184 research outputs found

    Kommentar zum Beitrag von Heinz-Elmar Tenorth

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    Der Autor gibt einen kritischen Bericht zum Aufsatz von Heinz-Elmar Tenorth: "Wachstumsschübe des Bildungssystems und Konjunkturen seiner Thematisierung. Über Kontinuität und Variation pädagogischer Reflexion". (DIPF/jk.


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    The aim of this article is to conduct a fundamental analysis of the current selected issues regarding the landlord’s lien, in comparative perspective of common and civil (Polish) legal systems. This issue is lately under a constant development, since the lease agreement gin a substantial importance in the legal turnover both in Poland and common law countries, in particular United States of America. Therefore an approach to some of the most relevant legal problems of landlord’s lien, including specifically: types of landlords security interests, legal relation between statutory and contractual (consensual) lien, as well as the issues referring waiver and priority of the lien, seems to be beneficial in the light of resolving the present problems concerning landlord’s lien

    Pain Relief in Older Adults Following Static Contractions is not Task-Dependent

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    Pain complaints increase with age. Exercise is frequently utilized for pain relief but the optimal exercise prescription to relieve pain is not clear. Following static contractions, young adults experience the greatest pain relief with low intensity, long duration contractions. The pain response to static contractions in older adults however is unknown. PURPOSE : To compare pain reports in healthy older adults before and after static contractions of varying intensity and duration. METHODS: Pain perception was assessed in 23 healthy older adults (11 men, 12 women; 72.0 ± 6.3 yrs) using a pressure pain device consisting of a 10 N force applied to the right index finger through a Lucite edge (8 x 1.5mm) for two minutes. Subjects pushed a timing device when they first felt pain (i.e., pain threshold) and rated their pain intensity every 20 seconds using a 0-10 numerical rating scale. Pain threshold and pain ratings were measured before and immediately after static contractions of the left elbow flexors at the following three doses: 1) three brief maximal voluntary contractions (MVC); 2) 25% MVC sustained for 2 minutes; and 3) 25% MVC sustained until task failure. Experimental sessions were randomized and separated by one week. RESULTS : Time to task failure for the 25% MVC contraction was 11.8 ± 5.1 minutes. A reduction in pain was found following all three tasks with no difference between tasks (trial x task effect: p \u3e 0.05), despite the duration of the 2 minute low-intensity contraction being ~17% of the contraction held to task failure. Pain thresholds for all doses increased 20% from 51 ± 33 to 61 ± 37 seconds and pain ratings averaged over the six time points decreased 20% from 3.3 ± 2.8 to 2.6 ± 2.5 following static contractions (trial effect: p \u3c 0.001 and p \u3c 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION : Low and high intensity static contractions of both long and short duration produce similar levels of pain reduction in older adults. These preliminary data suggest that several different types of static contractions can induce significant pain relief in older adults. Age-related changes in the pain response to static contractions must be taken into account when prescribing static exercise for the management of pain

    Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 20 kwietnia 2021 r., V CSKP 34/21

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    The commented judgment deserves at least few remarks First, owing to the weighty normative issues concerning the so-called principles of equity, and secondly, because the ruling is part of the current discussion regarding the axiology of certain applications of legal instruments of the contractual practice of financial institutions Namely, it concerns, in particular, two issues considered by the Supreme Court: the legal framework for the application of the construction of transfer of real estate for collateral and the admissibility of the application of Article 5 of the Polish Civil Code of statutory set-off The positions adopted in the comment- ed judgment should be approached with approval This is supported by the arguments provided in the content of this gloss.Glosowany wyrok zasługuje na przynajmniej kilka słów komentarza Po pierwsze, z uwagi na ważką problematykę normatywną dotyczącą tzw. zasad słusznościowych. Po drugie, z tego względu, że orzeczenie to wpisuje się w aktualnie prowadzoną dyskusję na temat aksjologii stosowania niektórych instrumentów praktyki kontraktowej instytucji finansowych Chodzi mianowicie zwłaszcza o dwie rozważane przez Sąd Najwyższy kwestie: ram prawnych stosowania konstrukcji przewłaszczenia nieruchomości na zabezpieczenie oraz dopuszczalności stosowania art 5 k c do potrącenia ustawowego Do przyjętych w komentowanym wyroku stanowisk należy się odnieść z aprobatą Przemawiają za tym argumenty wskazane w treści niniejszej glosy

