114 research outputs found

    Discursive functions of [fĂŒr + COLONIZED PEOPLE] in German colonialism

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    Der Beitrag untersucht die diskursiven Funktionen der Konstruktion [fĂŒr +KOLONISIERTE(R) MENSCH(EN)] anhand eines Korpus aus deutschen kolonialen Texten zwischen 1900 und 1920. Die Analyse von entsprechenden fĂŒr-PrĂ€positionalphrasen zeigt, dass diese bestimmte unidirektionale koloniale Relationen und Rollenzuschreibungen zwischen Kolonisierenden und Kolonisierten erzeugen und aufrechterhalten. Zudem ist es das Ziel des Artikels, auf Probleme der Anwendung deskriptiver grammatischer Kategorien (v. a. finaler, benefaktiver, reprĂ€sentativer, restriktiver Gebrauch von fĂŒr) auf koloniale Diskursformationen hinzuweisen.This study examines the discursive functions of the construction [fĂŒr + COLONIZED PEOPLE]. The corpus comprises German texts from the colonial era between the years 1900 and 1920. Looking at the use of such prepositional phrases, the text argues that the preposition fĂŒr is crucial for creating and maintaining a specific relationship and semantic roles between colonizers and the colonized in a particular way. This study also aims to highlight problems by applying descriptive grammatical categories (especially final, benefactive, representative, and restrictive uses of fĂŒr) for colonial discursive formations

    Comparative discourse linguistics : assumptions, principles, problems

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    This article outlines theoretical and methodical principles of linguistic comparative discourse analysis from a reflective viewpoint. First, we raise key questions such as ’what are the reasons for comparingf discourses?’ and ‘what exactly comparing means?’ in order to find the objectives and limits for these kinds of comparative analyses. After that, we discuss existing comparative discourse analysis approaches within linguistics and point out premises and methods as well as knowledge potentials, problems and desiderata

    Linguistik als antifragile Disziplin? Optionen in der digitalen Transformation

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    Digitalization has led to massive changes in the sciences, especially in the humanities, as shown by the Digital Humanities. Using linguistics, we discuss these changes on theoretical, epistemological and methodological levels, which consist in particular in the fact that methods of machine language processing are increasingly alinguistic. These are methods that are not based on linguistic theories and do not follow linguistic modelling of language or language usage. It remains to ask how a scientific discipline such as linguistics must be structured so that it becomes antifragile rather than robust in the face of such revolutions. In other words, how it can get richer out of unforeseeable changes and does not primarily have to endure fights of demarcation and defence against such transformations

    Wann beginnt Kritik? : Bedingungen, Möglichkeiten und Ziele einer Kontrastiven Diskurslinguistik als kritisches Verfahren

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    This paper focuses on the question of conditions under which a written or a spoken phrase can be interpreted as ‘critical’. After all, the possibility to express something in different ways—contrasted with the expressions that have already been uttered—is one of the main features of language in use. Contrastive discourse linguistics as critical practice interrelates expressions from different languages. In this way, it shows alternative expressions and thoughts beyond their own discursive environment

    AusdrĂŒcke in AnfĂŒhrungszeichen als Verfestigungen.: Überlegungen zu quantitativen und qualitativen Aspekten distanzierenden Sprachgebrauches

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    This study raises the question of whether formulaic expressions always consist of at least two words. It is argued that pragmatics should also consider paraverbal graphematical signs. Some present German expressions are emphased in quotation marks for political and possibly critical reasons (e. g. „Drittes Reich“, „zivilisiert“). They form their own kind of formulaicity, because it is not quotation. The identification of quotations is only one function of quotation marks. Other meta-pragmatic functions of quotation marks are – if at all – only contextual and often not distinct. This includes, for example, the so-called „application with reservation“ and the „term with reservation“, as examples from the German colonial period show (e. g. „wild“, „dunkler Welttheil“). For this reason, corpus-based analyses of these formulaic expressions will also require contextual interpretations in the future

    A Workbench for Corpus Linguistic Discourse Analysis

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    In this paper, we introduce the Swiss-AL workbench, an online tool for corpus linguistic discourse analysis. The workbench enables the analysis of Swiss-AL, a multilingual Swiss web corpus with sources from media, politics, industry, science, and civil society. The workbench differs from other corpus analysis tools in three characteristics: (1) easy access and tidy interface, (2) focus on visualizations, and (3) wide range of analysis options, ranging from classic corpus linguistic analysis (e.g., collocation analysis) to more recent NLP approaches (topic modeling and word embeddings). It is designed for researchers of various disciplines, practitioners, and students

    Energiediskurse in der Schweiz : anwendungsorientierte Erforschung eines mehrsprachigen Kommunikationsfelds mittels digitaler Daten

