1,313 research outputs found

    The nephrogenic potential of the transcription factors osr1, osr2, hnf1b, lhx1 and pax8 assessed in Xenopus animal caps

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The three distinct types of kidneys, pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros, develop consecutively in vertebrates. The earliest form of embryonic kidney, the pronephros, is derived from intermediate mesoderm and the first expressed genes localized in the pronephros anlage are the transcription factors osr1, osr2, hnf1b, lhx1 and pax8, here referred to as the early nephrogenic transcription factors. However, the pathway inducing nephrogenesis and the network of theses factors are poorly understood. Treatment of the undifferentiated animal pole explant (animal cap) of Xenopus with activin A and retinoic acid induces pronephros formation providing a powerful tool to analyze key molecular events in nephrogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have investigated the expression kinetics of the early nephrogenic transcription factors in activin A and retinoic acid treated animal caps and their potential to induce pronephric differentiation. In treated animal caps, expression of osr1, osr2, hnf1b and lhx1 are induced early, whereas pax8 expression occurs later implying an indirect activation. Activin A alone is able to induce osr2 and lhx1 after three hours treatment in animal caps while retinoic acid fails to induce any of these nephrogenic transcription factors. The early expression of the five transcription factors and their interference with pronephros development when overexpressed in embryos suggest that these factors potentially induce nephrogenesis upon expression in animal caps. But no pronephros development is achieved by either overexpression of OSR1, by HNF1B injection with activin A treatment, or the combined application of LHX1 and PAX8, although they influenced the expression of several early nephrogenic transcription factors in some cases. In an additional approach we could show that HNF1B induces several genes important in nephrogenesis and regulates lhx1 expression by an HNF1 binding site in the lhx1 promoter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The early nephrogenic transcription factors play an important role in nephrogenesis, but have no pronephros induction potential upon overexpression in animal caps. They activate transcriptional cascades that partially reflect the gene activation initiated by activin A and retinoic acid. Significantly, HNF1B activates the lhx1 promoter directly, thus extending the known activin A regulation of the lhx1 gene via an activin A responsive element.</p

    Developmental expression profile of the yy2 gene in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transcription factor Yin Yang 2 (YY2) shares a structural and functional highly homologue DNA-binding domain with the ubiquitously expressed YY1 protein, which has been implicated in regulating fundamental biological processes. However, the biological relevance of YY2 has not been identified yet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Towards the understanding of YY2 biology, we analyzed in detail the expression pattern of <it>yy</it>2 in various organs during embryonic and postnatal mouse development till adulthood. Thereby, a constant <it>yy2 </it>level was detected in heart and lung tissue, whereas in different brain regions <it>yy2 </it>expression was dynamically regulated. Interestingly, in any analyzed tissue neither the homologue <it>yy1 </it>nor the <it>mbtps2 </it>gene showed changes in mRNA expression levels like <it>yy2</it>, although the intronless <it>yy2 </it>gene is located within the <it>mbtps2 </it>locus.</p> <p>Furthermore, we detected <it>yy1</it>, <it>yy2</it>, and <it>mbtps2 </it>mRNA in primary mouse neurons, microglia cells, and astrocytes. In comparison to <it>yy2 </it>and <it>mbtps2</it>, <it>yy1 </it>revealed the highest expression level in all cell types. Again, only <it>yy2 </it>showed significantly altered gene expression levels among the cell types. Higher <it>yy2 </it>expression levels were detected in microglia cells and astrocytes than in primary neurons.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Yy</it>2 expression in the heart and lung is constitutively expressed during embryogenesis and in adult mice. For the first time, developmental changes of <it>yy2 </it>transcription became obvious in various areas of the brain. This suggests that yy2 is involved in developmental gene regulation.</p

    Derivation of a dynamic model of the kinetics of nitrogen uptake throughout the growth of lettuce : calibration and validation

