44 research outputs found

    Impotance of entrepreneurship development in the academic community of Republic of Serbia

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    Moderno druÅ”tvo je suočeno sa ubrzanom degradacijom životne sredine, eksploatacijom resursa, ekonomskom i finansijskom krizom, Å”to se reflektuje na sve socijalne segmente ugrožavajući sposobnost za dugoročni razvoj i rast, odosno održivost. Akademska zajednica i naučne organizacije sve viÅ”e postaju ključni akteri u razvoju inovacionih sistema i inovacije bazirane na nauci ispunjavaju sve uslove za poziciju strateÅ”kog prioriteta u poslovanju, samom činjenicom da se pomoću njih može ostvariti brzi ekonomski rast i konkurentska prednost. Sve viÅ”e se nameće neophodnost razvijanja preduzetničkog duha u akademskoj zajednici i usmeravanja naučnog rada u pravcu primenjenih i razvojnih istraživanja, odnosno ka implementaciji na tržiÅ”tu.Modern society is faced with accelerated degradation of the environment, overexploitation of the resources, economic and financial crisis. This reflects through all social segments, compromising the capacity for long-term development and growth, or sustainability. The academic community and scientific organizations are increasingly becoming key players in the development of innovation systems. Science-based innovations are fulfilling all the requirements for a strategic business priority, just with the fact that using them, the rapid economic growth and competitive advantage could be achieved. The need for developing a spirit of entrepreneurship in the academic community is becoming increasingly important, as so is guiding the scientific work towards the applied and development research, and implementation in the market.10. Međunarodni simpozijum o upravljanju prirodnim resursima, Zaječar, Srbija, 26.10.2020. / 10th international symposium on natural resources management Zaječar, Serbia, 26.10.2020

    Combination of autologous bone, xenograft with hyaluronate and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in horizontal bone augmentation and sinus lift

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    Sufficient bone volume is important to allow proper implants installation and survival. The aim of this case report was to observe a combination of autologous bone, xenograft with hyaluronate and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in horizontal bone augmentation and sinus lift. Upon re-entry after 8 months, a stable new bone volume was recorded, and implants were successful installed. Then 4 months later, sufficient implants stability, bone volume and xenograft granules osteointegration into newly formed bone was recorded

    Procjena Å”umskih resursa na temelju Sentinel-2 snimki ā€“ studija slučaja Derventa, BiH (Katastarska općina Brezici)

