26 research outputs found

    DDE - novi izazov modularnosti dizajna i programiranja

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    Razvoj i uvođenje novih radnih okolina donosi promjene u dizajnu i programiranju. Te promjene uglavnom su inovatorskih osobina pa se prema tome prvi puta susreću u navedenim fazama životnog ciklusa softverai. Radna okolina s najvećim utjecajem na području osobnih računala, Microsoft Windows 3.0. uvela novu tehniku prijenosa podataka izmedu aplikacija pod nazivom dinamička izmjena podataka (Dynamic Data Exchange, DDE). Primjenom te tehnike moguće je proÅ”iriti pojam modularnosti s dosadaÅ”njeg pojma modula kao integralnog dijela cjeline (nivo objektne verzije koda) na modul u vidi! zasebne aplikacije (nivo izvrÅ”ne verzije koda) koji putem DDE prima i/ili Å”alje potrebne podatke. Moduli povezani pomoću DDE mogu se poistovjetiti s klasama u objektno orijentiranoj paradigmi. Sličnost proizlazi iz ideje klase kao zasebne cjeline pri čemu korisnici ne moraju poznavati njenu strukturu

    Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Gamified Blended E-learning Course

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    Learning outcomes describe what students will learn in a certain period of time after the end of the teaching activity and therefore they need to be verified. Higher education distinguishes several types of learning outcomes such as general, study program, course and course topic. This paper analyses learning outcomes of the course topic in the gamified course, Web Design and Programming (WebDiP). Midterm exams were chosen for the analysis. Each question of the midterm exam is assigned to the corresponding learning outcome of the course topic which is verified with them. Also, each learning outcome is further classified into levels using Bloom's taxonomy. The research goal is to discover the reason why and which learning outcomes are more difficult to achieve. Furthermore, is there any correlation between levels of learning outcomes, the number of points in each midterm exam, points from the project and the total number of points achieved in the course. In accordance with the obtained results, proposals for improving the course for the next academic year are presented

    Implementation Model of Source Code Generator

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    The on demand generation of source code and its execution is essential if computers are expected to play an active role in information discovery and retrieval. This paper presents a model of implementation of a source code generator, whose purpose is to generate source code on demand. The implementation of the source code generator is fully configurable and its adoption to a new application is done by changing the generator configuration and not the generator itself. The advantage of using the source code generator is rapid and automatic development of a family of application once necessary program templates and generator configuration are made. The model of implementation of the source code generator is general and implemented source code generator can be used in different areas. We use a source code generator for dynamic generation of ontology supported Web services for data retrieval and for building of different kind of web application

    Databases on the Internet

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    This paper describes using the Internet services particularly one, World Wide Web(WWW) as a medium for business expanding. The main project goal is finding a solution for storing data in database and reading from it over the Internet. Some problems are found during the project realization and we provide the solutions for them. The test project is developed with C++ and Java but under the scope of analysis is only part in Java

    Complex Propagation of Events: Design Patterns Comparison

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    Todayā€™s applications require high level of interactivity and the applications are expected to update their state, and provide users with immediate correct results. In high complex applications this usually means updating states of a number of objects that are part of complex dependency network. To decouple these dependencies such systems usually employ implicit invocation mechanisms such as well-known Observer pattern. However, building efficient propagation system that will keep object states up-to-date is a challenging task, since a number of issues arise. In this paper we identified 18 qualitative criteria and compared 5 design patterns that can be used to build propagation system on top of applicationsā€™ business objects. The exhaustive comparison results are given along with discussion and remarks that should be taken in consideration when dealing with this challenging task

    The Internet ā€“ A Comparative Evaluation in Relation to the Press and Television

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    Internet nije viÅ”e novost u životu i profesionalnom radu mnogih korisnika medija, kao ni osoba koje se bave novinarstvom. Nakon nekoliko desetljeća dominacije tradicionalnih masovnih medija, Internet dovodi do bitnijih promjena u načinu na koji pojedinci ispunjavaju svoje informacijske potrebe, kao i u načinu na koji se mogu oblikovati informacije u nekom masovnom mediju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako osobe koje su upoznate s Internetom promatraju taj novi medij u odnosu na tradicionalne medije poput tiska i televizije. Tijekom istraživanja anketirana su 262 ispitanika, a njihovi odgovori razmatrani su u kontekstu funkcija medija te njihovih komparativnih prednosti i nedostataka. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici zapažaju mnoge prednosti Interneta u odnosu na individualne potrebe korisnika, kao i s obzirom na druÅ”tvenu ulogu medija, ali i nedostatke koji su povezani s tehnologijom na kojoj se Internet zasniva.The Internet is no longer a novelty for either media users or professional journalists. After decades of domination of the traditional mass media, the Internet has brought some significant changes in the way that individuals satisfy their informational needs and in the way that news is shaped and presented in different media. The purpose of the research reported here was to determine how persons familiar with the Internet assess this new medium in relation to the more traditional media, such as the print media and television. The survey covered 262 respondents, whose answers were analyzed in the context of media functions and their advantages and drawbacks. The respondents were aware of the advantages of the Internet with respect to individual user needs and the social role of the media. Equally, however, they were aware also of the drawbacks of the Internet, owing to the nature of the technology on which it relies

    Process Model Improvement for Source Code Plagiarism Detection in Student Programming Assignments

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    In programming courses there are various ways in which students attempt to cheat. The most commonly used method is copying source code from other students and making minimal changes in it, like renaming variable names. Several tools like Sherlock, JPlag and Moss have been devised to detect source code plagiarism. However, for larger student assignments and projects that involve a lot of source code files these tools are not so effective. Also, issues may occur when source code is given to students in class so they can copy it. In such cases these tools do not provide satisfying results and reports. In this study, we present an improved process model for plagiarism detection when multiple student files exist and allowed source code is present. In the research in this paper we use the Sherlock detection tool, although the presented process model can be combined with any plagiarism detection engine. The proposed model is tested on assignments in three courses in two subsequent academic years


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    Frequent changes of modern technologies combined with speed and continuous evolution of electronic business present significant problem for the enterprise. Such fast flow of changes suggests business concepts almost contradictory with strategic approach to management and information system development. The proponents of this business philosophy argue that strategic approach is not suitable in modern, fast changing, conditions. The most important attribute they give to the new enterprise is agility. This paper shows that without proper strategy in electronic business environment enterprise loses its competitive advantage. Electronic business has significant negative impact on competitive advantage. For most of the enterprises agility is not the appropriate answer because organizations are inherently slow. They can be guided only by adequate strategy. Competitive advantage must arise from complementary approach to classic and e-business concept


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    The paper investigates the design of heterogeneous distributed system for foreign exchange portfolio analysis. The proposed model includes few separated and dislocated but connected parts through distributed mechanisms. Making system distributed brings new perspectives to performance busting where software based load balancer gets very important role. Desired system should spread over multiple, heterogeneous platforms in order to fulfil open platform goal. Building such a model incorporates different patterns from GOF design patterns, business patterns, J2EE patterns, integration patterns, enterprise patterns, distributed design patterns to Web services patterns. The authors try to find as much as possible appropriate patterns for planned tasks in order to capture best modelling and programming practices