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    A kinetic model of nitrogen (N) uptake throughout growth was developed for lettuce cultivated in nutrient solution under varying natural light conditions. The model couples nitrogen uptake with dry matter accumulation using a two-compartment mechanistic approach, incorporating structural and non-structural pools. Maximum nitrogen uptake rates are assumed to decline with shoot dry weight, to allow for the effects of plant age. The model was parameterized using data from the literature, and calibrated for differences in light intensity using an optimization algorithm utilizing data from three experiments in different growing seasons. The calibrated model was validated against the data from two independent experiments conducted under different light conditions. Results showed that the model made good predictions of nitrogen uptake by plants from seedlings to maturity under fluctuating light levels in a glasshouse. Plants grown at a higher light intensity showed larger maximum nitrogen uptake rates, but the effect of light intensity declined towards plant maturity

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the primary photosynthetic processes of membrane-bound reaction centers from an antenna-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus

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    The primary photosynthetic reactions in whole membranes of the antenna-deficient mutant strain U43 (pTXA6–10) of Rhodobacter capsulatus are studied by transient absorption and emission spectroscopy with subpicosecond time resolution. Extensive similarities between the transient absorption data on whole membranes and on isolated reaction centers support the idea that the primary processes in isolated reaction centers are not modified by the isolation procedure

    Iso-osmotic regulation of nitrate accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Concerns about possible health hazards arising from human consumption of lettuce and other edible vegetable crops with high concentrations of nitrate have generated demands for a greater understanding of processes involved in its uptake and accumulation in order to devise more sustainable strategies for its control. This paper evaluates a proposed iso-osmotic mechanism for the regulation of nitrate accumulation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) heads. This mechanism assumes that changes in the concentrations of nitrate and all other endogenous osmotica (including anions, cations and neutral solutes) are continually adjusted in tandem to minimise differences in osmotic potential of the shoot sap during growth, with these changes occurring independently of any variations in external water potential. The hypothesis was tested using data from six new experiments, each with a single unique treatment comprising a separate combination of light intensity, N source (nitrate with or without ammonium) and nitrate concentration carried out hydroponically in a glasshouse using a butterhead lettuce variety. Repeat measurements of plant weights and estimates of all of the main soluble constituents (nitrate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic anions, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and soluble carbohydrates) in the shoot sap were made at intervals from about 2 weeks after transplanting until commercial maturity, and the data used to calculate changes in average osmotic potential in the shoot. Results showed that nitrate concentrations in the sap increased when average light levels were reduced by between 30 and 49 % and (to a lesser extent) when nitrate was supplied at a supra-optimal concentration, and declined with partial replacement of nitrate by ammonium in the external nutrient supply. The associated changes in the proportions of other endogenous osmotica, in combination with the adjustment of shoot water content, maintained the total solute concentrations in shoot sap approximately constant and minimised differences in osmotic potential between treatments at each sampling date. There was, however, a gradual increase in osmotic potential (ie a decline in total solute concentration) over time largely caused by increases in shoot water content associated with the physiological and morphological development of the plants. Regression analysis using normalised data (to correct for these time trends) showed that the results were consistent with a 1:1 exchange between the concentrations of nitrate and the sum of all other endogenous osmotica throughout growth, providing evidence that an iso-osmotic mechanism (incorporating both concentration and volume regulation) was involved in controlling nitrate concentrations in the shoot

    Movement of the external ear in human embryo

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    Introduction: External ears, one of the major face components, show an interesting movement during craniofacial morphogenesis in human embryo. The present study was performed to see if movement of the external ears in a human embryo could be explained by differential growth. Methods: In all, 171 samples between Carnegie stage (CS) 17 and CS 23 were selected from MR image datasets of human embryos obtained from the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos. The three-dimensional absolute positio

    The Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure Version 1 (FOCI1): Mean State and Variability