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    SummaryThe management of forest resources is complicated due to the complete lack of maintenance and disorganization of the land administration and survey that are decades old. Modern, unconventional monitoring systems are used with the aim of improving the existing records systems and creating a clearer insight into the state of forest resources. This study provides an example of the use of one such system, Sentinel-2. Using the R programming language, the multispectral Sentinel-2 images were classified by the Random Forest classification algorithm. Following the completion of the classifications, the accuracy of the classification was evaluated using the error matrix and the Kappa value. An analysis of forest resources for one cadastral municipality was accomplished using classified rasters and data from the Real Estate Cadastre Database. Based on the data analysis, major changes are visible in terms of the abandonment of agricultural land and its conversion into a certain form of forest vegetation. Furthermore, based on these data, the study demonstrates changes that can be monitored in shorter time intervals. Sentinel-2 images can be used to determine forest expansion, based on the aforementioned analyses, resulting in a clearer and better representation of existing forest resources that are unknown due to outdated and unreliable land administration systems.SažetakGospodarenje Å”umskim resurima otežano je u uvjetima potpune neažurnosti i neuređenosti desetljećima starog sustava evidencije i izmjere. U svrhu poboljÅ”anja postojećih evidencijskih sustava i stvaranja jasnijeg uvida u stanje Å”umskog bogatstva koriste se nekonvencionalni, suvremeni sustavi praćenja. KoriÅ”tenje daljinskog istraživanja za procjenu Å”umskog bogatstva je važno, jer se inženjeri Å”umarstva i Å”umarske ustanove ne mogu pouzdati u postojeće evidencije preuzete iz katastra nekretnina kako bi utvrdili opseg Å”umskog bogatstva.Za demonstraciju koriÅ”tenja daljinskog istraživanja u svrhu utvrđivanja opsega Å”umskog bogatstva preuzete su satelitske snimke Sentinel-2 za 2017. i 2022. godinu, kao i podaci iz baze podataka katastra nekretnina k.o. (katastarske općine) Brezici, slika 1. Preuzete multispektralne Sentinel-2 slike klasificirane su na temelju Random Forest klasifikacijskog algoritma, koriÅ”tenjem programskog jezika R. Tijek procesa obrade podataka prikazan je na slici 2. Nakon zavrÅ”enih klasifikacija, točnost klasifikacije procijenjena je na temelju matrice pogreÅ”aka i Kappa vrijednosti. Parametri točnosti za klasificirane snimke prikazani su u tablici 1. U prvom dijelu analize rezultata obavljeno je vizualno i numeričko preklapanje klasificiranih Sentinel-2 rastera iz 2017. i 2022. godine. Analiza je provedena s ciljem prikazivanja promjena koje se događaju na ograničenim područjima u kratkim vremenskim intervalima, slika 3. Drugi dio analize odnosi se na usporedbu podataka katastra nekretnina za k.o. Brezici nastalih na temelju izmjere i Sentinel-2 snimki iz 2022. godine, slika 4. i tablica 2. Cilj ovog dijela rada je pokazati razliku između stvarnog i katastarskog stanja. Na slici 5. i tablici 3. prikazane su razlike u načinu koriÅ”tenja između katastra i Sentinel-2 snimki, Å”to ukazuje na promjene nastale napuÅ”tanjem poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta i njegovom prenamjenom u određeni oblik Å”umske vegetacije. Prema bazi podataka katastra nekretnina, 26% ukupnog teritorija k.o. Brezici prekriveno je Å”umom, dok je zahvaljujući snimkama Sentinel-2 69% teritorija izdvojeno pod nekim oblikom visoke vegetacije, tablica 4. Analize pokazuju da se Sentinel-2 snimke mogu uspjeÅ”no koristiti za utvrđivanje obuhvata Å”uma s ciljem boljeg i kvalitetnijeg prikaza postojećih Å”umskih resursa koji su nepoznati zbog zastarjelih i nepouzdanih sustava evidencije

    Recent demographic-economic processes in the Belgrade agglomeration

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    U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeŔtaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovniŔtva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i Ŕirenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati viŔe faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovniŔtva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak.In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized

    Regional inequality in Serbia as a development problem

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    The aim of this paper, in the context of the contemporary socio-economic changes in Serbia, is to consider changes in the regional development policy, and therefore in the approach to underdeveloped areas. A special attention is paid to regional inequality as a developmental problem since it directly influences the integrative processes, violating them, and therefore leads to side effects (economic, social, demographic, ecological, spatial, etc.). In Serbia, traditionally undeveloped areas (rural, hilly-mountainous and border/peripheral) have formed during a longer historical period, contrary to the new types of areas - municipalities (ā€œdevastated areasā€) that are connected to the transition period (ā€œtransition povertyā€). Both appeared by cause and effect reaction to natural, socio-economic, social, demographic, cultural-civilizational and political factors

    Savremeni demografsko-ekonomski procesi u prostoru beogradske aglomeracije

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    In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized.U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeŔtaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovniŔtva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i Ŕirenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati viŔe faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovniŔtva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak

    Savremeni demografsko-ekonomski procesi u prostoru beogradske aglomeracije

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    In this paper, basic characteristics of demographic and economic changes in the area of Belgrade agglomeration in the second half of 20th century has been researched, and a global trend of their establishments and motions has been indicated. Changes of territorial arrangement, spatial distribution and structural features of population, within the agglomeration itself, were in close interaction with directions of development and expansion of urban region. Belgrade agglomeration development follows several stages in its physiognomic-spatial, economic and demographic growth, whereby the migrations, as in cases of all large urban systems, had special influence on growth and structural features of population. In this paper, modern development processes and their effects on demographic growth have been emphasized.U radu se istražuju osnovne karakteristike demografskih i ekonomskih promena na prostoru beogradske aglomeracije u drugoj polovini 20. veka i ukazuje na globalni trend njihovih uslovljenosti i kretanja. Promene u teritorijalnom razmeŔtaju, prostornom pomeranju i strukturnim odlikama stanovniŔtva unutar same aglomeracije bile su u bliskoj interakciji sa razvojnim tokovima i Ŕirenjem urbanog regiona. Razvoj beogradske aglomeracije prati viŔe faza u njenom fizionomsko-prostornom, ekonomskom i demografskom narastanju, pri čemu su migracije, kao u slučaju svih velikih urbanih sistema, odigrale poseban uticaj na rast i strukturne odlike stanovniŔtva. U radu je poseban akcenat dat savremenim razvojnim procesima i njihovim efektima na demografski razvitak

    The importance of potassium channels in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on isolated rat uteri

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    Background. Pentoxifylline is a methylxanthine derivative that is used to treat peripheral vascular disease. One of the mechanisms of action of pentoxifylline is the vasodilatation of blood vessels. This study examined the effect of increasing pentoxifylline concentrations on the contractility of isolated rat uteri in the presence of a potassium channel antagonist. Methods. The uteri were isolated from virgin Wistar rats (180-220 g) and suspended in an isolated organ bath chamber containing De Jalon's solution and aerated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. The temperature was maintained at 37єC. Isometric contractions were recorded using an isometric force transducer (Ugo Basile). The preload of the preparation was approximately 1 g. The uteri were allowed to contract spontaneously or in the presence of Ca2+ (0.018 and 0.36 mM) and acetylcholine (ACh) and were treated with pentoxifylline. Results. Pentoxifylline caused concentration-dependent inhibition of spontaneous rhythmic uterine activity and uterine activity caused by calcium Ca2+ (0.018 mM and 0,36 mM). We showed that the inhibitory effects of pentoxifylline depend on the type of muscle contractions activated and that the inhibitory effect is significantly stronger for spontaneous rhythmic activity and forin Ca2 -induced contractions of isolated rat uteri+. The relaxing effect of pentoxifylline depends on the calcium concentration in the medium. Pentoxifylline exerted the weakest relaxant effects on contractions induced by acetylcholine. In contrast to methylene blue, tetraethylammonium, or 4-aminopyridine, glibenclamide did not antagonise the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on isolated rat uteri. Conclusion. The results obtained suggest that the mechanism of action of pentoxifylline does not lead to the opening of KATP channels. However, the opening of BKCa and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels had some role, but to varying degrees, in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on the spontaneous rhythmic activity and calcium-induced contractions of isolated rat uteri. Our results provide additional confirmation of the dominance of the NO/cGMP signaling pathway in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline (because the presence of methylene blue significantly antagonised this effect) in relation to the opening of potassium channels, especially KATP channels. These results indicate that pentoxifylline could be a potential tocolytic drug.Cilj. Pentoksifilin, koji se koristi za lečenje perifernih vaskularnih oboljenja, je derivat metilksantina. Jedan od načina delovanja pentoksifilina je prouzrokovanje vazodilatacije krvnih sudova. U ovom radu ispitivali smo efekat rastućih koncentracija pentoksifilina na kontraktilnost izolovanog uterusa pacova, u prisustvu blokatora kalijumskih kanala. Metode. Uterusi, koji su izolovani od neparenih ženki pacova Wistar soja (180-220 g), držani su u kupatilu za izolovane organe na temperaturi od 37oC, u De Jalon-ovom rastvoru kroz koji je propuÅ”tana smeÅ”a gasova od 95% kiseonika i 5% ugljendioksida. Izometrijske kontrakcije su registrovane koriŔćenjem izometrijskog transdjusera Ugo Basile, pri opterećenju preparata od 1 g. Ispitivan je efekat pentoksifilina na kontrakcije za vreme spontane ritmičke aktivnosti i u prisustvu kalcijuma, Ca2+ (0.018 and 0.36 mM)) i acetilholina (ACh). Rezultati. Pentoksifilin je prouzrokovao koncentracijski zavisnu inhibiciju spontane ritmičke aktivnosti, kao i fazne aktivnosti prouzrokovane kalcijumom. Inhibicijski efekt pentoksifilina zavisio je od tipa aktivacije glatkog miÅ”ića uterusa. On je ispoljio značajno jači relaksirajući efekt na spontanu ritmičku aktivnost i kontrakcije prouzrokovane sa 0.018 mM kalcijuma. Njegov relaksirajući efekt zavisi i od koncentracije Ca2+ u medijumu..Najslabiji relaksirajući efekat pentoksifilina je zabeležen na acetilholinskom tipu aktivacije. Nasuprot metilenskom plavilu, 4-aminopiridinu i tetraetilamonijumu, glibenklamid ne antagonizuje relaksirajući efekat pentoksifilina na izolovanom uterusu pacova. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati sugeriÅ”u da u mehanizmu relaksantnog delovanja pentoksifilina nije zastupljeno otvaranje ATP kalijumskih kanala. Međutim, otvaranje BKCa i voltažno zavisnih Ca2+ kalijumskih kanala ima izvestan značaj, ali u različitom stepenu, u mehanizmu relaksirajućeg delovanja pentoksifilina na spontanu ritmičku aktivnost i kontrakcije prouzrokovane kalcijumom. NaÅ”i rezultati su dodana potvrda o dominaciji NO/cGMP signalinih puteva kojima pentoksifilin prouzrokuje relaksaciju glatkih miÅ”ičnih ćelija uterusa (jer metilensko plavilo značajno antagonizuje njegov efekt), u odnosu na otvaranje kalijumskih kanala, posebno ATP zavisnih kalijumskih kanala. Rezultati ukazuju da bi pentoksifilin mogao da bude potencijalni tokolitički lek.nul

