212 research outputs found

    Personalized optimization of blood glucose regulation: A Diabetes Mellitus case study

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease that leads to insulin deficiency. Consequently, the disease will lead to a poor blood glucose (BG) regulation, and in situations of high energy expenditure like exercise, a dysfunctional regulation can cause severe damage or death [5] [14]. Diabetes is responsible for one death every five seconds and financially drains approximately 11% of the global health expenditure [9]. This adversity is subject to a great quantity of research, but is seemingly incurable. Therefore, symptom control treatments are salient. However, there is currently no fully individualized autonomous solution to the management of the disease. In this thesis, we present and develop a way of optimizing BG regulation that is fitted to one specific patient. We combine the use of a published mathematical model that models BG as a function of heart rate (HR), insulin injections and carbohydrate (CHO), with artificial intelligence to give the patient a recommended amount of CHO before any given exercise. We also do a statistical optimization of the BG optimization and compare both results. The results are promising, but additional validation is needed before completely trustworthy conclusions can be made. However, the product is a valuable decision support system that the patient can use, and the methodology presents a way to adapt the product to other patients

    Kvantitativ genetikk for egenskaper relatert til sykdomsresistens og effekter av vaksinering i Atlantisk laks (Salmo salar)

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    Disease resistance is of major importance to the fish farming industry as disease outbreaks have negative effects on the industry’s economy, its reputation and on fish welfare. Today, almost all fish in the Norwegian salmon industry are vaccinated against a number of diseases, while selection for increased resistance to specific diseases is based on survival of unvaccinated fish in challenge tests. The main aim of this doctorial thesis was to obtain a better understanding of how to select for increased resistance to furunculosis in Atlantic salmon and how this relates to side effects of vaccination, taking into account that most fish in the industry are currently vaccinated. Resistance to furunculosis (survival) was recorded by challenge testing fish from 150 families (unvaccinated and vaccinated fish). Vaccine-induced side effects (adhesions of internal organs and melanin deposits) were recorded on samples of the 150 families at three points in time: after three months in freshwater (high temperature), and six and 12 months after sea transfer. The first objective was to estimate the magnitude of the genetic (co)variation in survival of unvaccinated and vaccinated Atlantic salmon challenged with A. salmonicida, the bacteria causing furunculosis. The results showed a low genetic correlation between resistance to furunculosis in unvaccinated and vaccinated fish. The second objective was to estimate the magnitude of genetic variation of the negative side effects of vaccination. Intermediate heritabilities were obtained for adhesions and melanin deposits. However, the results also showed that an alternative vaccine reduced the side effects compared to the standard vaccine. The third objective was to estimate the magnitude of the genetic correlation between disease resistance, side effects of vaccination, and harvest body weight. These traits were not genetically correlated; though a possible exception is harvest body weight and survival of vaccinated fish, where a weak and unfavorable correlation was reported. Today’s breeding strategy of testing unvaccinated fish is optimal if the long term goal is a reduced need for vaccination. Selection based on vaccinated fish is likely to be the most effective short term strategy, as all fish in the industry today are vaccinated. However, this strategy is not very relevant for furunculosis as the vaccine is highly effective. Vaccine-induced side effects (adhesions and melanin deposits) could be reduced through selective breeding, but it is likely to be more appropriate to focus on other measures such as vaccine development. Selection for increased disease resistance, vaccine-induced side effects, or harvest body weight are not expected to lead to unfavorable correlated responses in any of these traits, with the possible exception of survival of vaccinated fish and harvest body weight.Forbedret sykdomsresistens hos Atlantisk laks er viktig for oppdrettsnĂŠringen ettersom sykdomsutbrudd har negativ pĂ„virking pĂ„ nĂŠringens Ăžkonomi og omdĂžmme, og pĂ„ fiskens velferd. I dag vaksineres det aller meste av fisken mot en rekke sykdommer. Samtidig pĂ„gĂ„r det et avlsarbeid for Ăžkt sykdomsresistens basert pĂ„ resultater fra smittetester med uvaksinert fisk. HovedmĂ„let med dette doktorgradsarbeidet var Ă„ fĂ„ bedre forstĂ„else for hvordan man bĂžr selektere for Ăžkt resistens mot bakteriesykdommen furunkulose (forĂ„rsaket av bakterien A. salmonicida), og hvordan dette er relatert til bivirkninger av vaksinering. Resistens ble mĂ„lt som overleving i smittetester hos fisk fra 150 familier. Vaksinebivirkninger, sammenvoksinger av organ i bukhulen og melaninflekker pĂ„ organ og bukvegg, ble mĂ„lt pĂ„ et tilfeldig utvalg av fisk fra de 150 familiene pĂ„ tre ulike tidspunkt: Etter tre mĂ„neder i ferskvann (hĂžy temperatur) og seks og tolv mĂ„neder etter sjĂžutsett. I smittetest med furunkulose ble det funne hĂžyere genetisk variasjon for uvaksinert enn vaksinert fisk og en relativ lav genetisk korrelasjon mellom furunkuloseresistens i uvaksinert og vaksinert fisk. For sammenvoksinger og melaninflekker ble det funnet middels store arvegrader. En alternativ vaksine gav reduserte vaksinebivirkninger sammenlignet med standardvaksinen. Egenskapene sykdomsresistens, vaksinebivirkninger og slaktevekt ble funnet Ă„ ikke vĂŠre genetisk korrelert, med et mulig unntak mellom slaktevekt og overlevelse av vaksinert fisk i smittetest hvor det ble funnet en svak, ugunstig korrelasjon. Dagens avlsstrategi basert pĂ„ smittetester med uvaksinert fisk er optimal hvis det langsiktige avlsmĂ„let er Ă„ redusere bruken av vaksinering. Seleksjon basert pĂ„ vaksinert fisk er likevel den optimale strategien pĂ„ kort sikt ettersom all fisk i nĂŠringen vaksineres, men en liten aktuell strategi for furunkulose ettersom dagens vaksine mot furunkulose er svĂŠrt effektiv. Vaksinebivirkninger (sammenvoksninger og melaninflekker) kan reduseres gjennom alvsarbeid, men det er mest sannsynlig mer hensiktsmessig Ă„ fokusere pĂ„ andre tiltak som for eksempel vaksineutvikling. Seleksjon for Ăžkt sykdomsresistens og slaktevekt og reduserte vaksinebivirkninger forventes ikke Ă„ gi ugunstige korrelerte responser i noen av de andre egenskapene, men overlevelse av vaksinert fisk og slaktevekt kan vĂŠre et unntak.PHARMAQ AS ; The Fishery and Aquaculture Industry Research Fun

