4 research outputs found


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    Over the last two years, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Serbia worked in the modality of distance learning – instructions and students`assignments were performed by distance, while colloquia and exams were realized in traditional conditions. Regardless of modality, HEIs have to ensure high-quality education in every single course. In this sense, the feedback from students is very important. The purpose of this study is to investigate students` attitudes about four dimensions of distance learning – fulfilment of preconditions, organization and realization of instructions, advantages/disadvantages of distance learning, communication and social interactions. Data was collected from 183 first-year students within three courses at The Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, and was processed in the SPSS software package. The research strategy included descriptive statistics, while the Likert scale was used to assess the satisfaction of the respondents. Analysis of variance and independent-sample t test were used to examine differences in opinions among different groups of respondents. The results of this study could be important for instructors, HEIs that operate in similar conditions, policymakers in the field of HE in Serbia, as well as for present and future research in this area

    Geršgorin-type localizations for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems

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    Predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji je metoda za konstrukciju lokalizacionih skupova za spektar i pseudospektar nelinearnih problema karakterističnih korena bazirana na Geršgorinovoj teoremi i njenim generalizacijama koja koristi osobine poznatih podklasa H-matrica. Navedena tvrđenja i primeri rasvetljavaju odnose između navedenih lokalizacionih skupova, što je posebno značajno za primenu u praksi. Sadržaj ovog rada time predstavlja polaznu tačku za dublja istraživanja na temu konstrukcije lokalizacionih skupova za spektar i pseudospektar nelinearnih problema karakterističnih korena Geršgorinovog tipa.The subject of research in the doctoral dissertation is a method for constructing spectra and pseudospectra localization sets for nonlinear eigenvalue problems based on Geršgorin theorem and its generalizations, that uses the properties of well-known subclasses of H-matrices. Theorems and examples given in this paper are showing relations between stated localization sets, which is very important for practical applications. Therefore, the content of this paper represent the starting point for deeper explorations on the subject of constructing spectra and pseudospectra localization sets for Geršgorin type nonlinear eigenvalue problems


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    For any quality evaluation in sports, science, education, and so, it is useful to collect data to construct a strategy to improve the quality of services offered to the user. For this purpose, we use statistical software packages for data processing data collected in order to increase customer satisfaction. The principle is demonstrated by the example of the level of student satisfaction ratings Belgrade Polytechnic (as users) the quality of institutions (Belgrade Polytechnic). Here, the emphasis on statistical analysis as a tool for quality control in order to improve the same, and not the interpretation of results. Therefore, the above can be used as a model in sport to improve the overall results

    The use of social networks in the business ecosystem of Serbia

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    This paper provides an overview of the application of social networks in Serbian entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Social networks have become a necessary marketing tool in business since their inception for scientific and social purposes. There is almost no business branch that operates without the use of social networks, as an auxiliary or basic marketing tool. In Serbia, social networks have experienced significant expansion in recent years, and everyday life is almost unimaginable without platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Entrepreneurship in Serbia heavily relies on social networks for marketing and operational purposes. On the other hand, the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a term that has attracted a lot of attention from scientists and researchers in the last ten years. The main goal of entrepreneurship is to create an economic and social system that enables business growth and development, which will also contribute to the economic prosperity of the country. Entrepreneurial ecosystems encompass a broader concept, intertwining entrepreneurs, organizations, individuals, and institutions at the national level to support and catalyze entrepreneurship development collectively or systemically. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the concept of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Serbia and demonstrate the use of social networks for its growth and development in the modern business environment