42 research outputs found

    “Dignity as a Small Candle Flame That Doesn’t Go Out!”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study with Patients Living with Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Long-term illness, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), can expose people to existential suffering that threatens their dignity. This qualitative study explored the lived experiences of patients with advanced COPD in relation to dignity. An interpretative phenomenological approach based on lifeworld existentials was conducted to explore and understand the world of the lived experience. Twenty individuals with advanced COPD (GOLD [Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease] stages III and IV) were selected using a purposive sampling strategy. In-depth interviews were used to collect data, which were then analysed using Van Manen’s phenomenology of practice. The existential experience of dignity was understood, in essence, as “a small candle flame that doesn’t go out!”. Four intertwined constituents illuminated the phenomenon: “Lived body–balancing between sick body and willingness to continue”; “Lived relations–balancing between self-control and belongingness”; “Lived Time–balancing between past, present and a limited future”; and “Lived space–balancing between safe places and non-compassionate places”. This study explains how existential life phenomena are experienced during the final phases of the COPD trajectory and provides ethical awareness of how dignity is lived. More research is needed to investigate innovative approaches to manage complex care in advanced COPD, in order to assist patients in discovering their inner resources to develop and promote dignityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measurement of independence in activities of daily living

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    RESUMO - Introdução: As atividades da vida diária constituem o nível mais básico de autonomia, que permitem a participação no dia-a-dia em termos de sobrevivência e bem-estar básicos. Neste trabalho, focaremos a necessidade de avaliar as atividades da vida diária em cuidados continuados e paliativos. Objetivo: Descrever e comparar instrumentos de medição de atividades da vida diária. Material e métodos: Pesquisa bibliográfica de instrumentos de medição de atividades de vida diária, em inglês e português, entre 1980 e 2017, nas bases de dados científicas reconhecidas para este efeito. Resultados: Encontraram-se seis instrumentos de medição e, para cada um, identificou-se o número de perguntas e dimensões avaliadas, as propriedades psicométricas e a existência de versão portuguesa validada. Discussão: Todos os instrumentos são preenchidos pelo profissional, por observação direta, e avaliam os autocuidados. Vestir/despir, alimentação e mobilidade são atividades comuns a todos, havendo outras específicas de apenas uma escala. Conclusão: As dimensões vestir/despir, alimentação e mobilidade são as mais avaliadas. Apenas o índice de Barthel está validado para a população portuguesa. Quanto a critérios de qualidade, uma escala apresenta fiabilidade para o acidente vascular cerebral. A maioria das escalas apresenta boa correlação com outras escalas de avaliação da autonomia.ABSTRACT - Introduction: Activities of daily living constitute a basic level of independence, which allow the participation in the daily routine, in terms of survival and basic well-being. In this work, we will focus on the need to evaluate activities of daily living in continuing and palliative care. Objective: To describe and compare instruments measuring activities of daily living. Materials and Methods: Literature review of measuring instruments of daily life activities that measure self-care, in English and in Portuguese, between 1980 and 2017, in databases recognized in this field. Results: We found six instruments and, for each one, we identified the number of questions and dimensions, the psychometric properties, and the existence of a validated Portuguese version. Discussion: All instruments are filled in by professionals via direct observation and evaluate self-care. Dressing/undressing, feeding, and mobility are common to all instruments, with other activities that are specific to just one scale. Conclusion: Dressing/undressing, feeding, and mobility are the most evaluated dimensions. Only the Barthel Index is validated for the Portuguese population. Concerning quality criteria, a scale offers reliability for stroke. Most of the scales show good correlation with other assessment scales of autonomy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ensino de libras nos cursos de licenciatura da Universidade Estadual de Porangatu-GO

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    Este estudo objetivou conhecer a contribuição do ensino de LIBRAS para a formação dos acadêmicos dos cursos de Licenciatura. Na investigação de campo, aplicou-se um questionário estruturado para 127 acadêmicos. Utilizou-se a combinação dos métodos das pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas e questões abertas e fechadas, com formas múltiplas de dados e análises estatísticas e textuais. Concluiu-se que os acadêmicos percebem a necessidade das línguas de sinais e que para melhorar o aprendizado é importante aumentar a carga horária da disciplina de LIBRAS, e somente metade dos acadêmicos possuem conhecimento de LIBRAS

