23 research outputs found

    Critical analysis and unique management of Gridhrasi w.s.r. to Sciatica - A Case Report

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    Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is a disorder in which low back pain is found, that spreads through the hip, to the back of the thigh and down the inside of the leg. Mechanical low back pain (LBP) remains the second most common symptom related reason for seeing a physician. 85% of total population will experience an episode of mechanical LBP at some point during their lifetime. Fortunately, the LBP resolves for the vast majority within 2-4 weeks. There are many causes for low back pain, however true sciatica is a symptom of inflammation or compression of the sciatica nerve. The sciatica nerve carries impulses between nerve roots in the lower back and the muscles and nerve of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs. Compression of a nerve root often occurs as a result of damage to one of the discs between the vertebrae. In some cases, sciatic pain radiate from other nerves in the body. This is called referred pain. Pain associated with sciatica often is severe, sharp and shooting. It may be accompanied by other symptom, such as numbness, tingling, weakness and sensitivity to touch. There is only conservative treatment giving short term relief in pain or surgical intervention with side effect. But these are not successful and therefore those who are suffering from this are always in search of result oriented remedy. Walking distance and SLR test were taken for assessment parameter, VAS score was adopted for pain. Before treatment patient was not able to walk even 4 to 5 steps due to severe pain, was brought on stretcher and his SLR was 30° of right side. After 22 days of treatment he was able to walk up to 500 meters without any difficulty, SLR was changed to 60° and patient had got 80 % relief in pain. This case report showed that Ayurvedic protocol is potent and safe in the treatment of Gridhrasi

    A Comprehensive Review on Trividha Pareeksha in current scenario

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    In Ayurveda the term Pareeksha is used in place of Pramana. The synonyms of Pareeksha are Pramana, Saadana, Jnana, Upalabdhi. Any abnormalities in the normal structural, physiological, or psychological aspects of the body is a disease. For proper treatment of any disease perfect diagnosis is a must. In Ayurveda, the method of diagnosis mainly depends on the proper understanding of Dosha and Dooshya. Aptopadesha, Pratyaksha and Anumana Pareeksha helps in understanding the stage, state and site of Dosha; state of Dooshya and the site of Dosha Dooshya Sammurchana. Trividha Pareeksha’s like Darshana, Sparshana and Prashna holds relevance in the current clinical methods like history taking, general examination and systemic examinations. ‘Rogamadou Pareekshet Tathoanantharam Oushadam’ before planning any treatment one should have complete knowledge of Roga and Rogibala. Examinations helps to obtain knowledge regarding the life strength and intensity of morbidity and life span. Pareeksha helps to arrive at proper diagnosis by understanding the condition of the patient. Trividha Pareeksha when employed appropriately helps to understand Roga - Rogiavastha more accurately

    Holistic approach to Geriatric Care

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    Old age is an integral part of human life. The branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people is called Geriatrics. Diseases prevention and health maintenance is more important in old age because sickness related morbidity is more frequent, serious, chronic and more expensive to treat in this age group. Geriatric problems are best confronted by preventive measures than curative ones. Clinical consequences in various system of the body due to changes with ageing are described in text books. Various Ayurveda classics gives detailed classification of Vaya based on the degenerative changes in the body. The Nidana, Poorvaroopa and Lakshanas of Jara is clearly mentioned in Madhava Nidana. Importance of Dinacharya and Ritucharya in preventing Jara is mentioned by Acharyas. Ayurveda has the abeyantto avert disease by health promotion and noncommunicable disease prevention. Jara is considered as one among the eight branches of Ayurveda. Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Jarachikitsa promote healthy longevity. Jarachikitsa and Rasayana helps to delay Vruddhavastha (ageing) and control geriatric degenerative changes in body

    Secured Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Based on Iot

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    Technology plays the major role in healthcare not only for sensory devices but also in communication, recording and display device. It is very important to monitor various medical parameters and post operational days. Hence the latest trend in Healthcare communication method using IOT is adapted. Internet of things serves as a catalyst for the healthcare and plays prominent role in wide range of healthcare applications. In this project the PIC18F46K22 microcontroller is used as a gateway to communicate to the various sensors such as temperature sensor and pulse oximeter sensor. The microcontroller picks up the sensor data and sends it to the network through Wi-Fi and hence provides real time monitoring of the health care parameters for doctors. The data can be accessed anytime by the doctor. The controller is also connected with buzzer to alert the caretaker about variation in sensor output. But the major issue in remote patient monitoring system is that the data as to be securely transmitted to the destination end and provision is made to allow only authorized user to access the data. The security issue is been addressed by transmitting the data through the password protected Wi-Fi module ESP8266 which will be encrypted by standard AES128 and the users/doctor can access the data by logging to the html webpage. At the time of extremity situation alert message is sent to the doctor through GSM module connected to the controller. Hence quick provisional medication can be easily done by this system. This system is efficient with low power consumption capability, easy setup, high performance and time to time response. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150712

    Comparitive study of clinical effect of Apamarga Kshara Sutra prepared by 7 and 21 coatings in Bhagandara

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    Background: Bhagandara is a 2nd highest prevalent disease among the anorectal diseases. It can be correlated to Fistula-In-Ano. For the management of fistula in ano various surgical, parasurgical and minimally invasive surgical procedures have been mentioned. But all these procedures carry a disadvantage of high rates of recurrence and also have a great chance of creation of serious complications like anal incontinence and anal stenosis. Hence the search for a newer, safer and scientific treatment for the management of this disease continues. Objectives: A new Kshara Sutra with fewer coatings has been tried to see if results are the same with an advantage of early and easy preparation. Materials and Methods: Total 30 patients were randomly selected in the study and divided into 2 groups fulfilling the inclusion criteria which were designed for the study. Results: Study showed significant results in reducing the discharge, pain, itching and burning sensation and induration within the group and insignificant result obtained between the groups statistically. Conclusion: The study revealed that Kshara Sutra prepared with 7 coating is more economical, easy to prepare and equally efficient in the management of Bhagandara

