5 research outputs found

    A Study on the Limitations for Anupana

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    Ayurveda has a speciality that it can cater both healthy and sick people by using same raw drugs. Anupana is a wonder tool which helps to enhance drug action, change mode of action, helps to get rid of undesired effects, enhance bio availability and makes the medicine palatable as well as target oriented. Anupana is used for both medicine as well as food. Even though there are so many advantages of proper Anupana, there are many practical difficulties while selecting Anupana in day to day practice. Various reasons like availability, palatability, difficulty in preparations are few to name. Patient comes with such difficulties in every day practice which forces a Vaidya to use anything available and comfortable to the patient. This definitely results in action of medicine as well as food. This article aims to find out such hassles and ways to overcome it

    A review on the components of Prajna

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    The word Prajna generally refers to know, the wisdom, the intelligence, the sense of discrimination and the judgment. It can be compared with the whole process of discrimination, retention and recalling capacity of an individual. Dhee, dhriti and smriti are considered to be types of prajna. These are also termed as Prajnopastambha and are nothing but the different stages of Prajna. The buddhi which sees the objects as they are (samata darshana) is dhee. The buddhi which restrains (niyamana) is dhruti. And the buddhi which is capable of remembering is smriti. The ability of discrimination of the object perceived is attributed to the function of dhee, while the decision making at that situation is guided and regulated by dhruti. And the retrieval of fast experiences in order to perform further action depends on Smruti. Buddhi also have the same synonyms as that of Prajna viz. Dhee, Prajna, Mati etc. Thus we can assume that the Buddhi and Prajna refer to the same. While the term ‘Medha’ refers to the higher intellect and synonymous to Prajna. Modern science describes the acquisition of knowledge has following cognitive domains such as encoding, storage, and retrieval which refer to the components of prajna. The article deals with conceptual study of Prajna, its components, its comparative terms in contemporary sciences, discussion and conclusion

    An assessment on the relation between Prakruti and Amavata disease

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    Prakruti is said to be the basic component of a human being. It has been explained in classics that Prakruti provides susceptibility for certain diseases based on Dosha. It is the time of the hour to explore and prove the concept clinically. A total of 362 diagnosed cases of Amavata were taken for the study and were assessed for the Prakruti dominant among them. Sampling was cross sectional simple random method. The observation made during were recorded and analyzed. It was also observed about predominant Rasas consumed as well as the dominant Guna they consumed. Analyzing Rasa and Guna added more value to the study. The observations were applied with descriptive as well as inferential statistics. Dominance of Vata-Pitta Prakruti was found with 42% of cases and Pitta Prakruti alone stood last with only 5% cases developing Amavata

    Formulation of Nidana Panchaka in Breast Cancer

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    Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of malignancy among Indian woman currently. The current increase in the world wide prevalence of this disease suggests an urgent need of detailed analysis, diagnosis and treatment line through Ayurvedic principles. As cancer is least understood in technical terms of Ayurveda, Nidana Panchaka a basic tool to understand and diagnose a Vyadhi, is used to analyze it. Even though a direct diagnostic correlation of breast cancer is not available under the major Vyadhi classifications, it is possible to elicit and formulate Nidana Panchaka based on the references of Sthana Roga, Shopha, Granthi, Arbuda etc. The current article is an effort to formulate Nidana Panchaka for Breast Cancer, from the background of basic principles of Ayurveda, for a better analysis and diagnosis of the Vyadhi


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    Our evaluation of engage four physical world texts founded that corporation and ratings were reciprocal to one and all, and both momentous for other strict sanctions. Computational convolution of Trusts determined its power of scaling essentially substantial data set. An opinion of communal group data from four natural world data set shows that not just the special but the contained shape of both ratings and corporation need be studied center an order wear. One achievable report is kernel that the above-mentioned care-based sculpts fixate an exorbitant in the direction of almost the practicality of user care but disobey the arouse of item ratings themselves. The arouse perhaps definite or unshakable. We notify Trusts, an institution-based grid factorization way of sanctions. Trusts thence build on the top of the condition-of-the-art support description, BSM, by hasten incorporating both exact and unshakable shape of dependable and trust users everywhere the hunch of products to have a dynamic user. The proposed policy is the originally one to enhance BSM with societal group information