8 research outputs found

    Laminar technology at the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic transition in the Central Balkans

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    Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je laminarna tehnologija sa devet lokaliteta centralnog Balkana, koji se datuju u period kasnog srednjeg i ranog gornjeg paleolita. Kako ovaj aspekt tehnologije nije do sada detaljno razmatran, osnovni zadatak studije bio je definisati proces proizvodnje sečiva i lamela u kasnom srednjem i ranom gornjem paleolitu na centralnom Balkanu. Polazeći od pretpostavke da sistematska proizvodnja sečiva i lamela sa volumetrijskih jezgara predstavlja inovaciju anatomski modernog čoveka (Homo sapiens), osnovni cilj disertacije bio je uvideti da li se elementi ove tehnologije mogu pratiti na lokalitetima kasnog srednjeg paleolita i da li se mogu smatrati dokazima interakcija neandertalaca i anatomski modernih ljudi. Imajući u vidu pretpostavljene koridore naseljavanja anatomski modernih ljudi, izučavana teritorija je podeljena na tri regiona: podunavski pojas, brdsko-planinsku zonu unutrašnjosti Balkanskog poluostrva i primorsku zonu, na osnovu kojih je urađena komparacija dobijenih rezultata. Rekonstrkcija laminarne tehnologije sprovedena je korišćenjem metoda analize atributa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da laminarna tehnologija kasnog srednjeg paleolita u okviru tri definisana regiona ne pokazuje promene u načinu proizvodnje sečiva i lamela koja bi svedočila o potencijalnim uplivima gornjopaleolitske tehnologije. Sečiva i lamele iz ovog perioda se, stoga, mogu smatrati produktima nesistematske proizvodnje koji predstavljaju deo lokalnog razvoja tehnologije, a njihova pojava se pre može vezati za samu morfologiju jezgara sa kojih je vršeno okresivanje, nego za hipotetičku interakciju sa anatomski modernim ljudima.The subject of this dissertation is laminar technology originating from nine sites in the Central Balkans, which are dated to the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic. As this aspect of technology has not so far been examined in detail, the main task of the study was to define the process of blade and bladelet production in the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic of the Central Balkans. Beginning with the assumption that the systematic production of blades and bladelets from volumetric cores represents an innovation by anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), the main goal of this dissertation was to see whether the elements of this technology can be traced to sites of the late Middle Paleolithic and whether they can be considered evidence of interactions between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. Taking into the account the assumed corridors for dispersal of anatomically modern humans, the studied territory is divided into three regions: the Danubian belt, the hilly-mountainous zone of the interior of the Balkan Peninsula, and the coastal zone, on the basis of which a comparison of the obtained results was made. A reconstruction of laminar technology was conducted using attribute-based analysis. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the laminar technology of the late Middle Paleolithic of the three defined regions shows no change in the production of blades and bladelets which would indicate a potential influx of the Upper Paleolithic technology. Blades and bladelets from this period can, therefore, be considered products of unsystematic production that are part of the local development of technology, and their occurrence can be related to the morphology of the cores used for knapping, rather than to hypothetical interaction with anatomically modern humans

    Laminar technology at the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic transition in the Central Balkans

