3,866 research outputs found

    The Role of the Commercial Bank

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    Med en stor central hall pÄ över fyra vÄningar skiljer sig byggnaden frÄn det klassiska konstmuseet. Rummet ger med sina vita betongvÀggar och massiva skala inte bara plats Ät konsten, utan förstÀrker den ocksÄ. Det diffusa ljuset frÄn takfönstret ger en sakral stÀmning och hallen kan hÄlla allt frÄn en enskild tavla till enorma statyer, men ocksÄ filmvisningar och teater. Samtidigt finns möjligheter till mer traditionella utstÀllningar i de mindre omgivande hallarna. I övrigt finns möjlighet till förelÀsningar och undervisning i anslutning till entrén och shoppen.       Byggnaden Àr ocksÄ mer Àn bara en konsthall för Uppsala och Ärummet. De sunkiga bÄtarna tas bort och istÀllet skapas ett stadsrum dÀr parken möts av terrasser och byggnader pÄ andra sidan vattnet. En restaurang med uteservering i söderlÀge mot parken ramar in och skapar en ny mötesplats i ett idag outnyttjad vattenrum. Konsthallen vÀnder sig mot parken och försöker vara lagom iögonfallande i skarpa linjer, vit betong och svarta granit, utan att ta för mycket plats pÄ kajen.The building differs from the traditional art museum with a large central hall with a height of over four stories.  The room with its massive white concrete walls does not only provide a place for art, but enhances it.  The faded light from the skylight creates an atmosphere of serenity and the room can give space for everything from the smallest painting to large statues, but also theatre and screenings.  The smaller surrounding rooms can house more traditional exhibitions.  In connection with the entrance and shop there are rooms for lectures and workshops. The structure gives more than just an art gallery to Uppsala and the river with its surroundings. The old boats are removed and the park is instead met with terraces at the opposite side of the water.  A restaurant in conjunction with the terraces frames the water and creates a venue in an otherwise unused water space. The entrance faces the park and attempts to be eye-caching in sharp lines, white concrete and black polished granite, without being too extreme

    The Role of the Commercial Bank

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    Cell type-specific functions of neuropsychiatric disease-associated gene CYFIP1 in the brain

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    The shape and connectivity of neurons underlies all higher brain functions and abnormalities in these features are a hallmark of many neuropsychiatric disorders. In the brain, functional neural networks arise through an interplay between intrinsic intracellular processes and interactions between neurons and other cell types, including glia. CYFIP1 is a neuropsychiatric disease-associated gene with established roles in actin remodeling and local protein translation. Previous studies have shown that altered expression of CYFIP1 regulates neuronal morphology, connectivity and synaptic plasticity, although it is currently unclear to what extent these represent cell-autonomous effects. Additionally, the embryonic lethality of CYFIP1 has precluded the study of complete CYFIP1 loss in vivo. This thesis aims to address some of these questions using transgenic mice harboring cell type-specific deletions of CYFIP1. Firstly, an excitatory neuron-specific CYFIP1 knockout was generated. Loss of neuronal CYFIP1 led to stunted dendrite growth in vitro and in vivo and to differential effects on axon growth. Migration of neuronal progenitor cells during embryogenesis was unaffected in this model. Investigation revealed normal synapse formation in cultured neurons lacking CYFIP1. However, several developmentally-dependent changes were observed in vivo, including immature spine morphology and an increase in post-synaptic inhibition in young adult mice. Lastly, a novel role for CYFIP1 in microglia was investigated. Using a live-imaging assay of acute slices, a role for CYFIP1-associated actin remodeling complexes in microglial motility was established. A microglia-specific CYFIP1 knockout mouse showed changes in microglial morphology and a specific defect in surveillance motility. These results provide evidence for novel functions of CYFIP1 in neurons and microglia that will inform our understanding of the cellular interactions underlying disorders such as autism and schizophrenia

    Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) provides an overview of the work described in “Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14”, a proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Repository Development under the UCCSN/YMP Co-op in support of the Science and Technology Initiatives. The objective of this work is to provide improved estimates of the time required for ground water to travel from the site of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to the accessible environment

    Development of a Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Platform for Safety Critical Control System Evaluation

