40 research outputs found

    Collegiate Education for Nursing: History of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Nursing, 1971-1984

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    Throughout history a paucity of historical research in nursing, by nurses, has been reported. This study, Collegiate Education for Nursing: History of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Nursing traces the historical strands of one collegiate nursing program. Three research questions were examined and analyzed i.e., the reasons for program development, the method of program development and the impact of program development. Certain historical events and phenomena spanning two centuries were investigated in order to answer these questions. The study also examined the forces--social, political and economic--and the individuals who shaped the history of the college of nursing and determined its character. It concluded that both quantitatively and qualitatively nursing had advanced in Tennessee and in Knoxville since the inception of the collegiate program and that significant growth and achievement occurred ·within the college in a relatively brief period of time

    Maternal-Infant Contact and Development of Attachment

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    The purpose of this study was to attempt to establish more precisely the sensitive period for mother-infant attachment, by comparing maternal behaviors of mothers who had immediate contact with their newborns to mothers whose contact with their infants was delayed. A secondary purpose was to determine whether maternal attachment behaviors occurred more frequently for those mothers whose infants were awake and alert. Fourteen caucasian Americans and one oriental American primigravid women and their healthy neonates were studied. The method used to determine the effects of time of initial significant contact and infant state was observation of video-taped interaction of three differing times of contact groups by a naive observer. Group I was Immediate Contact, Group II was Early Delay (1 1/2 hours delay) and Group III was Control (6-10 hour s delay). The subjects were video-taped during initial significant interaction for one hour and again 24 to 36 hours post-delivery for one hour during a scheduled feeding. Bar graphs of the frequency of occurrence of bonding behaviors and frequency of occurrence of state 4 were used to visualize which of the three groups exhibited the most bonding behaviors, and the most state 4 of infant arousal during the second session of taping. The categories of behavior consisted of en face holding, fondling, smiling, proximity, prolonged gazing and talking to the neonates. Interrater reliability was 97.7%. Evidence from the data in this study supports the theory that early extended contact does facilitate bonding. In the analysis Group II exhibited the most bonding behaviors, Group I had the second largest number and Group III had a decrease in behaviors at the second taping. For Groups I and II, there is a relationship between the amount of time infants are in state 4 of infant arousal and the bonding behaviors exhibited by the mother when the data is examined for each subject in the group. Vast intrasubject variation within groups was not noted except with subject 3, Group I on two categories of behaviors, i.e., en face and talking. The frequency of interruptions were scored across groups and within subjects. Group I, Session I had nearly three times the number of interruptions as occurred in Groups II and III. Group II had the least number of interruptions overall. The results indicate that early extended contact is import ant to the development of attachment between mother and infant but that immediate extended contact may not be critical. An intervening variable in the development of bonding when extended contact occurs immediately after delivery is frequency of interruption of the mothers. Age of mother at delivery may also be a variable to be considered. Infants are in state 4, the quiet alert state for at least one hour after delivery and some infant s are in state 4 for longer than one hour post-delivery. Skin-to-skin contact seems to enhance bonding. The sensitive period for bonding may extend beyond two hours post-delivery

    Monte Carlo Simulations of the microwave emissivity of the sea surface

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    A Monte Carlo model is developed to calculate the microwave emissivity of the sea surface based on the Kirchhoff approximation combined with modified Fresnel coefficients. The modified Fresnel coefficient depends on the incident angle of the electromagnetic wave and the height variance of small‐scale roughness, which is an approximation to account partly for the scattering effect from small ripples. The advantage of the Monte Carlo model is its inherent capability to treat multiple scattering events. Using a two‐dimensional Gaussian distribution for the sea surface slope variability, the model is capable of simulating the azimuthal dependency of the microwave emission caused by the alignment of waves perpendicular to the wind direction. Good agreement between model calculations and measurements is obtained

    Writing New Normals: A Study of American Pandemic Fiction in the Wake of COVID-19

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    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the aspects of pandemic fiction that extend beyond the illness itself. In this thesis, I show that while the disease that spreads is a large focus of pandemic fiction, the truths that spring from these novels reveal larger societal issues, such as class hierarchies, racial inequalities, and failings of the government to fight the pandemic. In fact, pandemics act as catalysts for the uncovering of these societal ills, and the authors of pandemic fictions bring these greater faults of society to the forefront of their novels. I analyze three novels from the American literary tradition that place the disease at the center of the plot. The novels that will be the focus of this work are Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 by Charles Brockden Brown, Pale Horse, Pale Rider by Katherine Anne Porter, and Zone One by Colson Whitehead .Despite each of these novels having different diseases and different political landscapes, they are all united by the fact that each of their pandemics take a backseat to the social changes that they exacerbate. More specifically, all of these novels are joined by a theme of social contagion – one that is not defined by the spread of the disease but rather the emotions that pervade the social fabric

    A Behavior Rating Scale for the Preschool Child 1 such in

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    The increase in the number of children attending preschools or day care centers has provided an opportunity for early detection of emotional problems. However, few screening instruments have been standardized for children in this age group. A modification of Rutter's Children's Behaviour Questionnaire was standardized on a sample of 496 normal and 102 disturbed preschool children. The modified questionnaire (renamed the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire) was found to possess criterion validity and high interrater and test-retest reliabilities. Three factors were extracted and were labeled Hostile-Aggressive, Anxious-Fearful, and HyperactiveDistractible. The data indicated that the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire may be valuable in either clinical or research settings for the first step in early detection of emotional problems. With many preschool-aged children now attending nursery schools, day care centers, and kindergartens, there exists an increasing opportunity to screen children earlier for developing behavior problems. However, it is frequently difficult to identify children with early signs and symptoms of emotional problems in this age group, for few standardized instruments exist to assess the social emotional functioning of young children or to differentiate normal behavior from deviant behavior in this age group. Many checklists, rating scales, and other screening instruments have been developed for school-aged childre

    POMS - Profile of Mood States (scheda descrittiva)

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    Test psicologico. Scheda descrittiva creata all'interno del progetto Bibliomedi