1,592 research outputs found

    Path integral Monte Carlo simulations of silicates

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    We investigate the thermal expansion of crystalline SiO2_2 in the β\beta-- cristobalite and the β\beta-quartz structure with path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) techniques. This simulation method allows to treat low-temperature quantum effects properly. At temperatures below the Debye temperature, thermal properties obtained with PIMC agree better with experimental results than those obtained with classical Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Seabed characterization: developing fit for purpose methodologies

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    We briefly describe three methods of seabed characterization which are ‘fit for purpose’, in that each approach is well suited to distinct objectives e.g. characterizing glacial geomorphology and shallow glacial geology vs. rapid prediction of seabed sediment distribution via geostatistics. The methods vary from manual ‘expert’ interpretation to increasingly automated and mathematically based models, each with their own attributes and limitations. We would note however that increasing automation and mathematical sophistication does not necessarily equate to improve map outputs, or reduce the time required to produce them. Judgements must be made to select methodologies which are most appropriate to the variables mapped, and according to the extent and presentation scale of final maps

    Sweet potato development and delivery in sub-Saharan Africa

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    n sub-Saharan Africa, more than 40% of children under five years of age suffer from vitamin A deficiency. Among several interventions in place to address vitamin A deficiency is biofortification, breeding vitamin A into key staple crops. Staple crops biofortified with beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, are orange in color. Given the natural occurrence of high levels of beta-carotene in many sweet potato varieties, breeding progress for biofortified orange sweet potato (OSP) has been much faster than for the other vitamin A enhanced staples. Nearly 3 million households have been reached with OSP. This paper reviews key factors influencing the uptake of OSP, the breeding investment, five key delivery approaches that have been tested in the region and efforts to broaden government and other stakeholder engagement

    Charged and Pseudoscalar Higgs production at a Muon Collider

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    We consider single charged Higgs (H±H^{\pm}) and pseudoscalar Higgs (A0A^0) production in association with a gauge boson at μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- colliders. We find that the tree-level t-channel and s-channel contributions to μ+μH±W,A0Z\mu^+\mu^-\to H^{\pm}W^{\mp}, A^0Z are enhanced for large values of tanβ\tan\beta, allowing sizeable cross-sections whose analogies at e+ee^+e^- colliders would be very small. These processes provide attractive new ways of producing such particles at μ+μ\mu^+\mu^- colliders and are superior to the conventional methods in regions of parameter space.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 5 figures, formulae added in sections 2.2 and 2.3, extra discussion in section 2.3, references adde

    Condensation of a tetrahedra rigid-body libration mode in HoBaCo4O7 : the origin of phase transition at 355 K

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    Rietveld profiles, Moessbauer spectra and x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) were analyzed through the structural phase transition at Ts = 355 K in HoBaCo4O7. Excess of the oxygen content over O7 was avoided via annealing the samples in argon flow at 600 degree C. Space groups (S.G.) Pbn21c and P63mc were used to refine the structure parameters in the low- and high-temperature phases, respectively. Additionally, the Cmc21 symmetry was considered as a concurrent model of structure of the low-temperature phase. In the high-temperature phase, severe anisotropy of thermal motion of the major part of the oxygen atoms was observed. This anisotropic motion turns to be quenched as the sample is cooled below Ts. The variation of quadrupole splitting near Ts is not similar to a steplike anomaly frequently seen at the charge-ordering transition. We observe instead a dip-like anomaly of the average quadrupole splitting near Ts. Narrow distribution of the electric field gradient (EFG) over different cobalt sites is observed and explained on the basis of point-charge model. XAFS spectra show no evidence of significant difference between YBaCo4O7 (T > Ts) and HoBaCo4O7 (T < Ts). The origin of the transition at Ts is ascribed to the condensation of the libration phonon mode associated with the rigid-body rotational movements of the starlike tetrahedral units, the building blocks of kagome network. It is shown that the condensation of the libration mode is not compatible with translation symmetry for the hexagonal S.G., but compatible for the orthorhombic S.G. The orthorhombic lattice parameters and EFG components (Vxx, Vyy, Vzz) vary smoothly with temperature at approaching Ts and closely follow each other.Comment: 13 figure

    Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment

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    Reef-building corals (Order Scleractinia Class Anthozoa) form extensive skeletons of calcium carbonate (limestone), depositing enough material over time to form vast reef structures that may be easily seen from space. The majority of reef-building corals are hard (stony) scleractinian corals. Many octocorals (especially soft corals in the family Alcyoniidae and the blue coral Heliopora) and some hydrozoan corals (such as Millepora) also contribute to reef-building. Corals form the framework of reef structures, while other organisms such as calcareous algae (especially red coralline algae) play a key role in cementing and consolidating the reef framework. This chapter focuses on the vulnerability of reef-building corals to climate change. The implications of climate change for macroalgae are covered in chapter 7 and a broader treatment of reef processes is provided in chapter 17.This is Chapter 10 of Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment. The entire book can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/11017/13

    On the Absorption of X-rays in the Interstellar Medium

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    We present an improved model for the absorption of X-rays in the ISM intended for use with data from future X-ray missions with larger effective areas and increased energy resolution such as Chandra and XMM, in the energy range above 100eV. Compared to previous work, our formalism includes recent updates to the photoionization cross section and revised abundances of the interstellar medium, as well as a treatment of interstellar grains and the H2molecule. We review the theoretical and observational motivations behind these updates and provide a subroutine for the X-ray spectral analysis program XSPEC that incorporates our model.Comment: ApJ, in press, for associated software see http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/nh

    X-ray total scattering study of regular and magic-size nanoclusters of cadmium sulphide

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    Four kinds of magic-size CdS clusters and two different regular CdS quantum dots have been studied by x-ray total scattering technique and pair distribution function method. Results for the regular CdS quantum dots could be modelled as a mixed phase of atomic structures based on the two bulk crystalline phases, which is interpreted as representing the effects of stacking disorder. However, the results for the magic-size clusters were significantly different. On one hand, the short-range features in the pair distribution function reflect the bulk, indicating that these structures are based on the same tetrahedral coordination found in the bulk phases (and therefore excluding new types of structures such as cage-like arrangements of atoms). But on the other hand, the longer- range atomic structure clearly does not reflect the layer structures found in the bulk and the regular quantum dots. We compare the effects of two ligands, phenylacetic acid and oleic acid, showing that in two cases the ligand has little effect on the atomic structure of the magic-size nanocluster and in another it has a significant effect