36 research outputs found
Analysis of benefits and harms as a factor in citizen support to Croatian accession to the European Union
This paper deals with the analysis of the utilitarian model of the explanation of popular support for Croatian entry into the European Union. The utilitarian model for explicating support or lack of support for accession to the EU has been analysed through subjective principled expectations of benefits and harms of entry into the Union at a personal and at a national level, and through concrete expectations at the level of twenty-two aspects of social and economic life. The research results show that on the basis of principled expectations it is possible precisely to predict support for entry into the EU, but that the principled expectations are not to any very great extent founded on concrete expectations in the observed aspects of social and economic life, and that they are to a certain degree linked with political viewpoints. On the other hand, concrete expectations are relatively weakly correlated with support for Croatian entry into the EU. Such a result suggests the conclusion that on the basis of a utilitarian explanation of support it is possible only relatively poorly to predict viewpoints concerning joining the EU, and that principled expectations of benefits and harms are in good part an expression of general impressions about the EU, trust in the political elite and political views of Croatian citizens, and to a lesser extent realistic rational calculations of harms and benefits. The paper is based on empirical survey of the views and spectations performed on a probabilistic national sample of a thousand citizens older than 15
Ablehnendes Verhalten in telefonischen Meinungsumfragen und ihre Gültigkeit für die Wahlforschung
U radu se analiziraju podaci o odbijanjima anketa u tri
telefonska predizborna istra`ivanja koja su provedena 2003.
godine. Osim podataka o u~estalosti odbijanja i analizi
odbijanja prema regiji i veli~ini naselja, u radu se analiziraju i
razlike u demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika koji ~eš}e
odbijaju sudjelovanje u istra`ivanjima. Usporedbom
demografskih karakteristika i strana~kih preferencija ispitanika
koji su odmah pri prvom kontaktu pristali na sudjelovanje u
istra`ivanju i onih koji su najprije odbili sudjelovati pa su u
drugom kontaktu pristali na suradnju utvr|uje se utjecaj
odbijanja na prediktivnu valjanost telefonskih predizbornih
istra`ivanja. Utvr|eno je da su ispitanici koji su najprije odbili
sudjelovati u istra`ivanju pa se potom predomislili ~eš}e
simpatizeri stranaka tadašnje oporbe nego ispitanici koji su
pristali na suradnju pri prvom kontaktu.The analysis of nonresponse in three pre-election telephone
researches that were carried out during 2003 is presented in
this study. Apart from the data about frequency of refusals
and the analysis of refusals according to region and
settlement size, the analysis of demographic characteristics of
participants who are more likely to reject participation in
research is presented. Comparison of demographic
characteristics and party preferences among those
participants who, in the first contact immediately agreed to
participate in the research and those participants who, in the
first contact rejected participating but in the second contact
agreed to participate shows the influence of refusals on the
predictive validity of pre-election telephone surveys. It has
been established that those participants who first rejected
participation in the research but then reconsidered their
decision to participate are more likely to support the then
opposition parties than those participants who in the first
contact agreed to participate in the research.Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Ergebnisse dreier
Telefonumfragen analysiert, die im Vorfeld der kroatischen
Parlamentswahlen 2003 durchgeführt wurden und in denen
es viele der Befragten ablehnten teilzunehmen. Außer
Angaben über die Zahl der Absagen und die Herkunft der
ablehnenden Umfrageteilnehmer (Analyse gemäß Region
und Größenordnung des Wohnortes) bringt der Artikel auch
eine Analyse über die demografischen Merkmale der
ablehnenden Umfrageteilnehmer. Der Vergleich zwischen
den demografischen Merkmalen und Parteipräferenzen von
Umfrageteilnehmern, die sofort zur Teilnahme bereit waren,
und den Charakteristiken von Teilnehmern, die erst im
wiederholten Kontakt bereit waren, an der Umfrage
teilzunehmen, dient als Ausgangspunkt zu Schlüssen darüber,
