35 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics of multiple system atrophy in Serbian population

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    Background/Aim. Mulstiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative central nervous system disorder, characterized by any combination of extrapyramidal, cerebellar, pyramidal or autonomic disturbance. The aims of our study were to define clinical characteristics of MSA patients in our population, to account for neuroradiological and electrophysiological profile of the disease and to evaluate one-dose levodopa response. Methods. We have diagnosed 29 patients as MSA, with disease duration from the first symptom 5 years on average on examination. The examinating procedure included an anamnesis and complete neurological investigations, as well as neurootological and neuroradiological examinations. The study included the patients of the Institute of Neurology of the Clinical Center of Serbia in the period of 1996-2001, who completed both clinical and diagnostic criteria for a possible and probable MSA. Results. Autonomic disturbances were documented in 93.1%, whereas extrapyramidal symptoms were seen in additional 89.3% with symmetrical onset in 60%. Levodopa response was poor or moderate. Cerebellar signs were present in 63%, while pyramidal signs occured in 78.7%. There was no a cognitive deterioration (MMSE > 24). CT scan and MRI showed cerebellar and brainstem atrophy, as well as diffuse cortical atrophy. Conclusion. Failure of additional diagnostic procedures to distinguish MSA patients required a precise understanding of their clinical specificities. Our results support this statement

    Spectral parameters for finger tapping quantification

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    A miniature inertial sensor placed on fingertip of index finger while performing finger tapping test can be used for an objective quantification of finger tapping motion. Temporal and spatial parameters such as cadence, tapping duration, and tapping angle can be extracted for detailed analysis. However, the mentioned parameters, although intuitive and simple to interpret, do not always provide all the necessary information regarding the subject's motor performance. Analysis of frequency content of the finger tapping movement can provide crucial information about the patient's condition. In this paper, we present parameters extracted from spectral analysis that we found to be significant for finger tapping assessment. With these parameters, tapping's intra-variability, movement smoothness and anomalies that may occur within the tapping performance can be detected and described, providing significant information for further diagnostics and monitoring progress of the disease or response to therapy

    Impact of depression on gait variability in Parkinson's disease

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    Objective The goal of this study was to analyze how depression associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) affected gait variability in these patients using a dual-task paradigm. Additionally, the dependency of the executive functions and the impact of depression on gait variability were analyzed. Patients and Methods Three subject groups were included: patients with PD, but no depression (PD-NonDep; 14 patients), patients with both PD and depression (PD-Dep; 16 patients) and healthy controls (HC; 15 subjects). Gait was recorded using the wireless sensors. The participants walked under four conditions: single-task, motor dual- task, cognitive dual-task, and combined dual-task. Variability of stride length, stride duration, and swing time was calculated and analyzed using the statistical methods. Results Variability of stride duration and stride length were not significantly different between PD-Dep and PD-NonDep patients. The linear mixed model showed that swing time variability was statistically significantly higher in PD-Dep patients compared to controls (p = 0.001). Hamilton Disease Rating Scale scores were significantly correlated with the swing time variability (p = 0.01). Variability of all three parameters of gait was significantly higher while performing combined or cognitive task and this effect was more pronounced in PD-Dep group of patients. Conclusions Depression in PD was associated with swing time variability, and this effect was more prominent while performing a dual-task. Significance Diagnosing and treating depression might be important for gait improvement and fall reduction in PD patients

    Udruženost polimorfizama gena za katehol-O- metiltransferazu sa terapijskim odgovorom i komplikacijama izazvanim levodopom kod Parkinsonove bolesti: Rezime sadašnjih saznanja

