15 research outputs found

    Development of maize and palisadegrass plants cultivated in intercrop under water deficit

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the development and productive traits of palisadegrass single cultivated or intercropped with corn, in addition to corn intercropped with pasture, under water deficit at different development stages of the plants. It was used a complete block experimental design with split plots and three replicates. Periods of water deficit were placed in the plots and types of cultivation were placed in the subplots. Irrigation was stopped at germination and initial tillering of palisadegrass and at V4 and V15 stages of corn and returned when soil moisture was 40% of available water capacity. Tiller density and palisadegrass height were evaluated weekly. Dry matter (DM) of fractions of herbage mass as well as leaf area of the plants were evaluated at corn tasseling and when grains reached physiological maturity. Components of corn production were determined in the second sampling. In palisadegrass, water influenced only tillering, which was reduced in the plots in which water defict was forced at the moment of germination or at the beginning of tilering, in both cultivation systems. Plant height and DM production were affected only by cultivation, reducing when intercropped with corn. Evaluated production components did not influence corn grain productivity, which was similar in all treatments (average of 10,145 kg/ha). Palisadegrass plants produce more DM in single cultivation than intercropped with corn. Water deficit during germination and initial tillering reduces tillering of palisadegrass during establishment phase. Water deficit, applied in this trial, does not reduce DM yield in palisadegrass or corn

    Intervalo hídrico ótimo e porosidade de solos cultivados em área de proteção ambiental do sul de Minas Gerais Least limiting water range and porosity of cultivated soils in an environmental protection area in the south of Minas Gerais

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    Condições físicas restritivas ao adequado desenvolvimento das plantas reduzem a capacidade produtiva dos solos e a sustentabilidade ambiental. Um importante parâmetro para expressar essas restrições é o intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO), por representar, conjuntamente, atributos físicos do solo que influenciam o desenvolvimento de plantas. Com o objetivo de avaliar o IHO e a porosidade de solos cultivados com café e pastagem na microbacia do ribeirão Capituvas, local representativo da APA Coqueiral, coletaram-se amostras indeformadas no Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico (LVd), no Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico típico (PVe) e no Cambissolo Háplico distrófico típico (CXbd), nas camadas de 0-5, 20-25 e 40-45 cm, respectivamente. Os poros com diâmetro > 145 µm foram os mais afetados pelo manejo. Apesar de não haver diferenças entre os microporos (poros com diâmetro < 50 µm, responsáveis pela água potencialmente disponível para as plantas), observaram-se variações no IHO, sendo no LVd > CXbd > PVe. Conclui-se que o IHO é um parâmetro que pode ser utilizado com segurança na quantificação das alterações que ocorrem na disponibilidade de água dos solos submetidos a diferentes usos e manejos.<br>Restrictive physical conditions for an adequate plant development reduce the productive capacity of soils and environmental sustainability. An important parameter to express these restrictions is the least limiting water range (LLWR), which is used in combination with soil physical properties that influence plant development. To evaluate the LLWR and porosity of soils under coffee and pasture in the Capituvas River microbasin, a representative area of the Coqueiral Resereve was chosen. Undisturbed samples of a typical Dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd- Oxisol), typical Eutrophic Red Argisol (PVe-Ultisol) and typical Dystrophic Haplic Cambisol (CXbd- Inceptisol) were collected from the layers 0-5, 20-25 and 40-45 cm. Pores with a diameter of > 145 µm were most affected by the management. Although no statistical differences were verified among the micropores (pores < 50 µm), variations occurred in LLWR, in the following order: LVd > CXbd > PVe. It is possible to conclude that LLWR is a reliable parameter that could be used to quantify alterations that occur in the water availability of soils under different use and management systems