2,114 research outputs found

    Application of Bacteriorhodopsin Films in an Adaptive-Focusing Schlieren System

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    The photochromic property of bacteriorhodopsin films is exploited in the application of a focusing schlieren optical system for the visualization of optical phase information. By encoding an image on the film with light of one wavelength and reading out with a different wavelength, the readout beam can effectively see the photographic negative of the original image. The potential advantage of this system over previous focusing schlieren systems is that the updatable nature of the bacteriorhodopsin film allows system adaptation. I discuss two image encoding and readout techniques for the bacteriorhodopsin and use film transmission characteristics to choose the more appropriate method. I demonstrate the system principle with experimental results using argon-ion and He-Cd lasers as the two light sources of different wavelengths, and I discuss current limitations to implementation with a white-light source

    Nonlinear Coherent Optical Image Processing Using Logarithmic Transmittance of Bacteriorhodopsin Films

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    The transmission properties of some bacteriorhodopsin-film spatial light modulators are uniquely suited to allow nonlinear optical image-processing operations to be applied to images with multiplicative noise characteristics. A logarithmic amplitude-transmission characteristic of the film permits the conversion of multiplicative noise to additive noise, which may then be linearly filtered out in the Fourier plane of the transformed image. I present experimental results demonstrating the principle and the capability for several different image and noise situations, including deterministic noise and speckle. The bacteriorhodopsin film studied here displays the logarithmic transmission response for write intensities spanning a dynamic range greater than 2 orders of magnitude

    Thermoelectric performance of multiphase XNiSn (X = Ti, Zr, Hf) half-Heusler alloys

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    Quantitative X-ray powder diffraction analysis demonstrates that mixing Ti, Zr and Hf on the ionic site in the half-Heusler structure, which is a common strategy to lower the lattice thermal conductivity in this important class of thermoelectric materials, leads to multiphase behaviour. For example, nominal Ti0.5Zr0.5NiSn has a distribution of Ti1āˆ’xZrxNiSn compositions between 0.24 ≤ x ≤ 0.70. Similar variations are observed for Zr0.50Hf0.5NiSn and Ti0.5Hf0.5NiSn. Electron microscopy and elemental mapping demonstrate that the main compositional variations occur over micrometre length scales. The thermoelectric power factors of the mixed phase samples are improved compared to the single phase end-members (e.g. S2/Ļ = 1.8 mW māˆ’1 Kāˆ’2 for Ti0.5Zr0.5NiSn, compared to S2/Ļ = 1.5 mW māˆ’1 Kāˆ’2 for TiNiSn), demonstrating that the multiphase behaviour is not detrimental to electronic transport. Thermal conductivity measurements for Ti0.5Zr0.5NiSn0.95 suggest that the dominant reduction comes from Ti/Zr mass and size difference phonon scattering with the multiphase behaviour a secondary effect

    Optical Logarithmic Transformation of Speckle Images with Bacteriorhodopsin Films

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    The application of logarithmic transformations to speckle images is sometimes desirable in converting the speckle noise distribution into an additive, constant-variance noise distribution. The optical transmission properties of some bacteriorhodopsin films are well suited to implement such a transformation optically in a parallel fashion. I present experimental results of the optical conversion of a speckle image into a transformed image with signal-independent noise statistics, using the real-time photochromic properties of bacteriorhodopsin. The original and transformed noise statistics are confirmed by histogram analysis

    Optical Correlation of Images With Signal-Dependent Noise Using Constrained-Modulation Filter Devices

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    Images with signal-dependent noise present challenges beyond those of images with additive white or colored signal-independent noise in terms of designing the optimal 4-f correlation filter that maximizes correlation-peak signal-to-noise ratio, or combinations of correlation-peak metrics. Determining the proper design becomes more difficult when the filter is to be implemented on a constrained-modulation spatial light modulator device. The design issues involved for updatable optical filters for images with signal-dependent film-grain noise and speckle noise are examined. It is shown that although design of the optimal linear filter in the Fourier domain is impossible for images with signal-dependent noise, proper nonlinear preprocessing of the images allows the application of previously developed design rules for optimal filters to be implemented on constrained-modulation devices. Thus the nonlinear preprocessing becomes necessary for correlation in optical systems with current spatial light modulator technology. These results are illustrated with computer simulations of images with signal-dependent noise correlated with binary-phase-only filters and ternary-phase-amplitude filters

    Swimming performance in juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum): the influence of time interval and velocity increments on critical swimming tests

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    The most utilized method to measure swimming performance of fishes has been the critical swimming speed (UCrit) test. In this test, the fish is forced to swim against an incrementally increasing flow of water until fatigue. Before the water velocity is increased, the fish swims at the water velocity for a specific, pre-arranged time interval. The magnitude of the velocity increments and the time interval for each swimming period can vary across studies making the comparison between and within species difficult. This issue has been acknowledged in the literature, however, little empirical evidence exists that tests the importance of velocity and time increments on swimming performance in fish. A practical application for fish performance is through the design of fishways that enable fish to bypass anthropogenic structures (e. g. dams) that block migration routes, which is one of the causes of world-wide decline in sturgeon populations. While fishways will improve sturgeon conservation, they need to be specifically designed to accommodate the swimming capabilities specific for sturgeons, and it is possible that current swimming methodologies have under-estimated the swimming performance of sturgeons. The present study assessed the UCrit of shortnose sturgeon using modified UCrit to determine the importance of velocity increment (5 and 10 cm s(-1)) and time (5, 15 and 30 min) intervals on swimming performance. UCrit was found to be influenced by both time interval and water velocity. UCrit was generally lower in sturgeon when they were swum using 5cm s(-1) compared with 10 cm s(-1) increments. Velocity increment influences the UCrit more than time interval. Overall, researchers must consider the impacts of using particular swimming criteria when designing their experiments

    Hold the Gold Watch for now: delayed retirements

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    The services industries are always challenging. Any situation where point of delivery is coincidental with point of consumption, requires not only a first class product but also delivery mechanisms which allow for adaptability and improvisation in the face of the unexpected. An integral part of that mechanism is the workforce, and from this perspective the UK, Australia, and many other countries face some likely turbulent periods over the next five years. For example, data from the UKā€™s Office of National Statistics (ONS) show for the first time there are more than 10 million people aged over 50 in employment. This means that over 50s now make up nearly one third of the entire UK workforce, up from around one in five (21%) in the early 1990s. Looking ahead, by 2034, the estimate is that more than 25% of the population will be over 65 years old. Notwithstanding the advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and predictions from some quarters that ā€˜weā€™ll all be replaced by robotsā€™, these statistics, coupled with the World Bankā€™s 2017 estimate of a likely annual population growth rate in the UK of 0.6% clearly suggest that the makeup of the workforce will have to change
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