39 research outputs found

    Implicit Stacked Autoregressive Model for Video Prediction

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    Future frame prediction has been approached through two primary methods: autoregressive and non-autoregressive. Autoregressive methods rely on the Markov assumption and can achieve high accuracy in the early stages of prediction when errors are not yet accumulated. However, their performance tends to decline as the number of time steps increases. In contrast, non-autoregressive methods can achieve relatively high performance but lack correlation between predictions for each time step. In this paper, we propose an Implicit Stacked Autoregressive Model for Video Prediction (IAM4VP), which is an implicit video prediction model that applies a stacked autoregressive method. Like non-autoregressive methods, stacked autoregressive methods use the same observed frame to estimate all future frames. However, they use their own predictions as input, similar to autoregressive methods. As the number of time steps increases, predictions are sequentially stacked in the queue. To evaluate the effectiveness of IAM4VP, we conducted experiments on three common future frame prediction benchmark datasets and weather\&climate prediction benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance

    Simple Baseline for Weather Forecasting Using Spatiotemporal Context Aggregation Network

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    Traditional weather forecasting relies on domain expertise and computationally intensive numerical simulation systems. Recently, with the development of a data-driven approach, weather forecasting based on deep learning has been receiving attention. Deep learning-based weather forecasting has made stunning progress, from various backbone studies using CNN, RNN, and Transformer to training strategies using weather observations datasets with auxiliary inputs. All of this progress has contributed to the field of weather forecasting; however, many elements and complex structures of deep learning models prevent us from reaching physical interpretations. This paper proposes a SImple baseline with a spatiotemporal context Aggregation Network (SIANet) that achieved state-of-the-art in 4 parts of 5 benchmarks of W4C22. This simple but efficient structure uses only satellite images and CNNs in an end-to-end fashion without using a multi-model ensemble or fine-tuning. This simplicity of SIANet can be used as a solid baseline that can be easily applied in weather forecasting using deep learning.Comment: 1st place solution for stage1 and Core Transfer in the Weather4Cast competition on NeurIPS 2

    Domain Generalization Strategy to Train Classifiers Robust to Spatial-Temporal Shift

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    Deep learning-based weather prediction models have advanced significantly in recent years. However, data-driven models based on deep learning are difficult to apply to real-world applications because they are vulnerable to spatial-temporal shifts. A weather prediction task is especially susceptible to spatial-temporal shifts when the model is overfitted to locality and seasonality. In this paper, we propose a training strategy to make the weather prediction model robust to spatial-temporal shifts. We first analyze the effect of hyperparameters and augmentations of the existing training strategy on the spatial-temporal shift robustness of the model. Next, we propose an optimal combination of hyperparameters and augmentation based on the analysis results and a test-time augmentation. We performed all experiments on the W4C22 Transfer dataset and achieved the 1st performance.Comment: Core Transfer Track 1st place solution in Weather4Cast competition at NeuIPS2

    Improved Flood Insights: Diffusion-Based SAR to EO Image Translation

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    Driven by rapid climate change, the frequency and intensity of flood events are increasing. Electro-Optical (EO) satellite imagery is commonly utilized for rapid response. However, its utilities in flood situations are hampered by issues such as cloud cover and limitations during nighttime, making accurate assessment of damage challenging. Several alternative flood detection techniques utilizing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data have been proposed. Despite the advantages of SAR over EO in the aforementioned situations, SAR presents a distinct drawback: human analysts often struggle with data interpretation. To tackle this issue, this paper introduces a novel framework, Diffusion-Based SAR to EO Image Translation (DSE). The DSE framework converts SAR images into EO images, thereby enhancing the interpretability of flood insights for humans. Experimental results on the Sen1Floods11 and SEN12-FLOOD datasets confirm that the DSE framework not only delivers enhanced visual information but also improves performance across all tested flood segmentation baselines.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure


