1,178 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Noise in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Depth Profiles

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    The noise in the depth profiles of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is studied using different samples under various experimental conditions. Despite the noise contributions from various parts of the dynamic SIMS process, its overall character agrees very well with the Poissonian rather than the Gaussian distribution in all circumstances. The Poissonian relation between the measured mean-square error (MSE) and mean can be used to describe our data in the range of four orders. The departure from this relation at high counts is analyzed and found to be due to the saturation of the channeltron used. Once saturated, the detector was found to exhibit hysteresis between rising and falling input flux and output counts.Comment: 14 pages, 4 postscript figures, to appear on J. Appl. Phy

    Ion yields and erosion rates for Si1−xGex(0x1) ultralow energy O2+ secondary ion mass spectrometry in the energy range of 0.25–1 keV

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    We report the SIMS parameters required for the quantitative analysis of Si1−xGex across the range of 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 when using low energy O2+ primary ions at normal incidence. These include the silicon and germanium secondary ion yield [i.e., the measured ion signal (ions/s)] and erosion rate [i.e., the speed at which the material sputters (nm/min)] as a function of x. We show that the ratio Rx of erosion rates, Si1−xGex/Si, at a given x is almost independent of beam energy, implying that the properties of the altered layer are dominated by the interaction of oxygen with silicon. Rx shows an exponential dependence on x. Unsurprisingly, the silicon and germanium secondary ion yields are found to depart somewhat from proportionality to (1−x) and x, respectively, although an approximate linear relationship could be used for quantification across around 30% of the range of x (i.e., a reference material containing Ge fraction x would give reasonably accurate quantification across the range of ±0.15x). Direct comparison of the useful (ion) yields [i.e., the ratio of ion yield to the total number of atoms sputtered for a particular species (ions/atom)] and the sputter yields [i.e., the total number of atoms sputtered per incident primary ion (atoms/ions)] reveals a moderate matrix effect where the former decrease monotonically with increasing x except at the lowest beam energy investigated (250 eV). Here, the useful yield of Ge is found to be invariant with x. At 250 eV, the germanium ion and sputter yields are proportional to x for all x

    Dopant Spatial Distributions: Sample Independent Response Function And Maximum Entropy Reconstruction

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    We demonstrate the use of maximum entropy based deconvolution to reconstruct boron spatial distribution from the secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiles on a system of variously spaced boron δ\delta-layers grown in silicon. Sample independent response functions are obtained using a new method which reduces the danger of incorporating real sample behaviour in the response. Although the original profiles of different primary ion energies appear quite differently, the reconstructed distributions agree well with each other. The depth resolution in the reconstructed data is increased significantly and segregation of boron at the near surface side of the δ\delta-layers is clearly shown.Comment: 5 two-columne pages, 3 postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B1

    Elemental boron doping behavior in silicon molecular beam epitaxy

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    Boron-doped Si epilayers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using an elemental boron source, at levels up to 2×1020 cm−3, to elucidate profile control and electrical activation over the growth temperature range 450–900 °C. Precipitation and surface segregation effects were observed at doping levels of 2×1020 cm−3 for growth temperatures above 600 °C. At growth temperatures below 600 °C, excellent profile control was achieved with complete electrical activation at concentrations of 2×1020 cm−3, corresponding to the optimal MBE growth conditions for a range of Si/SixGe1−x heterostructures

    Effect of tibolone on breast cancer cell proliferation in postmenopausal ER+ patients: Results from STEM trial

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    Purpose: Tibolone is a selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator, approved for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women. We have done an exploratory, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial to investigate the tissue-specific effects of 2.5 mg tibolone on breast cancer in postmenopausal women, in particular on tissue proliferation (STEM, Study of Tibolone Effects on Mamma carcinoma tissue). Experimental Design: Postmenopausal women with initially stage I/II, estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) primary breast cancer, were randomly assigned to 14 days of placebo or 2.5 mg/d tibolone. Core biopsies of the primary tumor were obtained before and after treatment. Ki-67 and apoptosis index were analyzed in baseline and corresponding posttreatment specimen. Results: Of 102 enrolled patients, 95 had evaluable data. Baseline characteristics were comparable between both treatment groups. Breast cancer cases are mainly invasive (99%), stage I or II (42% and 50% respectively), and ER+ (99%). Median intratumoral Ki-67 expression at baseline was 13.0%, in the tibolone group and 17.8% in the placebo group, and decreased to 12.0% after 14 days of tibolone while increasing to 19.0% in the placebo group. This change from baseline was not significantly different between tibolone and placebo (Wilcoxon test; P = 0.17). A significant difference was observed between the treatment groups when the median change from baseline apoptosis index was compared between the treatment groups (tibolone, 0.0%; placebo, +0.3%; Wilcoxon test; P = 0.031). The incidence of adverse effects was comparable. Conclusions: In ER+ breast tumors, 2.5 mg/d tibolone given for 14 days has no significant effect on tumor cell proliferation
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