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    Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je laminarna tehnologija sa devet lokaliteta centralnog Balkana, koji se datuju u period kasnog srednjeg i ranog gornjeg paleolita. Kako ovaj aspekt tehnologije nije do sada detaljno razmatran, osnovni zadatak studije bio je definisati proces proizvodnje sečiva i lamela u kasnom srednjem i ranom gornjem paleolitu na centralnom Balkanu. Polazeći od pretpostavke da sistematska proizvodnja sečiva i lamela sa volumetrijskih jezgara predstavlja inovaciju anatomski modernog čoveka (Homo sapiens), osnovni cilj disertacije bio je uvideti da li se elementi ove tehnologije mogu pratiti na lokalitetima kasnog srednjeg paleolita i da li se mogu smatrati dokazima interakcija neandertalaca i anatomski modernih ljudi. Imajući u vidu pretpostavljene koridore naseljavanja anatomski modernih ljudi, izučavana teritorija je podeljena na tri regiona: podunavski pojas, brdsko-planinsku zonu unutrašnjosti Balkanskog poluostrva i primorsku zonu, na osnovu kojih je urađena komparacija dobijenih rezultata. Rekonstrkcija laminarne tehnologije sprovedena je korišćenjem metoda analize atributa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da laminarna tehnologija kasnog srednjeg paleolita u okviru tri definisana regiona ne pokazuje promene u načinu proizvodnje sečiva i lamela koja bi svedočila o potencijalnim uplivima gornjopaleolitske tehnologije. Sečiva i lamele iz ovog perioda se, stoga, mogu smatrati produktima nesistematske proizvodnje koji predstavljaju deo lokalnog razvoja tehnologije, a njihova pojava se pre može vezati za samu morfologiju jezgara sa kojih je vršeno okresivanje, nego za hipotetičku interakciju sa anatomski modernim ljudima.The subject of this dissertation is laminar technology originating from nine sites in the Central Balkans, which are dated to the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic. As this aspect of technology has not so far been examined in detail, the main task of the study was to define the process of blade and bladelet production in the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic of the Central Balkans. Beginning with the assumption that the systematic production of blades and bladelets from volumetric cores represents an innovation by anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), the main goal of this dissertation was to see whether the elements of this technology can be traced to sites of the late Middle Paleolithic and whether they can be considered evidence of interactions between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. Taking into the account the assumed corridors for dispersal of anatomically modern humans, the studied territory is divided into three regions: the Danubian belt, the hilly-mountainous zone of the interior of the Balkan Peninsula, and the coastal zone, on the basis of which a comparison of the obtained results was made. A reconstruction of laminar technology was conducted using attribute-based analysis. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the laminar technology of the late Middle Paleolithic of the three defined regions shows no change in the production of blades and bladelets which would indicate a potential influx of the Upper Paleolithic technology. Blades and bladelets from this period can, therefore, be considered products of unsystematic production that are part of the local development of technology, and their occurrence can be related to the morphology of the cores used for knapping, rather than to hypothetical interaction with anatomically modern humans

    Lаminаrnа tehnologijа nа prelаzu iz srednjeg u gornji pаleolit nа teritoriji centrаlnog Bаlkаnа

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    Filozofski fakultetPredmet istraživanja ove disertacije je laminarna tehnologija sa devet lokaliteta centralnog Balkana, koji se datuju u period kasnog srednjeg i ranog gornjeg paleolita. Kako ovaj aspekt tehnologije nije do sada detaljno razmatran, osnovni zadatak studije bio je definisati proces proizvodnje sečiva i lamela u kasnom srednjem i ranom gornjem paleolitu na centralnom Balkanu. Polazeći od pretpostavke da sistematska proizvodnja sečiva i lamela sa volumetrijskih jezgara predstavlja inovaciju anatomski modernog čoveka (Homo sapiens), osnovni cilj disertacije bio je uvideti da li se elementi ove tehnologije mogu pratiti na lokalitetima kasnog srednjeg paleolita i da li se mogu smatrati dokazima interakcija neandertalaca i anatomski modernih ljudi. Imajući u vidu pretpostavljene koridore naseljavanja anatomski modernih ljudi, izučavana teritorija je podeljena na tri regiona: podunavski pojas, brdsko-planinsku zonu unutrašnjosti Balkanskog poluostrva i primorsku zonu, na osnovu kojih je urađena komparacija dobijenih rezultata. Rekonstrkcija laminarne tehnologije sprovedena je korišćenjem metoda analize atributa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključeno je da laminarna tehnologija kasnog srednjeg paleolita u okviru tri definisana regiona ne pokazuje promene u načinu proizvodnje sečiva i lamela koja bi svedočila o potencijalnim uplivima gornjopaleolitske tehnologije. Sečiva i lamele iz ovog perioda se, stoga, mogu smatrati produktima nesistematske proizvodnje koji predstavljaju deo lokalnog razvoja tehnologije, a njihova pojava se pre može vezati za samu morfologiju jezgara sa kojih je vršeno okresivanje, nego za hipotetičku interakciju sa anatomski modernim ljudima.The subject of this dissertation is laminar technology originating from nine sites in the Central Balkans, which are dated to the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic. As this aspect of technology has not so far been examined in detail, the main task of the study was to define the process of blade and bladelet production in the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic of the Central Balkans. Beginning with the assumption that the systematic production of blades and bladelets from volumetric cores represents an innovation by anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), the main goal of this dissertation was to see whether the elements of this technology can be traced to sites of the late Middle Paleolithic and whether they can be considered evidence of interactions between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. Taking into the account the assumed corridors for dispersal of anatomically modern humans, the studied territory is divided into three regions: the Danubian belt, the hilly-mountainous zone of the interior of the Balkan Peninsula, and the coastal zone, on the basis of which a comparison of the obtained results was made. A reconstruction of laminar technology was conducted using attributebased analysis. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the laminar technology of the late Middle Paleolithic of the three defined regions shows no change in the production of blades and bladelets which would indicate a potential influx of the Upper Paleolithic technology. Blades and bladelets from this period can, therefore, be considered products of unsystematic production that are part of the local development of technology, and their occurrence can be related to the morphology of the cores used for knapping, rather than to hypothetical interaction with anatomically modern humans.