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    Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is one of the cardinal enzymes in the degradation of catecholamines and levodopa. Genetic variants of the COMT gene may affect COMT enzyme activity. The most examined COMT gene polymorphism is the nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 4 (Val108/158Met; rs4680). This highly functional polymorphism is responsible for fourfold variations in enzyme activity and dopamine catabolism. Recent data suggested that even synonymous SNPs of the COMT gene can lead to changes in enzyme activity. Genetically determined COMT activity can affect an individual's response to levodopa therapy and carries the risk of complications from prolonged levodopa use in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Identifying at-risk individuals through genetic susceptibility markers could help to prevent the development of levodopa-induced complications in PD.Katehol-O-metiltransferaza (engl. catechol-O-methyltransferase, COMT) je jedan od glavnih enzima u razgradnji kateholamina i levodope. Genetske varijante COMT gena mogu uticati na aktivnost COMT enzima. Polimorfizam COMT gena koji je najviše proučavan je nesinonimni jednonukleotidni polimorfizam (engl. single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) u egzonu 4 (Val108/158Met; rs4680). Ovaj visoko funkcionalni polimorfizam odgovoran je za četvorostruke varijacije u aktivnosti enzima i katabolizmu dopamina. Nedavni podaci sugerišu da čak i sinonimni SNP COMT gena mogu da dovedu do promena u aktivnosti enzima. Genetski određene razlike u COMT aktivnosti mogu uticati na odgovor pojedinca na terapiju levodopom i nose rizik od komplikacija dugotrajne primene levodope kod pacijenata sa Parkinsonovom bolešću (PB). Identifikacija osoba u riziku putem markera genetske osetljivosti može pomoći u prevenciji komplikacija izazvanih levodopom kod PB

    Adherence to Medication among Parkinson's Disease Patients Using the Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale

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    Objectives: Adherence to medication is an important factor that can influence Parkinson's disease (PD) control. We aimed to explore patients' adherence to antiparkinsonian medication and determine factors that might affect adherence to medications among PD patients. Methods: A cross-sectional, exploratory survey of PD patients treated with at least one antiparkinsonian drug and with a total score of MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) ≥26 was conducted. The final sample included 112 PD patients. A patient's adherence was assessed through ARMS (Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale). ARMS scores higher than 12 were assumed lower adherence. In addition, each patient underwent neurological examination, assessment of depression, anxiety, and evaluation of the presence of PD nonmotor symptoms. Results: The mean ARDS value in our cohort was 14.9 ± 2.5. Most PD patients (74.1%) reported lower adherence to their medication. Participants in the lower adherence group were younger at PD onset, had significantly higher UPDRS (Unified PD Rating Scale) scores, as well as UPDRS III and UPDRS IV subscores, HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale), and NMSQuest (Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire for PD) scores compared to the fully adherent group (p=0.013, p=0.017, p=0.041, p=0.043, and p=0.023, respectively). Among nonmotor PD symptoms, the presence of cardiovascular, apathy/attention-deficit/memory disorders, hallucinations/delusions, and problems regarding changes in weight, diplopia, or sweating were associated with lower adherence. Multivariate regression analysis revealed depression as the strongest independent predictor of lower adherence. Conclusion: Depressed PD patients compared to PD patients without clinical depression had a three times higher risk for lower adherence to pharmacotherapy. Recognition and adequate treatment of depression might result in improved adherence

    Social Cognition in Patients With Cerebellar Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    ObjectiveCerebellar neurodegenerative disorders (CDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders. It is known that the cerebellum plays a role not only in motor, but also in cognitive and social cognitive functions. The aim of this study was to investigate social cognition in patients with different CDs.Materials and MethodsSocial cognition was examined in 34 patients, 12 with spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), 6 with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), and 16 with idiopathic late onset cerebellar ataxia (ILOCA). All patients were clinically evaluated using the Scale for the Rating and Assessment of Ataxia. In addition, 34 age, sex, and education-matched healthy control (HC) subjects were similarly analyzed. Social cognition was studied using two tests: the Faux Pas Recognition Test and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET). An appropriate array of neuropsychological tests was used to assess the global cognitive status as well as the frontal functions and mood.ResultsCD patients achieved significantly worse results on both tests of social cognition compared to the HCs. The SCA1 + 2 group achieved the poorest results on the Faux Pas Recognition Test and exhibited poor performance on all cognitive tests, but was only significantly worse compared to the ILOCA group on the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) – recognition. The patients in the SCA1 + 2 and ILOCA groups obtained similar scores on RMET. In the SCA1 + 2 group the findings significantly correlated with clinical parameters of disease severity and duration and executive functions (EFs), and with mood and executive functions in the ILOCA group. In the SCA group EFs appeared as the only significant predictor of RMET achievement. The Boston Naming Test (BTN) was a significant predictor of the CD patients’ achievement on RMET, while the BTN, the Trail Making Test Part A and FCSRT – Delayed free recall predicted their performance on the Faux Pas Recognition Test.ConclusionPatients with CD have social cognitive impairments as demonstrated by the Faux Pas Test and the RMET test results. The SCA1 and 2 patients exhibited a more pronounced impairment compared with the ILOCA patients. The independent cognitive predictors of social cognition impairment were EFs and language


