450 research outputs found

    Comunicación teatral: la construcción de sentido en la obra de teatro “Gol de oro (todo o nada)”

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    En un mundo en donde la comunicación está atravesada por artificios que el hombre inventó, cada vez más ostentosos y que se asientan sobre la lejanía de los cuerpos y la intermediación de dispositivos tecnológicos, el teatro subsiste. Con una forma de comunicación tan apartada al mecanismo de funcionamiento que nos proponen los medios masivos, el teatro continúa. En un país en donde los discursos políticos creen tener gran fuerza en la sociedad, el teatro perdura. En una ciudad que habla en los grafitis de los barrios, el teatro permanece. En una facultad en donde se producen tantos escritos de comunicación, el teatro vive. En el presente trabajo seleccionamos una obra teatral particular, “Gol de oro (todo o nada)” de Miguel Franchi, dirigida por Matías Martínez e interpretada por actores rosarinos, con el objetivo de investigar el proceso de comunicación que surge desde la escritura de un texto teatral, se reconstruye con la interpretación del director y los actores, y sigue en transformación hasta la creación del espectáculo teatralFil: Druetta, Marianela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Escuela de Comunicación Social; Argentina

    D'atri spaces of type k and related classes of geometries concerning jacobi operators

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    In this article we continue the study of the geometry of kk-D'Atri spaces, % 1\leq k n1\leq n-1 (nn denotes the dimension of the manifold),, began by the second author. It is known that kk-D'Atri spaces, k1,k\geq 1, are related to properties of Jacobi operators RvR_{v} along geodesics, since she has shown that trRv{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}, trRv2{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}^{2} are invariant under the geodesic flow for any unit tangent vector vv. Here, assuming that the Riemannian manifold is a D'Atri space, we prove in our main result that trRv3{\operatorname{tr}}R_{v}^{3} is also invariant under the geodesic flow if k3 k\geq 3. In addition, other properties of Jacobi operators related to the Ledger conditions are obtained and they are used to give applications to Iwasawa type spaces. In the class of D'Atri spaces of Iwasawa type, we show two different characterizations of the symmetric spaces of noncompact type: they are exactly the C\frak{C}-spaces and on the other hand they are kk -D'Atri spaces for some k3.k\geq 3. In the last case, they are kk-D'Atri for all k=1,...,n1k=1,...,n-1 as well. In particular, Damek-Ricci spaces that are kk-D'Atri for some k3k\geq 3 are symmetric. Finally, we characterize kk-D'Atri spaces for all k=1,...,n1k=1,...,n-1 as the SC% \frak{SC}-spaces (geodesic symmetries preserve the principal curvatures of small geodesic spheres). Moreover, applying this result in the case of 4% -dimensional homogeneous spaces we prove that the properties of being a D'Atri (1-D'Atri) space, or a 3-D'Atri space, are equivalent to the property of being a kk-D'Atri space for all k=1,2,3k=1,2,3.Comment: 19 pages. This paper substitute the previous one where one Theorem has been deleted and one section has been adde

    Numerical simulation of chemical EOR processes

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    L'hyperbole performée: remarques à partir d'un corpus d'entretiens politiques

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    Dieser Artikel analysiert die verbalen, prosodischen und gestischen Aspekte der Hyperbel in mediatisierten politischen Diskussionen, die aufgrund ihres stark kodifizierten Rahmens als Untersuchungsgegenstand ausgewählt wurden. Die Betrachtung der verschiedenen hyperbolischen Performanzniveaus und deren Verhältnisse untereinander erlaubt es, die markanten Unterschiede zwischen der übertreibenden und der nicht-übertreibenden Rede zu erkennen. Im Übrigen werden wir die auf der Performanzebene bemerkbaren Unterschiede zwischen dem in der politischen Diskussion beliebten Euphemismus und der Hyperbel deutlich wahrnehmen. Dabei werden wir über die pragmatisch-argumentative Verwendung der hyperbolischen Rede in der Politik nachdenken, ebenso wie über gattungsbedingte Einschränkungen, denen die Einsetzung der Übertreibung unterworfen ist

    Numerical Modeling of Nanotechnology-Boosted Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods

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    Since it was theorized more than 50 years ago, nanotechnology has become the perfect boost for existing old technologies. The unique properties exhibited by materials at these scales have a potential to improve the performance of mature oil fields along with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes. Regarding polymer flooding, the influence of the (macro) molecules’ architecture on the fluid properties has been lately stressed. This chapter presents the numerical simulation of the combination of both agents in a single, combined recovery process. The presence of the nanoparticles affects the rheological behavior and the rock’s wettability, increasing the organic phase mobility. Undesirable effects such as (nano) particle aggregation and sedimentation are also considered. The polymer’s architecture has a major influence on the recovery process, improving the rheological and viscoelastic properties. On the other hand, although nanoparticles improve the viscosity as well, its main mechanism is their adsorption onto the rock and wettability modification. This chapter shows the importance of a good polymer characterization for EOR, the potential of nanoparticles acting as a boost of traditional EOR processes, and the vital role CFD techniques play to assess the potential of these agents and the optimization of the recovery strategies

    Influence of the polymer properties and numerical schemes on tertiary oil recovery processes

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    Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes comprise a number of flooding techniques aimed at increasing the operational life of mature oilfields. Among these, polymer flooding is one of the most developed; its functionality is to increment the aqueous viscosity, avoiding the formation of viscous fingering. Reservoir simulators consider this influence as well as other physical properties (e.g., adsorption, permeability reduction). However, the polymer degradation is usually not considered even though it plays a critical role in the viscosity. In this paper this mechanism is analyzed and coupled with the previously mentioned physical phenomena in order to present a complete study of their influence in the EOR process. Moreover, since a fully second-order accuracy scheme is used along with a Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) flux-limiting function, the influence of the latter on the recovery factor is also discussed. Results showed that the negative effect of the polymer adsorption was the most relevant physical phenomenon in terms of the oil recovery. Furthermore, the analysis of the discretization of the differential equations showed that traditional, linear first-order schemes created numerical diffusion affecting negatively the macroscopic sweeping efficiency, which disappeared when TVD techniques were used. Reservoir simulators allow determining the desired designing properties for future polymers in relationship with the characteristics of the oilfield to be exploited

    Influence of physical and rheological properties of sweeping fluids on the residual oil saturation at the micro- and macroscale

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    Oil recovery processes depend on many factors that can be altered in order to maximize the sweeping efficiency in porous media, and one of these is the rheology behavior of the displacing agent. Furthermore, scales in the recovery process should also be considered: from the macro- to microscale systems, in which capillary forces become predominant. It is also well-known the non-Newtonian behavior of polymer solutions used in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes. This has been considered before, explaining how the polymer’s viscosifying properties enhance the displacing process. Recently, another property exhibit by polymer solutions started being considered: the viscoelasticity. The interaction between the (macro)molecules in the displacing phase generates a complex stress field which cannot be simply addressed by an increment in the shear viscosity. We present a 2D, multiphase simulation at macro- and microscale of a recovery process with different fluid models, showing that viscoelastic fluids increase the recovery performance due to the extra stresses generated by the polymer molecules, up to a 15.4% when compared to traditional waterflooding techniques. The viscosity of the displacing phase affects indeed the recovery efficiency, and moreover, the results also evidenced that not only the bulk viscoelasticity, but also the interfacial forces play a vital role in the microscopic sweeping efficiency in polymer EOR flooding processes. This can be used when determining the properties of future EOR agents to be synthesized

    Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows over a NACA 0012 Airfoil: Insights into Its Performance and the Addition of a Slotted Flap

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    This work provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of airfoil CFD simulations. The airflow around a 2D NACA 0012 airfoil at various angles of attack is simulated using the RANS SST turbulent flow model and compared to experimental data. The airfoil is then modified with a slotted flap and additionally the angle of the flap is altered. The flow model is subsequently coupled to a heat transfer model to compare the isothermal versus non-isothermal performance. The airfoil with the slotted flap shows increased Cl and and Cd values compared to the standard NACA 0012. Larger flap angles further increase the Cl and Cd. The lift and drag coefficients show no difference in the non-isothermal model compared to the isothermal model, indicating the isothermal model is sufficient for this system. The 3D model without wingtips shows a similar Cl to the 2D model as it effectively has an infinite span. Adding a wingtip reduces the lift coefficient, as the air can flow around the wingtip, increasing the pressure on top of the wing. Overall, these results match the behavior expected from wing theory well, showing how CFD can be effectively applied in the development and optimization of wings, flaps, and wingtips