29 research outputs found
Geosystem foundations of environmental governance
Насловом дисертације, теоријским оквиром и предметом истраживања указује се наинтересовање у дисертацији, а то је географски теоријски концепт и сама суштинагеографије као науке (проучавање интеракција друштва и природе), јер управо тајгеографски идентитет одређује и животну средину као појам (феномен). Ако се оживотној средини размишља као о сложеном и вишедимензионалном систему, односноо еколошким проблемима као о мултискаларним и мултисекторским проблемима,претпоставља се да у проучавању датих феномена посебно место има географскомишљење и географска логика.Применом геосистемског приступа методолошки је „елиминисано” одвојено проучавањедруштвених и природних система јер су они у стварности повезани. То полазиштеомогућава да се сагледа функционална, просторна и временска међузависност унутарсистема животне средине. На тим основама (сагледавање интеракција) се мора градитисистем управљања животном средином као незаобилазна стратешка активностусмеравања процеса у животној средини. Из идеје о интеракцијама, односногеосистемском приступу, проистиче интегрални приступ као водећи принцип у решавањумултискаларне и мултисекторске природе еколошких проблема, односно принцип накоме се заснива управљање животном средином.Промена у перцепцији/дефинисању еколошких проблема, од редукционистичког касистемском поимању, са нагласком на интеракцијама, утицала је на прелазак са„владања на управљање”. То је значило отклон од парадигме „заповедај и контролиши”ка флексибилнијим моделима управљања. Интегрални принцип претпостављаинтеграцију политика (секторска интеграција), нивоа управљања (територијалнаинтеграција) и учесника (поделa одговорности између државе и приватног сектора,невладиних организација и др.), као и мера и инструмената у систему управљањаживотном средином, што је приказано у дисертацији.Интердисциплинарност (природна и друштвена компонента), методолошки плурализам,географски концепти (простор, место и животна средина), историјско географскиретроспект, само су нека од обележја географског мишљења која су нашла своју применуу проучавању животне средине.У дисертацији је потврђена улога просторног планирања као веома значајногинструмента за интегрисање циљева заштите животне средине у политикe просторногразвоја.The title of thesis, the theoretical framework and the research subject indicate that the thesisfocuses on the theoretical concept of geography and the essence of geography as a science(the study of interactions between society and nature). This is because the environment as aconcept (phenomenon) is determined by a geographical identity. If the environment isperceived as a complex and multi-dimensional system and ecological problems are interpretedas multiscale and multisectoral issues, it is assumed that a particularly important place in thestudy of these phenomena is occupied by geographical reasoning and a geographical logic.The reliance on a geosystem-based approach "eliminates", methodologically, the study ofsocial and natural systems as unrelated subjects, because they are in fact closely related. Thisapproach enables us to grasp the functional, spatial and temporal interrelationships in theenvironment. It is upon these foundations (understanding of interactions) that anenvironmental governance system must be built as a crucial strategic activity aimed atchannelling various processes in the environment. The integrated approach, as the leadingprinciple in dealing with multiscale and multisectoral nature of environmental problems andthe principle of environmental governance, is derived from the idea of interactions, i.e. from ageosystem-based approach.The changed perception/definition of ecological problems, involving a transition from areductionist to a systemic approach, with an emphasis on interactions, has led to a shift from"government to governance". This implied a departure from the "command and control"paradigm and the adoption of more flexible governance models. The principle of integrationinvolves the integration of policies (cross-sectoral integration), levels of governance (territorialintegration) and stakeholders (sharing responsibilities among the public and private sectors,non-governmental organizations, etc.), as well as environmental governance measures andinstruments, as demonstrated in thesis.Interdisciplinarity (taking into account both natural and social components), methodologicalpluralism, geographical concepts (space, place and environment) and historical andgeographical retrospection, are merely some of the features of geographical reasoning that areapplied in environmental research.The role of spatial planning, as a very important instrument for integrating environmentalprotection goals into spatial development policies, is confirmed in thesis
Recent demographic-economic processes in the Belgrade agglomeration
U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeštaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovništva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i širenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati više faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovništva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak.In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized
Neki aspekti interakcije lokalno-globalno u turizmu
In this work are considered certain theoretical aspects of the relation local-global in tourism. The authors emphasize some cause-and-consequence manifestations of globalization in tourism, and indicate the links and relationships (temporal, spatial, conceptual) of the local system in the framework of the global tourist motions. Also, by comparing mass and non-mass forms of touristic movements, the authors interpret the relations of the local and the global. What are the effects of the globalization of tourism upon the local development, and what may be the future meaning of the local in the development of tourism?.U ovom radu razmatraju se izvesni teorijski aspekti relacije lokalno-globalno u turizmu. Autori izdvajaju neka uzročno-posledična ispoljavanja globalizacije u turizmu, i upućuju na veze i odnose (prostorne, vremenske pojmovne) lokalnog sistema u sklopu globalnih turističkih kretanja. Takođe se kroz komparaciju masovnih i nemasovnih oblika turističkih kretanja tumače relacije lokalnog i globalnog. Koje efekte globalizacija turizma ima na lokalni razvoj i koje može biti buduće značenje lokalnog u razvoju turizma?
