665 research outputs found

    A discrete-pulse optimal control algorithm with an application to spin systems

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    This article is aimed at extending the framework of optimal control techniques to the situation where the control field values are restricted to a finite set. We propose a generalization of the standard GRAPE algorithm suited to this constraint. We test the validity and the efficiency of this approach for the inversion of an inhomogeneous ensemble of spin systems with different offset frequencies. It is shown that a remarkable efficiency can be achieved even for a very limited number of discrete values. Some applications in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance are discussed

    Orexin system is expressed in avian liver and regulates hepatic lipogenesis via ERK1/2 activation.

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    Orexins are originally characterized as orexigenic hypothalamic neuropeptides in mammals. Subsequent studies found orexin to be expressed and perform pleiotropic functions in multiple tissues in mammals. In avian (non-mammalian) species, however, orexin seemed to not affect feeding behavior and its physiological roles are poorly understood. Here, we provide evidence that orexin and its related receptors are expressed in chicken hepatocytes. Double immunofluorescence staining showed that orexin is localized in the ER, Golgi, and in the lysosomes in LMH cells. Brefeldin A treatment reduced orexin levels in the culture media, but increased it in the cell lysates. Administration of recombinant orexins upregulated the expression of orexin system in the liver of 9-day old chicks, but did not affect feed intake. Recombinant orexins increased fatty acid synthase (FASN) protein levels in chicken liver, activated acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC\u3b1), and increased FASN, ATP citrate lyase(ACLY), and malic enzyme (ME) protein expression in LMH cells. Blockade ERK1/2 activation by PD98059 attenuated these stimulating effects of orexin on lipogenic factors. Overexpression of ERK1/2 increased the expression of lipogenic genes, and orexin treatment induced the phosphorylated levels of ERK1/2Thr202/Tyr204, but not that of p38 Thr180/Tyr182 or JNK1/2 Thr183/Tyr185 in chicken liver and LMH cells. Taken together, this is the first report evidencing that orexin is expressed and secreted from chicken hepatocytes, and that orexin induced hepatic lipogenesis via activation of ERK1/2 signaling pathway

    Reperfusion therapy in renal dysfunction patients presenting with STEMI: Which is better in the Tunisian context?

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    BackgroundPatients with renal insufficiency experience worse prognosis after STEMI. Current guidelines do not clearly draw specific strategies for renal dysfunction (RD) patients, and most clinical trials exclude them from the study population.Aim of the studyTo compare primary PCI (PPCI) and thrombolysis (using Strepokinase) results as well as in-hospital mortality after successful reperfusion between patients with or without RD.MethodsFrom January 1995 to October 2011, 1388 patients admitted for STEMI were enrolled in the MIRAMI (MonastIR’s Acute Myocardial Infarction) registry. Two reperfusion groups were identified: PPCI (315 patients) and thrombolysis (379 patients). Patients who underwent rescue PCI were excluded. Due to lacking clearance data, we used a serum creatinine level >130μmol/l to define RD patients. We compared in each reperfusion group: (1) The success of revascularization (TIMI III flow restoring with <20% residual stenosis after PPCI, pain relief with ST regression >50% 60min after thrombolysis) and (2) the in-hospital mortality rate after reperfusion success between the RD patients (RD+) and normal renal function patients (RD−).ResultsNinety patients (13%) had RD, 50% of which underwent PPCI, and 50% received thrombolytics. Among RD+ and RD- groups, baseline characteristics were similar between the two reperfusion groups.In the PPCI group, although TIMI flow was similar before angioplasty (p=0.82), TIMI III restoring was significantly lower in the RD+ group (78.6% vs 91.8%, p=0.013). Suboptimal result was also higher in the RD+ group (13.6% vs 2.7%, p<0.001), but ST regression after TIMI III achievement was similar in the 2 groups (p=0.43) reflecting probably no microvascular damage.In the thrombolysis group, successful reperfusion was also significantly lower when RD exists (58% vs 74%, p=0.03).After successful reperfusion, in-hospital mortality is higher among RD+ patients in the PPCI group (33.3% vs 4.3%, p<0.001), whereas it is similar after successful thrombolysis (2.6% vs 0%, p=0.42).ConclusionRD reduces either PPCI or thrombolysis success, with no proven microvascular damage after PPCI. In-hospital prognosis is however worse in RD group only after successful PPCI, but not after successful Streptokinase thrombolysis

    Caractéristiques de la croissance et de la production en fruits chez trois variétés de piment (Capsicum annuum L.) sous stress salin

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    Characteristics of the Growth and Fruits Production of Three Pepper Varieties Capsicum annuum L. under Saline Stress. This work aims to evaluate the salt tolerance of three pepper varieties differing by their precocity: pm797 early variety, beldi semi-early and baklouti late variety. The trials were carried out in pots under glazed greenhouse. The results showed that salinity reduced the growth and production. However, a varietal difference response to salt stress was observed between the studied varieties. Indeed, the varieties beldi and baklouti are characterized by their vigour in absence as in the presence of salt. On the other hand, early variety PM797 is characterized by the stability of production. This is highlighting the utility of early characters in salinity tolerance

    Inflation Convergence In East African Countries

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    The paper investigates inflation convergence in five East African Countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, as they aspire to form a monetary union by 2024 under the umbrella of the East African Community. Based on various panel unit root tests, we find that inflation rates in these countries have been converging. An explanation for the convergence is also provided from the perspective of a Global Vector Autoregressive (GVAR) model, which attributes this convergence to a similarity in terms of the nature of shocks affecting EAC countries as well as the role of foreign factors as drivers of inflation given that inflation has been low and less volatile in industrial and emerging countries since the early 1990s


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    The occurrence of pregnancy on cirrhotic patient is rare because of hypo fertility in this disease. We report a case of a pregnancy in a 23 years old patient with a primitive biliary cirrhosis. We didn’t note any complication during pregnancy and labor. Maternal and fetal outcome was normal and the patient had a vaginal delivery. The point of other studies is reported to discuss of the complications of cirrhosis in pregnancy and delivery.La survenue d’une grossesse chez une patiente porteuse d’une cirrhose hépatique est une situation rare vu les répercussions de cette hépatopathie sur la fertilité. Nous rapportons un cas de cirrhose associée à la grossesse chez une parturiente âgée de 23 ans II G II P suivie depuis 6 ans pour cirrhose idiopathique. La grossesse s’est déroulée sans aucun incident de décompensation. Le bilan biologique était normal et l’accouchement, réalisé à terme par voie basse, a permis l’extraction d’un nouveau-né de sexe féminin, Apgar 10/10 pesant 3000g. Une revue de littérature discutant des différentes complications materno-fœtales et éclairantes la prise en charge au cours de la grossesse et de l’accouchement est également présentée

    Hypoelastic, hyperelastic, discrete and semi-discrete approaches for textile composite reinforcement forming

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    International audienceThe clear multi-scale structure of composite textile reinforcements leads to develop continuous and discrete approaches for their forming simulations. In this paper two continuous modelling respectively based on a hypoelastic and hyperelastic constitutive model are presented. A discrete approach is also considered in which each yarn is modelled by shell finite elements and where the contact with friction and possible sliding between the yarns are taken into account. Finally the semi-discrete approach is presented in which the shell finite element interpolation involves continuity of the displacement field but where the internal virtual work is obtained as the sum of tension, in-plane shear and bending ones of all the woven unit cells within the element. The advantages and drawbacks of the different approaches are discussed
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