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    During the lifetime of a nuclear power plant (NPP) safety electronic control system components become obsolete [7]. It is difficult to find replacement components qualified for nuclear applications [50]. Due to strict regulations, replacement components undergo extensive verification and operational analysis [70]. Therefore, the need for a platform to evaluate replacement safety control systems in a non-intrusive manner is evident. Verifying the operation or functionality of potential replacement electronic control systems is often performed through simulation [71]. To enable simulation, a physical interface between potential control systems and computer based simulators is developed. System connectivity is establish using Ethernet and standard industrial electrical signals. The interface includes a National Instruments (NI) virtual instrument (VI) and data acquisition system (DAQ) hardware. The interface supports simulator controlled transmission and receipt of variables. The transmission of simulated process variables to and from an external control system is enabled. This is known as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation [49]. Next, HIL interface performance is verified and the following are identified; a measure of availability; the effect of varied configurations; and limitations. Further, an HIL simulation platform is created by connecting a NPP simulator and a programmable logic controller (PLC) to the interface, Canadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactor training simulator and Invensys Tricon version nine (v9) safety PLC respectively. The PLC is programmed to operate as shutdown system no. 1 (SDSl) of a CANDU reactor. Platform availability is verified and the response of the PLC as SDSl and is monitored during reactor shutdown. Proper execution of the steam generator level low (SGLL) logic on the PLC and variable transmission are observed. Thus, a platform and procedure for the evaluation of replacements for obsolete electronic control system components is demonstrated

    Agricultural Research University of Alaska, Fairbanks, United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating: A Fiscal Summary of Research with the Agricultural Experiment Station, FY1984

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    The purpose of this report is to list the objectives of research projects at the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station for the 1984 fiscal year (from July 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984). In addition, the report summarizes the budgets of these projects in terms of the sources and distribution of funds, expenditures by major functions, state goals, national goals, and national research problem areas. The financial data given in this report represent the amounts expended for individual projects. In general, the financial data presented are based on the University's accounting system. The dollar amounts should not be taken as an official accounting, but rather as an index of the distribution of funds by research areas. The scientist years (SYs) are estimates of time committed by the professional staff for all projects and include SYs reported in the CRIS system. This research summary was compiled by Debra Shugert.INTRODUCTION -- INDEX OF STAFF AND DISCIPLINES, FY 1984 -- SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS, FY 1984 -- GRANTS AND CONTRACTS BY SOURCE AND AMOUNT, FY 1984 -- SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE BY MAJOR FUNCTION, FY 1984 -- RESEARCH PROJECTS: Summary of Research Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1984, Distribution of Research Project Expenditures by State Goals, FY 1984; Distribution of Research Project Expenditures by National Goals, FY 1984; National Goal I: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal II: Funding Sources,Research Projects; National Goal III: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal IV: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal V: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal VI: Funding Sources; National Goal VII: Funding Sources; National Goal VIII: Funding Sources; National Goal IX: Funding Sources, Research Projects -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROJECTS: Summary of Administrative Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1984 -- MAINTENANCE PROJECTS: Summary of Maintenance Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1983 -- PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECT: Summary of Public Service Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 198

    Agricultural Research University of Alaska, Fairbanks, United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating: A Fiscal Summary of Research with the Agricultural Experiment Station, FY1986

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    INTRODUCTION -- INDEX OF STAFF AND DISCIPLINES, FY 1986 -- SOURCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS, FY 1986 -- GRANTS AND CONTRACTS BY SOURCE AND AMOUNT, FY 1986 -- SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE BY MAJOR FUNCTION, FY 1986 -- RESEARCH PROJECTS: Summary of Research Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1986, Distribution of Research Project Expenditures by State Goals, FY 1986; Distribution of Research Project Expenditures by National Goals, FY 1986; National Goal I: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal II: Funding Sources,Research Projects; National Goal III: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal IV: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal V: Funding Sources, Research Projects; National Goal IX: Funding Sources, Research Projects -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROJECTS: Summary of Administrative Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1986 -- MAINTENANCE PROJECTS: Summary of Maintenance Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 1986 -- PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECTS: Summary of Public Service Project Expenditures by Source and Amount, FY 198

    Micromorphological Features of Soil Geography, by Walter L. Kubiëna

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