inwiefern die Wahlforschung per Telefonumfragen durch das
ablehnende Verhalten von Umfrageteilnehmern beeinflusst
wird. Es wurde festgestellt, dass befragte Personen, die erst
im zweiten Anlauf teilnahmewillig waren, häufiger die
damaligen Oppositionsparteien sympathisierten als
Umfrageteilnehmer, die sofort Teilnahmebereitschaft zeigten
Primjenjujući analitički model što ga je izveo Deegan-Krause, rad
se bavi analizom društvenih rascjepa koji su u pozadini stranačkih
preferencija na izborima za Hrvatski sabor 2003. godine. Rezultati
empirijskoga istraživanja, koje je provedeno na uzorku od 2.000 punoljetnih građana Hrvatske metodom telefonskoga intervjua dva dana prije izbora, upućuju na to da se u skladu s ovim modelom može prepoznati razmjerno plitki društveni rascjep koji stoji u pozadini biračkoga ponašanja na analiziranim izborima. Naime rezultati pokazuju da od trinaest analiziranih stavova samo tri značajno objašnjavaju dio varijance stranačkih preferencija, među kojima je najznačajniji stav o suradnji s Međunarodnim sudom za ratne zločine na području bivše Jugoslavije u Haagu te odnos prema pobačaju. Rezultati također pokazuju postojanje bitne veze između nekih sociodemografskih obilježja, stavova o navedenim političkim pitanjima te stranačkih preferencija, što u skladu s korištenim teorijskim modelom stvara preduvjete da bi se moglo govoriti o društvenom rascjepu.By applying the analytical model derived by Deegan-Krause, the
paper analyzes social cleavages underpinning the party preferences in the elections for the Croatian Parliament in 2003. The results of the
research carried out on a sample of 2,000 adult Croatian citizens by
phone interviews two days before the elections indicate that this
model has identified relatively shallow social cleavages underlying
the voting behaviour in the analyzed elections. Namely, out of thirteen
analyzed attitudes only three significantly explain a part of the
variance in party preferences, the most significant being the attitude
concerning the cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal
for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague and the attitude concerning
abortion. The results also show there is a significant link among certain socio-demographic characteristics, the attitudes about the political issues in question and the party preferences. This means that there might be a social cleavage at work here
Catholic religious and spiritual identity of Mediterranean adolescents: comparing four regions in Post-Communist and Western Europe
We investigated religious identity and spiritual profile of adolescents in selected communities of Bosnia, Croatia, Italy and Spain using a standardized questionnaire on three major areas of interest: inner content of religiosity, attitude towards Catholic doctrine and regulations, and the impact of religiosity on daily life. Controlling sample differences by age, socioeconomic status and gender, we tested the significance of differences in attitudes of adolescents in transitional post- Communist societies (rural and small-town Croatia and Bosnia) and western European postmodern culture (Sicily in Italy and Mallorca and Madrid in Spain) by analysis of variance (ANOVA). We tested 1204 adolescents from Franciscan high schools (Sicily and Spain) and public high schools (Bosnia and Croatia). Overall, Spanish youngsters appeared least religious and most socially permissive as they differed significantly from other groups in all three major areas of interest. Bosnian and Croatian adolescents were similar to each other and overall more religiously imbued. Sicilians were most often found between Spaniards on one side and Croatians on the other. The study shows a gradient of increasing religiosity from the West to the East, from Spain to Bosnia and establishes baseline values for the future longitudinal studies of the communities in Bosnia and Croatia
Determinants and reasons for coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine hesitancy in Croatia
Aim To assess the determinants and reasons for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine hesitancy in Croatia.
Methods The data were collected through a sociological
survey by using a mixed-mode approach (computer-assisted web interviewing and computer-assisted telephone
interview) on a national sample of 765 adults aged 18 or
above. Bivariate (χ2
test) and multivariate (binary logistic regression) statistical methods were used.
