have reduced Raf-1 binding (Winkler, D. G., Johnson, J. C., Cooper, J. A., and Vojtek, A. B. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 24402-24409). One mutation in Raf-1, N64L, suppresses the Ras mutant R41Q but not other Ras mutants, suggesting that this mutation structurally complements the Ras R41Q mutation. Missense substitutions of residues 143 and 144 in the Raf-1 cysteine-rich domain were isolated multiple times. These Raf-1 mutants, R143Q, R143W, and K144E, were general suppressors of three different Ras mutants and had increased interaction with non-mutant Ras. Each was slightly activated relative to wild-type Raf-1 in a transformation assay. In addition, two mutants, R143W and K144E, were active when tested for induction of germinal vesicle breakdown in Xenopus oocytes. Interestingly, all three cysteine-rich domain mutations reduced the ability of the Raf-1 N-terminal regulatory region to inhibit Xenopus oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown induced by the C-terminal catalytic region of Raf-1. We propose that a direct or indirect regulatory interaction between the N- and C-terminal regions of Raf-1 is reduced by the R143W, R143Q, and K144E mutations, thereby increasing access to the Ras-binding regions of Raf-1 and increasing Raf-1 activity

    Elucidation of Binding Determinants and Functional Consequences of Ras/Raf-Cysteine-rich Domain Interactions

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    Raf-1 is a critical downstream target of Ras and contains two distinct domains that bind Ras. The first Ras-binding site (RBS1) in Raf-1 has been shown to be essential for Ras-mediated translocation of Raf-1 to the plasma membrane, whereas the second site, in the Raf-1 cysteine-rich domain (Raf-CRD), has been implicated in regulating Raf kinase activity. While recognition elements that promote Ras.RBS1 complex formation have been characterized, relatively little is known about Ras/Raf-CRD interactions. In this study, we have characterized interactions important for Ras binding to the Raf-CRD. Reconciling conflicting reports, we found that these interactions are essentially independent of the guanine nucleotide bound state, but instead, are enhanced by post-translational modification of Ras. Specifically, our findings indicate that Ras farnesylation is sufficient for stable association of Ras with the Raf-CRD. Furthermore, we have also identified a Raf-CRD variant that is impaired specifically in its interactions with Ras. NMR data also suggests that residues proximal to this mutation site on the Raf-CRD form contacts with Ras. This Raf-CRD mutant impairs the ability of Ras to activate Raf kinase, thereby providing additional support that Ras interactions with the Raf-CRD are important for Ras-mediated activation of Raf-1

    Two Distinct Raf Domains Mediate Interaction with Ras

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    A key event for Ras transformation involves the direct physical association between Ras and the Raf-1 kinase. This interaction promotes both Raf translocation to the plasma membrane and activation of Raf kinase activity. Although substantial experimental evidence has demonstrated that Raf residues 51-131 alone are sufficient for Ras binding, conflicting observations have suggested that the Raf cysteine-rich domain (residues 139-184) may also be important for interaction with Ras. To clarify the role of the Raf cysteine-rich domain in Ras-Raf binding, we have compared the ability of two distinct Raf fragments to interact with Ras using both in vitro Ras binding and in vivo Ras inhibition assays. First, we determined that both Raf sequences 2-140 and 139-186 (designated Raf-Cys) showed preferential binding to active, GTP-bound Ras in vitro. Second, we observed that Raf-Cys antagonized oncogenic Ras(Q61L)-mediated transactivation of Ras-responsive elements and focus-forming activity in NIH 3T3 cells and insulin-induced germinal vesicle breakdown in Xenopus laevis oocytes in vivo. This inhibitory activity suggests that Raf-Cys can interact with Ras in vivo. Taken together, these results suggest that Ras interaction with two distinct domains of Raf-1 may be important in Ras-mediated activation of Raf kinase activity

    Ras Interaction with Two Distinct Binding Domains in Raf-1 5 Be Required for Ras Transformation

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    Although Raf-1 is a critical Ras effector target, how Ras mediates Raf-1 activation remains unresolved. Raf-1 residues 55-131 define a Ras-binding domain essential for Raf-1 activation. Therefore, our identification of a second Ras-binding site in the Raf-1 cysteine-rich domain (residues 139-184) was unexpected and suggested a more complex role for Ras in Raf-1 activation. Both Ras recognition domains preferentially associate with Ras-GTP. Therefore, mutations that impair Ras activity by perturbing regions that distinguish Ras-GDP from Ras-GTP (switch I and II) may disrupt interactions with either Raf-1-binding domain. We observed that mutations of Ras that impaired Ras transformation by perturbing its switch I (T35A and E37G) or switch II (G60A and Y64W) domain preferentially diminished binding to Raf-1-(55-131) or the Raf-1 cysteine-rich domain, respectively. Thus, these Ras-binding domains recognize distinct Ras-GTP determinants, and both may be essential for Ras transforming activity. Finally, since Ha-Ras T35A and E37G mutations prevent Ras interaction with full-length Raf-1, we suggest that Raf-Cys is a cryptic binding site that is unmasked upon Ras interaction with Raf-1-(55-131)

    Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits.

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    The beneficial effects of physical activity (PA) are well documented, yet the mechanisms by which PA prevents disease and improves health outcomes are poorly understood. To identify major gaps in knowledge and potential strategies for catalyzing progress in the field, the NIH convened a workshop in late October 2014 entitled "Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits." Presentations and discussions emphasized the challenges imposed by the integrative and intermittent nature of PA, the tremendous discovery potential of applying "-omics" technologies to understand interorgan crosstalk and biological networking systems during PA, and the need to establish an infrastructure of clinical trial sites with sufficient expertise to incorporate mechanistic outcome measures into adequately sized human PA trials. Identification of the mechanisms that underlie the link between PA and improved health holds extraordinary promise for discovery of novel therapeutic targets and development of personalized exercise medicine

    Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits

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    The beneficial effects of physical activity (PA) are well documented, yet the mechanisms by which PA prevents disease and improves health outcomes are poorly understood. To identify major gaps in knowledge and potential strategies for catalyzing progress in the field, the NIH convened a workshop in late October 2014 entitled “Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits.” Presentations and discussions emphasized the challenges imposed by the integrative and intermittent nature of PA, the tremendous discovery potential of applying “-omics” technologies to understand interorgan crosstalk and biological networking systems during PA, and the need to establish an infrastructure of clinical trial sites with sufficient expertise to incorporate mechanistic outcome measures into adequately sized human PA trials. Identification of the mechanisms that underlie the link between PA and improved health holds extraordinary promise for discovery of novel therapeutic targets and development of personalized exercise medicine