21 research outputs found

    Facteurs de vulnérabilités des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali

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    L’objectif du prĂ©sent manuscrit est de : i) identifier les rĂŽles jouĂ©s par l’environnement dans la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; ii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s au profil du dirigeant des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; et iii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s Ă  l’entreprise informelle au Mali. Pour atteindre cet objectif fixĂ©, nous avons optĂ© pour le positionnement interprĂ©tatif.  En effet, cette posture interprĂ©tative nous a permet d’adoptĂ© une mĂ©thode qualitative basĂ©e sur de guide d’entretiens semi directif auprĂšs de 20 personnes morales. Seules six personnes ont rĂ©pondu favorablement Ă  notre entretien. A cet effet, nos rĂ©sultats de recherche qualitative ont Ă©galement permis de faire les propositions selon lesquelles les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s dĂ©pendront de l’environnement, le profil du dirigeant et de l’entreprise informelle malienne et les autres facteurs transversaux. &nbsp

    L’appendagite aiguĂ« : une Ă©tiologie rare Ă  ne pas mĂ©connaĂźtre dans les douleurs abdominales: Acute appendagitis: a rare etiology not to be overlooked in abdominal pain

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    Acute appendagitis is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Its diagnosis is based on medical imaging and its treatment is medical. We report a case of acute appendagitis diagnosed on the abdominal CT scan in the context of epigastralgia. L’appendagite aiguĂ« est une cause rare de douleurs abdominales. Son diagnostic repose sur l’imagerie mĂ©dicale et son traitement est mĂ©dical. Nous rapportons un cas d’appendagite aiguĂ« diagnostiquĂ©e au scanner abdominal au dĂ©cours d’une mise au point d’épigastralgies

    Muscular variations in the gluteal region, the posterior compartment of the thigh and the Popliteal fossa: Report of 4 cases

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    During a study of the sciatic nerve by anatomical dissection in the anatomy laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and Odontostomatology (FMOS) of Bamako, 4 cases of muscle variations were observed in three male cadavers. The first case was the presence of an accessory femoral biceps muscle that originated on the fascia that covered the short head of the femoral biceps and ended on the head of the fibula joining the common tendon formed by the long and short head of the femoral biceps. The second case was the presence of an aberrant digastric muscle in the gluteal region and in the posterior compartment of the thigh. He had two bellies; the upper belly, considered as a piriform muscle accessory; the lower belly, considered a third head of the biceps femoral muscle; these two bellies were connected by a long tendon. The other two cases were the presence of third head of the gastrocnemius. These two cases were seen bilaterally in a cadaver. The anatomical variations of the hamstring muscles are rare and their knowledge is needed by radiologists and surgeons. The most common cause of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is the presence of a third head of the gastrocnemius muscle

    Natural immunity to malaria preferentially targets the endothelial protein C receptor-binding regions of PfEMP1s

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    Antibody responses to variant surface antigens (VSAs) produced by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum may contribute to age-related natural immunity to severe malaria. One VSA family, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP1), includes a subset of proteins that binds endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) in human hosts and potentially disrupts the regulation of inflammatory responses, which may lead to the development of severe malaria. We probed peptide microarrays containing segments spanning five PfEMP1 EPCR-binding domain variants with sera from 10 Malian adults and 10 children to determine the differences between adult and pediatric immune responses. We defined serorecognized peptides and amino acid residues as those that elicited a significantly higher antibody response than malaria-naĂŻve controls. We aimed to identify regions consistently serorecognized among adults but not among children across PfEMP1 variants, potentially indicating regions that drive the development of immunity to severe malaria. Adult sera consistently demonstrated broader and more intense serologic responses to constitutive PfEMP1 peptides than pediatric sera, including peptides in EPCR-binding domains. Both adults and children serorecognized a significantly higher proportion of EPCR-binding peptides than peptides that do not directly participate in receptor binding, indicating a preferential development of serologic responses at functional residues. Over the course of a single malaria transmission season, pediatric serological responses increased between the start and the peak of the season, but waned as the transmission season ended. IMPORTANCE Severe malaria and death related to malaria disproportionately affect sub-Saharan children under 5 years of age, commonly manifesting as cerebral malaria and/or severe malarial anemia. In contrast, adults in malaria-endemic regions tend to experience asymptomatic or mild disease. Our findings indicate that natural immunity to malaria targets specific regions within the EPCR-binding domain, particularly peptides containing EPCR-binding residues. Epitopes containing these residues may be promising targets for vaccines or therapeutics directed against severe malaria. Our approach provides insight into the development of natural immunity to a binding target linked to severe malaria by characterizing an "adult-like" response as recognizing a proportion of epitopes within the PfEMP1 protein, particularly regions that mediate EPCR binding. This "adult-like" response likely requires multiple years of malaria exposure, as increases in pediatric serologic response over a single malaria transmission season do not appear significant. </p