    Angel investors: Do cognitive biases in the decision basis cause less sustainable investments?

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    Angel investors are an essential part of a startup’s financing cycle, contributing venture capital and experience in a phase characterized by a high risk of failure. As they invest with private funds and ultimately make an independent decision to invest, we consider how rational their decision basis is by testing for cognitive biases. There is increasing pressure on investors to make sustainable investments, but numerous different guidelines make it challenging to determine their strategies. We have examined angel investors’ assessment of environmental variables and their experience with sustainable investment strategies. The research aims to answer the problem statement; Do cognitive biases in angel investors’ decision basis cause less sustainable investments? The study is based on a qualitative research method. After selecting a sample size based on non-probability selection, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten angel investors for qualitative depth. A content analysis was performed to map patterns in the data material and then presented findings that answered our research questions. We found that angel investors’ decision basis is not fully rational, as various cognitive biases occur during the assessment of an investment case. Findings indicate an evident occurrence of the three cognitive biases herd mentality, confirmation bias, and framing cognitive bias. Furthermore, we found that most angel investors did not emphasize environmental variables in their decision basis. They had limited knowledge of ESG investing, but their investment process had similarities to different ESG strategies. This suggested that they did not have a conscious relationship with their own sustainability strategy. Angel investors expressed challenges in implementing sustainable investment strategies, which indicate that they largely assess based on their own perception of sustainability. Lack of sustainability expertise proves to be a fundamental problem for why angel investors do not consider environmental variables. The research findings indicate that the angel investors’ decision basis is a complex area that requires further research, particularly on additional cognitive biases and other psychological factors. Our research can help to increase angel investors’ awareness of their own assessment process and provide an incentive to raise sustainability competence in the ecosystem

    Angel investors: Do cognitive biases in the decision basis cause less sustainable investments?