    Pain Perception after Isometric Exercise in Women with Fibromyalgia

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify exercise protocols incorporating isometric contractions that provide pain relief in women with fibromyalgia. Design: A before-after trial. Setting: A physical therapy department in an academic setting. Participants: Fifteen women (mean ± SD, 52 ± 11y) with fibromyalgia. Interventions: Subjects completed 4 sessions: 1 familiarization and 3 experimental. The following randomized experimental sessions involved the performance of isometric contractions with the elbow flexor muscles that varied in intensity and duration: (1) 3 maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs), (2) 25% MVC held to task failure, and (3) 25% MVC held for 2 minutes. Main Outcome Measures: Experimental pain (pain threshold and pain rating), Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, and fibromyalgia pain intensity (visual analog scale). Results: After all 3 isometric contractions, there was considerable variability between subjects in the pain response. Based on the changes in experimental pain, subjects were divided into 3 groups (increase, decrease, no change in pain). Multiple regression analysis revealed that age, baseline experimental pain, and change in fibromyalgia pain intensity were significant predictors of the experimental pain response after the isometric contractions. Conclusions: We identified subgroups of women with fibromyalgia based on how they perceived pain after isometric contractions. The greatest pain relief for women with fibromyalgia occurred at a younger age and in women with the greatest experimental pain before exercise. Additionally, we established a link between experimental and clinical pain relief after the performance of isometric contractions


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    Vorwort zum Sammelband "Vielfältig herausgefordert

    Pain Relief in Older Adults Following Static Contractions is not Task-Dependent

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    Pain complaints increase with age. Exercise is frequently utilized for pain relief but the optimal exercise prescription to relieve pain is not clear. Following static contractions, young adults experience the greatest pain relief with low intensity, long duration contractions. The pain response to static contractions in older adults however is unknown. PURPOSE : To compare pain reports in healthy older adults before and after static contractions of varying intensity and duration. METHODS: Pain perception was assessed in 23 healthy older adults (11 men, 12 women; 72.0 ± 6.3 yrs) using a pressure pain device consisting of a 10 N force applied to the right index finger through a Lucite edge (8 x 1.5mm) for two minutes. Subjects pushed a timing device when they first felt pain (i.e., pain threshold) and rated their pain intensity every 20 seconds using a 0-10 numerical rating scale. Pain threshold and pain ratings were measured before and immediately after static contractions of the left elbow flexors at the following three doses: 1) three brief maximal voluntary contractions (MVC); 2) 25% MVC sustained for 2 minutes; and 3) 25% MVC sustained until task failure. Experimental sessions were randomized and separated by one week. RESULTS : Time to task failure for the 25% MVC contraction was 11.8 ± 5.1 minutes. A reduction in pain was found following all three tasks with no difference between tasks (trial x task effect: p \u3e 0.05), despite the duration of the 2 minute low-intensity contraction being ~17% of the contraction held to task failure. Pain thresholds for all doses increased 20% from 51 ± 33 to 61 ± 37 seconds and pain ratings averaged over the six time points decreased 20% from 3.3 ± 2.8 to 2.6 ± 2.5 following static contractions (trial effect: p \u3c 0.001 and p \u3c 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION : Low and high intensity static contractions of both long and short duration produce similar levels of pain reduction in older adults. These preliminary data suggest that several different types of static contractions can induce significant pain relief in older adults. Age-related changes in the pain response to static contractions must be taken into account when prescribing static exercise for the management of pain

    Bildungsdefizite Corona-bedingter Schulschließungen? Eine bildungshistorische Analyse

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    In aktuellen Prognosen der Lern- und Einkommensverluste durch Corona-bedingte Schulschließungen spielen die Kurzschuljahre zur bundesweiten Vereinheitlichung des Schuljahresbeginns bzw. die Verlängerung der Vollzeitschulpflicht von acht auf neun Jahre in den 1960er Jahren eine prominente Rolle. Ihre rückblickend ermittelten Effekte dienen als Maßstab für die Vorhersage langfristig verminderter individueller Einkommen als direkte Folgen Corona-bedingter Schulschließungen. Demgegenüber wird im Kontext der nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg massiv beschleunigten Bildungsexpansion infrage gestellt, ob isoliert von der Dynamik des Bildungssystems, d.h. trendneutral ermittelte Auswirkungen der Kurzschuljahre bzw. verlängerter Schulzeit auf Kompetenzentwicklung und Einkommen korrekt erfasst sind und auf die aktuelle Situation übertragen werden können. Zudem können die gegenwärtig befürchteten negativen Effekte eingeschränkten Lernens für Beschulung und Schulerfolg in den Kurzschuljahren nicht bestätigt werden

    Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 24 czerwca 2014 r., sygn. I CSK 477/13

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    The aim of the comment is to analyse article 126 of the Nature Conservation Act of 2004 concerning the possibility of suing the State Treasury for a damage caused by protected animals to a real property. In its judgement the Supreme Court confirmed that not only the owner but also the tenant of a real property has legal standing in case of such a damage. The Supreme Court’s opinion merits an approval.Przedmiotem glosy jest analiza art. 126 ustawy z dnia 16 kwietnia 2004 r. o ochronie przyrody w kontekście możliwości dochodzenia roszczeń odszkodowawczych od Skarbu Państwa z tytułu szkody wyrządzonej nieruchomości przez zwierzęta podlegające ochronie. W analizowanym wyroku Sąd Najwyższy podzielił stanowisko, w myśl którego z roszczeniem z art. 126 ust. 4 u.o.p. może wystąpić nie tylko właściciel, lecz również dzierżawca takiej nieruchomości. Pogląd ten należy podzielić