314 research outputs found

    Grain and phase stress criteria for behaviour and cleavage in duplex and bainitic steels

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    Stress analyses by X-ray diffraction are performed on a cast duplex (32% ferrite) stainless steel elbow and a bainitic (95% ferrite) pressure vessel steel. During an in situ tensile test, micrographic observations are made (visible glides and microcracks) and related to the stress state determined in the individual ferritic grains (aged duplex) and the ferritic phase (bainite loaded at low temperatures). Several material parameters have been identified at different scales, as for example, the critical resolved shear stress of 245 MPa for the aged ferritic grain (duplex) or 275 MPa for bainite (–60 ◦C), a crystallographic cleavage propagation criterion of 465 MPa (stress normal to {100} planes), and a fracture stress of approximately 700 MPa in the ferritic phase. Even though the two steels are different in many respects, the macroscopic fracture strains and stresses are well predicted by the polycrystalline model developed for bainite, whatever the temperatures tested (considering 7% of the grains reaching the local criterion)

    Influence of Hosting Large-Scale Sporting Events on Economic Growth: the Results of Empirical Estimation

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    In the modern literature there is no consensus concerning the effects in the countries due to hosting large-scale sport events such as Olympic games, FIFA World Cups and UEFA European Championships. From the macroeconomic point of view, organising a large-scale sporting event may foster economic growth in the host country due to large investment made by the government and corporate sector. Additionally, large-scale sporting events may facilitate different positive effects in the economy induced by an increase of tourist numbers, foreign trade growth and international investment. At the same time, the positive effects from hosting largescale events may be constrained by a negative net financial outcome for the host country, low efficiency of the government investments comparing to private ones, as well as a low utilization rate of sports facilities and infrastructure after the event. Moreover, such indicators as greater involvement of the population into sporting activities and physical training, an improvement of the country’s image abroad and an increase in the share of people feeling proud for their country are very difficult to integrate into numerical analysis. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the influence of large-scale sporting events on the economic growth in the hosting countries. Based on the extended Solow model we do the empirical research using the database on 50 countries, 24 of which hosted 48 major sport events during 1970–2015. Exploring the effects for the developed and developing (transition) economies, we couldn’t find a stable relationship between hosting large-scale events and economic growth in the group of developed countries, while in the group of developing and transition economies we observe that economic growth accelerates both before and after the event. The results of this research may be used to justify bidding for hosting Olympic games, FIFA World Cups or UEFA European Championships, what underlines the practical importance of the research.В настоящее время в современной научной литературе отсутствует консенсус относительно эффектов, возникающих в странах в связи с проведением спортивных мега-событий – Олимпийских игр и чемпионатов мира и Европы по футболу. С макроэкономической точки зрения организация спортивных мега-событий, связанная с крупными инвестициями со стороны государства и бизнеса, может способствовать увеличению темпов экономического роста в стране. Кроме того, спортивные мега-события должны способствовать возникновению положительных эффектов в экономике, вызванных ростом туристических потоков, объемов внешней торговли и иностранных инвестиций. В то же время возникновение положительных эффектов от проведения спортивных мега-событий сдерживается различными обстоятельствами: зачастую отрицательным чистым финансовым результатом для страны-организатора, низкой эффективностью государственных инвестиций, а также невысокой загруженностью спортивных объектов и инфраструктуры после проведения спортивного мероприятия. Кроме того, такие индикаторы, как рост вовлеченности населения в занятия спортом и физической культурой, улучшение имиджа страны за рубежом, увеличение количества людей, испытывающих гордость за свою страну довольно сложно учитывать при количественном анализе. Целью данной статьи является оценка влияния проведения спортивных мега-событий на экономический рост стран-организаторов. Основывая свой анализ на расширенной модели Солоу, авторы осуществляют эмпирическую оценку на базе данных, включающей показатели 50 стран, из которых 24 приняли у себя 48 спортивных мега-событий в период 1970–2015 гг. Рассматривая отдельно страны с развитой и развивающейся (переходной) экономикой, авторы не смогли обнаружить устойчивой взаимосвязи между проведением спортивных мега-событий и экономическим ростом для группы развитых стан, в то время как у группы стран с развивающейся (переходной) экономикой ускорение экономического роста наблюдается как до, так и после проведения спортивного мега-события. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при обосновании решений о подачи заявок на проведение Олимпийских игр и чемпионатов мира и Европы по футболу, что подчеркивает практическую значимость проведенного исследования.Данное исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ (проект «Факторы пространственного развития российской экономики» № 16-06-00144, 2016–2018 гг.

