15 research outputs found

    Starting Point of Stream of Consciousness in Urdu Fiction

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    Stream of consciousness is a psychological theory which is presented by Professor William James in his book "The Principles of Psychology". Stream of consciousness is a continuous flow of sense-perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind. This term is reserved for indicating an approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of character in fiction. In Urdu fiction, Syed Sajjad Zaheer first used this technique in his novel "London ki Aik Raat" very well

    Services of Radio Pakistan in the Promotion of Urdu Language & Literature

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    Radio is one of the most amazing and effective inventions of the last century. Radio Pakistan came into being with the independence of Pakistan in 1947. From the very beginning, Radio Pakistan made many efforts for the promotion and development of Urdu language, consciously and unconsciously. Urdu programs were started from Radio Pakistan to acquaint people with Urdu language. Later, Urdu experts were hired to correct the accent and pronunciation of Urdu language. The services of Radio Pakistan are very important in popularizing Urdu poetry through music. Drama is an important genre of literature and radio played an important role in bringing and popularizing Urdu drama to the masses. Many radio dramas of Radio Pakistan were later published in book form and proved to be an important addition to Urdu literature. Another important service of Radio Pakistan in relation to the promotion of Urdu language and literature is the publication of the Urdu radio magazine "Ahang". "Ahang" is the only Urdu magazine of Pakistan which has been continuously published since 1948. In short, services of Radio Pakistan for the promotion of Urdu language and literature have been assessed thoroughly


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    Franz Kafka was a prominent literary figure in the 20th-century of European literature. Franz Kafka has been called everything from a modernist to an existentialist, a fantasy writer to a realist. His work almost stands alone as its own subgenre, and the adjective ‘Kafkaesque’ – whose meaning, like the meaning of Kafka’s work, is hard to pin down, has become well-known even to people who have never read a word of Kafka’s writing. Perhaps inevitably, he is often misinterpreted as being a gloomy and humorless writer about nightmarish scenarios, when this at best conveys only part of what he is about. He was brought up in a middle-class German family. He wrote many novels on different themes. “The trial” is one of them. It was written in 1914 and was published posthumously in 1925 in the German language. It was translated into English by Willa and Edwin Muir in 1937. It is his best-known work. It is the story of Joseph K, a respectable bank officer, who is arrested by an inaccessible authority although he has done nothing wrong. One year later, two warders again come for K. they take him to a quarry outside of town and kill him in the name of the law. Through the struggle of that specific character, he criticized the modern bureaucracy. It is also described as an existentialist novel because it represents the absurdity of the world and the nightmare of intersubjectivity. In this article above mentioned themes are discussed with proper references

    Modern Urdu Gazal: Metaphorical Aspect

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    The importance of metaphor in modern Urdu ghazal does not need any introduction. Its use expands the world of poetry. It also highlights the aesthetic aspects of poetry. Due to metaphor, such subjects are also played which is not possible. It can be. With its use, aspects are created in the poems. Thus, even a simple and common idea takes an admirable form. Along with the traditional metaphors and symbols, new additions are also made to them in every age. Thus, this language. It is also a source of freshness. The breadth of metaphors in modern ghazals is commendable. In the metaphors of modern ghazals, life can be seen to breathe completely. The metaphorical universe is indeed the only difference between big and small poets’ resources

    The Feminist Study of Novel “Aangan” by Khadija Mastoor

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    "Aangan" is a well-known novel by Khadija Mastoor which is published in 1962. The novel was written in the context of Partition of India. India and Pakistan are its locale. The prominent feature of this novel is that the novelist has presented women of different natures, temperaments, ideas, thoughts and feelings in it. This novel do not telling the story of women's oppression, it shows them struggling and trying to stand on their own feet. Its female characters are not Static characters they are very powerful and dynamic. Refrences Ghulam Mhayu din Ansari, Dr, Hind o pak ki Khawateen Novel nigar, New Dehli, Shahid Publication, 2008, pg:115 Khadija Mastoor, Aagan, Lahore, Sang-i-Meel Publications, 1995, pg:279 As Above, pg:123 As Above, pg:257 As Above, pg:155 As Above, pg:172-173 As Above, pg:258 Anwar Pasha, Dr, Hind o Pak main Urdu novel: taqabli Mutalia, New Dehli, Peshrou publication, 1992, pg:225 Khadija Mastoor, Aagan, pg:118 As Above, pg:112 As Above, pg:108 As Above, pg:93 Farzana Kokab, Dr, Urdu Novel main tanisiet, Multan, BZU, 2005, pg:204 Khadija Mastoor, Aagan, pg:131 As Above, pg:300 As Above, pg:17 As Above, pg:89 As Above, pg:234 As Above, pg:235 Aslam Azad, Dr, Urdu Novel Azadi kay bad, UP, Nikhar publications,1981, pg:315 Khadija Mastoor, Aagan, pg:133 As Above, pg:277 As Above, pg:114 As Above, pg:100-101 As Above, pg:109 As Above, pg:167 As Above, pg:116 As Above, pg:147 As Above, pg:283 As Above, pg:139 As Above, pg:267 As Above, pg:46 Ghulam Mhayu din Ansari, Dr, Hind o pak ki Khawateen Novel nigar, pg:11

