76 research outputs found

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    Careers in Transportation

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    Exploring Glucose Dysregulation in Migraine: Insights from Continuous Glucose Monitoring

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    Despite being associated with hypoglycemia for nearly a century, a definitive relationship between migraines and glucose dysregulation remains elusive. Accumulating evidence suggests that migraines are in part due to a metabolic mismatch between cerebral demand and available energy. Research analyzing plasma glucose levels and migraine activity may further elucidate this interface between metabolic dysregulation and migraine pathophysiology and may potentially open avenues for therapeutic interventions targeting holistic metabolism for migraine management

    Investigating the Interplay between Glucose Regulation, Neural Activity, and Motivation: A Novel Approach Utilizing Vibration Stimulation

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    This research explores the intricate relationship between glucose regulation, neural activity, and motivation in key brain regions, including the hypothalamus, basal ganglia, ventral tegmental area (VTA), and nucleus accumbens (NA). We aim to unravel the potential relationship of these factors on dopamine (DA) release and the broader implications for mental health, glucose regulation, well-being, and overall health. Our innovative approach involves using a chair that causes heterodyned whole-body vibration designed to stimulate DA release from the VTA and NA, areas associated with motivation and rewards

    DNA Extraction Method Development for Solid Tissues

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    Although germline variation testing is traditionally performed using DNA obtained from blood or other liquid samples, determining somatic variation in cancer samples requires DNA extraction directly from tissues. Additionally, epigenetic markers, such as 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) are tissue-specific and change in selected disease states. However, several substances present in tissues are known to inhibit downstream reactions, including polymerase chain reaction PCR). For this project, we are assessing the quantity and quality of DNA obtained from extractions of various vital organs using 30 different commercially available DNA extraction kits to determine optimal kits for each tissue

    1995 CSREES Reports

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    The 1995 edition of the CSREES Reports was prepared for the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission and the University of Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Factors Affecting the Quality of IQF Blueberries 2. Preventing the Bleeding of Blueberry Fruit in Bakery Products 3. Removing Water from Blueberries Before Freezing 4. Determination of Pesticide Residue Levels in Freshly Harvested and Processed Lowbush Blueberries 5. Industrial Ingredients from Cull Blueberries 6. Application of Heat as a Method of Controlling Secondary Pest Insects on Lowbush Blueberries 7. The Phenology and Biology of Bumble Bees, Bombus, spp., that Pollinate Lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium spp., in Maine 8. Pollination Ecology of Lowbush Blueberry in Maine 9. Effects of Irrigation on Lowbush Blueberry Yield 10. Effect of Brief Warming Treatments on Late Winter Low-Temperature Tolerance of Native Lowbush Blueberry 11. Correlation of Late-winter/Early-spring Cold Hardiness with Date of Flowering 12. Evaluation of Cold Tolerance of Opening Flowers of Lowbush Blueberry 13. Influence of Flower Delaying Sprays on Seasonal Variation of Low Temperature Tolerance in Lowbush Blueberry 14. Effect of Various Levels of Disbudding on Yield of Lowbush Blueberry 15. Effect of Boron and the Polyamine Putrescine on Lowbush Blueberry Fruit Set and Yield 16. Effect of Boron and the Polyamine Putrescine on Extending the Receptivity of Lowbush Blueberry Blossoms 17. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake 18. Correcting Boron Deficiency - missing 19. Phosphorus Uptake 20. Evaluation of Hexazinone Formulation on Soil Movement and Weed Control 21. Effect of Time of Fall Pruning on Growth and Productivity of Blueberries 22. Hexazinone Ground Water Survey 23. Effect of hexazinone formulation on movement through the soil profile 24. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control 25. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl Commercial Applications for Bunchberry Control 26. Effectiveness of Resin-Exchange Columns to Determine Efficacy in Removing Hexazinone from Well Water 27. Effect of Clopyralid for Vetch Control 28. Evaluation of Tribenuron Methyl/Velpar® Tank Mix for Bunchberry Control 29. Blueberry Extension Education Progra

    Deducing the Temporal Order of Cofactor Function in Ligand-Regulated Gene Transcription: Theory and Experimental Verification

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    Cofactors are intimately involved in steroid-regulated gene expression. Two critical questions are (1) the steps at which cofactors exert their biological activities and (2) the nature of that activity. Here we show that a new mathematical theory of steroid hormone action can be used to deduce the kinetic properties and reaction sequence position for the functioning of any two cofactors relative to a concentration limiting step (CLS) and to each other. The predictions of the theory, which can be applied using graphical methods similar to those of enzyme kinetics, are validated by obtaining internally consistent data for pair-wise analyses of three cofactors (TIF2, sSMRT, and NCoR) in U2OS cells. The analysis of TIF2 and sSMRT actions on GR-induction of an endogenous gene gave results identical to those with an exogenous reporter. Thus new tools to determine previously unobtainable information about the nature and position of cofactor action in any process displaying first-order Hill plot kinetics are now available
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