    Uticaj erupcije vulkana na Flegrejskim poljima (CI) na obrasce naseljavanja paleolitskih zajednica Centralnog Balkana

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    The Campanian Ignimbrite eruption happened 39 ka ago. The magnitude and volume of tephra affected not only the regional but also the global climate and ecosystems. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact this eruption had on the settlement pattern of central Balkan Palaeolithic communities in the period between 45 and 35 ka cal BP. Based on the published data, we have conducted bivariate (WABI) and multivariate (PCA) analyses of the variables frequently used to access settlement patterns of prehistoric human populations. The results confirm that there was a change in the settlement pattern of Balkan Palaeolithic communities in the post-CI times, observable in the clear lack of residential or logistical sites, and a probable practice of a forager-like settlement model.Ерупција вулкана на Флегрејским пољима, која се одиграла пре око 39,85 ± 0,14 хиљада година, била је једна од највећих ерупција у касном плеистоцену и највећа ерупција на простору Медитерана у последњих 200 хиљада година. Ова мега-ерупција је оставила снажне последице на функционисање екосистема, регионалну и глобалну климу, а процењује се да су наслаге туфа умањиле насељиву површину за готово 30%. Како бисмо испитали последице ове ерупције на обрасце насељавања палеолитских заједница на простору централног Балкана, из литературе су прикупљени подаци са 10 археолошких налазишта, који се датују у период пре и после ерупције. На основу прикупљених података, спроведене су две врсте анализа променљивих: биваријантна (WABI) и мултиваријантна (PCA) анализа, које се користе за реконструкцију образаца насељавања праисторијских заједница. Резултати обе анализе указали су на промене у обрасцима насељавања након CI ерупције. За разлику од локалитета који се датују у период пре ерупције, а које одликују веома варијабилни обрасци насељавања, локалитети из периода након ерупције показују знатно мању варијабилност образаца. Ове локалитете одликује потпуно одсуство резиденцијалних и логистичких кампова, те се могу определити у логоре „трагача“. С друге стране, промене су уочене и у географском положају локалитета. Примећено је да се приобални и подунавски појас, који су и били под највећим утицајем ерупције на основу наслага тефре, напуштају, а да се заједнице померају ка унутрашљости Балканског полустрва. Промене у динамици насељавања ловачко-сакупљачких заједница су обично последица више фактора, међутим, чињеница да су се овакве промене на Балканскoм полустрву догодиле баш у периоду након CI ерупције, указује на значај ове природне катастрофе на животе палеолитских људи

    Where's the Fire? Detection of Combustions Features and Analysis of Hearth-Centered Activity Areas with Lithic Analysis from the Aurignacian in Salitrena peina, Serbia

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    One of the important aspects of human life during prehistory was fire. However, in situ detection of combustion features in Paleolithic sites can sometimes be difficult because of post-depositional processes and the geology of the site. Excavation techniques can also reduce the visibility of combustion features. It has been demonstrated that sometimes when evidence of fire is missing from the sediments, the spatial distribution of the burnt artifacts can be used to detect the position of combustion features. In an effort to better understand fire use behavior in Aurignacian communities, we studied Aurignacian layers from Salitrena peina. During excavations, two combustion features were detected. First goal of this paper was to analyze the spatial distribution of burnt lithics to confirm the identification of these combustion features and to identify other combustion features that may have had a smaller imprint in archeological matrix. This method was useful, and beside two already mentioned, one more combustion feature was detected in the Aurignacian layer. A second major goal was to understand technological behavior around combustion features

    Human and carnivore activity during the Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Central Balkans: A case study of Orlovača cave, Serbia

