243 research outputs found

    The compressibility and high pressure structure of diopside from first principles simulation

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    The structure of diopside (CaMgSi2O6) has been calculated at pressures between 0 and 25 GPa using the planewaves and pseudopotentials approach to density functional theory. After applying a pressure correction of 4.66 GPa to allow for the under-binding usually associated with the generalized gradient approximation, cell parameters are in good agreement with experiment. Fitting to the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields values of 122 GPa and 4.7 for the bulk modulus and its pressure derivative. In addition to cell parameters, our calculations provide all atomic positional parameters to pressures considerably beyond those currently available from experiment. We have analyzed these data in terms of polyhedral rigidity and regularity and find that the most compressible Ca polyhedron becomes markedly less anisotropic above 10 GPa

    Solid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite

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    his research utilised Queen Mary's MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1. We are grateful to E. Maddrell for discussions and to CSC for support

    Neutron scattering study of the orientational disorder and phase transitions in barium carbonate.

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    Orientational disorder of the molecular carbonate anions in BaCO3, which occurs naturally as the mineral witherite, has been studied using a combination of neutron total scattering analysed by the Reverse Monte Carlo method and molecular dynamics simulations. The primary focus is on the phase transition to the cubic phase, which assumes a rocksalt structure (Strukturbericht type B1) with highly disordered orientations consistent with the mismatch between the site (m3m) and molecular (3/m) symmetries. Both experiment and simulation show a high degree of disorder, with the C-O bond orientation distribution never exceeding 25% variation from that of a completely uniform distribution, although there are differences between the two methods regarding the nature of these variations. Molecular dynamics simulations are also reported for the analogous phase transitions in the very important mineral calcite, CaCO3. The combination of the simulations and comparison with BaCO3 shows that the properties of calcite at all temperatures within its stability field are affected mostly by the onset of orientational disorder associated with the high-temperature cubic phase, even though this lies outside the stability field of calcite. This is a new understanding of calcite, which previously had been interpreted purely in terms of the phase transition to an intermediate partially-disordered phase. Finally, we also found that witherite itself appears to support the development of orientational disorder on heating, with the simulations showing a sequence of phase transitions that explain the much larger thermal expansion of one axis

    Emergence and Evolution of the k Gap in Spectra of Liquid and Supercritical States

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    This research utilized Queen Maryā€™s MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC Grant No. EP/K000128/1. We are grateful to the Royal Society, the China Scholarship Council, and V. V. B. to the RSF (for Grant No. 14-22-00093)

    Experimental observation of moving intrinsic localized modes in germanium

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    Deep level transient spectroscopy shows that defects created by alpha irradiation of germanium are annealed by low energy plasma ions up to a depth of several thousand lattice units. The plasma ions have energies of 2-8eV and therefore can deliver energies of the order of a few eV to the germanium atoms. The most abundant defect is identified as the E-center, a complex of the dopant antimony and a vacancy with and annealing energy of 1.3eV as determined by our measurements. The inductively coupled plasma has a very low density and a very low flux of ions. This implies that the ion impacts are almost isolated both in time and at the surface of the semiconductor. We conclude that energy of the order of an eV is able to travel a large distance in germanium in a localized way and is delivered to the defects effectively. The most likely candidates are vibrational nonlinear wave packets known as intrinsic localized modes, which exist for a limited range of energies. This property is coherent with the fact that more energetic ions are less efficient at producing the annealing effect.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Low-temperature anharmonicity and symmetry breaking in the sodalite

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    Ā©2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2018. The aluminosilicate iodide sodalite |Na8I2|[AlSiO4]6 was examined by temperature-dependent neutron time-of-flight powder diffraction from 5 K to 290 K and X-ray diffraction from 298 K to 1200 K. The temperature-dependent properties of the mean structure in space group P4 3n were obtained by Rietveld analysis. A negative slope for the thermal expansion coefficient below 50 K could be observed, and the displacement parameters of the iodide ions indicate anharmonic effects. Local structure models (8Ɨ8Ɨ8 super cells) were refined against pair-distribution functions calculated from total scattering data collected at 5 K, 165 K and 240 K. The results indicate isotropic displacements for all atoms except for I-atoms, showing the effects of an anharmonic potential around this anion at very low temperatures

    Molecular dynamics study of CO2 absorption and desorption in zinc imidazolate frameworks

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    This research utilised two high-performance computing facilities. Development of the force field was carried out using Queen Mary's MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1. The molecular dynamics simulations were carried out using the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (http://www.archer.ac.uk), with access made available through our membership of the UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/L000202). MG and CY were supported by both the China Scholarship Council and Queen Mary University of London. AM was supported by a European Union Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship

    Grid tool integration within the eMinerals Project

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    In this article we describe the eMinerals mini grid, which is now running in production mode. Thisis an integration of both compute and data components, the former build upon Condor, PBS and thefunctionality of Globus v2, and the latter being based on the combined use of the Storage ResourceBroker and the CCLRC data portal. We describe how we have integrated the middleware components,and the different facilities provided to the users for submitting jobs within such an environment. We willalso describe additional functionality we found it necessary to provide ourselves
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