64 research outputs found

    Data Preprocessing in Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data for Deforestation Analysis

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    In recent years, the contemporary data mining community has developed a plethora of algorithms and methods used for different tasks in knowledge discovery within large databases. Furthermore, algorithms become more complex and hybrid as algorithms combining several approaches are suggested, the task of implementing such algorithms from scratch becomes increasingly time consuming. Spatial data sets often contain large amounts of data arranged in multiple layers. These data may contain errors and may not be collected at a common set of coordinates. Therefore, various data pre-processing steps are often necessary to prepare data for further usage. It is important to understand the quality and characteristics of the chosen data. Careful selection, preprocessing, and transformation of the data are needed to ensure meaningful analysis and results

    Leiomyoma: a common benign tumor at an unusual location

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    Leiomyoma in the female genital tract is a common benign tumor of the uterus, followed by cervix, round ligament and inguinal ligament. Vaginal leiomyoma is a rare entity with only about 300 reported cases.Here, we report a case of a vaginal leiomyoma in a 22 year old nullipara who presented with dyspareunia and infertility. Vaginal examination revealed a mass in the anterior vaginal wall. MRI of the pelvis revealed a hypoechogenic and hypointense mass in the anterior vaginal wall. Excision of the tumor was done by the vaginal route. Histopathology revealed a benign leiomyoma

    A single case study on the efficacy of Anu Taila Nasya followed by Narasimha Rasayana in Khalithya vis-à-vis Androgenic Alopecia

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    Ayurveda, the indigenous system of medicine offers a number of non-invasive regimens for various disorders affecting a human body. One such common disease is Khalithya. For most people it can just be a common hair fall, though in some cases it can be extreme. It affects approximately 1.7% of world population. It can be correlated to Alopecia in contemporary science, which presents with loss of hair due to a disturbance of hair follicles which had, previously, developed and functioned normally. It is classified into two types as ‘Alopecia areata’, which is patchy hair loss and ‘Diffuse alopecia’, generalized hair loss. Alopecia is diffuse if it affects the scalp in a general distribution. Diffuse alopecia is common, affecting up-to 50% of men and women. While it can affect both the sexes at any age, women present more frequently than men. The classical description about Khalithya reveals the involvement of Tridosha i.e., Pitta, Vata, Kapha along with Rakta as the chief pathological causes. Although the disease does not produce serious side effects except cosmetic problem, it interferes with the self-confidence and social acceptance of the individual. A case of 16years old female patient, who came with the complaint of severe generalized hairfall over the scalp was taken up for the research work. As Nasya is a prime therapy in all Jatrurdhva diseases, Anutaila-Marsha-Nasya, indicated in Khalithya had been done followed by Narasimha Rasayana internally. Significant improvement was seen in both subjective and objective parameters at the end of follow-up period

    Encapsulation of Soft Computing Approaches within Itemset Mining a A Survey

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    Data Mining discovers patterns and trends by extracting knowledge from large databases. Soft Computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, rough sets, etc. aims to reveal the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty for achieving tractability, robustness and low-cost solutions. Fuzzy Logic and Rough sets are suitable for handling different types of uncertainty. Neural networks provide good learning and generalization. Genetic algorithms provide efficient search algorithms for selecting a model, from mixed media data. Data mining refers to information extraction while soft computing is used for information processing. For effective knowledge discovery from large databases, both Soft Computing and Data Mining can be merged. Association rule mining (ARM) and Itemset mining focus on finding most frequent item sets and corresponding association rules, extracting rare itemsets including temporal and fuzzy concepts in discovered patterns. This survey paper explores the usage of soft computing approaches in itemset utility mining


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     Productivity is one of the important measures which helps for growth and development of economy of the country. The productivity plays a crucial part in organizational achievement of excellence which is essential for dynamic society. Optimum productivity of a company depends on coordination between all inputs that yield maximum profitability with minimum effort. Hence the present study focuses on an objective to identify and compare the factors influencing the Productivity as well as profitability Performance of select Public and Private sector banks in India. The sample consists of 20 Banks which were operating in India. The study period considered for the study is ten years from 2011-2012 to 2020- 2021. The methodology which is used in the present study is Correlation analysis which helps to know the relationship between the select variables and Regression analysis is used to analyse the impact of select independent variables such as Sales Per employee, value added per employee, Profit before tax per employee, employee cost to sales and employee cost to value added on dependent variables like Return on Assets, return on Equity and Value added per fixed assets. Further Independent sample test is used to assess the relationship between Productivity and Performance measures of select Public and Private sector Banks in India. Thus, the results from correlation analysis indicate that almost all the independent variables except Sales per employee and employee cost to sales have significant relationship with dependant variables in both Public sector and private sector banks. The Regression result shows that Sales per employee is having significant negative impact on Return on Assets, return on equity and Value added per fixed assets. Independent samples test reveals that the Private sector banks are showing superior performance than Public sector banks

    Comparitive clinical study on the effect of Mahatriphaladi Ghrita Tarpana and Jeevantyadi Ghrita Tarpana in Parathama Patalagata Timira w.r.t. Keratoconus