    CD105 Is Expressed in Ovarian Cancer Precursor Lesions and Is Required for Metastasis to the Ovary

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    Most high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSCs) initiate from the fallopian tube epithelium and then metastasize to the ovary and throughout the abdomen. Genomic analyses suggest that most HGSCs seed the ovary prior to abdominal dissemination. Similarly, animal models support a critical role for the ovary in driving abdominal dissemination. Thus, HGSC cell recruitment to the ovary appears to be a critical component of HGSC cell metastasis. We sought to identify factors driving HGSC recruitment to the ovary. We identified CD105 (endoglin, or ENG, a TGF-β receptor family member) as a mediator of HGSC cell ovarian recruitment. We found that CD105 was expressed on both serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) cells (STICs-HGSC precursors in the fallopian tube epithelium) and HGSC cells. Using data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), we showed that high CD105 expression by HGSC cells correlated with a metastatic signature. Furthermore, intravenous injection of CD105(+) HGSC tumor cells, but not CD105(−), resulted in ovarian-specific metastasis and abdominal dissemination of disease. CD105 knockdown or blockade with a clinically relevant CD105-neutralizing mAb (TRC105), inhibited HGSC metastasis, reduced ascites, and impeded growth of abdominal tumor nodules, thereby improving overall survival in animal models of ovarian cancer. CD105 knockdown was associated with a reduction in TGF-β signaling. Together, our data support CD105 as a critical mediator of ovarian cancer spread to the ovary and implicate it as a potential therapeutic target

    Diagnostic and prognostic impact of serum HE4 detection in endometrial carcinoma patients

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    Background:To date, no good marker for screening or disease monitoring of endometrial cancer (EC) is available. The aims of this study were to investigate HE4 gene, protein expression and serum HE4 (sHE4) levels in a panel of ECs and normal endometria (NEs) and to correlate sHE4 with patient clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis.Methods:Using quantitative real-time PCR we tested 46 ECs and 20 NEs for HE4 gene expression. Protein expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays in 153 ECs and 33 NEs. Pre-operative serum samples from 138 EC and 76 NE patients were analysed with HE4-EIA assay. Association between sHE4 and patient clinicopathological characteristics or outcome was evaluated.Results:Protein and HE4 gene were significantly upregulated in EC tissues and sera, compared with controls. High sHE4 levels were significantly associated with worse EC clinical characteristics. By univariate survival analysis, high sHE4 levels significantly correlated with decreased overall survival, progression-free survival and disease-free survival, retaining their independent prognostic value on the poorly differentiated EC cohort.Conclusion:We demonstrate, for the first time, that high sHE4 levels correlates with an aggressive EC phenotype and may constitute an independent prognostic factor for poorly differentiated-ECs. Determination of sHE4 could be clinically useful in identifying high-risk EC patients for a more aggressive adjuvant therapy.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 5 April 2011; doi:10.1038/bjc.2011.109 www.bjcancer.com

    A Balance of BMP and Notch Activity Regulates Neurogenesis and Olfactory Nerve Formation

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    Although the function of the adult olfactory system has been thoroughly studied, the molecular mechanisms regulating the initial formation of the olfactory nerve, the first cranial nerve, remain poorly defined. Here, we provide evidence that both modulated Notch and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling affect the generation of neurons in the olfactory epithelium and reduce the number of migratory neurons, so called epithelioid cells. We show that this reduction of epithelial and migratory neurons is followed by a subsequent failure or complete absence of olfactory nerve formation. These data provide new insights into the early generation of neurons in the olfactory epithelium and the initial formation of the olfactory nerve tract. Our results present a novel mechanism in which BMP signals negatively affect Notch activity in a dominant manner in the olfactory epithelium, thereby regulating neurogenesis and explain why a balance of BMP and Notch activity is critical for the generation of neurons and proper development of the olfactory nerve