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    Öffentliche Diskurse ĂŒber Energiepolitik spielen eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, die «Energiestrategie 2050» der Schweizer Regierung erfolgreich umzusetzen. Das interdisziplinĂ€re Forschungsprojekt «Energiediskurse in der Schweiz» untersucht Muster des öffentlichen Sprachgebrauchs zum Thema. Solche Muster bilden die Grundlage fĂŒr das öffentliche VerstĂ€ndnis der Themen und Kontroversen im demokratischen Dialog und in der vernetzten Innovation. Das vorliegende «Working Paper» prĂ€sentiert das dreijĂ€hrige Projekt in seinen theoretischen und methodischen GrundzĂŒgen ebenso wie ausgewĂ€hlte Ergebnisse des ersten Projektjahrs. Dazu gehören der Aufbau und die Annotation des digitalen Swiss-AL-Textkorpus ebenso wie Vergleiche zwischen dem Sprachgebrauch in den drei Landessprachen Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch. So kann beispielsweise der Einfluss von Ereignissen wie der Nuklearkatastrophe in Fukushima Daiichi nachgezeichnet werden, in dem die Hinweise auf das Ereignis ĂŒber die Jahre hinweg gemessen werden. Zudem gibt es erste Hinweise und Belege dafĂŒr, dass die verschiedenen Sprachen den öffentlichen Diskurs ĂŒber Energiefragen auch unterschiedlich gestalten. Bestimmte Wortkombinationen stehen fĂŒr Konzepte wie «erneuerbare», «Wind-», «Solar-», «Nuklear-» oder «fossile» Energien, wobei diese Konzepte in den verschiedenen Sprachen unterschiedlich gewichtet sind. Argumentationsstrategien beispielsweise in Bezug auf die «erneuerbaren Energien» scheinen sich ebenfalls zu unterscheiden, so dass es angezeigt ist, in der Fortsetzung des Projekts die nationalen und regionalen Diskurse je fĂŒr sich und detaillierter zu untersuchen. Im Fokus der nĂ€chsten Projektphasen werden systematische Analysen zu diskursiven Kontroversen und Koalitionen stehen, um Diskursnetzwerke zwischen relevanten Akteuren zu identifizieren.Public discourse about energy policies plays a key role in the successful implementation of the Swiss energy strategy. The interdisciplinary research project Energy Discourses in Switzerland focuses on the patterns of language use related to energy policy. Patterns of language use are understood and analyzed as drivers or constraints of democratic dialogue and collective innovation in the field. This working paper outlines exemplary results of the project work in the first year of the 3-year project, including exploratory analyses of the Swiss-AL corpus and comparisons of the discourses typical of actors whose public communication is in one of the Swiss national languages or some combination of them. The influence of events such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on public discourse were traced by mapping the frequency of references to that event in texts. The changes over time of terms associated with energy issues also provided indications of the development of public discourses. Initial analyses of the multilingual Swiss-AL corpus indicate that the way that energy in its various forms is discussed seems to differ depending on the language of the texts. The most frequent word combinations represent concepts such as renewable, hydro, wind, solar, nuclear, and fossil-fueled energy but the order of importance differs for German, French, Italian, and English. Argumentation strategies also seem to vary not only between languages but also between multilingual and monolingual sources in the Swiss-AL corpus, suggesting that national and local discourses need to be examined separately and in more detail. The focus of the next phase of the project will be on systematically analysing discourse controversies and coalitions in order to identify discursively linked actor networks

    Comment on the practice of ‚legalistic post-production‘ in Union law : linguistic ideological reflection on the origin of the word and its interpretation in multilingualism

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    Ancilla Iuris 2021 – Special Issue: Law and Language https://www.anci.ch/special-issues/law-and-languageIn the evolution of Union law, member states develop routines which attempt to resolve the tension between the multilingual will of the legislator and the concrete monolingual wording of a legal norm. Often, only in court proceedings it is noticed that this is problematic from a legislative point of view. In the article, these problematic circumstances are taken up from a legal, linguistic, and democratic-theoretical point of view to systematize the canonical methods of interpretation and the routines of a legalistic post-production. As a result, it can be stated that legalistic postproduction is a necessary process, but it needs to be improved in terms of transparency, reflection, and professionalism. In der Fortentwicklung des Unionsrechts entstehen in den Mitgliedstaaten Routineprozesse, die das SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis zwischen dem mehrsprachigen Willen des Gesetzgebers und der konkreten einsprachigen Ausgestaltung einer Rechtsnorm aufzulösen versuchen. Oft wird erst in Gerichtsverfahren bemerkt, dass dies aus legislativer Sicht problematisch ist. Im Artikel werden diese problematischen Lagen juristisch, linguistisch und demokratietheoretisch beleuchtet, um die in der Rechtswissenschaft kanonisierten Auslegungsmethoden und die Routinen einer legistischen Postproduktion zu systematisieren. Als Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass die legistische Postproduktion ein notwendiger Prozess ist, der aber in Bezug auf Transparenz, Reflexion und ProfessionalitĂ€t verbessert werden muss