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    A miniature inertial sensor placed on fingertip of index finger while performing finger tapping test can be used for an objective quantification of finger tapping motion. Temporal and spatial parameters such as cadence, tapping duration, and tapping angle can be extracted for detailed analysis. However, the mentioned parameters, although intuitive and simple to interpret, do not always provide all the necessary information regarding the subject’s motor performance. Analysis of frequency content of the finger tapping movement can provide crucial information about the patient's condition. In this paper, we present parameters extracted from spectral analysis that we found to be significant for finger tapping assessment. With these parameters, tapping’s intra-variability, movement smoothness and anomalies that may occur within the tapping performance can be detected and described, providing significant information for further diagnostics and monitoring progress of the disease or response to therapy

    Fluoksetin ne remeti motornu funkciju kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću - korelacija raspoloženja i motorne funkcije sa koncentracijom fluoksetina/norfluoksetina u plazmi

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    Background/Aim. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most commonly chosen antidepressants in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of our study was to assess the influence of fluoxetine (Flu) on motor functions in patients with PD. Methods. In this prospective, controlled, open-label study, 18 patients with PD and mild depression [(10 ≤ Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS) ≤ 23)] without dementia [(25 ≤ Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)] were treated with Flu. Both single and repeated dose effects of Flu were assessed on days 1-80. Plasma concentrations of Flu and norfluoxetine (NORFlu) were correlated with the results of selected motor function performance scores: The Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Score (UPDRS), Finger Tapping Test (FTT) and Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT). Severity of PD, depression and dementia were evaluated using standard tests [(Hoehn and Yahr stages (HY), activity of daily living (ADL), UPDRS, HDRS, MMSE)]. Results. Steady-state for Flu/NORFlu was reached after 18 days of treatment. Such a plateau correlated with significant improvements in both scores of depression and Parkinson's disability (HDRS, UPDRS and ADL, respectively). In addition, FTT and PPT scores also increased until day 18, with further slight fluctuations around the plateau. Optimal motor performances correlated with Flu concentrations of approximately 60-110 μg/L. Conclusion. Flu (20 mg/day) significantly reduced depression in PD patients while it did not impair their motor performances. Because substantial placebo effects may arise in studies of PD and depression, large, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are warranted.Uvod/Cilj. Selektivni inhibitori ponovnog preuzimanja serotonina su antidepresivi koji se najčešće koriste u lečenju obolelih od Parkinsonove bolesti (PB). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se proceni uticaj fluoksetina (Flu) na motorne funkcije bolesnika sa PB. Metode. U ovom prospektivnom, kontrolisanom, otvorenom kliničkom ispitivanju, 18 bolesnika sa PB i blagom depresijom [10 ≤ Hamiltonova skala za depresiju (10 ≤ HDRS) ≤ 23)], bez demencije [(25 ≤ Mini mental test (MMSE)] lečeni su primenom Flu. Procenjivana su dejstva kako pojedinačne, tako i ponovljene doze Flu od prvog do osamdesetog dana. Plazma koncentracije Flu i norfluoksetina (NORFlu) korelisane su sa rezultatima odeđenih testova za motorne funkcije: skala za procenu težine PB (UPDRS), test spretnosti kucanja (FTT) i Purdue pegboard Test PPT). Izraženost PD, depresije i demencije procenjivane su korišćenjem standardnih testova [(test dnevnih aktivnosti (ADL), Hoehn.-Yahr. stadijumi (HJ), HDRS, MMSE)]. Rezultati. Ravnotežno stanje za Flu/NORFlu postignuto je 18. dana lečenja. Takav plato u koncentraciji Flu/NORFlu bio je praćen značajnim poboljšanjem rezultata, kako testova za depresiju, tako i za izraženost PB (HDRS, UPDRS i ADL, sledstveno). Dodatno, rezultati FTT-a i PPT-a bili su u porastu do 18. dana, sa blagim fluktuacijama oko platoa. Optimalna motorna postignuća zabeležena su pri koncentraciji Flu od oko 60-110 μg/L. Zaključak. Flu (20 mg/dan) značajno redukuje depresiju kod bolesnika sa PB i ne remeti motorne funkcije. S obzirom na mogući placebo efekat u istraživanjima sa PB i depresijom, neophodna su obimnija, prospektivna, randomizovana, placebo- kontrolisana klinička ispitivanja