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    The study examined students’ perceptions on the impact of online learning in the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive survey design was used. The study was conducted on level 100 student-teachers in three colleges of education (Accra, E. P. Amedzofe, and Peki), affiliated to the University of Ghana with a total population of 802. The calculated sample size was 325 on 4.2% margin of error with 95% confident level. A self-designed survey questionnaire, containing the background information, and five scaled Likert-type questions grouped on the variables of: home factors; teaching-learning and supports; and impacts of the online learning on students. The instrument was pilot tested on 50 student-teachers and later administered to the participants. The Cronbach alpha reliability check on instruments was 0.75 indicating the consistent reliability of the instrument. In all, 335 participants responded to the questionnaire. Descriptive data analysis was carried on with the Jamovi Statistical Data Analysis (JSDA) tool. Results revealed that students’ E-learning are being distracted mostly by home related factors. The high cost of internet data and unstable internet connectivity were among the trending issues of concern to most students on the E-learning. The study recommends the consideration of blended teaching in the Colleges to prepare students in both physical and virtual classrooms experiences. Further, the colleges are urged to use common Learning Management System (LMS) to manage cost and internet data usage. Article visualizations

    The implementation of inclusive education with regard to curriculum transformation in the primary schools

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    MEd (Special Needs Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom CampusBackground: The purpose of implementing inclusive education policies is to provide equitable participation of historically marginalised communities in education. However, policy implementation is not always efficient and this has led to confusion, uncertainty and stress to educators, who are expected to practise the prescripts of those policies. Currently, in South Africa, legislative practices continue to improve to accommodate diverse learners in order to meet first world countries in the implementation of Inclusive Education Policy with the introduction of Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Aim of the study: This study focuses on the implementation of inclusive education with regard to curriculum transformation in the primary schools of the Ditsobotla Area Office in the North West province of South Africa. Research methods: The research study employed a qualitative approach, where data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews with eight purposively selected schools and 20 participants, ideally teaching in different schools. One principal per school (4); One School-Based Support Team member per school (4); Three educators per school (12), giving a total of 20 participants. These teachers will be chosen because they are deemed to be the group that is critically involved in inclusive education at a school and would therefore be knowledgeable to answer the research questions posed. Findings: This study found that Inclusive education practices in mainstream primary schools have not been adequately established, and thus the practical implementation stage appears to have not taken its course. Recommendations: The recommendations put forth by the study suggested that since there is a need for effective implementation of inclusive education in schools, it is important that the role of institutional development and support officers should also be looked at. This would facilitate the implementation of inclusive education policies as there will be systems in placeMaster

    Human health risk and assessment of trace element contamination from indoor dust in Australian homes

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    Theoretical thesis.Contains bibliographical references.Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Research method and approach -- Chapter 3. Human exposure and risk associated with trace element concentrations in indoor dust from Australian homes -- Chapter 4. The effect of particle size distribution and bioaccessibility on human health risk assessment for trace elements measured in indoor dust -- Chapter 5. Cancer and mutagenic risks from exposure to indoor dust assessed by integrating radiometric and geochemical measurements -- Chapter 6. Geochemical profile, accumulation and sources of trace elements in residential indoor dust from an industrial city -- Chapter 7. Discussion -- Chapter 8. Recommendations and conclusions -- Appendices.The focus of this study is on potentially toxic contaminants in residential indoor dust from Australia, but predominantly Sydney metropolitan area, in the New South Wales state of Australia. Residents were engaged to submit their samples and complete online questionnaire via Australian media and through platforms developed for an earlier citizen science project (VegeSafe). This thesis uses an exposome approach to better quantify the potential health risks to individuals that may arise from exposure to environmental-sourced trace element contaminants in residential indoor dust. The exposome approach is based on the premise that the toxicity of environmental contaminants depends on several factors including the amount of contaminant an individual is exposed to (dose), route of exposure, chemical species, age, gender, genetics, and nutritional status. Given the known high degree of toxicity of As, Cr(VI), Ni and Pb, these elements are often priority elements for exposure assessment and are considered in depth in this study. Other elements Cu, Mn, and Zn are also included because previous studies have identified their prevalence in urban environments from industrial sources. In addition, potential cancer and mutagenic health risks from exposure to radiation from the radioactive isotopes ²³⁸U, ²³²Th and ⁴⁰K in indoor dust were also examined. The chemical and mineralogical analytical methods used in this thesis include portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analysis, total reflection X-ray fluorescence (tXRF) spectrometry, gamma-ray spectrometry, X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis, Energy-Dispersion Spectrometer (EDS) analysis and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis....Overall, this thesis contributes to the growing body of research in exposure science that has examined the effectiveness of using indoor dust as a metric for residential exposure assessment. This thesis contains the first independent survey on gamma emitting radionuclides in indoor it also contains the largest study of Australian indoor dust with the aim of documenting the occurrence and distribution of natural radionuclides in indoor dust. This thesis data shows that Cr and Pb levels in indoor dust together with naturally occurring radiogenic elements ²³⁸U, ²³²Th and ⁴⁰K pose potentially significant adverse health risks to residents. To reduce exposure of residents to potentially environmental-sourced contaminants in indoor environment, residents were advised to adopt a suite of mitigation strategies such as adopting a no shoes policy, establishing entry system to capture pollutants and moisture, and using washable rugs. Where high levels of naturally occurring radionuclides are present, the national authority should provide exposure reduction guidance to existing residents.1 online resource (xxv, 242 pages