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    Keratonus is one of the important causes of progressive myopia and its incidence is 1 in 500 worldwide. Keratoconus is a degenerative disorder of the eye in which structural changes within the cornea cause it to thin and change to a more conical shape than the more normal gradual curve. Keratoconus typically starts at puberty as a progressive myopia causing substantial distortion of vision and marked astigmatism rapidly. This results in significant visual impairment leading to problems in doing routine works like driving and reading. Only temporary measures like Contact lenses and Surgery are available. In Ayurvedic terms, it can be correlated with Prathama Patalagata Timira. As Tarpana is considered to be supreme among all the Kriyakalpas in treating timira, it has been selected for the study. Giving due importance to the doshas and the site of pathology involved, Jeevantyadi Ghrita and Mahatriphaladi Ghrita are selected. Hence a clinical study has been done to compare the efficacies of Mahatriphaladi ghrita tarpana and Jeevantyadi Ghrita tarpana in Keratoconus

    Pharmaceutico- Analytical Study of Abhra Sindoora

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    Background: Abhra Sindoora[1] (ABS) is a unique Rasa Yoga with having more potent and indication in Tridoshahara, Swasa, Kasa etc. It is one of the important classical Kupipakva Rasayana containing Hingulotha Parada (purified mercury), Shuddha Gandhaka (purified sulfur) and Dhanyabhraka in 1:1:1 proportion. Aim: Pharmaceutico-Analytical study of Abhra Sindoora. Materials and Methods: Hingulotha Parada (purified mercury), Shuddha Gandhaka (purified sulfur) and Dhanyabhraka are used to prepare Kajjali and lavigated with Vatankura (leaf buds of Ficus bengalensis), Swarasa (juice) and Arka (Calotrapis procera) ksheera (milk). This Kajjali is processed by Kupipakva method. Results & Conclusion: The current trend in applied instrumental medical research encourages good medical practice, clinical and research based drug analysis. The main aim of analytical study is to find out working standards for the formulations and safe use of therapeutics. Abhra Sindoora was prepared in 48 hours with 28 percent yield. It was also characterized by using modern instrumental analysis like XRD, SEMEDX, EDXRF, FTIR and PARTICLE ANALYSIS. The SEM analysis evaluated that prepared Abhra Sindoora has particles in nanometers, least being 14.87nm. SEMEDX study confirmed the presence of C, O, Si, S, K, and HgM. XRD study confirmed the presence of Hg3.00S3.00 in hexagonal crystal system. The EDXRF analysis evaluated the presence of K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, S, Br and Hg. FTIR analysis shows organic compounds with functional groups like secondary amines, Nitro, Carboxylic acids, Bromine, Esters, Alkines, and Iodides etc

    Lavana Varga in Ayurveda

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    Lavana has been used as medicine as well as food since ancient times. A number of salts are described in various ancient texts and out of which, some are not available in present day, but Panchalavana are mainly used in medicinal purposes. The names of five varieties of Lavana are included in Panchalavana group,varies from text to text. There are many terms commonly used in Ayurveda as like Lavantraya, Lavana Chaturya, Lavana Panchaka, Lavanashadushna etc. Lavana Panchaka is explained first among them. The group of five salts viz. Saindhava Lavana, Samudra Lavana, Vida Lavana, Sauvarchala Lavana, Romaka Lavana , among all Saindhava Lavana is the best one

    Excerpts of Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa in unpublished manuscript Kashyapa Samhita - A New Outlook

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    The concept of Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (a modality of treatment based on past deeds and pleasing of god) has been given least importance in the available Ayurvedic classics. Here is the study of a manuscript named Kashyapa Samhita which is quite different from deemed Kashyapa Samhita that is known off. The study was carried out by deciphering and critically editing six manuscripts collected from IPGT & RA (with accession no. 6512 and 10779), Tanjore Sarasvati Mahal Library (with accession no. 11045), Sampurnananda Library, Varanasi (with accession no. 1088604) and Oriental Research Institute, Mysore (with accession no. A129), MS University Baroda Library (with accession no. 13474B). This manuscript brings out ample references regarding Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa for different diseases caused due to sinful acts

    A review on Charakokta Kanthya Mahakashaya

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    Ayurvedic classical texts provide unique treatment modalities and medication for the disease conditions. It mainly aims to maintain the health & cure the Vyadhi. Throat is considered as a common pathway for the respiratory and digestive tract. Any kind of alteration in normalcy in the function of throat has been considered as Kantha or Gala roga in Ayurvedic texts. Kantha is one among the Dashapranayatana any harm to this may lead to various Vikruties. Acharya Charaka in Shatvirechana Shatashritiya Adhaya of Bheshaja Chatushka explained 50 groups of Mahakashayas based on Karmas. Kanthyamaha Kashaya is one such group which is said to be more effective in Kanthagata Vikaras & are Hitakara for the Kantha. The Drugs in Kanthya Mahakashaya are Sariva, Ikshumula, Madhuka, Pippali, Draksha, Vidari, Kaitarya, Hamsapadi, Bruhati & Kanthakarika. These drugs can be used individually or in combination. These drugs are Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Rasapradhana, Ushna, Sheeta Virya, Katu, Madhura Vipaka, Ruksha, Laghu, Snigdha Guna and Tridoshaghna properties. Due to these qualities they cure Kanthagata Vikaras or are said to be Hitakara for the Kantha. This article is an attempt to describe Charakokta Kanthya Mahakashaya
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