349 research outputs found

    Design, synthesis and activity against human cytomegalovirus of non-phosphorylatable analogs of toyocamycin, sangivamycin and thiosangivamycin

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    A number of 7-alkyl 4-aminopyrrolo[2,3-pyrimidine derivatives related to toyocamycin, sangivamycin and thiosangivamycin have been prepared and tested for their activity against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Only the thioamide substituted derivatives demonstrated biological activity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29717/1/0000051.pd

    Hamiltonians separable in cartesian coordinates and third-order integrals of motion

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    We present in this article all Hamiltonian systems in E(2) that are separable in cartesian coordinates and that admit a third-order integral, both in quantum and in classical mechanics. Many of these superintegrable systems are new, and it is seen that there exists a relation between quantum superintegrable potentials, invariant solutions of the Korteweg-De Vries equation and the Painlev\'e transcendents.Comment: 19 pages, Will be published in J. Math. Phy

    Superintegrability with third order invariants in quantum and classical mechanics

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    We consider here the coexistence of first- and third-order integrals of motion in two dimensional classical and quantum mechanics. We find explicitly all potentials that admit such integrals, and all their integrals. Quantum superintegrable systems are found that have no classical analog, i.e. the potentials are proportional to \hbar^2, so their classical limit is free motion.Comment: 15 page

    Completeness of the cubic and quartic H\'enon-Heiles Hamiltonians

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    The quartic H\'enon-Heiles Hamiltonian H=(P12+P22)/2+(Ω1Q12+Ω2Q22)/2+CQ14+BQ12Q22+AQ24+(1/2)(α/Q12+β/Q22)γQ1H = (P_1^2+P_2^2)/2+(\Omega_1 Q_1^2+\Omega_2 Q_2^2)/2 +C Q_1^4+ B Q_1^2 Q_2^2 + A Q_2^4 +(1/2)(\alpha/Q_1^2+\beta/Q_2^2) - \gamma Q_1 passes the Painlev\'e test for only four sets of values of the constants. Only one of these, identical to the traveling wave reduction of the Manakov system, has been explicitly integrated (Wojciechowski, 1985), while the three others are not yet integrated in the generic case (α,β,γ)(0,0,0)(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)\not=(0,0,0). We integrate them by building a birational transformation to two fourth order first degree equations in the classification (Cosgrove, 2000) of such polynomial equations which possess the Painlev\'e property. This transformation involves the stationary reduction of various partial differential equations (PDEs). The result is the same as for the three cubic H\'enon-Heiles Hamiltonians, namely, in all four quartic cases, a general solution which is meromorphic and hyperelliptic with genus two. As a consequence, no additional autonomous term can be added to either the cubic or the quartic Hamiltonians without destroying the Painlev\'e integrability (completeness property).Comment: 10 pages, To appear, Theor.Math.Phys. Gallipoli, 34 June--3 July 200

    Light Hadron Masses from Lattice QCD

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    This article reviews lattice QCD results for the light hadron spectrum. We give an overview of different formulations of lattice QCD, with discussions on the fermion doubling problem and improvement programs. We summarize recent developments in algorithms and analysis techniques, that render calculations with light, dynamical quarks feasible on present day computer resources. Finally, we summarize spectrum results for ground state hadrons and resonances using various actions.Comment: 53 pages, 24 figures, one table; Rev.Mod.Phys. (published version); v2: corrected typ

    Вплив кадмієвого навантаження на активність ензимної ланки глутатіонової системи організму бугайців

