111 research outputs found

    Submillimeter (λ < 1 mm) Continuum Imaging at CSO: A Retrospective

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    This contribution is submitted on behalf of all students, postdocs, and staff inspired and supported by Tom Phillips to build an instrument and then wait for low precipitable water vapor. Over the 20+ years of its existence, the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) has seen a succession of ever more powerful detectors to measure continuum emission in the shortest submillimeter bands available from Mauna Kea. These instruments have been trained on the nearest solar systems, the most distant galaxies, and objects in between. I show several images collected over the 5+ year history of the SHARC II camera and anecdotal comparison with past work

    350 ÎŒm dust emission from high-redshift quasars

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    We report detections of six high-redshift (1.8 ≀ z ≀ 6.4), optically luminous, radio-quiet quasars at 350 ÎŒm, using the SHARC II bolometer camera at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Our observations double the number of high-redshift quasars for which 350 ÎŒm photometry is available. By combining the 350 ÎŒm measurements with observations at other submillimeter/millimeter wavelengths, for each source we have determined the temperature of the emitting dust (ranging from 40 to 60 K) and the far-infrared luminosity [(0.6-2.2) × 10^(13) L⊙]. The combined mean spectral energy distribution of all high-redshift quasars with two or more rest-frame far-infrared photometric measurements is best fit with a graybody with temperature of 47 ± 3 K and a dust emissivity power-law spectral index of ÎČ = 1.6 ± 0.1. This warm dust component is a good tracer of the starburst activity of the quasar host galaxy. The ratio of the far-infrared to radio luminosities of infrared-luminous, radio-quiet high-redshift quasars is consistent with that found for local star-forming galaxies

    Far-infrared/submillimeter imager-polarimeter using distributed antenna-coupled transition edge sensors

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    We describe a new concept for a detector for the submillimeter and far infrared that uses a distributed hot-electron transition edge sensor (TES) to collect the power from a focal-plane-filling slot antenna array. Because superconducting transmission lines are lossy at frequencies greater than about 1 Thz, the sensors must directly tap the antenna, and therefore must match the antenna impedance (~ 30 ohms). Each pixel contains many TESs that are all wired in parallel as a single distributed TES, which results in a low impedance that can match to a multiplexed SQUID readout. These detectors are inherently polarization sensitive, with very low cross-polarization, but can also be easily configured to sum both polarizations for imaging applications. The single polarization version can have a very wide bandwidth of greater than 10:1 with a quantum efficiency greater than 50%. The dual polarization version is narrow band, but can have a higher quantum efficiency. The use of electron-phonon decoupling obviates the need for micro-machining, making the focal plane much easier to fabricate than with absorber-coupled, geometrically isolated pixels. An array of these detectors would be suitable for an imager for the Single Aperture Far Infrared (SAFIR) observatory. We consider two near-term applications of this technology, a 32 x 32 element imaging polarimeter for SOFIA and a 350 ”m camera for the CSO

    Anchoring Magnetic Field in Turbulent Molecular Clouds

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    One of the key problems in star formation research is to determine the role of magnetic fields. Starting from the atomic inter-cloud medium (ICM) which has density nH ~ 1 per cubic cm, gas must accumulate from a volume several hundred pc across in order to form a typical molecular cloud. Star formation usually occurs in cloud cores, which have linear sizes below 1 pc and densities nH2 > 10^5 per cubic cm. With current technologies, it is hard to probe magnetic fields at scales lying between the accumulation length and the size of cloud cores, a range corresponds to many levels of turbulent eddy cascade, and many orders of magnitude of density amplification. For field directions detected from the two extremes, however, we show here that a significant correlation is found. Comparing this result with molecular cloud simulations, only the sub-Alfvenic cases result in field orientations consistent with our observations.Comment: accepted by Ap

    Optical design of the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone telescope

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    The Experimental Probe of Inflationary Cosmology - Intermediate Mission (EPIC-IM) is a concept for the NASA Einstein Inflation Probe satellite. EPIC-IM is designed to characterize the polarization properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background to search for the B-mode polarization signal characteristic of gravitational waves generated during the epoch of Inflation in the early universe. EPIC-IM employs a large focal plane with 11,000 detectors operating in 9 wavelength bands to provide 30 times higher sensitivity than the currently operating Planck satellite. The optical design is based on a wide-field 1.4 m crossed-Dragone telescope, an aperture that allows not only comprehensive measurements of Inflationary B-mode polarization, but also measurements of the E-mode and lensing polarization signals to cosmological limits, as well as all-sky maps of Galactic polarization with unmatched sensitivity and angular resolution. The optics are critical to measuring these extremely faint polarization signals, and any design must meet demanding requirements on systematic error control. We describe the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone optical design, its polarization properties, and far-sidelobe response
