346 research outputs found

    Crystallization of poly(lactic acid) nucleated with the sorbitol TBPMN

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    We report on the crystallization of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) films in the presence of a sorbitol-based nucleating agent; 1,2,3-tridesoxy-4,6:5,7-bis-O-[(4-propylphenyl) methylene]-nonitol (TBPMN). Dispersion of the nucleating agent was performed by solution-mixing and melt-blending. Crystallization behavior was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The structure and morphology were characterized by wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), optical imaging, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). A significant impact of the nucleating agent was observed at or above a threshold concentration of 2 wt%, which was assigned to the solubility limit of TBPMN. The degree of crystallinity reached up to 39.6 % with 2 wt% TBPMN. An influence of the dispersion method was observed on the peak temperature of crystallization (Tcp). While Tcp decreased slightly for solution-mixed films, a sigmoidal trend was noted for melt-blended samples. Under isothermal conditions at 100 °C, the crystallization half-time was lowered from 6.5 min to 1.0 min. Avrami analysis pointed to the formation of 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional crystalline domains; WAXS data revealed ι- and ι'-crystals, depending on the dispersing method. AFM imaging showed a nanosized fibrillar network of the nucleator within the PLA matrix, demonstrating that TBPMN acted as a soluble self-assembly nucleator.</p

    Comparing Epileptiform Behavior of Mesoscale Detailed Models and Population Models of Neocortex

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    Two models of the neocortex are developed to study normal and pathologic neuronal activity. One model contains a detailed description of a neocortical microcolumn represented by 656 neurons, including superficial and deep pyramidal cells, four types of inhibitory neurons, and realistic synaptic contacts. Simulations show that neurons of a given type exhibit similar, synchronized behavior in this detailed model. This observation is captured by a population model that describes the activity of large neuronal populations with two differential equations with two delays. Both models appear to have similar sensitivity to variations of total network excitation. Analysis of the population model reveals the presence of multistability, which was also observed in various simulations of the detailed model

    AFM monitoring of the cut surface of a segmented polyurethane unveils a microtome-engraving induced growth process of oriented hard domains

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    We report on nanoscale order-disorder transitions of hard segments and their domains composed of 4,4′-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) - 1,4-butanediol (MDI-BD), in polycaprolactone-based (Mn = 2000 g/mol) polyurethanes (PCL-PUs), when the free surface is pre-oriented by cryo-microtoming of the material. Morphological variations of the hard domains as a function of temperature and the anisotropy of surface morphology features are captured by employing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) stiffness imaging by PeakForce Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping (PF-QNM). The AFM imaging is supported by WAXS, SAXS, FTIR, and DSC measurements. The experimental results show that hard domains initially grown at the surface break apart at elevated temperatures (65 °C) and cannot be re-grown upon cooling. They require new microtoming to repeat the growth scenario. The detailed step-by-step submicron scale observations of the surfaces serve to show importance of the influence that microtoming and the time after its completion have on surface morphology, and that these shall be considered when studying polymer materials microscopically.</p

    Modeling focal epileptic activity in the Wilson-Cowan model with depolarization block

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    Measurements of neuronal signals during human seizure activity and evoked epileptic activity in experimental models suggest that, in these pathological states, the individual nerve cells experience an activity driven depolarization block, i.e. they saturate. We examined the effect of such a saturation in the Wilson–Cowan formalism by adapting the nonlinear activation function; we substituted the commonly applied sigmoid for a Gaussian function. We discuss experimental recordings during a seizure that support this substitution. Next we perform a bifurcation analysis on the Wilson–Cowan model with a Gaussian activation function. The main effect is an additional stable equilibrium with high excitatory and low inhibitory activity. Analysis of coupled local networks then shows that such high activity can stay localized or spread. Specifically, in a spatial continuum we show a wavefront with inhibition leading followed by excitatory activity. We relate our model simulations to observations of spreading activity during seizures
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