111 research outputs found

    Uddannelse og Entrepreneurship: et signalement af universiteternes nye rolle?

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    Innovation og entrepreneurship står højt på den politiske dagsorden og universiteterne er tiltænkt en central rolle i denne proces, hvis mål er at skabe større vækst og øget velfærd i samfundet. Et af midlerne har været at motivere til større samarbejde om forskning og uddannelse i samspil mellem erhvervslivet, universiteterne og det politiske system. På hvert enkelt universitet må man forholde sig til, om man vil udvikle sig mod det såkaldte entrepreneurielle universitet. I denne kontekst skal man udvikle det faglige og pædagogiske grundlag for uddannelser, der fremmer de studerendes kompetencer, lyst og mod til at starte nye virksomheder eller medvirke til udvikling af eksisterende virksomheder. Det kræver nye læringsformer, hvor det faglige og det personlighedsudviklende tænkes sammen i selve læreprocessen. Problemet er imidlertid, at der savnes forståelsesrammer for, hvordan disse nye opgaver kan løses. Artiklen søger at opstille en sådan forståelsesramme

    Identification of a window of androgen sensitivity for somatic cell function in human fetal testis cultured ex vivo

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    BACKGROUND: Reduced androgen action during early fetal development has been suggested as the origin of reproductive disorders comprised within the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). This hypothesis has been supported by studies in rats demonstrating that normal male development and adult reproductive function depend on sufficient androgen exposure during a sensitive fetal period, called the masculinization programming window (MPW). The main aim of this study was therefore to examine the effects of manipulating androgen production during different timepoints during early human fetal testis development to identify the existence and timing of a possible window of androgen sensitivity resembling the MPW in rats. METHODS: The effects of experimentally reduced androgen exposure during different periods of human fetal testis development and function were examined using an established and validated human ex vivo tissue culture model. The androgen production was reduced by treatment with ketoconazole and validated by treatment with flutamide which blocks the androgen receptor. Testicular hormone production ex vivo was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry or ELISA assays, and selected protein markers were assessed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Ketoconazole reduced androgen production in testes from gestational weeks (GW) 7–21, which were subsequently divided into four age groups: GW 7–10, 10–12, 12–16 and 16–21. Additionally, reduced secretion of testicular hormones INSL3, AMH and Inhibin B was observed, but only in the age groups GW 7–10 and 10–12, while a decrease in the total density of germ cells and OCT4(+) gonocytes was found in the GW 7–10 age group. Flutamide treatment in specimens aged GW 7–12 did not alter androgen production, but the secretion of INSL3, AMH and Inhibin B was reduced, and a reduced number of pre-spermatogonia was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that reduced androgen action during early development affects the function and density of several cell types in the human fetal testis, with similar effects observed after ketoconazole and flutamide treatment. The effects were only observed within the GW 7–14 period—thereby indicating the presence of a window of androgen sensitivity in the human fetal testis. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12916-022-02602-y

    Abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common and debilitating condition with high direct and indirect costs. AUB frequently co-exists with fibroids, but the relationship between the two remains incompletely understood and in many women the identification of fibroids may be incidental to a menstrual bleeding complaint. A structured approach for establishing the cause using the Fédération International de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (FIGO) PALM-COEIN (Polyp, Adenomyosis, Leiomyoma, Malignancy (and hyperplasia), Coagulopathy, Ovulatory disorders, Endometrial, Iatrogenic and Not otherwise classified) classification system will facilitate accurate diagnosis and inform treatment options. Office hysteroscopy and increasing sophisticated imaging will assist provision of robust evidence for the underlying cause. Increased availability of medical options has expanded the choice for women and many will no longer need to recourse to potentially complicated surgery. Treatment must remain individualised and encompass the impact of pressure symptoms, desire for retention of fertility and contraceptive needs, as well as address the management of AUB in order to achieve improved quality of life


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    Asherman’s syndrome: current perspectives on diagnosis and management

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    Eva Dreisler, Jens Joergen Kjer Department of Gynecology, The Juliane Marie Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Abstract: Intrauterine adhesions with symptoms like hypomenorrhea or infertility are known under the term Asherman’s syndrome. Although the syndrome has been widely investigated, evidence of both prevention of the syndrome and the ideal treatment are missing. Understanding the pathogenesis of intrauterine adherences is necessary for the prevention of the formation of intrauterine scarring. Intrauterine adhesions can develop from lesion of the basal layer of the endometrium caused by curettage of the newly pregnant uterus. The syndrome may also occur after hysteroscopic surgery, uterine artery embolization or uterine tuberculosis. For initial diagnosis the less invasive contrast sonohysterography or hysterosalpingography is useful. The final diagnosis is based on hysteroscopy. Magnetic resonance imaging is required in cases with totally obliterated uterine cavity. Intrauterine adherences are classified in accordance with different classification systems based on the hysteroscopic diagnosis of severity and localization of adherences. Classification is necessary for the planning of surgery, information on prognosis and scientific purposes. Surgery is performed in symptomatic patients with either infertility or with painful periods. Intrauterine adherences are divided with a hysteroscope using scissors or a power instrument working from the central part of the uterus to the periphery. Peroperative ultrasonography is useful in an outpatient setting for the prevention of complications. Hysteroscopy with fluoroscopy is a solution in difficult cases. Use of intrauterine devices like balloon catheters or intrauterine contraceptive devices seems to be the preferred methods for the prevention of re-occurrence of adhesions after treatment. Both primary prevention after hysteroscopic surgery or curettage and secondary prevention of new adhesions after adhesiolysis have been investigated. The aim of this review was to summarize the literature on diagnosis, classification, treatment and prevention, based on a literature search with a wide range of search terms. Keywords: Asherman’s syndrome, genital adhesions, intrauterine synechia, gynatresi
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