16 research outputs found

    The KISS Network in 2015–2016: Catalogs and Comparison of the Processing Results with Operational Estimates from the Permanent Network

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    International audienceAs part of the international collaboration of several research groups from Russia, France, and Germany, 77 temporary seismic stations were installed in the summer of 2015 for one-year period to conduct a detailed study of the deep structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the region of the Klyuchevskoi Volcano Group (KGV) in the Kamchatka Peninsula. One of the results of the KISS experiment (Klyuchevskoi Investigation – Seismic Structure of an extraordinary volcanic system) was the final catalog of the joint data from the temporary stations and the permanent network of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS). The catalog comprises 2136 events, including 560 for which the permanent network catalog lacked sufficient data for correct processing. The catalog in .xlsx format and the station bulletin in .isf format are presented in the supplementary material to the paper. A comparative analysis was conducted on the joint solutions of two catalogs: one obtained solely from the data of the KB GS RAS permanent network stations and another from a denser seismic network integrated with KISS stations

    Probabilistic Estimates of Hypocenters from the Data of Kamchatka Seismic Network Stations

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    International audienceA new approach is proposed for determining earthquake hypocenters aimed at a more comprehensive characterization of its uncertainty and ambiguity. Application of the new approach to study the seismic focal subduction zones and volcanic seismicity is discussed by the example of the data of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences.В работе предложен новый подход к определению гипоцентров землетрясений, направленный на более полную характеризацию его неопределённости и неоднозначности

    Deep and shallow long-period volcanic seismicity linked by fluid-pressure transfer

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    International audienceVolcanic long-period earthquakes are attributed to pressure fluctuations that result from unsteady mass transport in the plumbing system of volcanoes. Whereas most of the long-period seismicity is located close to the surface, the volcanic deep long-period earthquakes that occur in the lower crust and uppermost mantle reflect the activity in the deep parts of magmatic systems. Here, we present observations of long-period earthquakes that occurred in 2011-2012 within the Klyuchevskoy volcano group in Kamchatka, Russia. We show two distinct groups of long-period sources: events that occurred just below the active volcanoes, and deep long-period events at depths of ~30 km in the vicinity of a deep magmatic reservoir. We report systematic increases of the long-period seismicity levels prior to volcanic eruptions with the initial activation of the deep long-period sources that reflects pressurization of the deep reservoir and consequent transfer of the activity towards the surface. The relatively fast migration of the long-period activity suggests that a hydraulic connection is maintained between deep and shallow magmatic reservoirs. The reported observations provide evidence for the pre-eruptive reload of the shallow magmatic reservoirs from depth, and suggest that the deep long-period earthquakes could be used as a reliable early precursor of eruptions

    Depth Migration of Seismovolcanic Tremor Sources Below the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (Kamchatka) Determined From aNetwork-Based Analysis

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    International audienceWe present a method for automatic location of dominant sources of seismovolcanic tremor in 3-D, based on the spatial coherence of the continuously recorded wavefield at a seismic network. We analyze 4.5 years of records from the seismic network at the Klyuchevskoy volcanic group in Kamchatka, Russia, when four volcanoes experienced tremor episodes. After enhancing the tremor signal with spectral whitening, we compute the daily cross-correlation functions related to the dominant tremor sources from the first eigenvector of the spectral covariance matrix and infer their daily positions in 3-D. We apply our technique to the tremors beneath Shiveluch, Klyuchevskoy, Tolbachik, and Kizimen volcanoes and observe the yearlong preeruptive volcanic tremor beneath Klyuchevskoy from deep to shallow partsof the plumbing system. This observation of deep volcanic tremor sources demonstrates that the cross-correlation-based method is a very powerful tool for volcano monitoring

    Detecting and locating volcanic tremors on the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes (Kamchatka) based on correlations of continuous seismic records

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    International audienceWe analyse daily cross-correlation computed from continuous records by permanent stations operating in vicinity of the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes (Kamchatka). Seismic waves generated by volcanic tremors are clearly seen on the cross-correlations between some pairs of stations as strong signals at frequencies between 0.2 and 2 Hz and with traveltimes typically shorter than those corresponding to interstation propagation. First, we develop a 2-D source-scanning algorithm based on summation of the envelops of cross-correlations to detect seismic tremors and to determine locations from which the strong seismic energy is continuously emitted. In an alternative approach, we explore the distinctive character of the cross-correlation waveforms corresponding to tremors emitted by different volcanoes and develop a phase-matching method for detecting volcanic tremors. Application of these methods allows us to detect and to distinguish tremors generated by the Klyuchevskoy and the Tolbachik, volcanoes and to monitor evolution of their intensity in time

    Recurrence of Deep Long-Period Earthquakes beneath the Klyuchevskoi Volcano Group, Kamchatka

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    International audienceAbstract—Long-period earthquakes and tremors, on a par with volcano-tectonic earthquakes, are one of two main classes of volcano-seismic activity. It is believed that long-period volcanic seismicity is associated with pressure fluctuations in the magmatic and hydrothermal systems beneath volcanoes and can therefore be used as a precursor of the impending eruptions. At the same time, the physical mechanism of the long-period seismicity is still not fully understood. In this work, we have studied the long-period earthquakes that occur at the crust-mantle boundary beneath the Klyuchevskoi volcanic group in Kamchatka in order to establish their recurrence law—the relationship between the magnitude and frequency of occurrence of the events. In the region under study, the earthquakes pertaining to this type are most numerous and characterize the state of the deep magma reservoir located at the crust-mantle boundary. The changes in the seismic regime in this part of the magmatic system can be one of the early precursors of eruptions. For a more thorough characterization of the frequency-magnitude relationship of the discussed events, we compiled a new catalog of the deep long-period earthquakes based on the matched-filter processing of continuous seismograms recorded by the network stations of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011-2012. For these earthquakes, we also used a magnitude determination method that provides the estimates close to the moment magnitude scale. The analysis of the obtained catalog containing more than 40 000 events shows that the frequency-magnitude relationships of the earthquakes markedly deviate from the Gutenberg-Richter power-law distribution, probably testifying to the seismicity mechanism and peculiarities of the sources that differ from the common tectonic earthquakes. It is shown that the magnitude distribution of the deep long-period earthquakes is, rather, described by the distributions with characteristic mean values such as the normal or gamma distribution

    Retrieving robust noise-based seismic velocity changes from sparse data sets: synthetic tests and application to Klyuchevskoy volcanic group (Kamchatka)

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    International audienceContinuous noise-based monitoring of seismic velocity changes provides insights into volcanic unrest, earthquake mechanisms and fluid injection in the subsurface. The standard monitoring approach relies on measuring traveltime changes of late coda arrivals between daily and reference noise cross-correlations, usually chosen as stacks of daily cross-correlations. The main assumption of this method is that the shape of the noise correlations does not change over time or, in other terms, that the ambient-noise sources are stationary through time. These conditions are not fulfilled when a strong episodic source of noise, such as a volcanic tremor, for example, perturbs the reconstructed Green's function. In this paper, we propose a general formulation for retrieving continuous time-series of noise-based seismic velocity changes without the requirement of any arbitrary reference cross-correlation function (CCF). Instead, we measure the changes between all possible pairs of daily cross-correlations and invert them using different smoothing parameters to obtain the final velocity change curve. We perform synthetic tests in order to establish a general framework for future applications of this technique. In particular, we study the reliability of velocity change measurements versus the stability of noise CCFs. We apply this approach to a complex data set of noise cross-correlations at Klyuchevskoy volcanic group (Kamchatka), hampered by loss of data and the presence of highly non-stationary seismic tremors