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    Recent research on the Early Upper Palaeolithic in the Balkan peninsula has been significant, as it has provided new information about cultural and demographic changes during this period and the role of the Danubian Corridor in the spread of modern humans towards central Europe. One of the recently discovered sites is Orlovača cave, located in village Panjevac in the Resava river valley in eastern Serbia. The site yielded archaeological remains from the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. This study focuses on the vertebrate remains from the Aurignacian occupation levels. Faunal remains consist of a wide range of species, including four species of ungulates (Bison priscus, Cervus elaphus, Capra ibex, Equus sp.) and seven species of carnivores (Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Panthera spelaea, Canis lupus, Mustela nivalis, Mustela erminea, Vulpes vulpes) among which Ursus spelaeus is the most represented. Taphonomic analysis shows traces of human modifications and butchery, which points to human activity at this site, as well as, traces of carnivore activity evidenced by gnawed and digested bone fragments. This indicates that the faunal remains have been accumulated by both carnivore and human groups. The aim of this analysis is to understand to what degree humans and carnivores were respectively responsible for accumulating the bones in these occupation levels. The results indicate that Orlovača cave was mostly occupied by carnivores and that the cave was a temporary camp for human groups, as suggested by previous research

    Prvi vpogled v mezolitsko poselitev južne Srbije: Izkopavanje jame Pešterija v Ponišavlju

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    Despite extensive research and excavations across the central Balkans, Early Holocene sites have so far been documented only in the Iron Gates region – for which there are several possible explanations. Some scholars argue that the apparent lack of Mesolithic sites is due to inadequate research efforts in the region, while others suggest that the ecological conditions in the central Balkans during the Early Holocene may not have been favourable to the subsistence of hunter-gatherer communities. Contrary to previous beliefs, recent investigations of caves in eastern Serbia have revealed that humans inhabited the region during the Mesolithic. Traces of settlement of Mesolithic groups, dating back to the 7th millennium cal BC and employing comparable technology and economic practices to Mesolithic communities in other parts of the Balkan Peninsula, have been documented at the Pešterija Cave, situated south of Pirot in southeastern Serbia. The fact that the site is located relatively close to the oldest Neolithic sites in the Iron Gates and northwest Bulgaria, and is potentially contemporaneous with them, offers a completely new perspective on the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in this part of the Balkans.Zgodnje holocenska najdišča na osrednjem Balkanu so bila kljub obsežnim raziskavam in izkopavanjem doslej dokumentirana le na območju Železnih vrat – za kar obstaja več možnih razlag. Nekateri raziskovalci trdijo, da je očitno pomanjkanje mezolitskih najdišč posledica neustreznih raziskovalnih prizadevanj v regiji, drugi menijo, da ekološke razmere na osrednjem Balkanu v zgodnjem holocenu morda niso bile naklonjene preživetju skupnosti lovcev in nabiralcev. V nasprotju s prejšnjimi prepričanji so nedavne raziskave jam v vzhodni Srbiji pokazale, da so ljudje to regijo naselili v mezolitiku. V jami Pešterija, ki se nahaja južno od Pirota v jugovzhodni Srbiji, so bili dokumentirani sledovi poselitve mezolitskih skupin, ki segajo v 7. tisočletje pr. n. št. Dejstvi, da so najdišča relativno blizu najstarejšim neolitskim najdiščem v Železnih vratih in v severozahodni Bolgariji ter da so jim potencialno sočasna, ponujata popolnoma nov pogled na prehod mezolitika v neolitik na tem delu Balkana

    Neanderthal settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: Evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia

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    Recent research in the southern Central Balkans has resulted in the discovery of the first Middle Paleolithic sites in this region. Systematic excavations of Velika and Mala Balanica, and Pešturina (southern Serbia) revealed assemblages of Middle Paleolithic artifacts associated with hominin fossils and animal bones. This paper focuses on Pešturina Layer 4, radiometrically and biostratigraphically dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, which yielded traces of temporary hunting camps. The remains of large ungulate prey are associated with predominantly Quina-type artifacts made of quartz. Artifacts from Pešturina Cave have no parallels at Mousterian sites in the Balkans but are rather similar to the Central European Charentian, which demonstrates that this cultural unit was widespread during MIS 5, not only in the southern Pannonian Basin but also in the Central Balkans. The position of the site – on the outskirts of the known spread of the Quina model of techno-economic behavior during MIS 5 – raises several questions related to population movements, residential mobility, and technological variability in the early Middle Paleolithic of Central and Southeast Europe