55 research outputs found

    A Physics Show Performed by Students for Kids: From Mechanics to Elementary Particle Physics

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    We describe an initiative at the University of Bonn, where the students develop and perform a 2 hour physics show for school classes and the general public. The show is entertaining and educational and is aimed at children aged 10 and older. For the physics students this is a unique experience to apply their knowledge at an early stage and gives them the chance to develop skills in the public presentation of science, in front of 520 people per show. We have extended the activity to put on an elementary particle physics show for teenagers. Furthermore, local high schools have picked up the idea; their students put on similar shows for fellow students and parents. We would be interested in hearing about related activities elsewhere.Comment: 6 Pages, LateX, 3 Figures. High quality figures available from author. Journal submission notice adde

    Rapidity Gap Events for Squark Pair Production at the LHC

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    The exchange of electroweak gauginos in the tt- or uu-channel allows squark pair production at hadron colliders without color exchange between the squarks. This can give rise to events where little or no energy is deposited in the detector between the squark decay products. We discuss the potential for detection of such rapidity gap events at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We present an analysis with full event simulation using PYTHIA as well as Herwig++, but without detector simulation. We analyze the transverse energy deposited between the jets from squark decay, as well as the probability of finding a third jet in between the two hardest jets. For the mSUGRA benchmark point SPS1a we find statistically significant evidence for a color singlet exchange contribution.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in the proceedings of SUSY09, Northeastern University, Boston, M

    Supernova Constraints on MeV Dark Sectors from e+ e- Annihilations

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    Theories with dark forces and dark sectors are of interest for dark matter models. In this paper we find the region in parameter space that is constrained by supernova cooling constraints when the models include dark sector particles with masses around 100 MeV or less. We include only interactions with electrons and positrons. The constraint is important for small mixing parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    White Dwarfs constrain Dark Forces

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    The white dwarf luminosity function, which provides information about their cooling, has been measured with high precision in the past few years. Simulations that include well known Standard Model physics give a good fit to the data. This leaves little room for new physics and makes these astrophysical objects a good laboratory for testing models beyond the Standard Model. It has already been suggested that white dwarfs might provide some evidence for the existence of axions. In this work we study the constraints that the white dwarf luminosity function puts on physics beyond the Standard Model involving new light particles (fermions or bosons) that can be pair-produced in a white dwarf and then escape to contribute to its cooling. We show, in particular, that we can severely constrain the parameter space of models with dark forces and light hidden sectors (lighter than a few tens of keV). The bounds we find are often more competitive than those from current lab searches and those expected from most future searches.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, equivalent to published versio

    Updating Bounds on RR-Parity Violating Supersymmetry from Meson Oscillation Data

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    We update the bounds on RR-parity violating supersymmetry originating from meson oscillations in the Bd/s0B^0_{d/s} and K0K^0 systems. To this end, we explicitly calculate all corresponding contributions from RR-parity violating operators at the one-loop level, thereby completing and correcting existing calculations. We apply our results to the derivation of bounds on RR-parity violating couplings, based on up-to-date experimental measurements. In addition, we consider the possibility of cancellations among flavor-changing contributions of various origins, e.g. from multiple RR-parity violating couplings or RR-parity conserving soft terms. Destructive interferences among new-physics contributions could then open phenomenologically allowed regions, for values of the parameters that are naively excluded when the parameters are varied individually.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; final versio

    Long-lived Sterile Neutrinos at the LHC in Effective Field Theory

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    We study the prospects of a displaced-vertex search of sterile neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the framework of the neutrino-extended Standard Model Effective Field Theory (ν\nuSMEFT). The production and decay of sterile neutrinos can proceed via the standard active-sterile neutrino mixing in the weak current, as well as through higher-dimensional operators arising from decoupled new physics. If sterile neutrinos are long-lived, their decay can lead to displaced vertices which can be reconstructed. We investigate the search sensitivities for the ATLAS/CMS detector, the future far-detector experiments: AL3X, ANUBIS, CODEX-b, FASER, MATHUSLA, and MoEDAL-MAPP, and at the proposed fixed-target experiment SHiP. We study scenarios where sterile neutrinos are predominantly produced via rare charm and bottom mesons decays through minimal mixing and/or dimension-six operators in the ν\nuSMEFT Lagrangian. We perform simulations to determine the potential reach of high-luminosity LHC experiments in probing the EFT operators, finding that these experiments are very competitive with other searches.Comment: v1: 35 pages + Appendix, 12 figures, 17 tables; v2: accepted for publication in JHEP, typos corrected, reasoning for neglecting direct production of sterile neutrinos via parton collisions added upon referee's suggestion, results unchange