1,016 research outputs found

    The effect of the mining boom on the Australian economy

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    Abstract: This paper estimates the effects of the mining boom in Australia, using a large-scale structural macroeconometric model, AUS-M. We estimate that the mining boom boosted real per capita household disposable income by 13 per cent by 2013. The boom has contributed to a large appreciation of the Australian dollar that has weighed on other industries exposed to trade, such as manufacturing and agriculture. However, because manufacturing benefits from higher demand for inputs to mining, the deindustrialisation that sometimes accompanies resource booms – the so-called ‘Dutch disease’ – has not been strong

    Lies, damned lies and storytelling: an exploration of the contribution of principals’ anecdotes to research, teaching and learning about the management of schools and colleges

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    This article investigates the extent to which story telling can be an acceptable and effective presentation of experience which facilitates research, teaching and learning in education management. Stories, written by school principals about real events which influenced their practice, are interspersed with discussion first, on the art of storytellers and how their magic can be distinguished from that of actors and of management gurus. Secondly, story telling is suggested as a method of research since it records authoritative experience, can lead to categorisation. is documentary in source, recreates the past from participant observation and offers easy access to data. Thirdly, storytelling is an effective teaching method, stimulating imagination, offering learning stimuli from varying sources, linking teacher and taught through shared experiences, allowing relaxation in the learning process and opening up opportunities for frank exchanges of feelings. The three stories included in the article offer the reader the chance to test the ideas presented

    If you wanna be loved

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    New records of marine invertebrates from Ascension Island (central Atlantic)

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    The sea anemone Telmatactis forskalii, the zoanthid Isaurus tuberculatus, the nemertine Baseodiscus delineatus, the echinoderms Ophiocoma wendtii and Mithrodia clavigera, the molluscs Colubraria canariensis, Glyphepithema turtoni, Tonna pennata, Trivia candidula, Melanella eburnea, Melanella n.sp., Echineulima leucophaes, Stylocheilus striatus, Limaria hians, Pteria hirundo and Callistoctopus macropus, and the crustaceans Tetraclitella sp., Oxynaspis celata, Thor amboinensis and Parribacus antarcticus are recorded from Ascension Island for the first time. A new depth record is given for the sea anemone Telmatactis cricoides. An undescribed shrimp species of the genus Lysmata and the shrimp Lysmata moorei were observed to clean fish at night.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Special Issue (Part-II): mafic-ultramafic rocks andalkaline-carbonatitic magmatism and associated hydrothermalmineralization – dedication to Lia N. Kogarko

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    Thisisthesecondpartofatwo-volumespecialis- sue of Open Geoscience (formerly Central European Jour- nal of Geosciences) that aims to be instrumental in pro- viding an update of Mac-Ultramac Rocks and Alkaline
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