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    One of the ultimate manifestations of Cadmium's toxic effects is the depletion of the animal's antioxidant protection system. The article presents data on the effect of cadmium chloride at a dose of 0.04 mg/kg body weight on the activity of enzymes of the glutathione system of antioxidant protection of the body of young cattle. The surveys were conducted on the basis of farm Ivanivtsi of Zhydachiv district of Lviv region on 10 bulls of six months old, Ukrainian black-ruffed dairy breed, which were formed into 2 groups of 5 animals each: control and experimental. Bulls of the experimental group were fed with feed cadmium chloride at a dose of 0.04 mg/kg body weight of the animal. For research, the rules were compulsory for performing zootechnical experiments on the selection and retention of analogues in groups, technology for the procurement, use and accounting of feed consumed. The diet of the animals was balanced by the nutrients and minerals that provided for their need for essential nutrients. The results of studies indicate that Cadmium significantly affects the metabolism processes in liver cells, and thus stimulates lipid peroxidation processes and inhibits the activity of enzymes of the glutathione link of the antioxidant system. The lowest activity of the enzyme link of the glutathione system of antioxidant protection of the body of cattle was found on the twentieth day of the experiment, where, accordingly, the activity of glutathione peroxidase in the serum of bugs of the experimental group decreased by 22.6%, the activity of glutathione 6 phosphate dehydrogenase – by 24.3% relative to the control group of animals. The inhibition of the activity of enzymes of the glutathione system of the organism of bulls of the experimental group is caused by the development of oxidative stress caused by the feeding of Cadmium. The researches made it possible to reveal more deeply the pathogenesis of the toxic effect of cadmium on the body of bugs and use these data in the development of an antidote for cadmium intoxication.Одним з кінцевих проявів токсичної дії Кадмію є виснаження системи антиоксидантного захисту організму тварин. У статті наведені дані щодо впливу кадмію хлориду у дозі 0,04 мг/кг маси тіла тварини на активність ензимів глутатіонової системи антиоксидантного захисту організму молодняку великої рогатої худоби. Дослідження проводились на базі фермерського господарства с. Іванівці Жидачівського району Львівської області на 10 бугайцях шестимісячного віку, української чорно-рябої молочної породи, які були сформовані у 2 групи по 5 тварин у кожній: контрольну та дослідну. Бугайцям дослідної групи згодовували з кормом кадмію хлорид у дозі 0,04 мг/кг маси тіла тварини. Для проведення досліджень дотримувалися правил, обов’язкових з виконання зоотехнічних дослідів щодо підбору та утримання тварин-аналогів у групи, технології заготівлі, використання й обліку спожитих кормів. Раціон тварин був збалансований за поживними та мінеральними речовинами, які забезпечували їх потребу в основних елементах живлення. Результати досліджень вказують на те, що Кадмій істотно впливає на процеси метаболізму в клітинах печінки і таким чином стимулює процеси перекисного окиснення ліпідів та пригнічує активність ензимів глутатіонової ланки антиоксидантної системи. Найнижчу активність ензимної ланки глутатіонової системи антиоксидантного захисту організму молодняку великої рогатої худоби виявляли на двадцяту добу досліду, де відповідно активність глутатіонпероксидази у сироватці крові бугайців дослідної групи знизилася на 22,6%, активність глутатіонредуктази – на 22,5% та активність глюкозо-6-фосфатдегідрогенази – на 24,3% щодо показників контрольної групи тварин. Пригнічення активності ензимів глутатіонової системи організму бугайців дослідної групи зумовлене розвитком оксидаційного стресу, викликаного згодовування Кадмію. Проведені дослідження дали можливість глибше розкрити патогенез токсичної дії Кадмію на організм бугайців та використати ці дані при розробці антидоту при кадмієвій інтоксикації

    Hadron Structure on the Lattice

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    A few chosen nucleon properties are described from a lattice QCD perspective: the nucleon sigma term and the scalar strangeness in the nucleon; the vector form factors in the nucleon, including the vector strangeness contribution, as well as parity breaking effects like the anapole and electric dipole moment; and finally the axial and tensor charges of the nucleon. The status of the lattice calculations is presented and their potential impact on phenomenology is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; proceedings of the Conclusive Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 443 "Many-body structure of strongly interacting systems", Mainz, February 23-25, 201

    Synthesis of 1-(2-aminopropyl)benzimidazoles, structurally related to the TIBO derivative R82150, with activity against human immunodeficiency virus.

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    A number of 1-(2-aminopropyl)-2-mercaptobenzimidazoles related to the TIBO derivatives R82150 have been prepared and tested for their activity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). These compounds were all modest inhibitors of the cytophatic effects of HIV-1 in vitro, but only very weak inhibitors of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT).A number of 1-(2-aminopropyl)-2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivatives related to the TIBO derivative R82150 have been prepared and tested for their activity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). These compounds are all modest inhibitors of the cytopathic effects of HIV-1 in vitro, but were only weak inhibitors of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30886/1/0000555.pd