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    A new Earth system model, the Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure (FOCI), is introduced. A first version of FOCI consists of a global high-top atmosphere (ECHAM6.3) and an ocean model (NEMO3.6) as well as sea ice (LIM2) and land surface model components (JSBACH), which are coupled through the OASIS3-MCT software package. FOCI includes a number of optional modules which can be activated depending on the scientific question of interest. In the atmosphere, interactive stratospheric chemistry can be used (ECHAM6-HAMMOZ) to study, for example, the effects of the ozone hole on the climate system. In the ocean, a biogeochemistry model (MOPS) is available to study the global carbon cycle. A unique feature of FOCI is the ability to explicitly resolve mesoscale ocean eddies in specific regions. This is realized in the ocean through nesting; first examples for the Agulhas Current and the Gulf Stream systems are described here. FOCI therefore bridges the gap between coarse-resolution climate models and global high-resolution weather prediction and ocean-only models. It allows to study the evolution of the climate system on regional and seasonal to (multi-) decadal scales. The development of FOCI resulted from a combination of the long-standing expertise in ocean and climate modeling in several research units and divisions at GEOMAR. FOCI will thus be used to complement and interpret long-term observations in the Atlantic, enhance the process understanding of the role of mesoscale oceanic eddies for large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation patterns, study feedback mechanisms with stratospheric processes, estimate future ocean acidification, improve the simulation of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation changes and their influence on climate, ocean chemistry and biology. In this paper we present both the scientific vision for the development of FOCI as well as some technical details. This includes a first validation of the different model components using several configurations of FOCI. Results show that the model in its basic configuration runs stably under pre-industrial control as well as under historical forcing, and produces a mean climate and variability which compares well with observations, reanalysis products and other climate models. The nested configurations reduce some long-standing biases in climate models and are an important step forward to include the atmospheric response in multi-decadal eddy-rich configurations

    Multijet production in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA and determination of α_{s}

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    Multijet production rates in neutral current deep inelastic scattering have been measured in the range of exchanged boson virtualities 10 5 GeV and –1 < η_{LAB}^{jet} < 2.5. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations describe the data well. The value of the strong coupling constant α_{s} (M_{z}), determined from the ratio of the trijet to dijet cross sections, is α_{s} (M_{z}) = 0.1179 ± 0.0013 (stat.)_{-0.0046}^{+0.0028}(exp.)_{-0.0046}^{+0.0028}(th.)

    Enhanced AGAMOUS expression in the centre of the Arabidopsis flower causes ectopic expression over its outer expression boundaries

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    Spatial regulation of C-function genes controlling reproductive organ identity in the centre of the flower can be achieved by adjusting the level of their expression within the genuine central expression domain in Antirrhinum and Petunia. Loss of this control in mutants is revealed by enhanced C-gene expression in the centre and by lateral expansion of the C-domain. In order to test whether the level of central C-gene expression and hence the principle of ‘regulation by tuning’ also applies to spatial regulation of the C-function gene AGAMOUS (AG) in Arabidopsis, we generated transgenic plants with enhanced central AG expression by using stem cell-specific CLAVATA3 (CLV3) regulatory sequences to drive transcription of the AG cDNA. The youngest terminal flowers on inflorescences of CLV3::AG plants displayed homeotic features in their outer whorls indicating ectopic AG expression. Dependence of the homeotic feature on the age of the plant is attributed to the known overall weakening of repressive mechanisms controlling AG. Monitoring AG with an AG-I::GUS reporter construct suggests ectopic AG expression in CLV3::AG flowers when AG in the inflorescence is still repressed, although in terminating inflorescence meristems, AG expression expands to all tissues. Supported by genetic tests, we conclude that upon enhanced central AG expression, the C-domain laterally expands necessitating tuning of the expression level of C-function genes in the wild type. The tuning mechanism in C-gene regulation in Arabidopsis is discussed as a late security switch that ensures wild-type C-domain control when other repressive mechanism starts to fade and fail