Regional inequality in Serbia as a development problem
The aim of this paper, in the context of the contemporary socio-economic changes in Serbia, is to consider changes in the regional development policy, and therefore in the approach to underdeveloped areas. A special attention is paid to regional inequality as a developmental problem since it directly influences the integrative processes, violating them, and therefore leads to side effects (economic, social, demographic, ecological, spatial, etc.). In Serbia, traditionally undeveloped areas (rural, hilly-mountainous and border/peripheral) have formed during a longer historical period, contrary to the new types of areas - municipalities (“devastated areas”) that are connected to the transition period (“transition poverty”). Both appeared by cause and effect reaction to natural, socio-economic, social, demographic, cultural-civilizational and political factors
Some aspects of the interaction local-global in tourism
U ovom radu razmatraju se izvesni teorijski aspekti relacije lokalno-globalno u turizmu. Autori izdvajaju neka uzročno-posledična ispoljavanja globalizacije u turizmu, i upućuju na veze i odnose (prostorne, vremenske pojmovne) lokalnog sistema u sklopu globalnih turističkih kretanja. Takođe se kroz komparaciju masovnih i nemasovnih oblika turističkih kretanja tumače relacije lokalnog i globalnog. Koje efekte globalizacija turizma ima na lokalni razvoj i koje može biti buduće značenje lokalnog u razvoju turizma?.In this work are considered certain theoretical aspects of the relation local-global in tourism. The authors emphasize some cause-and-consequence manifestations of globalization in tourism, and indicate the links and relationships (temporal, spatial, conceptual) of the local system in the framework of the global tourist motions. Also, by comparing mass and non-mass forms of touristic movements, the authors interpret the relations of the local and the global. What are the effects of the globalization of tourism upon the local development, and what may be the future meaning of the local in the development of tourism?
Savremeni demografsko-ekonomski procesi u prostoru beogradske aglomeracije
In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized.U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeštaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovništva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i širenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati više faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovništva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak
Savremeni demografsko-ekonomski procesi u prostoru beogradske aglomeracije
In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized.U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeštaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovništva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i širenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati više faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovništva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak
Neki aspekti interakcije lokalno-globalno u turizmu
In this work are considered certain theoretical aspects of the relation local-global in tourism. The authors emphasize some cause-and-consequence manifestations of globalization in tourism, and indicate the links and relationships (temporal, spatial, conceptual) of the local system in the framework of the global tourist motions. Also, by comparing mass and non-mass forms of touristic movements, the authors interpret the relations of the local and the global. What are the effects of the globalization of tourism upon the local development, and what may be the future meaning of the local in the development of tourism?.U ovom radu razmatraju se izvesni teorijski aspekti relacije lokalno-globalno u turizmu. Autori izdvajaju neka uzročno-posledična ispoljavanja globalizacije u turizmu, i upućuju na veze i odnose (prostorne, vremenske pojmovne) lokalnog sistema u sklopu globalnih turističkih kretanja. Takođe se kroz komparaciju masovnih i nemasovnih oblika turističkih kretanja tumače relacije lokalnog i globalnog. Koje efekte globalizacija turizma ima na lokalni razvoj i koje može biti buduće značenje lokalnog u razvoju turizma?
Residents' perception toward protected areas: Carska Bara Special Nature Reserve (Vojvodina, Serbia)
The research was carried out in the villages of the buffer zone and the close environment of the Ramsar site 'Stari Begej - Carska Bara' Special Nature Reserve, in the Serbian part of Banat. The survey method was used to establish the local population's attitude towards the impact of area protection on their life quality and the degree of cooperation with the managing body. A total of 393 adults were surveyed, which accounted for 5.34% of the total adult population of the studied area (fve villages). In order to provide opinions from all stakeholders, the managing body was also asked to respond to some of the questions. A comparison of the responses revealed a generally low level of dialogue and understanding between the two interested parties. The results indicate some differences in the degree of impact depending on the location of the villages, as well as the occupation of the respondents and their age
Risk education in Serbia
Natural disaster risk reduction can be achieved through vulnerability reduction, as well as through strengthening the resilience of the population. One of the segments leading to these aims is a proper risk education. It is the public (compulsory) education system that reaches the greatest number of participants and represents a good platform for the natural disaster knowledge transfer. Geography, as a complex subject that includes both natural and social components, is the most appropriate to transfer the knowledge necessary to improve the resilience. Research done in Serbia (detailed analyses of curricula, textbooks, teachers' role and pupils' knowledge) shows that children do learn about natural disasters but not in a way which provides usable knowledge