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    Angel investors are an essential part of a startup’s financing cycle, contributing venture capital and experience in a phase characterized by a high risk of failure. As they invest with private funds and ultimately make an independent decision to invest, we consider how rational their decision basis is by testing for cognitive biases. There is increasing pressure on investors to make sustainable investments, but numerous different guidelines make it challenging to determine their strategies. We have examined angel investors’ assessment of environmental variables and their experience with sustainable investment strategies. The research aims to answer the problem statement; Do cognitive biases in angel investors’ decision basis cause less sustainable investments? The study is based on a qualitative research method. After selecting a sample size based on non-probability selection, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten angel investors for qualitative depth. A content analysis was performed to map patterns in the data material and then presented findings that answered our research questions. We found that angel investors’ decision basis is not fully rational, as various cognitive biases occur during the assessment of an investment case. Findings indicate an evident occurrence of the three cognitive biases herd mentality, confirmation bias, and framing cognitive bias. Furthermore, we found that most angel investors did not emphasize environmental variables in their decision basis. They had limited knowledge of ESG investing, but their investment process had similarities to different ESG strategies. This suggested that they did not have a conscious relationship with their own sustainability strategy. Angel investors expressed challenges in implementing sustainable investment strategies, which indicate that they largely assess based on their own perception of sustainability. Lack of sustainability expertise proves to be a fundamental problem for why angel investors do not consider environmental variables. The research findings indicate that the angel investors’ decision basis is a complex area that requires further research, particularly on additional cognitive biases and other psychological factors. Our research can help to increase angel investors’ awareness of their own assessment process and provide an incentive to raise sustainability competence in the ecosystem

    Fysisk aktivitet, lidenskap og standhaftighet En undersĂžkelse av sammenhengen mellom grit og ulike fysiske aktivitetskontekster blant jenter og gutter i alderen 13 og 16 Ă„r

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    Masteroppgave folkehelsevitenskap- Universitetet i Agder, 2015Studiens formĂ„l var Ă„ undersĂžke forholdet mellom grit og deltakelse i ulike fysisk aktivitetskontekster (organisert idrett og selvorganisert fysisk aktivitet) blant norske ungdommer i alderen 13 og 16 Ă„r. I tillegg Ăžnsket studien Ă„ se pĂ„ forskjeller i grit basert pĂ„ kjĂžnn og alder. Denne studien ble gjennomfĂžrt som en tverrsnittsstudie og var en del av et stĂžrre prosjekt kalt «the RElevance of Physical Activity Contexts in Every-day life of Adolescents» (REPAC). 3049 elever i 8. klasse og 1.vgs fra Aust- og Vest-Agder, Oslo/Akershus og Østfold responderte pĂ„ et elektronisk spĂžrreskjema som var utarbeidet for Ă„ undersĂžke hvordan ulike aktivitetskontekster pĂ„virker ungdommers hverdagsliv. For Ă„ utforske sammenhenger og forskjeller mellom gruppene ble det gjennomfĂžrt korrelasjons- og regresjonsanalyser, og One-Way ANOVA (Tuckey’s b post hoc test). Resultatene viste at guttene hadde signifikant hĂžyere grit enn jentene, og at elevene pĂ„ ungdomskolen hadde signifikant hĂžyere grit enn elevene pĂ„ videregĂ„ende skole. Resultatene viste videre at de elevene som drev med bĂ„de organisert idrett og selvorganisert fysisk aktivitet hadde signifikant hĂžyere grit enn de andre. Resultatene viste i tillegg at ungdommene som drev med en form for organisert idrett hadde hĂžyere grit enn de ungdommene som drev med en form for selvorganisert fysisk aktivitet. Ut ifra disse resultatene kan vi si at grad av fysisk aktivitetsnivĂ„ var en prediktor for grit, og at det var en svak, men positiv sammenheng mellom grit og organisert idrett. Det krever mer forskning pĂ„ dette feltet, bĂ„de for Ă„ bekrefte en mulig sammenheng, men ogsĂ„ for Ă„ undersĂžke eventuelle kausale linker mellom faktorene. NĂžkkelord: grit, fysisk aktivitet, organisert idrett, selvorganisert fysisk aktivitet, ungdo

