20 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic Management of Dry Eye Sydrome - A Case Study

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    Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that results from reduced tear production or excessive tear evaporation or an abnormality in the production of mucus or lipids normally found in the tear layer or combination of these. If blinking is decreased or if the eyelids cannot be closed, they may dry out leading to dry eye. It is accompanied by increased osmolarity of the tear film and inflammation on the surface of the eye may occur of left untreated leading to pain, ulcers or scars on the cornea and loss of vision. Prevalence of dry eye range from 5% to 35% worldwide while in India it is 29.25%. Tear substitute are the only treatment modality with modern medicine, only providing symptomatic relief. Ayurveda describes similar condition called Sushkakshi Paka and this patient was treated with Tarpana and Nasya with Jeevantyadi Ghrit

    Identifying Arrhythmias Based on ECG Classification Using Enhanced-PCA and Enhanced-SVM Methods

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    The "Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVDs)" had already attained worrisome proportions in both advanced and emerging nations in recent times. Physically inactive behaviors, altered eating, and occupational routines, and reduced daily fitness were all recognized as crucial contextual elements, in addition to genetics. Considering CVDs have such a significant morbidity and mortality, accurate and early diagnosis of cardiac disease by "ElectroCardioGram (ECG)" allows clinicians to decide suitable therapy for a multitude of cardiovascular disorders. The interpretation of ECG signal is an important bio-signal processing area that involves the application of computer science and engineering to detect and visualize the functional status of the heart. Therefore, in the present work, a detailed study on ECG signals denoising and abnormalities detection using different techniques were performed. Annoying distortions and noisy particles are common in ECG signals. The "Biased Finite Impulse Response (BFIR)" preprocessing filtering is employed in this research to eliminate the noises in the raw ECG signals. The "Nonlinear-Hamilton" segmentation method is employed to segment the 'R' peak signals.  To decrease the extraneous features included in the segmented ECG data, the innovative "Enhanced Principal Component Analysis (EPCA)" was applied for feature extraction. A unique "Enhanced version of the Support Vector Machine (ESVM)" framework with a "Weighting Kernel" based technique is proposed for classifying the ECG data. The 'Q', 'R', and 'S' waves in the given ECG data will be identified by this framework, allowing it to characterize the cardiac rhythm. The evaluation metrics of the EPCA-ESVM proposed method is comparatively analyzed with our previous approach EPSO. To estimate the results for the dataset from MIT-BIH it was experimented with by the EPSO and the EPCA-ESVM methods focused upon different parameters such as Accuracy, F1-score, etc. The final findings of the EPCA-ESVM method were good than the EPSO method in which the accuracy is higher even though unbalanced data were present

    Mass spectrometry imaging for plant biology: a review

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    Proposed Mutual Exclusion MAC Protocol for MANET to Overcome Hidden and Exposed Terminal Problem

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    <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a kind of wireless transmission network could able to form the communication network without need of any basic infrastructure with all the communication nodes can able to move freely ad communication could be done b forwarding the received packet from one node to another nodes in order to reach until the desired destination node found. One of the major challenges in MANET is nodes can move freely from one region to another region where the possibilities route failure and collision among the node. Especially the of Hidden and exposed node problem is the major challenges in the MANET which could not able to define the permanent solution to resolve the issue. This research article focus on hidden and Exposed terminal problem in MAC layer and proposed the new protocol called the Mutual Exclusion MAC protocol (ME- MAC) which support to solve the Hidden and Exposed Terminal issue in MAC layer.</p&gt

    பேராசிரியர் ந. சுப்புரெட்டியாரின் பார்வையில் அகத்திணை – புறத்திணை ஓர் இயங்கியல் / A Dialectic View of Professor N. Subbureddiar in Inner Life (Agathinai) and External Life (Purathinai)

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    “Tolkappiam” is an ancient Tamil literature book written by Tolkappiyar. This Tamil treatise on grammar and life deals with the ancient Sangam lifestyle. “Tolkappiam” also says about the inner spirit and external capabilities of ancient life. The inner life (Agam) deals with love, compassion, affection, and forgiveness; the external life (Puram) reveals courage, valour, generosity and war ethics. This is how the two sides of human life are considered in the Tamil research world but Professor N. Subbu Reddiar in his version of “Tolkappiyum” has researched in another perspective contrary to the above-stated ideas that are related to socio-economic hierarchy, growth and status of the people based on the Sangam habitats in regard with the regions and environmental conditions. Tholkappiyar has classified the earth into Five Regions as Hilly Regions (Kurunchi), Forests Regions (Mullai), Farmlands (Marutham), Coastal (Neithal) and Desert (Palai) regions. Professor N. Subbu Reddiar has seen a perspective related to the lifestyle and status of the people. His “Tolkappiyum” describes in detail the lifestyle lived by the Sangam people with a tinge on the culture and heritage of the Tamil People of Ancient and Medieval Times. The lifestyle, culture and heritage of the people of the ancient and medieval times of Tamil Nadu had been investigated by Mr. Reddiar under the scrutiny of “Tolkappiam” and “Thirukurral”. Professor N. Subbu Reddiar suggests that this literature should be considered for the betterment of the life of every human on the earth. Regarding to the lifestyle of humans and culture said by Tolkappiar; Professor N. Subbu Reddiar authored the same ideals from a different perspective in his book “Lifestyle shown as in ‘Tholkappiam” (Tolkappiam Kattum Valkai)’