18 research outputs found

    Poldérisation et préservation des paysages cÎtiers Singapouriens

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    L’article analyse l’impact de la poldĂ©risation massive entreprise par l’État de Singapour sur le paysage cĂŽtier de ses Ăźles durant la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© du xxe siĂšcle. Les transformations paysagĂšres alors engendrĂ©es rĂ©pondent Ă  des politiques de croissance urbaine et de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique engagĂ©es par un gouvernement fort sur un territoire spatialement restreint. NĂ©anmoins, ces processus de dĂ©veloppement s’effectuent parfois au dĂ©triment du patrimoine naturel de ce mĂȘme territoire. Aux paysages de mangroves et de vasiĂšres se succĂšdent de nouveaux espaces industriels et commerciaux conquis sur la mer, espaces nĂ©cessaires Ă  la croissance Ă©conomique de Singapour. L’article questionne ainsi dans quelles mesures l’expansion territoriale singapourienne traduit un Ă©cart entre les politiques de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique et de gestion Ă©cologique du littoral, ainsi que leur impact sur le paysage. Il s’appuie sur l’étude de deux cas concrets mitoyens dĂ©montrant le rĂ©sultat de ces politiques sur le paysage : les mangroves de Sungei Mandai et Sungei Buloh qui ont connu des orientations de planification opposĂ©es depuis prĂšs de quarante ans. Alors que ces deux mangroves formaient Ă  l’origine une seule et mĂȘme entitĂ© paysagĂšre, celle-ci fut fragmentĂ©e par des politiques d’urbanisme spĂ©cifiques. Sungei Buloh prĂ©sente un cas exemplaire de prĂ©servation environnementale. Sungei Mandai, quant Ă  elle, a vu sa superficie diminuer au profit d’usages plus industriels et rĂ©sidentiels Ă  mĂȘme d’ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©s sur de futurs polders. Ces deux cas correspondent Ă  des modĂšles de transformation cĂŽtiĂšre spĂ©cifiques de Singapour, Ă  une heure oĂč son gouvernement envisage de nouvelles stratĂ©gies de dĂ©veloppement territorial Ă  mĂȘme de modifier Ă  nouveau ces paysages.The article studies the impact of the massive land reclamation projects conducted by the State of Singapore on the coastal landscape and its islands during the second half of the 20th century. The transformations in the landscape were a response to the policies of urban growth and economic development of a strong government on a territory with limited space. However, the development process was sometimes conducted to the detriment of the natural heritage of the area. In the place of the mangroves and mud flats new industrial and commercial spaces have encroached on the sea; spaces which are needed for the economic growth of Singapore. The article questions to what extent the Singaporean territorial expansion is an expression of the discrepancy between the economic policies for economic development and the ecological management of the coast, as well as their impact on the landscape. It studies two concrete cases in neighbouring areas which illustrate the impacts of these policies on the landscape: the mangroves of Sungei Mandai and of Sungei Buloj which have been the object of opposing planning approaches during the last forty years. These two mangroves originally constituted a single landscape entity which was subsequently broken up by different urban policies. Sungei Buloh is an exemplary case of environmental conservation. The surface area of Sungei Mandai was reduced to give room to industrial and residential uses which could be developed on future areas of reclaimed land. These two cases correspond to models of coastal area transformations specific to Singapore, at a time when its government is envisaging new territorial development strategies which will once again transform these landscapes