    Estimating the impact of indoor relative humidity on SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk using a new modification of the Wells-Riley model

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    A novel modified version of the Wells-Riley model was used to estimate the impact of relative humidity (RH) on the removal of respiratory droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus by deposition through gravitational settling and its inactivation by biological decay; the effect of RH on susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 was not considered. These effects were compared with the removal achieved by increased ventilation rate with outdoor air. Modeling was performed assuming that the infected person talked continuously for 60 and 120 min. The results of modeling showed that the relative impact of RH on the infection risk depended on the ventilation rate and the size range of virus-laden droplets. A ventilation rate of 0.5 ACH, the change of RH between 20% and 53% was predicted to have a small effect on the infection risk, while at a ventilation rate of 6 ACH this change had nearly no effect. On the contrary, increasing the ventilation rate from 0.5 ACH to 6 ACH was predicted to decrease the infection risk by half which is remarkably larger effect compared with that predicted for RH. It is thus concluded that increasing the ventilation rate is more beneficial for reducing the airborne levels of SARS-CoV-2 than changing indoor RH. Practical implications: The present results show that humidification to moderate levels of 40%–60% RH should not be expected to provide a significant reduction in infection risk caused by SARS-CoV-2, hence installing and running humidifiers may not be an efficient solution to reduce the risk of COVID-19 disease in indoor spaces. The results do however confirm that ventilation has a key role in controlling SARS-CoV-2 virus concentration in the air providing considerably higher benefits. The modified model developed in the present work can be used by public health experts, engineers, and epidemiologists when selecting different measures to reduce the infection risk from SARS-CoV-2 indoors allowing informed decisions concerning indoor environmental control

    Electric toothbrush application is a reliable and valid test for differentiating temporomandibular disorders pain patients from controls

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current methods for identifying patients with pain hypersensitivity are sufficiently complex to limit their widespread application in clinical settings. We assessed the reliability and validity of a simple multi-modal vibrotactile stimulus, applied using an electric toothbrush, to evaluate its potential as a screening tool for central sensitization.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen female temporomandibular disorders (TMD) subjects with myofascial pain (RDC/TMD Ia or Ib) and arthralgia (RDC/TMD IIIa) were compared to 13 pain-free controls of matched age and gender. Vibrotactile stimulus was performed with an electric toothbrush, applied with 1 pound pressure for 30 seconds in four locations: over the lateral pole of the temporomandibular joint, masseter, temporalis, and mid-ventral surface of forearm. Pain intensity (0–10) was recorded following the stimulus at 0, 15, 30, and 60 seconds. Test-retest reliability was assessed with measurements from 8 participants, taken 2–12 hours apart. Case versus control differentiation involved comparison of area under the curve (AUC). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine cutoff AUC scores for maximum sensitivity and specificity for this multi-modal vibrotactile stimulus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Test-retest reliability resulted in an ICC of 0.87 for all 4 pooled sites. ROC-determined AUC cutoff scores resulted in a sensitivity of 57% and specificity of 92% for all 4 pooled sites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The electric toothbrush stimulus had excellent test-retest reliability. Validity of the scores was demonstrated with modest sensitivity and good specificity for differentiating TMD pain patients from controls, which are acceptable properties for a screening test.</p