    The Feminist perspective of Dr. Tahira Kazmi's columns

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    Dr. Tahira Kazmi is a Gynecologist. Her two collections of Columns have been published. The main theme of her columns is Women and the injustice done to women. She is loudly protesting against the abuse of women. Her writings are becoming a metaphor for courage. She strongly criticizes the male dominating society, its foundation, ideologies and attitudes which deprive women of their rights and freedom. She urges women to speak up for their rights. She believes that women are not inferior to men. Both genders are equal. That’s why they should get equal rights and place in the society

    The Hamidi Kashmiri as Critic of Ghalib

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    Hamidi Kashmiri is a Modern critic of Urdu literature specially Urdu Ghazal.  He has  studied Ghalib's thought and art with the critical insight and has recovered Ghalib's intellectual sources very well. Hamidi Kashmiri first book on Ghalib is “Ghalib kay Takhleeqi sarchasmay” that is publised in 1969. “Iqbal aur Ghalib” and  “Ghalib Jahan-i-Deegar” are his two more books in which he discussed Ghalib;s poetry. In these books, qualitative, thematic, technical and stylistic reviews of Kalam-i-Ghalib have been presented. In this article Hamidi kashmiri;s views about Ghalib’s poetry has been presented

    The New symbols in Ali Muhammad Farshi’s poems

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    Symbolism is a technique for writers to express their motives. Whenever freedom of speech is restricted, writers use symbolism as tool. Symbols are basically related with the community where they have developed. Ali Muhammad ٖFarshi is well known poet of Urdu poem. In his poems, he uses a system of new symbolic words. He tries to present the inner self problems of an individual through the symbols. Every individual on this earth irrespective to religion and region, have some common problems like identification, hunger and death. The article discusses the systems of new symbols in Ali Muhammad Farshi’s poems. Its discuses that what type of symbols he uses and up to how much extent he delivers them to his reader. References Nighat Rehana Khan, Dr., Urdu Afsana Fani o Tanqeedi Mutalia, Delhi:Educational Publising House, 1984, pg:45 Rosh Nadeem, Ali Muhammad Farshi's Three-Dimensional Poetry, Mashmola: Naway e Waqt, Daily, Islamabad, 27 march 1999, pg: Nasir Abbas Nair, Ali Muhammad Farshi ki Tamsel Sazi, Mashmola: Magazine Nazm Nu, Issue 3, (Redactor: Ali Sahil), Karachi, S.N., pg: 220 Ali Mohammad Farshi, Taz Hawa my jungle mjy bulta hai, Islamabad: Lov Books, 1995, pg: 15 As above, pg:56 Ali Muhammad Farshi, Zindagi Khudkashi ka muqadma nhi hai, Rawalpindi: Printing Press, 2004, pg: 97 Satyapal Anand, Flap: Taz Hawa my jungle bulta hai, Islamabad: Lov books, 1995. Ali Muhammad Farshi, Muhabbat sy Khali dino my, Faisalabad: Misal Publisers, 2018, pg:136 Ali Muhammad Farshi, Zindagi Khudkashi ka muqadma nhi hai, pg: 97 Ali Mohammad Farshi, Taz Hawa my jungle mjy bulta hai, pg: 60 Muhammad Hameed Shahid, Eight Jiht, Mashmola, Muhabbat sy Khali dino my, az Ali Muhammad Farshi, Faisalabad: Misal Publisers, 2016, pg:16 Ali Mohammad Farshi, Taz Hawa my jungle mjy bulta hai, pg: 93 As above, pg:67 Muhammad Hameed Shahid, Ali Muhammad Farshi... Need my chalti Mot, Covered by: Magazine: Naqat (Poem No.), Issue 10, Qasim Yaqoob, Faisalaba

    نو آبادیاتی ہندوستان میں تانیثی ڈسکورس کے بنیاد گزار مولوی ممتاز علی اور شیخ محمد عبد اللہ

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    Moulvi Mumtaz Ali and Sheikh Abdullah are the originator of feminist's discourse in colonial Hindustan. Both personalities are advocating women rights in India. They brought women's journals for their education. Molvi Mumtaz Ali launched journal "Tahzeeb-i-Niswan" in 1898 and Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah launched monthly journal "Khatoon" from Aligarh. Both wrote book and articles with the theme of gender equality. Both are advocating equal rights for women. For this purpose Molvi Mumtaz Ali wrote a book "Haqooq-i-Niswan" and Sheikh Muhmmad Abdullah wrote a book " Islam main aurat ka darja" (Status of women in Islam).</p

    سیلما لا گرلوو: پہلی نوبیل انعام یافتہ ادیبہ

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    Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf is a Swedish fiction writer. She was a first women to win prestigious award Nobel prize in literature in 1909. Her first novel Gösta Berling's Saga published in 1891. By Profession she was a teacher, Her famous Novel “The wonderful adventures of Niles was a teaching project of the Swedish National Teachers' Association, written to teach children geography and information about animals, birds and nature. The novel became so popular that it was translated into many languages and its story was made into a film several times. “The Miracles of Antichrist”, “Jerusalem”, “The Emperor of Portugallia”, “Bannlyst” are her famous Novels. Selma Lagerlöf achieved world fame and her works have been translated into many foreign languages. She died in Marbacka, Sweden in 1940.