17 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Talking Stick Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Kelas XI Iis 2 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Dovan Julinur Rahsyaputra. K8411023. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE TALKING STICK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN SOSIOLOGI KELAS XI IIS 2 SMA NEGERI 1 BOYOLALI TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015. Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sebelas Maret. Oktober 2015.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mata pelajaran Sosiologi siswa kelas XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi tindakan. Subyek pada penelitian tindakan kelas adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali yaitu sebanyak 31 siswa. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan siswa. Teknik utama dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan tes, sementara teknik pendukung dengan menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali, yang dimulai dari tahap Pra Tindakan, Siklus I dan Siklus II. Hasil belajar pada tahap Pra Tindakan diperoleh prosentase ketuntasan siswa sebesar 45% dengan nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 73,54. Hasil belajar mengalami peningkatan pada Siklus I dengan prosentase ketuntasan sebesar 58% dan rata-rata nilai sebesar 78,54. Kemudian pada siklus II diperoleh prsontase ketuntasan sebesar 87% dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 87,41. Simpulan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini adalah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Talking Stick dapat meningkat hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali

    Pengaruh Iklan Partai Politik di Televisi dan Kesadaran Atas Partai terhadap Keinginan Memilih Partai pada Pemilu 2014 di Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh iklan partai politik dan kesadaran atas partai terhadap keinginan memilih partai pada Pemilu 2014 di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari 150 responden yang pernah melihat iklan partai politik dan memiliki hak pilih pada pemilu 2014 mendatang. Data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dengan analisi regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa variabel elemen iklan partai politik dan kesadaran atas partai memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keinginan memilih partai politik. Berdasarkan analisis keragaman terhadap variabel iklan partai politik terdapat perbedaan keragaman pada kelompok status pernikahan, kelompok pekerjaan dan kelompok tingkat pendidikan. Variabel kesadaran atas partai, perbedaan keragaman terdapat pada kelompok usia dan kelompok tingkat pendidikan. Selanjutnya, untuk variabel keinginan memilih terdapat perbedaan keragaman pada kelompok pekerjaan

    An Overview of the Management of Flexor Tendon Injuries

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    Flexor tendon injuries still remain a challenging condition to manage to ensure optimal outcome for the patient. Since the first flexor tendon repair was described by Kirchmayr in 1917, several approaches to flexor tendon injury have enabled successful repairs rates of 70-90%. Primary surgical repair results in better functional outcome compared to secondary repair or tendon graft surgery. Flexor tendon injury repair has been extensively researched and the literature demonstrates successful repair requires minimal gapping at the repair site or interference with tendon vascularity, secure suture knots, smooth junction of tendon end and having sufficient strength for healing. However, the exact surgical approach to achieve success being currently used among surgeons is still controversial. Therefore, this review aims to discuss the results of studies demonstrating the current knowledge regarding the optimal approach for flexor tendon repair. Post-operative rehabilitation for flexor tendon surgery is another area, which has caused extensive debate in hand surgery. The trend to more active mobilisation protocols seems to be favoured but further study in this area is needed to find the protocol, which achieves function and gliding but avoids rupture of the tendons. Lastly despite success following surgery complications commonly still occur post surgery, including adhesion formation, tendon rupture and stiffness of the joints. Therefore, this review aims to discuss the appropriate management of these difficulties post surgery. New techniques in management of flexor tendon will also be discussed including external laser devices, addition of growth factors and cytokines

    Sports-related wrist and hand injuries: a review

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    Rail incident investigator training: Is there support for a standardised Australasian training framework?

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    Background: Historically rail organisations have been operating in silos and devising their own training agendas. However with the harmonisation of the Australian workplace health and safety legislation and the appointment of a national rail safety regulator in 2013, rail incident investigator experts are exploring the possibility of developing a unified approach to investigator training. Objectives: The Australian CRC for Rail Innovation commissioned a training needs analysis to identify if common training needs existed between organisations and to assess support for the development of a national competency framework for rail incident investigations. Method: Fifty-two industry experts were consulted to explore the possibility of the development of a standardised training framework. These experts were sourced from within 19 Australasian organisations, comprising Rail Operators and Regulators in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and New Zealand. Results: Although some competency requirements appear to be organisation specific, the vast majority of reported training requirements were generic across the Australasian rail operators and regulators. Industry experts consistently reported strong support for the development of a national training framework. Significance: The identification of both generic training requirements across organisations and strong support for standardised training indicates that the rail industry is receptive to the development of a structured training framework. The development of an Australasian learning framework could: increase efficiency in course development and reduce costs; establish recognised career pathways; and facilitate consistency with regards to investigator training

    Keep ahead of the workforce development curve through the establishment of standardised training for rail incident investigators

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    The Australasian rail industry lacks a consistently accepted standard of minimal training necessary to perform rail incident investigations. Current Australasian courses do not offer the breadth of development required for a comprehensive career pathway in incident investigation (Biggs, Banks & Dovan, 2012; Short, Kains & Harris, 2010)

    Tracking rail safety : incident and accident investigation in Australia

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    Scoping Project: Currently no national or structured learning framework available in Aus or NZ Current Project: Develop a national training program & capability framework for rail incident investigators - Establish the potential market demand - Define the curricula for a multi-level national training program - Explore training providers & delivery option

    Exploring the impact of a learning dashboard on student affect

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    Research highlights that many students experience negative emotions during learning activities, and these can have a detrimental impact on behaviors and outcomes. Here, we investigate the impact of a particular kind of affective intervention, namely a learning dashboard, on two deactivating emotions: bore

    Correction to: A Multimedia Adaptive Tutoring System for Mathematics that Addresses Cognition, Metacognition and Affect

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    This article describes research results based on multiple years of experimentation and real-world experience with an adaptive tutoring system named Wayang Outpost. The system represents a novel adaptive learning technology that has shown successful outcomes with thousands of students, and provided teachers with valuable information about students’ mathematics performance. We define progress in three areas: improved student cognition, engagement, and affect, and we attribute this improvement to specific components and interventions that are inherently affective, cognitive, and metacognitive in nature. For instance, improved student cognitive outcomes have been measured with pre-post tests and state standardized tests, and achieved due to personalization of content and math fluency training. Improved student engagement was achieved by supporting students’ metacognition and motivation via affective learning companions and progress reports, measure