    Post-exposure prophylaxis of meningococcal disease

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    Invazivna meningokokna bolest (IMB) javlja se najčeŔće sporadično, ali iznenada i s visokim letalitetom. Uzročnik se prenosi kapljičnim putem iz nazofarinksa asimptomatskog kliconoÅ”e ili oboljele osobe, čeŔće tijekom zimskih mjeseci. U Hrvatskoj, kao i u drugim dijelovima Europe, IMB najčeŔće uzrokuje Neisseria meningitidis seroloÅ”ke grupe B. Prosječna incidencija IMB u Hrvatskoj u proteklih petnaestak godina iznosi 1,07 na 100 000 stanovnika, dok u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji iznosi 0,78 na 100 000 stanovnika. Oboljeli se obavezno liječe u bolnici, a pravovremeno započeto antimikrobno liječenje povećava vjerojatnost povoljnog ishoda bolesti. Zbog visoke stope smrtnosti IMB, javnozdravstvene aktivnosti usmjerene su na otkrivanje bliskih kontakata u kojih se mora provesti pravodobna i učinkovita kemoprofilaksa. U ovom radu prikazujemo slučaj Å”estogodiÅ”nje djevojčice oboljele od IMB i protuepidemijske mjere provedene u cilju sprječavanja sekundarnih slučajeva.Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) occurs most often sporadically, but suddenly and with high mortality rates. The pathogen is transmitted by droplets from the nasopharynx of asymptomatic carrier or patient, commonly during the cold season. Serogroup B meningococcus dominates in Croatia as elsewhere in Europe. The average incidence over the past fifteen years has been 1,07 per 100 000 population in Croatia while in the Brod ā€“ Posavina County the average incidence has been 0,78 per 100 000 population. Patients with IMD should be hospitalized and treated immediately with antibiotics to improve patient outcome. Due to the high mortality rates of meningococcal disease, public health activities are focused on providing timely and effective chemoprophylaxis to close contacts. We describe a six-year-old girl with IMD and post-exposure prophylaxis activities in order to prevent secondary cases