4 research outputs found

    Alternation of the structure and reactivity of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 due to glucose metabolism.

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    Vezujući proteini za faktore rasta slične insulinu (IGFBP), zajedno sa IGF ligandima i IGF receptorima (IGF-1R i IGF-2R) čine sistem koji utiče na rast i razvoj skoro svake ćelije, tkiva i organa. IGFBP-1 je jedini od šest IGFBP molekula čija se koncentracija menja na dnevnoj bazi, u zavisnosti od koncentracije insulina u krvi, odnosno od metaboličkih potreba vezanih za potrošnju glukoze. Kod zdravih osoba je konstatovano postojanje direktne negativne sprege između koncentracije IGFBP-1 i insulina, dok se kod osoba sa izmenjenim metabolizmom glukoze ta sprega često gubi. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li se i u kojoj meri IGFBP-1 menja posttranslaciono i da li interaguje sa drugim proteinima iz okruženja, što bi moglo doprineti efektima uočenim na nivou ose IGFBP-1/IGF/insulin kod osoba sa nepravilnim metabolizmom glukoze ili osoba izloženih metaboličkom opterećenju. Eksperimentalno je utvrđeno postojanje monomera, nekoliko fragmenata, oligomera i kompleksa IGFBP-1. Rezultati su dalje pokazali da se kod osoba sa poremećajem u metabolizmu glukoze, kao što su diabetes mellitus ili hipoglikemija, menjaju koncentracije i strukturne karakteristike IGFBP-1. Najintenzivnije posttranslacione promene IGFBP-1 se javljaju kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tipa 2. Prisutnost većeg broja različitih molekulskih formi IGFBP-1 kod ovih pacijenata, pre svega multimera, ukazuje na potencijalno veće učečće IGF sistema u regulaciji koncentracije glukoze u stanju dijabetesa. Profesionalno bavljenje sportom, takođe, dovodi do promene u koncentraciji i strukturi IGFBP-1. Koncentracija ukupnog IGFBP- 1 raste kod sportista ali, usled povećane proteolize, značajno se uvećava udeo IGFBP-1 fragmenata. Glavni fragment IGFBP-1 u serumu sportista je mase 9 kDa i, verovatno, nastaje kao posledica povećane aktivnosti matriksne metaloproteaze 9. Primenom masene spektrometrije, kod sportista je ustanovljena izmenjena reaktivnost IGFBP-1 na čipovima sa različitim jonoizmenjivačkim površinama, ukazujući na promenu u fizičkohemijskim karakteristikama IGFBP-1, pre svega u naelektrisanju. Pušenje, kao uzročnik stvaranja slobodnih radikala i dodatni faktor rizika od vaskularnih komplikacija kod dijabetičara, prema dobijenim rezultatima, nije od uticaja na oligomerizaciju (oksidaciju) IGFBP-1 u cirkulaciji. Na kraju, opšti zaključak bi bio da promene u metabolizmu glukoze, bez obzira da li su izazvane poremećajima ili povećanom potrebom za glukozom, dovode do promene u koncentraciji i strukturi IGFBP-1, što se u najvećoj meri iskazuje kroz izmenjen stepen oligomerizacije i proteolize IGFBP-1. Proces stvaranja kompleksa IGFBP-1 sa α2-makroglobulinom je najotporniji na uticaje. Pošto oligomeri i fragmenti IGFBP-1 uglavnom ne vezuju IGF ligande, redistribucijom IGFBP-1 između više različitih molekulskih formi, u uslovima izmenjenog metabolizma glukoze, može se znatno uticati na stepen vezivanja, odnosno biodostupnosti IGF peptida.The insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs), IGF ligands and IGF receptors (IGF-1R i IGF-2R) comprise a system involved in growth and development of almost evey cell, tissue and organ. Among six IGFBPs, IGFBP-1 is the only one that exhibits diurnal variation and correlates with the level of insulin in blood. Concentrations of IGFBP-1 and insulin are inversely proportional in healthy people. That correlation could be lost in the case of altered glucose metabolism. The aim of this study was to examine whether and to what extent IGFBP-1 changes post-translationally and whether IGFBP-1 interacts with other proteins in the surrounding that could contribute to the effects detected in the IGFBP-1/IGF/insulin axis in persons with impaired glucose metobolism or in those with hypermetabolism. The existance of IGFBP-1 monomer, several fragments, oligomers and complexes was confirmed experimentally. The results have further shown that IGFBP-1 concentration and structure undergo certain changes in patients with impaired glucose metabolism, as in the case of diabetes mellitus and hypoglicemia. The most pronounced post-translational modifications of IGFBP-1 were seen in patients with diabetes type 2. The presence of the greatest number of different forms of IGFBP-1, especially oligomeric, in these patients suggests possibly greater involvement of the IGF system in glucose regulation in the state of diabetes. Professional physical training may also lead to alterations in the concentration and structure of IGFBP-1. The total concentration of IGFBP-1 increases in athletes, however, due to extensive proteolysis, the concentration of IGFBP-1 fragments increases significantly. The main IGFBP-1 fragment in the sera of athletes is of 9 kDa, and it is most likely produced by the increased activity of matrix metalloproteinase 9. Altered reactivity of IGFBP-1 in athletes was detected by using mass spectrometry and chips with different ion-exchange surfaces, suggesting changes in physico-chemical characteristics of IGFBP-1, namely charge density. According to our findings, cigarette smoking, known to cause free radical generation and cardiovascular complications in diabetes, had no effect on oligomerisation (oxidation) of IGFBP-1 in the circulation. In conclusion, changes in glucose metabolism lead to alterations in the concentration and structure of IGFBP-1. These alterations are mostly expressed though modified oligomerization and proteolysis of IGFBP-1. The formation of complexes between IGFBP-1 and α2-macroglobulin seems to resist changes. Since oligomers and fragments of IGFBP-1 mostly do not bind IGF molecules, redistribution of IGFBP-1 between several molecular forms, in the case of altered glucose metabolism, can affect degree of IGF binding or its bioavailabilit

    Delineating the role of FANCA in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in β cells through its protein interactome.

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    Hyperinsulinemia affects 72% of Fanconi anemia (FA) patients and an additional 25% experience lowered glucose tolerance or frank diabetes. The underlying molecular mechanisms contributing to the dysfunction of FA pancreas β cells is unknown. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the functional role of FANCA, the most commonly mutated gene in FA, in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). This study reveals that FANCA or FANCB knockdown impairs GSIS in human pancreas β cell line EndoC-βH3. To identify potential pathways by which FANCA might regulate GSIS, we employed a proteomics approach to identify FANCA protein interactions in EndoC-βH3 differentially regulated in response to elevated glucose levels. Glucose-dependent changes in the FANCA interaction network were observed, including increased association with other FA family proteins, suggesting an activation of the DNA damage response in response to elevated glucose levels. Reactive oxygen species increase in response to glucose stimulation and are necessary for GSIS in EndoC-βH3 cells. Glucose-induced activation of the DNA damage response was also observed as an increase in the DNA damage foci marker γ-H2AX and dependent upon the presence of reactive oxygen species. These results illuminate the role of FANCA in GSIS and its protein interactions regulated by glucose stimulation that may explain the prevalence of β cell-specific endocrinopathies in FA patients