1,063 research outputs found

    A universal relationship between magnetization and local structure changes below the ferromagnetic transition in La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3; evidence for magnetic dimers

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    We present extensive X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) measurements on La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3 as a function of B-field (to 11T) and Ca concentration, x (21-45%). These results reveal local structure changes (associated with polaron formation) that depend only on the magnetization for a given sample, irrespective of whether the magnetization is achieved through a decrease in temperature or an applied magnetic field. Furthermore, the relationship between local structure and magnetization depends on the hole doping. A model is proposed in which a filamentary magnetization initially develops via the aggregation of pairs of Mn atoms involving a hole and an electron site. These pairs have little distortion and it is likely that they pre-form at temperatures above T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (1 with 2 parts) -- v2. new data added (updated figures); discussion expande

    Possible mechanism for achieving glass-like thermal conductivities in crystals with off-center atoms

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    In the filled Ga/Ge clathrate, Eu and Sr are off-center in site 2 but Ba is on-center. All three filler atoms (Ba,Eu,Sr) have low temperature Einstein modes; yet only for the Eu and Sr systems is there a large dip in the thermal conductivity, attributed to the Einstein modes. No dip is observed for Ba. Here we argue that it is the off-center displacement that is crucial for understanding this unexplained difference in behavior. It enhances the coupling between the "rattler" motion and the lattice phonons for the Eu and Sr systems, and turns on/off another scattering mechanism (for 1K < T < 20K) produced by the presence/absence of off-center sites. The random occupation of different off-center sites produces a high density of symmetry-breaking defects which scatters phonons. It may also be important for improving our understanding of other glassy systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure (2 parts) -- v2: intro broadened; strengthened arguments regarding need for additional phonon scattering mechanis

    Relationship between macroscopic physical properties and local distortions of low doping La{1-x}Ca{x}MnO3: an EXAFS study

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    A temperature-dependent EXAFS investigation of La{1-x}Ca{x}MnO3 is presented for the concentration range that spans the ferromagnetic-insulator (FMI) to ferromagnetic-metal (FMM) transition region, x = 0.16-0.22. The samples are insulating for x = 0.16-0.2 and show a metal/insulator transition for x = 0.22. All samples are ferromagnetic although the saturation magnetization for the 16% Ca sample is only ~ 70% of the expected value at 0.4T. We find that the FMI samples have similar correlations between changes in the local Mn-O distortions and the magnetization as observed previously for the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) samples (0.2 < x < 0.5) - except that the FMI samples never become fully magnetized. The data show that there are at least two distinct types of distortions. The initial distortions removed as the insulating sample becomes magnetized are small and provides direct evidence that roughly 50% of the Mn sites have a small distortion/site and are magnetized first. The large remaining Mn-O distortions at low T are attributed to a small fraction of Jahn-Teller-distorted Mn sites that are either antiferromagnetically ordered or unmagnetized. Thus the insulating samples are very similar to the behavior of the CMR samples up to the point at which the M/I transition occurs for the CMR materials. The lack of metallic conductivity for x <= 0.2, when 50% or more of the sample is magnetic, implies that there must be preferred magnetized Mn sites and that such sites do not percolate at these concentrations.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cell-associated bacteria in the human lung microbiome

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    Abstract Background Recent studies have revealed that bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid contains previously unappreciated communities of bacteria. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that host inflammatory signals prompt bacteria to disperse from cell-associated biofilms and adopt a virulent free-living phenotype. The proportion of the lung microbiota that is cell-associated is unknown. Results Forty-six BAL specimens were obtained from lung transplant recipients and divided into two aliquots: ‘whole BAL’ and ‘acellular BAL,’ the latter processed with a low-speed, short-duration centrifugation step. Both aliquots were analyzed via bacterial 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. The BAL specimens represented a wide spectrum of lung health, ranging from healthy and asymptomatic to acutely infected. Bacterial signal was detected in 52% of acellular BAL aliquots, fewer than were detected in whole BAL (96%, p ≤ 0.0001). Detection of bacteria in acellular BAL was associated with indices of acute infection [BAL neutrophilia, high total bacterial (16S) DNA, low community diversity, p < 0.01 for all] and, independently, with low relative abundance of specific taxonomic groups (p < 0.05). When whole and acellular aliquots from the same bronchoscopy were directly compared, acellular BAL contained fewer bacterial species (p < 0.05); whole and acellular BAL similarity was positively associated with evidence of infection and negatively associated with relative abundance of several prominent taxa (p < 0.001). Acellular BAL contained decreased relative abundance of Prevotella spp. (p < 0.05) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (p < 0.05). Conclusions We present a novel methodological and analytical approach to the localization of lung microbiota and show that prominent members of the lung microbiome are cell-associated, potentially via biofilms, cell adhesion, or intracellularity.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111056/1/40168_2014_Article_75.pd

    Evaluation of epidermal growth factor receptors in bladder tumours.