    Taxation and Europeanity : between Cooperation and Federation : Ethnosociological approach of governance, identity and territories

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    L’objet de notre thĂšse est de mettre en lumiĂšre, Ă  partir de l’étude des fĂ©dĂ©ralismes allemand et suisse, le modĂšle de gouvernance de l’Union europĂ©enne qui se trouve ĂȘtre compris entre deux courants de pensĂ©e : l’Intergouvernementalisme et le FĂ©dĂ©ralisme coopĂ©ratif. Nous avons essayĂ© de montrer comment, Ă  travers le financement des Etats-Nations, la consolidation de son modĂšle de gouvernance, l’Union europĂ©enne cherche d’une part Ă  mĂ©tamorphoser son espace territoriale tant aux plans politiques, Ă©conomiques qu’identitaires et, d’autre part, Ă  lĂ©gitimer son influence au niveau de ses Etats membres et des citoyens. Notre analyse nous a confirmĂ©, qu’à travers l’interaction entre les institutions europĂ©enneset les Etats membres, les actions des dirigeants, de chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement, l’impact de ce « fĂ©dĂ©ralisme coopĂ©ratif Ă©mergent » est rĂ©el ; il contribue, en effet, non seulement Ă  crĂ©er mais aussi, Ă  modifier et Ă  donner une forme particuliĂšre Ă  l’Union europĂ©enne (les « Vingt-sept »). Ainsi, en essayant d’apporter des rĂ©ponses aux « peurs » des citoyens, vis-Ă -vis de cette incapacitĂ© des Etats-Nations Ă  rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis de la mondialisation, l’Union europĂ©enne insuffle le sentiment d’appropriation de cette identitĂ© commune europĂ©enne en gestation. Cette situation est confortĂ©e par ce contexte actuel de crise Ă©conomique, financiĂšre et sociale mondiale, qui a amenĂ© l’Union et ses Etats membres, malgrĂ© leurs divergences de reprĂ©sentation et de perception de l’« objet-Europe », Ă  faire un « saut quantitatif » vers une « Europe fĂ©dĂ©rale », prĂ©alable Ă  l’émergence d’une « Europe politique »The aims of out thesis is to highlight, from the study of German and Swiss federalism, the European Union model of governance which is made up of two ways of thinking: intergovernmentalism and federalism. We have emphasized how, through the financing of Nation-States and the consolidation of its model of governance, the European Union is trying to, on the one hand, transform politically, economically and from the perspective of its identity, its territorial space, and, on the other hand, to legitimate its influence on member States and citizens. Our analysis has confirmed that through interaction between European institutions and member States, through leaders and heads of State and Government’s actions, the impact of an “emerging cooperative federalism” is real; it has a role not only on the creation but also on the transformation of the European Union, shaping it in a particular way (the “Twenty-Seven”). Therefore, trying to bring answers to the “fears” of citizens in relation to the Nations-States inability to face issues and challenges brought by globalization, the European Union gives a new lease of life made up with the rise of a “mutual European identity”. The situation is reinforced by thecurrent context of the economical, financial and social worldwide crisis which has brought the European Union and its member States, despite their different views and perception of the “Europe Object”, to take a quantitative leap toward a “Federal Europe” prior to the emergence of a “Political Europe

    “Questa non ù una milizia”: i Dozo, la guerra e lo Stato in Costa d’Avorio (1993-2014)