Results The rate of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy was relatively high (35%), with unequal distribution across demographic groups. Binary logistic regression with demographic characteristics as predictors showed that women,
younger age groups (especially 25-34-year-olds), persons
residing in households with children, inhabitants of smaller settlements, and persons with lower levels of education
had higher odds of vaccine hesitancy. Trust in the five main
actors responding to the COVID-19 pandemic (the National Civil Protection Headquarters, Government, health care
system, scientists-researchers, and media) was also a significant predictor of vaccine hesitancy. Risk perception was
an even stronger predictor: persons who perceived SARSCoV-2 infection as a small risk were more than ten times
likelier to be vaccine hesitant than those who perceived it
as a great risk.
Conclusion Social groups that are more prone to vaccine
hesitancy need to be approached through different channels and messages by taking into account their trust in institutions and risk perception
The Presence of National-Authoritarian Political Orientations in Part of the Zagreb Student Population
Rad je prezentacija empirijskoga istraživanja prisutnosti
nacionalno-autoritarnih političkih orijentacija na uzorku
studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno na
uzorku od 642 studenta prve i druge godine šest fakulteta. Za
mjerenje nacionalno-autoritarne političke orijentacije rabljena
je modificirana Noack i sur. (1995.) Skala koja se sastojala od
pet tvrdnja. Faktorska je analiza pokazala da tvrdnje mjere isti
predmet mjerenja, jer je njihovom faktorizacijom ekstrahirana
samo jedna značajna komponenta s pouzdanošću mjerenom
Cronbachovim alpha koeficijentom od 0.63. Polazna hipoteza
kojom se rad bavi jest teza da kasniji adolescenti na kojima je
istraživanje provedeno ne pokazuju veće sklonosti ka
nacionalno-autoritarnim političkim orijentacijama u odnosu
na vršnjake u razvijenim zemljama. Uz ovu, testirane su i
hipoteze o utjecaju socijalizacijskih elemenata kao što su:
obiteljska atmosfera, naobrazba roditelja, mjesto rođenja
ispitanika, uloga vjere u životu te fakultetsko usmjerenje
sklonosti nacionalno-autoritarnom političkom konceptu. Nalazi
istraživanja potvrđuju polaznu hipotezu istraživanja. Rezultati
također pokazuju da obiteljska atmosfera i naobrazba
roditelja nisu prediktivni za sklonost ispitanika mjerenom
političkom konceptu. Mjesto rođenja adolescenata, stupanj
njihove religioznosti i fakultetsko usmjerenje pokazuju
eksplikativnu vrijednost u analizi sklonosti ovoj političkoj
orijentaciji.The paper gives insight into the empirical research of the
presence of national-authoritarian political orientations on a
sample of Zagreb University students. The research was
carried out on a sample of 642 first and second year
students of six faculties. For measuring the national-
-authoritarian political orientation the modified Noack et al.
(1995) Scale comprising five statements was used. Factor
analysis has shown that statements measure the same object
of measurement, because their factorisation extracted only
one significant component with the Cronbach alpha
reliability coefficient of .63. The initial hypothesis the paper
deals with is the thesis that older adolescents do not show
greater proneness towards national-authoritarian political
orientations when compared to their peers in developed
countries. In addition to this one, also tested were the
hypotheses concerning the influence of socialisational
elements such as: family atmosphere, parents\u27 education,
place of examinee\u27s birth, the role of religion in life, as well
as faculty orientation on proneness to the national-
-authoritarian political concept. Research results confirm the
initial research hypothesis. The findings also indicate that
family atmosphere and parents\u27 education are not predictive
for the examinee\u27s proneness to the measured political
concept. The adolescent\u27s place of birth, degree of religiosity
and faculty orientation indicate an explicative value in the
analysis of proneness to this political orientation.Der vorliegende Artikel präsentiert Verlauf und Ergebnisse
einer empirischen Untersuchung über national-autoritäre
politische Orientierungen innerhalb einer Gruppe von
Studenten der Universität Zagreb. An der Untersuchung
nahmen 642 Studenten von sechs Fakultäten (1. und 2.
