412 research outputs found

    Minimal Riesz energy on the sphere for axis-supported external fields

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    We investigate the minimal Riesz s-energy problem for positive measures on the d-dimensional unit sphere S^d in the presence of an external field induced by a point charge, and more generally by a line charge. The model interaction is that of Riesz potentials |x-y|^(-s) with d-2 <= s < d. For a given axis-supported external field, the support and the density of the corresponding extremal measure on S^d is determined. The special case s = d-2 yields interesting phenomena, which we investigate in detail. A weak* asymptotic analysis is provided as s goes to (d-2)^+.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figure

    Asymptotic behavior and zero distribution of Carleman orthogonal polynomials

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    Let LL be an analytic Jordan curve and let {pn(z)}n=0\{p_n(z)\}_{n=0}^\infty be the sequence of polynomials that are orthonormal with respect to the area measure over the interior of LL. A well-known result of Carleman states that \label{eq12} \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{p_n(z)}{\sqrt{(n+1)/\pi} [\phi(z)]^{n}}= \phi'(z) locally uniformly on certain open neighborhood of the closed exterior of LL, where ϕ\phi is the canonical conformal map of the exterior of LL onto the exterior of the unit circle. In this paper we extend the validity of (\ref{eq12}) to a maximal open set, every boundary point of which is an accumulation point of the zeros of the pnp_n's. Some consequences on the limiting distribution of the zeros are discussed, and the results are illustrated with two concrete examples and numerical computations.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    An Electrostatics Problem on the Sphere Arising from a Nearby Point Charge

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    For a positively charged insulated d-dimensional sphere we investigate how the distribution of this charge is affected by proximity to a nearby positive or negative point charge when the system is governed by a Riesz s-potential 1/r^s, s>0, where r denotes Euclidean distance between point charges. Of particular interest are those distances from the point charge to the sphere for which the equilibrium charge distribution is no longer supported on the whole of the sphere (i.e. spherical caps of negative charge appear). Arising from this problem attributed to A. A. Gonchar are sequences of polynomials of a complex variable that have some fascinating properties regarding their zeros.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figure

    Riesz external field problems on the hypersphere and optimal point separation

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    We consider the minimal energy problem on the unit sphere Sd\mathbb{S}^d in the Euclidean space Rd+1\mathbb{R}^{d+1} in the presence of an external field QQ, where the energy arises from the Riesz potential 1/rs1/r^s (where rr is the Euclidean distance and ss is the Riesz parameter) or the logarithmic potential log(1/r)\log(1/r). Characterization theorems of Frostman-type for the associated extremal measure, previously obtained by the last two authors, are extended to the range d2s<d1.d-2 \leq s < d - 1. The proof uses a maximum principle for measures supported on Sd\mathbb{S}^d. When QQ is the Riesz ss-potential of a signed measure and d2s<dd-2 \leq s <d, our results lead to explicit point-separation estimates for (Q,s)(Q,s)-Fekete points, which are nn-point configurations minimizing the Riesz ss-energy on Sd\mathbb{S}^d with external field QQ. In the hyper-singular case s>ds > d, the short-range pair-interaction enforces well-separation even in the presence of more general external fields. As a further application, we determine the extremal and signed equilibria when the external field is due to a negative point charge outside a positively charged isolated sphere. Moreover, we provide a rigorous analysis of the three point external field problem and numerical results for the four point problem.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    Information Environment is an Integral Element of Informational Space in the Process of Professional Development of Future Teacher of Physical Culture

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    The article examines information environment as an integral element of information space in the process of professional development of future teacher of physical culture, notes that the strategic objective of the system of higher education is training of competent future teacher of physical culture in the field of information technologies, when information competence and information culture are major components of professionalism in modern information-oriented societ

    Perturbations of Systems Describing the Motion of a Particle in Central Fields

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    The present paper deals with the KAM-theory conditions for systems describing the motion of a particle in central field