88 research outputs found

    A search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the NGC 1023 group of galaxies

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    We present a photometric search for UCD candidates in the nearby galaxy group NGC 1023 (d=11 Mpc) -- the poorest environment searched for UCDs yet --, based on wide field imaging with CFHT. After photometric and morphological selection, we obtain a sample of 21 UCD candidates with -12<M_V<-11 mag, if located at NGC 1023's distance. From spectroscopy taken at Calar Alto observatory, we identify the UCD candidate in closest projection to NGC 1023 as an emission line background galaxy. Our photometric data show that in the NGC 1023 group, the mass spectrum of analogs to Fornax/Virgo UCD is restricted to about 1/4 of the maximum Fornax/Virgo UCD mass. More spectroscopy is needed to further constrain the mass range of UCDs in this galaxy group.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, J. Borissov

    Time variation of fundamental couplings and dynamical dark energy

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    Scalar field dynamics may give rise to a nonzero cosmological variation of fundamental constants. Within different scenarios based on the unification of gauge couplings, the various claimed observations and bounds may be combined in order to trace or restrict the time history of the couplings and masses. If the scalar field is responsible for a dynamical dark energy or quintessence, cosmological information becomes available for its time evolution. Combining this information with the time variation of couplings, one can determine the interaction strength between the scalar and atoms, which may be observed by tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle. We compute bounds on the present rate of coupling variation from experiments testing the differential accelerations for bodies with equal mass and different composition and compare the sensitivity of various methods. In particular, we discuss two specific models of scalar evolution: crossover quintessence and growing neutrino models.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; minor typos & added references, to be published in JCA

    Constraints on the Variation of the Fine Structure Constant from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We put bounds on the variation of the value of the fine structure constant α\alpha, at the time of Big Bang nucleosynthesis. We study carefully all light elements up to 7^7Li. We correct a previous upper limit on Δα/α|\Delta \alpha / \alpha| estimated from 4^4He primordial abundance and we find interesting new potential limits (depending on the value of the baryon-to-photon ratio) from 7^7Li, whose production is governed to a large extent by Coulomb barriers. The presently unclear observational situation concerning the primordial abundances preclude a better limit than |\Delta \alpha/\alpha| \lsim 2\cdot 10^{-2}, two orders of magnitude less restrictive than previous bounds. In fact, each of the (mutually exclusive) scenarios of standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis proposed, one based on a high value of the measured deuterium primordial abundance and one based on a low value, may describe some aspects of data better if a change in α\alpha of this magnitude is assumed.Comment: 21 pages, eps figures embedded using epsfig macr

    Dark mammoth trunks in the merging galaxy NGC 1316 and a mechanism of cosmic double helices

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    NGC 1316 is a giant, elliptical galaxy containing a complex network of dark, dust features. The morphology of these features has been examined in some detail using a Hubble Space Telescope, Advanced Camera for Surveys image. It is found that most of the features are constituted of long filaments. There also exist a great number of dark structures protruding inwards from the filaments. Many of these structures are strikingly similar to elephant trunks in H II regions in the Milky Way Galaxy, although much larger. The structures, termed mammoth trunks, generally are filamentary and often have shapes resembling the letters V or Y. In some of the mammoth trunks the stem of the Y can be resolved into two or more filaments, many of which showing signs of being intertwined. A model of the mammoth trunks, related to a recent theory of elephant trunks, is proposed. Based on magnetized filaments, the model is capable of giving an account of the various shapes of the mammoth trunks observed, including the twined structures.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Fermi Observations of Nearby Galaxies and Clusters

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    We analyze the impact of Fermi gamma-ray observations (primarily non-detections) of selected nearby galaxies, including dwarf spheroidals, and of clusters of galaxies on decaying dark matter models. We show that the fact that galaxy clusters do not shine in gamma rays puts the most stringent limits available to-date on the lifetime of dark matter particles for a wide range of particle masses and decay final states. In particular, our results put strong constraints on the possibility of ascribing to decaying dark matter both the increasing positron fraction reported by PAMELA and the high-energy feature in the electron-positron spectrum measured by Fermi. Observations of nearby dwarf galaxies and of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) do not provide as strong limits as those from galaxy clusters, while still improving on previous constraints in some cases.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, submitted to JCAP, revised version with some additions and correction