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    Dalla fine della guerra (2010-11) nella Costa d’Avorio, i cacciatori dozo che combatterono per Alassane Ouattara si sono ritrovati in una posizione di fragilitĂ . Il regime di Ouattara li ha esclusi dal processo di Disarmo, Smobilitazione e Reintegrazione, riducendo le loro possibilitĂ  di essere integrati nelle forze militari e di sicurezza statali. Allo stesso tempo, le organizzazioni per i diritti umani hanno accusato i Dozo, intesi come un gruppo compatto, di avere commesso atrocitĂ  durante la guerra, sebbene fosse difficile per i testimoni distinguere i Dozo dagli altri ribelli. Questa collusione involontaria fra le organizzazioni per i diritti umani e lo Stato ha favorito i tentativi del regime di liberarsi dei presunti elementi negativi – i Dozo, presentando tali tentativi come un passo verso il ripristino della legge. Infatti, durante la guerra i Dozo avevano lo stesso status di altri gruppi ribelli che ora sono parte dell’esercito e della polizia avoriani. Differenziare i Dozo dagli altri ex-combattenti produce quindi una distinzione lĂ  dove non vi Ăš alcuna differenza. Inoltre, gli stereotipi che ritraggono i Dozo come una milizia occulta e destabilizzatrice oscurano i loro legami storici con lo Stato, giacchĂ© negli anni Novanta essi hanno svolto il ruolo di polizia. Quantunque le organizzazioni per i diritti umani debbano indagare i Dozo per le accuse di crimini di guerra, possono evitare di rendersi complici dello Stato rifiutando di ritrarre i Dozo come combattenti irregolari in opposizione a tutti gli altri. Svelare questa complessitĂ  ci permette di chiarire la natura del coinvolgimento dei Dozo nelle supposte atrocitĂ  e di rilevare allo stesso tempo le contraddizioni interne al discorso dei diritti umani e della democrazia avoriana.</p

    CaractĂ©risation in vitro et phylogĂ©nĂ©tique de quelques isolats de Cladosporium sp., champignon parasite du bananier en CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    International audience La caractérisation phylogénétique de 5 isolats de Cladosporium de CÎte d'Ivoire a été faite aprÚs extraction d'ADN suivie d'une PCR avec les amorces ITS 1 et ITS 4. Des critÚres morphométriques ont été recherchés in vitro sur 7 substrats en mesurant les dimensions des conidies et conidiophores. Les résultats de l'analyse morphométrique ont identifié trois isolats (Cl2, Cl3, Cl5) comme Cladosporium musae et deux isolats proches de Cladosporium tenuissimum (C11) et Cladosporium cladosporioides (C14). Les conidies de Cladosporium musae mesurent 6-13 ”m x 2-3,5 ”m sur certains substrats avec des conidiophores courts (10-12 ”m x 2,5-3,5 ”m). Sur d'autres substrats, comme le milieu SMA les conidiophores atteignent 500-1000 ”m de longueur avoisinant ceux des bananeraies. Ces conidiophores érigés ont été uniquement observés chez Cl2, Cl3, Cl5. Ainsi, pour une caractérisation moléculaire, le milieu sélectif SMA permettra de regrouper les espÚces de Cladosporium avant l'analyse intraspécifique d'isolats d'origines différente

    Effets de la tempĂ©rature sur la germination et la croissance de<em> Cladosporium musae</em> en vue d’une Ă©tude des relations hĂŽtes-pathogĂšnes

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    National audienceCladosporium musae Mason est un champignon associĂ© Ă  Mycosphaerella fijiensis dans la majoritĂ© des bananeraies en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. La sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© des attaques dans les zones de production est fonction des cultivars mais aussi des conditions de dĂ©veloppement des maladies. A cause de son association aux cercosporioses, l’étude de la maladie dans les conditions d’inoculations contrĂŽlĂ©es nĂ©cessite la maĂźtrise des conditions de tempĂ©rature favorable Ă  la rĂ©alisation des inoculations in vitro. Une souche du champignon isolĂ©e sur le cultivar Figue sucrĂ©e et nommĂ©e Cl2 dans la mycothĂšque du laboratoire de Physiologie VĂ©gĂ©tale a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e en vue d’étudier l’influence de la tempĂ©rature sur la croissance des colonies in vitro. Les tempĂ©ratures utilisĂ©es sont 20°, 25°, 30° et 35 °C et les paramĂštres utilisĂ©s sont les taux de germination, la longueur des filaments germinatifs et la vitesse de croissance des colonies. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la tempĂ©rature agit sur la germination des spores et sur la longueur des filaments germinatifs. L’influence de la tempĂ©rature est aussi marquĂ©e sur la croissance radiale. Cette Ă©tude a permis de situer les limites de tempĂ©rature dans lesquelles peuvent ĂȘtre conduites en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es in vitro, les Ă©tudes de relations hĂŽtes pathogĂšnes