16 research outputs found

    Respuesta de las comunidades de peces y macroinvertebrados bentónicos de la cuenca del Alto Tajo a la contaminación por sedimentos inertes procedentes de la minería del caolín. Propuesta de medidas de restauración ecológica

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster analiza los efectos de un vertido de sedimentos procedentes de la erosión de los materiales de una mina de caolín abandonada sobre las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y peces de un tramo del río Tajo situado en el Parque Natural del Alto Tajo. La respuesta a la perturbación se ha medido mediante la aplicación de indicadores bióticos. Además, se ha realizado una caracterización hidrológica y geomorfológica del río Tajo para evaluar su capacidad de movilizar los sedimentos procedentes de la mina con el objetivo de diseñar medidas de restauración ecológica complementarias a las que va a implantar un proyecto LIFE en la zona. Se ha confirmado que el vertido tiene consecuencias negativas para las comunidades de macroinvertebrados y peces de la zona. No obstante, dado que el río tiene capacidad para movilizar los sedimentos que llegan desde la mina, se prevé un retorno a las condiciones de referencia observadas en el tramo de control una vez que el proyecto LIFE elimine la perturbación. De este modo, tanto los macroinvertebrados como los peces deberían ser capaces de recuperarse sin necesidad de aplicar medidas de restauración ecológica adicionales. La descripción del estado de las comunidades de peces y macroinvertebrados de la zona de estudio es anterior a la implantación de las medidas de restauración del proyecto LIFE. Por ello, proporciona la situación de partida para el seguimiento y la evaluación de su eficacia. Además, se aporta una metodología apropiada para realizar el seguimiento y evaluación de estas medidas en lo que respecta a las comunidades de peces y macroinvertebrados bentónicos del Alto Tajo.This Masters Dissertation assesses the effects of silting caused by the erosion of waste materials at an abandoned Kaolin mine on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities of the river Tagus in the Parque Natural del Alto Tajo nature reserve. Response to the perturbation has been measured using biotic indicators. A hydrological and geomorphological characterisation of the river has been performed in order to assess its ability to mobilise the sediments arriving from the mine and thus design ecological restoration measures that may complement the implementation of an ongoing LIFE project designed to tackle the problem. It has been confirmed that silting caused by the mine’s sediments has deleterious effect on the area’s fish and macroinvertebrate communities. However, given that the river is able to mobilise these sediments, a return to reference conditions is envisaged once the LIFE project removes the perturbation. Hence, both the fish and the macroinvertebrates should recover without the need for further restoration measures. The description of the state of fish and macroinvertebrate communities is prior to the implementation of the LIFE project’s restoration measures. Thus, it delivers the benchmark to assess their efficacy. Furthermore, a suitable methodology has been provided to monitor and evaluate these measures as concerns the upper Tagus’ communities of fish and macroinvertebrates.Máster Universitario en Restauración de Ecosistemas (M139

    Evaluation on the use of e-learning tools to support teaching and learning in aquaculture and aquatic sciences education

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    The study aimed to capture a snapshot of the status of educational means used in teaching and learning in the area of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resources management at European level, with specific consideration on the use of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning tools. To achieve this goal, an online survey was compiled and made available to teachers and students across Europe. In total, teachers from 31 institutions and students from 40 institutions participated in this survey. This paper presents the findings, considers trends and poses further questions for sector stakeholders to help in the development of future programmes and support. In summary it can be concluded that few teachers have a comprehensive knowledge of the wide range of ICT tools available and can make use of e-learning tools with complete confidence. There is therefore a real and urgent need to "train the trainers" to use ICT in their teaching environments. From the students' end, there is a strong desire to learn more about the application of e-learning tools and to use them in their learning process.Output from the Aqua-tnet project (EC ERASMUS Thematic Network in Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management

    Evaluating engagement to address undergraduate first year transition: A case study

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    Rapidly changing demands from employers of students of business meant substantial redesign of the first year undergraduate experience whose underlying pedagogy drew on the concept of "high-engagement" learning. This paper focuses on the question of how engagement can be evaluated. It is argued that a variety of "sensors" are needed for evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative. Of particular interest is the use of Moodle logs as an emerging powerful sensor