4,903 research outputs found

    European Union - Reforms - Hungarian interests. What kind of European Union would we like?

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    The lecture deals with broad topics. First, it addresses some questions related to the current state of the EU integration regarding institutions and common policies. Second, it discusses the continued importance, the main results and hindering factors related to the Lisbon Programme, with a special emphasis on the educational system in Europe and Hungary. Third, the lecture deals with some possibilities in changing the EU’s rather limited external relation models to more flexible instruments

    Ratcheting of granular materials

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    We investigate the quasi-static mechanical response of soils under cyclic loading using a discrete model of randomly generated convex polygons. This response exhibits a sequence of regimes, each one characterized by a linear accumulation of plastic deformation with the number of cycles. At the grain level, a quasi-periodic ratchet-like behavior is observed at the contacts, which excludes the existence of an elastic regime. The study of this slow dynamics allows to explore the role of friction in the permanent deformation of unbound granular materials supporting railroads and streets.Comment: Changed content Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Research Project / Management as a Liberal Art / The Virtue of Profit

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    In this memo sent to his grandson, Pollard provides a summary of the concept of Management as a Liberal Art in addition to a letter from Peter Drucker and several documents with Drucker quotations. The latter are taking from the following sources: Drucker, P. (1942) The Freedom of Industrial Man. Virginia Quarterly Review 18 (4),481-499. The citation comes from pp. 482-483. Drucker, P.F. (1988). Teaching the Work of Management. New Management 6 (2), 2-5. The citation comes from p. 5. Drucker, P.F. (1989). The New Realities: In government and politics, in economics and business, in society and worldview. New York: Harper and Row. The citation comes from p. 231. Drucker, P.F. (1959). Landmarks of Tomorrow. New York: Harper and Brothers. The citation comes from pp. 264-65

    Navigation/traffic control satellite mission study. Volume 3 - System concepts

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    Satellite network for air traffic control, solar flare warning, and collision avoidanc

    Examining the Personal and Institutional Determinants of Research Productivity in Hospitality and Tourism Management

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    The transition toward a post-capitalist knowledge-oriented economy has resulted in an increasingly competitive academic environment, where the success of faculty is dependent on their research productivity. This study examines the personal and institutional determinants of the quantity and quality of the research productivity of hospitality and tourism management faculty in US institutions. A survey of 98 faculty found that a different set of determinants impact the quantity and quality aspects of research productivity. Also, institutional determinants were found to play a larger role, indicating the need for administrators to strive for a culture that is supportive of and an infrastructure that is conducive to their faculty’s research success. The authors use the field of hospitality and tourism management as a case study to develop a holistic and cohesive framework for knowledge worker productivity that can guide the evaluation, hiring, and development of researchers

    Model of Enterpreneurship and Social-cultural and Market Orientation of Small Business Owners in Poland

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    In the development of SMEs in Poland crucial meaning is legislation, steadily adapted to EU regulations, especially to the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Research conducted in Poland by many authors provide data for doing so, to confirm the hypothesis that among small businesses a vital role in shaping their work situation did not continue to play the market mechanisms and orientations, but mainly socio-cultural factors.W rozwoju MŚP w Polsce podstawowe znaczenie mają również uregulowania prawne, systematycznie dostosowywane do regulacji unijnych, zwłaszcza zaś do Europejskiej Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw. Badania prowadzone w Polsce przez wielu autorów dostarczają danych ku temu, by potwierdzić tezę, że wśród drobnych przedsiębiorców decydującą rolę w kształtowaniu ich sytuacji pracy odgrywają nadal nie mechanizmy i orientacje rynkowe, ale przede wszystkim czynniki społeczno-kulturowe

    The Management of Technology Transfer Plenary Paper

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    The future world economic development as well as the improvement of other aspects of the quality of life depends to a very large extent on technological development, which again depends essentially on the successful application of the process of technological innovation. This process with its various stages of research, development, engineering, and marketing cannot function without effective communication for the purpose of technology transfer, i.e., transferring knowledge between the stages.It is important not only to understand the process of technological innovation and to realize that technology transfer is an essential part of it, but also to understand that technology transfer is the transferring of knowledge rather than of goods and services, and is dependent on successful communication. Further, technology transfer should be managed as part of the package of managing technological innovation, which should be purposeful and continuous rather than a response to haphazard demands.One of the aims of the National Timber Research Institute is to promote the more efficient use of the South African wood resource as a reliable and economical structural material. Research results in this field have been successfully transferred to the South African forest products industry where 90 low cost stress-grading machines are now in use, and where stress-graded timber is selectively used in glulam products and 20% of all roof trusses.The low cost grading machine, the grading system, the design data, the roof truss design method and computer program, as well as the glulam manufacturing systems, were developed by the National Timber Research Institute and transferred to industry by way of research steering committees, symposia, publications, industry-sponsored development contracts, and direct assistance in factories

    The diversity of gendered adaptation strategies to climate change of Indian farmers: a feminist intersectional approach

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    This paper examines climate change adaptation and gender issues through an application of a feminist intersectional approach. This approach permits the identification of diverse adaptation responses arising from the existence of multiple and fragmented dimensions of identity (including gender) that intersect with power relations to shape situation-specific interactions between farmers and ecosystems. Based on results from contrasting research cases in Bihar and Uttarakhand, India, this paper demonstrates, inter alia, that there are geographically determined gendered preferences and adoption strategies regarding adaptation options and that these are influenced by the socio-ecological context and institutional dynamics. Intersecting identities, such as caste, wealth, age and gender, influence decisions and reveal power dynamics and negotiation within the household and the community, as well as barriers to adaptation among groups. Overall, the findings suggest that a feminist intersectional approach does appear to be useful and worth further exploration in the context of climate change adaptation. In particular, future research could benefit from more emphasis on a nuanced analysis of the intra-gender differences that shape adaptive capacity to climate change