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    Epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor expression in 31 primary human bladder tumours was quantitated using both structural and functional assays and the EGF receptor gene in the same tumours was analyzed by Southern blot analysis. Immunocytochemical studies using the EGFR1 monoclonal antibody (Mab) showed a significant correlation between EGF receptor levels and the stage and grade of the tumours. Autophosphorylation assays employed to evaluate the receptor's tyrosine kinase activity gave results which in general were consistent with the immunocytochemical data. Using internally controlled immunocytochemical studies with two Mabs and Southern blot analysis of DNA isolated from the tumours, no evidence was obtained for the production of truncated receptors similar to those encoded by the v-erb-B oncogene. Gene amplification was not found in any of the superficial tumours, but one invasive tumour with high EGF receptor expression had an 8-10 fold amplification of the EGF receptor gene. The EGF receptor isolated from this tumour showed a normal pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation at all three major autophosphorylation sites. Our detailed study is consistent with the correlation previously found between EGF receptor expression and stage and grade of bladder tumours, and suggests that at this level of analysis EGF receptors in bladder tumours are not abnormal in structure or size, autophosphorylation activity, or gene structure

    A new model of the location of the plasmapause: CRRES results

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    A new empirical model of the plasmapause location has been developed using density data from the plasma wave receiver onboard the CRRES spacecraft for nearly 1000 orbits. The ‘‘plasmapause’’ is identified here as the innermost sharp gradient in density (change of a factor of 5 in <0.5 L). Such a sharp gradient was observed on 73% of the CRRES inbound and outbound orbits that returned data. The plasmapause location is expressed as a linear function of Kp (previous 12 hour maximum) and local time. The model gives the linear best fit location of the plasmapause as well as the standard deviations of the model parameters. We found a slight noon-midnight asymmetry with the plasmapause located on average an L shell farther from the Earth at midnight than in the noon sector. This is in the opposite sense to the noon-midnight asymmetry found previously. Significant variability (with standard deviations up to +/ 1 L shell) in the plasmapause location is seen and suggests that though the mean plasmapause is roughly circular, the instantaneous plasmapause has significant time variable localized structure at all local times but most especially in the duskside sectorPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/165337/1/Moldwin_CRRESresults_JGR2002.pdfSEL

    The demand for sports and exercise: Results from an illustrative survey

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    Funding from the Department of Health policy research programme was used in this study.There is a paucity of empirical evidence on the extent to which price and perceived benefits affect the level of participation in sports and exercise. Using an illustrative sample of 60 adults at Brunel University, West London, we investigate the determinants of demand for sports and exercise. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews that covered indicators of sports and exercise behaviour; money/time price and perceived benefits of participation; and socio- economic/demographic details. Count, linear and probit regression models were fitted as appropriate. Seventy eight per cent of the sample participated in sports and exercise and spent an average of £27 per month and an average of 20 min travelling per occasion of sports and exercise. The demand for sport and exercise was negatively associated with time (travel or access time) and ‘variable’ price and positively correlated with ‘fixed’ price. Demand was price inelastic, except in the case of meeting the UK government’s recommended level of participation, which is time price elastic (elasticity = −2.2). The implications of data from a larger nationally representative sample as well as the role of economic incentives in influencing uptake of sports and exercise are discussed.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    The use of environmental scenarios to project future health effects: a scoping review

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    Environmental risks are a substantial factor in the current burden of disease, and their role is likely to increase in the future. Model-based scenario analysis is used extensively in environmental sciences to explore the potential effects of human activities on the environment. In this Review, we examine the literature on scenarios modelling environmental effects on health to identify the most relevant findings, common methods used, and important research gaps. Health outcomes and measures related to climate change (n=106) and air pollution (n=30) were most frequently studied. Studies examining future disease burden due to changes or policies related to dietary risks were much less common (n=10). Only a few studies assessed more than two environmental risks (n=3), even though risks can accumulate and interact with each other. Studies predominantly covered high-income countries and Asia. Sociodemographic, vulnerability, and health-system changes were rarely accounted for; thus, assessing the full effect of future environmental changes in an integrative way is not yet possible. We recommend that future models incorporate a broader set of determinants of health to more adequately capture their effect, as well as the effect of mitigation and adaptation efforts