Studienjahr) teil. Zur Ermittlung national-autoritärer
politischer Orientierungen wandte man eine modifizierte
Form der von Noack und Mitarbeitern (1995) entworfenen
Skala an, in der zu fünf Thesen Stellung genommen werden
musste. Die Faktorenanalyse ergab, dass die Thesen alle
denselben Ermittlungsgegenstand hatten, denn durch ihre
Faktorisierung wurde lediglich eine wesentliche Komponente
extrahiert, und zwar mit einer Verlässlichkeit von 0,63 gemäß
dem α-Koeffizient nach Crombach. Die Ausgangshypothese
dieses Artikels lautet, dass im Vergleich zu Gleichaltrigen in
den Industriestaaten die hier befragten Spätadoleszenten
keinerlei ausgeprägtere Neigungen zu national-autoritären
politischen Orientierungen zeigen. Geprüft wurden weitere
Hypothesen, die den Einfluss bestimmter Sozialisierungselemente
hinterfragen; dazu gehören: Atmosphäre in der
Familie, Bildungsgrad der Eltern, Geburtsort des Probanden,
Stellenwert von Religion, gewählte Studienrichtung und
Sympathie für ein national-autoritäres politisches Konzept.
Die Forschungsergebnisse bestätigen die Ausgangshypothese.
Sie zeigen ferner, dass die Atmosphäre in der Familie
und der Bildungsgrad der Eltern keine Prädiktoren für eine
Neigung zu genanntem politischem Konzept sind. Der Geburtsort,
der Grad von Religiosität und die Studienrichtung
erweisen sich von explikativem Wert.Der vorliegende Artikel präsentiert Verlauf und Ergebnisse
einer empirischen Untersuchung über national-autoritäre
politische Orientierungen innerhalb einer Gruppe von
Studenten der Universität Zagreb. An der Untersuchung
nahmen 642 Studenten von sechs Fakultäten (1. und 2.
Studienjahr) teil. Zur Ermittlung national-autoritärer
politischer Orientierungen wandte man eine modifizierte
Form der von Noack und Mitarbeitern (1995) entworfenen
Skala an, in der zu fünf Thesen Stellung genommen werden
musste. Die Faktorenanalyse ergab, dass die Thesen alle
denselben Ermittlungsgegenstand hatten, denn durch ihre
Faktorisierung wurde lediglich eine wesentliche Komponente
extrahiert, und zwar mit einer Verlässlichkeit von 0,63 gemäß
dem α-Koeffizient nach Crombach. Die Ausgangshypothese
dieses Artikels lautet, dass im Vergleich zu Gleichaltrigen in
den Industriestaaten die hier befragten Spätadoleszenten
keinerlei ausgeprägtere Neigungen zu national-autoritären
politischen Orientierungen zeigen. Geprüft wurden weitere
Hypothesen, die den Einfluss bestimmter Sozialisierungselemente
hinterfragen; dazu gehören: Atmosphäre in der
Familie, Bildungsgrad der Eltern, Geburtsort des Probanden,
Stellenwert von Religion, gewählte Studienrichtung und
Sympathie für ein national-autoritäres politisches Konzept.
Die Forschungsergebnisse bestätigen die Ausgangshypothese.