    HE4 and CA125 as a diagnostic test in ovarian cancer: prospective validation of the Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, a Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) utilising human epididymis secretory protein 4 (HE4) and CA125 successfully classified patients as presenting a high or low risk for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). We validated this algorithm in an independent prospective study. METHODS: Women with a pelvic mass, who were scheduled to have surgery, were enrolled in a prospective study. Preoperative serum levels of HE4 and CA125 were measured in 389 patients. The performance of each of the markers, as well as that of ROMA, was analysed. RESULTS: When all malignant tumours were included, ROMA (receiver operator characteristic (ROC)-area under curve (AUC) = 0.898) and HE4 (ROC-AUC) = 0.857) did not perform significantly better than CA125 alone (ROC-AUC = 0.877). Using a cutoff for ROMA of 12.5% for pre-menopausal patients, the test had a sensitivity of 67.5% and a specificity of 87.9%. With a cutoff of 14.4% for post-menopausal patients, the test had a sensitivity of 90.8% and a specificity of 66.3%. For EOC vs benign disease, the ROC-AUC of ROMA increased to 0.913 and for invasive EOC vs benign disease to 0.957. CONCLUSION: This independent validation study demonstrated similar performance indices to those recently published. However, in this study, HE4 and ROMA did not increase the detection of malignant disease compared with CA125 alone. Although the initial reports were promising, measurement of HE4 serum levels does not contribute to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 863-870. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6606092 www.bjcancer.com Published online 8 February 2011 (C) 2011 Cancer Research U

    Beyond genomics: Critical evaluation of cell line utility for ovarian cancer research

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    OBJECTIVE: Comparisons of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) with high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) cell lines used in research reveal that many common experimental models lack defining genomic characteristics seen in patient tumors. As cell lines exist with higher genomic fidelity to TCGA, this study aimed to evaluate the utility of these cell lines as tools for preclinical investigation. METHODS: We compared two HGSOC cell lines with supposed high genomic fidelity to TCGA, KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO, with the most commonly cited ovarian cancer cell line, SKOV3, which has poor genomic fidelity to TCGA. The lines were analyzed for genomic alterations, in vitro performance, and growth in murine xenografts. RESULTS: Using targeted next generation sequencing analyses, we determined that each line had a distinct mutation profile, including alterations in TP53, and copy number variation of specific genes. KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO better recapitulated serous carcinoma morphology than SKOV3. All lines expressed PAX8 and stathmin, but KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO did not express CK7. KURAMOCHI was significantly more platinum sensitive than OVSAHO and SKOV3. Unlike SKOV3, KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO engrafted poorly in subcutaneous xenografts. KURAMOCHI and OVSAHO grew best after intraperitoneal injection in SCID mice and recapitulated miliary disease while SKOV3 grew in all murine systems and formed oligometastatic disease. CONCLUSIONS: The research utility of HGSOC cell line models requires a comprehensive assessment of genomic as well as in vitro and in vivo properties. Cell lines with closer genomic fidelity to human tumors may have limitations in performance for preclinical investigation

    Targeting transcription regulation in cancer with a covalent CDK7 inhibitor

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    Tumour oncogenes include transcription factors that co-opt the general transcriptional machinery to sustain the oncogenic state, but direct pharmacological inhibition of transcription factors has so far proven difficult. However, the transcriptional machinery contains various enzymatic cofactors that can be targeted for the development of new therapeutic candidates, including cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Here we present the discovery and characterization of a covalent CDK7 inhibitor, THZ1, which has the unprecedented ability to target a remote cysteine residue located outside of the canonical kinase domain, providing an unanticipated means of achieving selectivity for CDK7. Cancer cell-line profiling indicates that a subset of cancer cell lines, including human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL), have exceptional sensitivity to THZ1. Genome-wide analysis in Jurkat T-ALL cells shows that THZ1 disproportionally affects transcription of RUNX1 and suggests that sensitivity to THZ1 may be due to vulnerability conferred by the RUNX1 super-enhancer and the key role of RUNX1 in the core transcriptional regulatory circuitry of these tumour cells. Pharmacological modulation of CDK7 kinase activity may thus provide an approach to identify and treat tumour types that are dependent on transcription for maintenance of the oncogenic state.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HG002668)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA109901