    Evaluer les Ă©co-quartiers : analyses comparatives internationales

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    Since the end of the 20th century, eco-neighborhoods have contributed to the international development of a sustainable city paradigm. However, while the concept of sustainable development is today the result of an international consensus, its urban applications at the local level are multiple and diverse. Following this observation, many stakeholders have designed neighborhood sustainability assessment tools (NSAT) in the past ten years. The latter contribute to the design and construction of sustainable neighborhoods while justifying stakeholders choices. Those tools also measure the eco-neighborhood performance, using several consensual and measurable criteria over time. Moreover, NSAT which are locally designed and often standardized, are likely to be exported internationally. However, internationally exporting a NSAT designed locally is paradoxical, in relation to sustainable development principles. Our research examines the impact of NSAT on eco-neighborhoods’ territorial integration. It analyses three case studies located in France, the United States and Brazil. Clichy Batignolles was developed in Paris and received the EcoQuartier label. Melrose Commons was built in New York and is LEED-ND certified. Ilha Pura is located in Rio de Janeiro, and is both LEED-ND and AQUA-HQE-A certified. Our study also briefly examines a fourth case. Vinhomes Riverside was built in Hanoi, and received the Vietnam Green Architecture Award. However, our analysis could not be completed due to the lack of access to essential data. From the data we do have, we extrapolate that there are discrepancies between the objectives set by the NSAT, those requested by the project's stakeholders leading to a given assessment, and finally the reality of the built eco-neighborhood. These discrepancies are more important when the NSAT has been exported. They are also measurable, and enlighten different levels of projects’ territorial integration. Our research is based on the comparison of the cases. This comparison is following three steps: 1) analyzing the chosen NSAT 2) studying the eco-neighborhood performance score and 3) analyzing the built project. Our methodology is multidisciplinary and uses tools related to statistics, territorialengineering, geography, and architectural, urban and landscape analysis. We conclude that NSAT use various strategies related to the selection and measurement of indicators to integrate a neighborhood within a given territory. However, this integration is extremely variable. This is not only due to criteria and scale selection, but also to stakeholders who adapt their strategies to their territory. Finally, NSAT conceals urban complexities, and underestimates the diversity of contemporary eco-neighborhoods.Les Ă©co-quartiers contribuent, depuis la fin du XXĂšme siĂšcle, Ă  l’essor d’un modĂšle de ville durable Ă  travers le monde. Cependant, si les grands principes thĂ©oriques du dĂ©veloppement durable font relativement consensus Ă  l’échelle internationale, les modalitĂ©s de leur application au niveau local sont multiples et diverses. Suite Ă  ce constat, de nombreux acteurs dĂ©ploient dĂšs la fin des annĂ©es 2000 des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de suivi et d’évaluation des Ă©co-quartiers. Ces derniers permettent d’orienter la conception et la construction des quartiers durables tout en justifiant les choix retenus, et ce grĂące Ă  la mesure de leur performance selon plusieurs critĂšres consensuels et mesurables dans le temps. Ces rĂ©fĂ©rentiels, conçus Ă  l’échelle locale et souvent standardisĂ©s, sont en outre susceptibles d’ĂȘtre exportĂ©s Ă  l’international, indĂ©pendamment du milieu naturel et culturel dans lequel ils s’appliquent. Ceci reprĂ©sente un paradoxe vis Ă  vis du concept de dĂ©veloppement durable qui promeut l’intĂ©gration des projets Ă  un territoire spĂ©cifique. Aussi, le travail de thĂšse interroge l’impact des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels d’évaluation sur l’intĂ©gration territoriale des Ă©co-quartiers au travers de l’analyse de trois Ă©tudes de cas en France, aux Etats-Unis et au BrĂ©sil: Clichy Batignolles localisĂ© Ă  Paris et labellisĂ© EcoQuartier, Melrose Commons dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  New York et certifiĂ© LEEDND, et Ilha Pura construit Ă  Rio de Janeiro Ă  la fois certifiĂ© LEED-ND et AQUA – HQE-A. Notre Ă©tude examine Ă©galement succinctement un quatriĂšme cas, le quartier de Vinhomes Riverside ayant reçu le prix de l’architecture verte du Vietnam et construit Ă  HanoĂŻ, dont l’étude n’a pu ĂȘtre complĂštement aboutie faute d’accĂšs Ă  des donnĂ©es essentielles Ă  notre analyse. Nous Ă©nonçons le postulat qu’il existe des divergences entre les objectifs de performance fixĂ©s par le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel, ceux exigĂ©s par les acteurs du projet menant Ă  une Ă©valuation donnĂ©e, et enfin la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’écoquartier une fois construit au sein d’un territoire plus large. Ces divergences sont particuliĂšrement fortes en cas d’export du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel. Elles sont en outre mesurables et tĂ©moignent de diffĂ©rences de niveau d’intĂ©gration. Aussi, notre recherche s’appuie sur la comparaison des cas selon trois phases Ă  savoir : 1) le choix du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel 2) l’évaluation du projet d’éco-quartier par le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel dont il estime la performance, et enfin 3) le rĂ©sultat opĂ©rationnel, c’est Ă  dire l’éco-quartier construit. La mĂ©thodologie de recherche est multidisciplinaire et dĂ©ploie des outils associĂ©s aux statistiques, Ă  l’ingĂ©nierie du territoire, Ă  la gĂ©ographie, mais aussi Ă  l’analyse architecturale, urbaine et paysagĂšre. Nous observons que les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels s’appuient sur diverses stratĂ©gies relatives Ă  la sĂ©lection et Ă  la mesure d’indicateurs permettant de planifier l’intĂ©gration du quartier au sein d’un territoire donnĂ©. Cette intĂ©gration est nĂ©anmoins extrĂȘmement variable non seulement en fonction des critĂšres et des Ă©chelles d’analyse choisis, mais aussi des jeux d’acteurs qui adaptent leur dĂ©marche aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s d’un site. Les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels d’évaluation occultent alors la complexitĂ©, et sous-estiment la richesse de la diversitĂ© des Ă©co-quartiers contemporains

    Poldérisation et préservation des paysages cÎtiers Singapouriens

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    International audienc

    Assessing sustainable neighborhoods : international comparative analysis

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    Les Ă©co-quartiers contribuent, depuis la fin du XXe siĂšcle, Ă  l'essor d'un modĂšle de ville durable Ă  travers le monde. Cependant, si les grands principes thĂ©oriques du dĂ©veloppement durable font relativement consensus Ă  l'Ă©chelle internationale, les modalitĂ©s de leur application au niveau local sont multiples et diverses. Suite Ă  ce constat, de nombreux acteurs dĂ©ploient dĂšs la fin des annĂ©es 2000 des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de suivi et d'Ă©valuation des Ă©co-quartiers. Ces derniers permettent d'orienter la conception et la construction des quartiers durables tout en justifiant les choix retenus, et ce grĂące Ă  la mesure de leur performance selon plusieurs critĂšres consensuels et mesurables dans le temps. Ces rĂ©fĂ©rentiels, conçus Ă  l'Ă©chelle locale et souvent standardisĂ©s, sont en outre susceptibles d'ĂȘtre exportĂ©s Ă  l'international, indĂ©pendamment du milieu naturel et culturel dans lequel ils s'appliquent. Ceci reprĂ©sente un paradoxe vis Ă  vis du concept de dĂ©veloppement durable qui promeut l'intĂ©gration des projets Ă  un territoire spĂ©cifique. Aussi, le travail de thĂšse interroge l'impact des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels d'Ă©valuation sur l'intĂ©gration territoriale des Ă©co-quartiers au travers de l'analyse de trois Ă©tudes de cas en France, aux Etats-Unis et au BrĂ©sil: Clichy Batignolles localisĂ© Ă  Paris et labellisĂ© EcoQuartier, Melrose Commons dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  New York et certifiĂ© LEED-ND, et llha Pura construit Ă  Rio de Janeiro Ă  la fois certifiĂ© LEED-ND et AQUA -HQE-A. Notre Ă©tude examine Ă©galement succinctement un quatriĂšme cas, le quartier de Vinhomes Riverside ayant reçu le prix de l'architecture ve1te du Vietnam et construit Ă  HanoĂŻ, dont l'Ă©tude n'a pu ĂȘtre complĂštement aboutie faute d'accĂšs Ă  des donnĂ©es essentielles Ă  notre analyse. Nous Ă©nonçons le postulat qu'il existe des divergences entre les objectifs de performance fixĂ©s par le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel, ceux exigĂ©s par les acteurs du projet menant Ă  une Ă©valuation donnĂ©e, et enfin la rĂ©alitĂ© de l'Ă©co-quartier une fois construit au sein d'un territoire plus large. Ces divergences sont particuliĂšrement fortes en cas d'export du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel. Elles sont en outre mesurables et tĂ©moignent de diffĂ©rences de niveau d'intĂ©gration. Aussi, notre recherche s'appuie sur la comparaison des cas selon trois phases Ă  savoir: 1) le choix du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel 2) l'Ă©valuation du projet d'Ă©co-quartier par le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel dont il estime la performance, et enfin 3) le rĂ©sultat opĂ©rationnel, c'est Ă  dire l'Ă©co­quartier construit. La mĂ©thodologie de recherche est multidisciplinaire et dĂ©ploie des outils associĂ©s aux statistiques, Ă  l'ingĂ©nierie du territoire, Ă  la gĂ©ographie, mais aussi Ă  l'analyse architecturale, urbaine et paysagĂšre. Nous observons que les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels s'appuient sur diverses stratĂ©gies relatives Ă  la sĂ©lection et Ă  la mesure d'indicateurs permettant de planifier l'intĂ©gration du quartier au sein d'un territoire donnĂ©. Cette intĂ©gration est nĂ©anmoins extrĂȘmement variable non seulement en fonction des critĂšres et des Ă©chelles d'analyse choisis, mais aussi des jeux d'acteurs qui adaptent leur dĂ©marche aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s d'un site. Les rĂ©fĂ©rentiels d'Ă©valuation occultent alors la complexitĂ©, et sous-estiment la richesse de la diversitĂ© des Ă©co-quartiers contemporains.Since the end of the 20th century, eco-neighborhoods have contributed to the international development of a sustainable city paradigm. However, while the concept of sustainable development is today the result of an international consensus, its urban applications at the local level are multiple and diverse. Following this observation, many stakeholders have designed neighborhood sustainability assessment tools (NSAT) in the past ten years. The latter contribute to the design and construction of sustainable neighborhoods while justifying stakeholders choices. Those tools also measure the eco-neighborhood performance, using several consensual and measurable criteria over time. Moreover, NSA T which are locally designed and often standardized, are likely to be exported internationally. However, internationally exporting a NSAT designed locally is paradoxical, in relation to sustainable development principles. Our research examines the impact of NSAT on eco-neighborhoods' territorial integration. It analyses three case studies located in France, the United States and Brazil. Clichy Batignolles was developed in Paris and received the EcoQuartier label. Melrose Commons was built in New York and is LEED-ND certified. Ilha Pura is located in Rio de Janeiro, and is both LEED-ND and AQUA-HQE-A certified. Our study also briefly examines a fow1h case. Vinhomes Riverside was built in Hanoi, and received the Vietnam Green Architecture Award. However, our analysis could not be completed due to the Jack of access to essential data. From the data we do have, we extrapolate that there are discrepancies between the objectives set by the NSA T, those requested by the project's stakeholders leading to a given assessment, and finally the reality of the built eco­neighborhood. These discrepancies are more important when the NSA T has been exported. They are also measurable, and enlighten different levels of projects' territorial integration. Our research is based on the comparison of the cases. This comparison is following three steps: 1) analyzing the chosen NSA T 2) studying the eco-neighborhood performance score and 3) analyzing the built project. Our methodology is multidisciplinary and uses tools related to statistics, territorial engineering, geography, and architectural, urban and landscape analysis. We conclude that NSAT use various strategies related to the selection and measurement of indicators to integrate a neighborhood within a given territory. However, this integration is extremely variable. This is not only due to criteria and scale selection, but also to stakeholders who adapt their strategies to their territory. Finally, NSAT conceals urban complexities, and underestimates the diversity of contemporary eco-neighborhoods

    Poldérisation et préservation des paysages cÎtiers Singapouriens

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    International audienc

    Eco-quartiers périurbains : d'un modÚle urbain à son appropriation périurbaine

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    Quels modes de voyage du modĂšle d’écoquartier pĂ©riurbain ? Une comparaison des modalitĂ©s de circulation classique et numĂ©rique de deux opĂ©rations franciliennes

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    This article examines and compares the mobility conditions associated with the management of two « experimental » and « exemplary peri-urban eco-neighborhoods in the Île-de-France region, the eco-neighborhood of Le PresbytĂšre in Bouray-sur-Juine, and the eco-hamlet of Champ Foulon in Saint-Cyr-en-Arthies. It explores more specifically the travel modes associated with different stakeholders and the State, impacting the circulation of the peri-urban eco-neighborhood model, according to two approaches. The first is based on classic mobility modalities, associated with the meetings of planning professionals and inhabitants. The second relates to the circulation of information on the internet. The different analyses reveal that if the State and the Regional Natural Parks are figures of authority when it comes to the circulation of the peri-urban eco-neighborhood model, the important input of the Champ Foulon inhabitants contributes significantly to the circulation of information on this neighborhood development, more specifically on the Internet

    Évaluation des Ă©co-quartiers : pour quelle intĂ©gration territoriale dans le contexte carioca ?

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    The diffusion of sustainable neighborhoods around the world is due to the increasing number of neighborhood sustainability assessment tools, which provide a technical response to a national and local political demand for sustainable development. These assessment tools, often standardized, are also likely to be exported internationally, regardless of the natural and cultural environment in which they are applied. In Brazil, several foreign assessment tools, such as the American LEED-ND, and the Brazilian AQUA B&L based on the French HQE-A tool, contribute to the evaluation and certification of eco-neighborhood projects, more specifically in Rio de Janeiro. Thus, the article questions the production of sustainable neighborhoods in the Carioca context, through the use of neighborhood sustainability assessment tools impacting a given territory. The study of a specific project, Ilha Pura, will highlight the discrepancies between the political demand, the technical response associated to the neighborhood sustainability assessment tools, whether they are imported or not, and the reality of the built project. The study reveals that, regardless of the composition of assessment tools responding to a given political demand, or the performance assessment achieved by the projects, assessment tools have in fact little influence on the actual performance of neighborhoods and on their integration to a specific territory

    (re)Penser la ville du XXIĂšme siĂšcle: 20 ans d'Ă©coquartiers dans le monde

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    International audienceDu Parc Marianne (Montpellier, France) Ă  Vinhomes Riverside (HanoĂŻ, Vietnam), en passant par l'Olympic Village (Vancouver, Canada) ou encore l'Éco-parc du Bardo (Constantine, AlgĂ©rie), cet ouvrage prĂ©sente quatorze projets urbains durables dans le monde et en analyse les succĂšs mais aussi les difficultĂ©s et les Ă©checs. Son objectif : dĂ©velopper un regard critique vis-Ă -vis des pratiques d'amĂ©nagement qui ont contribuĂ© Ă  la multiplication de ces (Ă©co)quartiers depuis vingt ans, mettre en lumiĂšre les expĂ©riences rĂ©ussies et proposer de possibles points d'amĂ©lioration. Il expose et interroge Ă©galement l'apport des dĂ©marches de suivi, d'Ă©valuation et de labellisation apparues suite aux premiĂšres expĂ©rimentations urbaines emblĂ©matiques comme BedZED au Royaume-Uni ou Fribourg en Allemagne. L'ouvrage permettra ainsi Ă  tous les acteurs et observateurs de l'amĂ©nagement urbain d'identifier les pratiques vertueuses et les rĂ©ussites Ă  capitaliser dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement de futurs projets urbains durables, pour des villes dĂ©carbonnĂ©es, inclusives et "smarts"