Sie zeigen ferner, dass die Atmosphäre in der Familie
und der Bildungsgrad der Eltern keine Prädiktoren für eine
Neigung zu genanntem politischem Konzept sind. Der Geburtsort,
der Grad von Religiosität und die Studienrichtung
erweisen sich von explikativem Wert
“Put a Mask and Keep a Distance” – A Study of Determinants of Protective Behavior against COVID-19 Disease in the Republic of Croatia
U ovome se radu analiziraju neke determinante protektivnog ponašanja, posebice
povjerenje u institucije, percepcija rizika od COVID-a 19 i sociodemografska obilježja. Provedeno
je telefonsko istraživanje na dvoetapno stratificiranom uzorku punoljetnih stanovnika
RH u razdoblju od kraja kolovoza do početka listopada 2020. godine (N=1212). Nalazi ukazuju
na to da su statistički značajne determinante pridržavanja protektivnih mjera: dob (stariji),
spol ispitanika (žene), prisustvo djece predškolske dobi u kućanstvu (pozitivna povezanost),
procjena opasnosti od zaraze (veća percipirana opasnost rezultira većim pridržavanjem mjera),
procjena vlastitog zdravstvenog stanja (oni lošijeg zdravlja više se pridržavaju mjera), iskustvo
obolijevanja od bolesti COVID-19 (oni s neposrednijim iskustvom više se pridržavaju mjera)
te povjerenje u Nacionalni stožer civilne zaštite i povjerenje u znanstvenike (veće povjerenje
rezultira većim pridržavanjem mjera). Nešto više od polovine ispitanika procjenjuje da je zaraza
virusom SARS-CoV-2 iznimno opasna, u odnosu na 17 posto ispitanika koji drže da je opasnost
mala ili nikakva. Većina ispitanika izrazila je povjerenje u svih pet institucija i sustava za
koje je mjereno povjerenje – najveće je povjerenje u znanstvenike, a najmanje u medije.In this paper we analyse determinants of protective behaviour, trust in institutions, risk perception
of COVID-19 and sociodemographic characteristics. The study was conducted via
computer-assisted telephone interviewing from August till October 2020 among a nationally
representative sample of 1,212 respondents aged 18 and older in Croatia. The findings suggest
that statistically significant determinants of protective behaviour are: age (the elderly), gender
(women), presence of preschool children in the household (positive association), assessment
of the risk of infection (greater perceived danger results in greater adherence), assessment of
their own health (those with poorer health adhere more), experience of the COVID-19 disease
(those with more immediate experience adhere more) and trust in the National Civil Protection
Headquarters and scientists (greater trust results in greater adherence to measures). Just
over half of the respondents estimate that SARS-CoV-2 infection is extremely dangerous compared
to 17% of respondents who believe that the danger is small or none. Most respondents
expressed trust in all five institutions and systems for which trust was measured - the greatest
trust is in scientists, and lowest in the media
Political Participation and Party Preferences Among War Veterans in Croatia
U radu se analizira posebnost veteranske populacije u Hrvatskoj po pitanju tri važna politička fenomena: političke participacije, političkih preferencija i ideološke samo-identifikacije. Rezultati analize podataka prikupljenih anketnim istraživanjem 2015. godine pokazuju da se hrvatski ratni veterani Domovinskog rata ne razlikuju od ostatka biračkog tijela u stopi političke participacije mjerene izlaznošću na parlamentarne izbore 2011. i 2015. godine te predsjedničke izbore 2015. godine. S druge strane, ratni veterani se razlikuju od ostatka biračkog tijela po političkim preferencijama i ideološkoj samoidentifikaciji, uz kontrolu drugih obilježja, i to na način da u većoj mjeri biraju stranke desnice i desnog centra te da u većoj mjeri svoju političku orijentaciju određuju kao desnu. U radu se navode i raspravljaju tumačenja te posebnosti ratnih veterana kroz tri različita pristupa koji naglašavaju selekcijsku pristranost odnosno socijalizacijske te mobilizacijske učinke.The paper examines distinctiveness of war veterans compared to general population in Croatia according to three important political phenomena: political participation, party preferences and ideological self-identification. Analysis of sociological survey conducted in 2015 shows that there is no difference in the level of political participation measured by voting turnout in 2011 and 2015 parliamentary and 2015 presidential level between Croatian war veterans and the rest of the public. On the other side, war veterans differ from the rest of the electorate, with other variables held constant, in terms of party preferences and ideological self-identification. Compared to non-veterans, war veterans are more inclined to vote for the right and center-right parties and position themselves to the right side of the political spectrum. The paper discusses these differences, as well as its roots and consequences