    The purview of Parkinsonism in Ayurveda

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    Parkinsonism is a clinical syndrome in which the Parkinson’s disease accounts for 80% of involvement. Parkinson’s disease specifically refers to patients who have Parkinsonism, without any atypical features and who have essentially normal MRI that excludes other causes for their Parkinsonian symptoms.The main difference between the two are the effect of levadopa drug in Parkinson’s disease and not the other. Parkinson’s disease, which is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer disease, occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 in the general population and in 1% of persons older than 65 years. Men are affected slightly more often than women (3:2). The cause of Parkinson’s disease is believed to be a variable combination of poorly understood genetic and environmental factors. Hence treatment is often aimed at prevention of further complications and preserving the condition using general measures, drug therapy and surgery. In Ayurveda, giving importance to prevention of further derangement, Lakshanika Chikitsa is often attributed to the different stages of the disease. Parkinson’s disease is generally understood as Kampavata in Ayurveda. But the development of the disease can be understood under various concepts of Bahukampavata, Snayugatavata, Kaphavruta Vyanavata and Kampavata. As Parkinsonism is widely treated with better efficacy in Ayurveda, hence it is the need of the hour to understand it in all its aspects with its relevant treatment.Hence the main aim of this article is to understand these varied concepts in possible correlation with the Parkinson’s disease

    Pain management in Gridhrasi through Ayurveda - An Observational Study

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    Gridhrasi is a Shula Pradhana Vata Nanatmaja Vyadhi which is characterized by the Kramat Shula in the Prushtha Bhaaga of Sphik, Kati, Uru, Jaanu Jangha and Pada Pradesha. It is corelated with Sciatica based on the aetiology and symptomatology. This disease is mainly caused due the improper postures and the nature of the work. The main challenge is the management of pain. In Modern Science this condition is managed by the administration of Analgesics and in the later conditions Surgery will be advised with no definite relief. Shodhana, Siravyadha, Basti, Agni Karma are the treatment modalities have been mentioned in the classics. Here the study is conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Siravyadha in the management of the Shula in Gridhrasi with a successful outcome


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    In the context of Vata Vyadhi Acharyas explain about a painful condition afflicting the lower limbs called ‘Grdhrasi’, Where in the pain from low back gradually radiating towards the regions of the posterior aspect of Kati, Uru, Jaanu, Jangha and Pada is the opinion of Acharya Caraka, but Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Vagbata opines that there are two Kandara in the leg that gets afflicted (Tendons of the feet getting vitiated) by Vata which causes pain radiating towards the ankles or toes is called as Grdhrasi. These two Kandara when gets afflicted with the Vata Dosha limits the extension of the leg. This condition is similar with sciatica which refers to the Radiating pain from low back to lower limb as the typical characteristic feature of this illness. A case report with the presenting complaints of shooting type of pain from low back pain radiating to both the lower limbs posteriorly till the toes (more towards the right lower limb) since six months. As a treatment measure, Vaitarana Basti was selected which showed good result and helped to relieve the impairment of the patient in her daily activities. This article explains about the action of Vaitarana Basti in Grdhrasi


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    Manasa Vikara are considered as an abnormal mental condition characterised by impairment of mental functions. Acharyas have elaborated the importance of Manas at various places in the classics. According to Acharya Susruta Manas is regarded as Ahankarika, whereas Caraka Acharya mentions Manas is evolved from Khadini. Acharya Susruta considers Krodha, Shoka, Bhaya etc., as the Nidana of Manasa Vikara whereas Caraka Acharya mentions attachment towards undesired objects and loss of desired objects as the Karana for Manovikara. Unmada is the most elaborately dealt Manasa Vyadhi in Ayurveda. Acharyas have included a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders under Unmada. Alpa Satwa individuals are considered to be more prone for such disorders. Even the definition of “Health†by WHO suggest mental well-being along with physical and social well-being. Once any disturbance occurs it in turn disturbs the normalcy which may affect the personality of an individual, a characteristic distortion of thinking, disturbed perception etc. Schizophrenia is such a disease characterised by disturbances in thought, verbal behaviour, perception, affect, motor behaviour and relationship to the external world


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    Ayurveda has given utmost importance to optimal dietary regimen and its variation as per the season, Agni, Prakruti. When these are not followed, leads to imbalance in Doshas in turn leading to the manifestation of disease. Other contributing factors for the change in food habits are frequent traveling and change of environment which in turn has an effect on an individuals health. So it can be clearly understood that imbalanced food habits are considered as the prime cause of the manifestation of disease in an individual. Amlapitta is such a clinical entity manifesting in the Annavaha Srotas. Amlapitta can be correlated with Acid Peptic Disorders which comprises of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastritis, Functional Dyspepsia described in modern science. According to several authors of contemporary science states that, the combination of physiological, environmental, genetic and psychological factors definitely occupy a prime role in the manifestation of the disease. Through this article an attempt is made to compare and understand the Nidana, Samprapti, Purvarupa, Rupa mentioned by various Acharyas and also to analyse through the current lifestyle modifications contributing to the manifestation of the disease Amlapitta