    Leech blood-meal invertebrate-derived DNA reveals differences in Bornean mammal diversity across habitats

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    The application of metabarcoding to environmental and invertebrate-derived DNA (eDNA and iDNA) is a new and increasingly applied method for monitoring biodiversity across a diverse range of habitats. This approach is particularly promising for sampling in the biodiverse humid tropics, where rapid land-use change for agriculture means there is a growing need to understand the conservation value of the remaining mosaic and degraded landscapes. Here we use iDNA from blood-feeding leeches (Haemadipsa picta) to assess differences in mammalian diversity across a gradient of forest degradation in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We screened 557 individual leeches for mammal DNA by targeting fragments of the 16S rRNA gene and detected 14 mammalian genera. We recorded lower mammal diversity in the most heavily degraded forest compared to higher quality twice logged forest. Although the accumulation curves of diversity estimates were comparable across these habitat types, diversity was higher in twice logged forest, with more taxa of conservation concern. In addition, our analysis revealed differences between the community recorded in the heavily logged forest and that of the twice logged forest. By revealing differences in mammal diversity across a human-modified tropical landscape, our study demonstrates the value of iDNA as a noninvasive biomonitoring approach in conservation assessments. © 2020 The Authors. Molecular Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Cosmological distance indicators

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    We review three distance measurement techniques beyond the local universe: (1) gravitational lens time delays, (2) baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and (3) HI intensity mapping. We describe the principles and theory behind each method, the ingredients needed for measuring such distances, the current observational results, and future prospects. Time delays from strongly lensed quasars currently provide constraints on H0H_0 with < 4% uncertainty, and with 1% within reach from ongoing surveys and efforts. Recent exciting discoveries of strongly lensed supernovae hold great promise for time-delay cosmography. BAO features have been detected in redshift surveys up to z <~ 0.8 with galaxies and z ~ 2 with Ly-α\alpha forest, providing precise distance measurements and H0H_0 with < 2% uncertainty in flat Λ\LambdaCDM. Future BAO surveys will probe the distance scale with percent-level precision. HI intensity mapping has great potential to map BAO distances at z ~ 0.8 and beyond with precisions of a few percent. The next years ahead will be exciting as various cosmological probes reach 1% uncertainty in determining H0H_0, to assess the current tension in H0H_0 measurements that could indicate new physics.Comment: Review article accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews (Springer), 45 pages, 10 figures. Chapter of a special collection resulting from the May 2016 ISSI-BJ workshop on Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Ag

    Bounds on the possible evolution of the Gravitational Constant from Cosmological Type-Ia Supernovae

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    Recent high-redshift Type Ia supernovae results can be used to set new bounds on a possible variation of the gravitational constant GG. If the local value of GG at the space-time location of distant supernovae is different, it would change both the kinetic energy release and the amount of 56^{56}Ni synthesized in the supernova outburst. Both effects are related to a change in the Chandrasekhar mass MChG3/2M_{Ch} \propto G^{-3/2}. In addition, the integrated variation of GG with time would also affect the cosmic evolution and therefore the luminosity distance relation. We show that the later effect in the magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae is typically several times smaller than the change produced by the corresponding variation of the Chandrasekhar mass. We investigate in a consistent way how a varying GG could modify the Hubble diagram of Type Ia supernovae and how these results can be used to set upper bounds to a hypothetical variation of GG. We find G/G_0 \la 1.1 and G'/G \la 10^{-11} yr^{-1} at redshifts z0.5z\simeq 0.5. These new bounds extend the currently available constrains on the evolution of GG all the way from solar and stellar distances to typical scales of Gpc/Gyr, i.e. by more than 15 orders of magnitudes in time and distance.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. D. in pres