    Substance P in Long-Lasting Asthma. Immunoinflammatory pathways

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    Background: Substance P (SP) was described at the beginning of the 20th Century, and its biological action was recognized to have implications in neurogenic inflammation and constriction of smooth muscles. The changes associated with inflammatory chronicity can compromise organ function reversibility. The role of neuromechanisms in the pathology of the disease has been investigated in order to achieve better diagnosis and therapeutic approaches. The stimulation of human cells, such as macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells by SP leads to their activation and to the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by these cells. Consequently, a continuous inflammatory disability is observed, mainly if a decrease in antioxidant defence occurs. SP is a substrate for dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), which is a multifunctional molecule with enzymatic and proinflammatory activities. CD26 is considered an activation T cell marker. The aim of the present study was to analyse if serum SP values in longlasting asthma patients were related to lung function parameters. It was also decided to analyze the relationship of SP with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant activity in serum (TAS), as well as its association to CD26/DPPIV values considering their immunological and inflammatory properties. Methods/Data base: A group of individuals older than 65 years, including 64 asthmatic patients (mean age 72±5 years) and 41 healthy individuals (mean age 79±7years) was selected. Both subgroups were submitted to clinical observation, to skin prick tests (SPT) and to SP, TAS, SOD, and DPPIV determinations. T cell CD26 typing was also performed. Lung function tests were done on all patients. Results: Among the patients studied, 42 had positive skin tests, mainly to house dust mites. Asthmatic patients showed a significant increase in SP values (116.2±138.9 vs 39.5±17.9 pg/ml) when compared to controls and a significant decrease in TAS levels (.85±.13 vs .91±.10 mM) and in SOD levels (588.1±156.l vs 822.9±179.5 U/gHb). All patients were clinically stable and presented an average percentage of predict forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) of 73.6±25.3 and median expiratory flow percentage of predict (MEF50) of 38.8±26.7. DPPIV values were significantly increased in asthmatics compared to controls (69.7±15.2 vs 58.6±14.3 U/L). The CD26 expression was only slightly increased in asthmatic patients (41.9±10.2 vs 39.4±11.4). Conclusion: These results confirm the role of SP in asthma and give a contribution for a better knowledge of the immunoinflammatory pathway associated with this chronic disorder. A final goal for these studies would be to achieve a better therapeutic approach in order to improve the outcome of asthmatic patients

    Percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o clima segurança organizacional de um hospital público