    Investigating cable transfer impedance and layout for microsatellite applications

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    Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The co-existence of electronic devices and their attached transmission cables requires a careful planning regarding the energy leakage across cable shields. This leakage poses potential serious problems and impedes system functioning. This thesis pursues an investigation into the EMC cabling protocols for microsatellite systems. Network analysis techniques are applied in calibrating current probes and to recover the cable transfer impedance, Zr. The calibration approach provides accurate results for frequencies up to 600MHz. The methods used to determine Zr are based on injecting a disturbance current onto the outside of the cable-under-test (CUT) and measuring the corresponding voltage induced on the centre conductor. Useful results are obtained up to 80MHz with the use of a O.5m length of cable. It is thus proposed that Zr is a practical concept for shielding performance evaluation and for the testing of cable philosophy. The results are usable in classifying cables for verification and signal usage. Further research involves a prediction tool called an EMC ITS that simulates the hardware of a microsatellite system to allow studies on design trade-offs, transmission cable criteria and placement of devices.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gelyktydige bestaan van elektroniese toestelle en hul aangehegte transmissielynkabels benodig deeglike beplanning met betrekking tot die lek van energie deur die kabels se afskerming. Hierdie lekkassie kan ernstige probleme tot gevolg hê en die stelsel se funksionering belemmer. Hierdie tesis loods 'n ondersoek na die EMV bekabelingprotokolle vir mikrosatellietstelsels. Netwerk analise tegnieke word gebruik in die kalibrasie van stroom-probes en die verkryging van die kabel se oordragsimpedansie, Zr. Die benadering wat gevolg is in die kalibrasie verskaf akkurate resultate tot en met frekwensies van 600MHz. Die metode wat gebruik word om Zr te bepaal is gebaseer op die injeksie van 'n versteuringstroom op die buitekant van die toetskabel en die meting van die ooreenstemmende spanning wat opgewek word op die binne-geleier. Bruikbare resultate is tot en met 80MHz verkry met die gebruik van 'n kabel met 'n lengte van O.Sm. Daar word dus voorgestel dat Zr 'n praktiese wyse is om afskermingsprestasie mee te evalueer, asook vir die toetsing van kabel-filosofie. Die resultate is bruikbaar in die klassifikasie van kabels vir verifikasie en seingebruik. Verdere navorsing sluit in 'n voorspellingswyse wat 'n EMV GTS genoem word, wat die hardewaarde van 'n mikrosatellietstelsel simuleer om studie aangaande ontwerpkompromieë, transmissielyn kriteria en die plasing van toestelle binne die gebruiksomgewing moontlik te maak