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    Objective: To evaluate the perception of the nursing team regarding the organizational safety climate in a referral hospital in the metropolitan region of the capital of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and to verify whether there were statistically significant differences in the perception of the organizational safety climate among the nursing assistant, nursing technician and nurse categories. Method: A descriptive, transversal study with nursing professionals, using the self-administered Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), adapted and validated for Brazil. Results: the sample consisted of 139 nursing professionals. The mean of the SAQ domains ranged from 42.07 to 73.13 points, classified as a poor perception. The evaluation of the domains evidenced lower means for working conditions and perception of management of the unit and of the hospital, respectively.Conclusion: There was a low perception of the organizational safety climate in the institution, since a satisfactory score was not achieved in any of the domains investigated, with the exception of the job satisfaction domain, although, in a borderline manner. In this way, it was possible to perceive the distancing of the hospital and unit management from activities related to patient safety, which can directly influence adherence to safe behaviors by the professionals of the team and decrease the quality of the care.Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción del equipo de enfermería del clima de seguridad organizacional en un hospital que es referencia en la región metropolitana de la capital de Mato Grosso, Brasil, y verificar si hubo diferencia estadísticamente significante en la percepción del clima de seguridad organizacional entre las categorías de los auxiliares, técnicos de enfermería y enfermeros.Método: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con profesionales de enfermería, por medio del cuestionario auto aplicable Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), adaptado y validado para el portugués del Brasil.Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 139 profesionales de enfermería. El promedio de los dominios del SAQ varió entre 42 a 73 puntos, clasificada como baja y la evaluación de los dominios evidenció las menores medias para condiciones de trabajo y percepción del equipo de enfermería sobre la gerencia de la unidad y gerencia del hospital, respectivamente.Conclusión: Se verificó una baja percepción del clima de seguridad en la institución, ya que no se alcanzó un puntaje satisfactorio en ninguno de los dominios investigados, excepto para el dominio satisfacción del trabajo, aún así, de forma limíte. De esta forma, se percibió el distanciamiento de la administracion del hospital y de la gerencia de las unidades relacionadas con la seguridad del paciente, lo que puede influir directamente en la adhesión a comportamientos seguros por los profesionales del equipo de salud y disminuir la calidad de la asistencia.  Objetivo: Avaliar a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre o clima de segurança organizacional em um hospital que é referência na região metropolitana da capital de Mato Grosso, Brasil, e verificar se houve diferença estatisticamente significante na percepção do clima de segurança organizacional entre as categorias dos auxiliares, técnicos de enfermagem e enfermeiros. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal, com profissionais da enfermagem, por meio do questionário autoaplicável Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), adaptado e validado para o Brasil. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 139 profissionais de enfermagem. A média dos domínios do SAQ variou entre 42 a 73 pontos, classificada como baixa. A avaliação dos domínios evidenciou as menores médias para condições de trabalho e percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre a gerência da unidade e gerência do hospital, respectivamente. Conclusão: Foi verificado baixa percepção do clima de segurança na instituição, visto que não foi alcançado escore satisfatório em nenhum dos domínios investigados, exceto para o domínio satisfação do trabalho, ainda assim, de forma limítrofe. Dessa forma, percebeu-se o distanciamento da administração do hospital e da gestão da unidade em atividades relacionadas à segurança do paciente, o que pode influenciar diretamente na adesão a comportamentos seguros pelos profissionais da equipe e diminuir a qualidade da assistência. &nbsp


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    O mapeamento de riscos naturais identifica áreas suscetíveis que apresentam potencial de danos eminentes à população de uma sede urbana. Desse modo, tais mapas representam essencial instrumento para o planejamento urbano, que fomentam a sustentabilidade do ordenamento territorial. Este manuscrito visa gerar mapas de riscos através da análise computacional assistida baseada na técnica fuzzy. A base de dados utilizada reuniu imagens do sensor ASTER-GDEM e do radar ALOS-PALSAR. Estas imagens foram utilizadas para investigar os perigos naturais de inundação gradual e movimento gravitacional de massa na sede urbana de Santarém – PA. Para validação dos resultados obtidos pela fuzzificação foi desenvolvida uma comparação com trabalhos já realizados na área de estudo para os mesmos temas. Para inundação gradual as áreas de riscos alto e moderado são regiões adjacentes as bacias de drenagens na sede urbana e possuem baixa altitude e declividade. Para o evento de movimento de massa as regiões de alto risco são de moderada altitude e alto declive. Os mapas de riscos gerados a partir da lógica fuzzy corroboraram os resultados obtidos com trabalho de campo em estudos anteriores. Tais mapas sugerem que a rotina desenvolvida é eficaz para prever e identificar áreas de risco

    Tartrate-resistant acid phosphate as biomarker of bone turnover over the lifespan and different physiologic stages in sheep

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    Currently, the best resources for assessment of bone tissue using imaging techniques are expensive and available in few medical facilities, thus serum or urinary bone turnover biomarkers could be useful as early indicators of prognosis. However, there is a wide range of variability in bone turnover markers due to several factors, such as different ages and metabolic stages, thus it is important to have as much data published on the subject as possible. The aim of this study was therefore to generate a reference range for alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and validate the already published data.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - Brazil) PhD scholarship 202248/2015–1.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio