97 research outputs found

    Quantum wire networks with local Z2 symmetry

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    For a large class of networks made of connected loops, in the presence of an external magnetic field of half flux quantum per loop, we show the existence of a large local symmetry group, generated by simultaneous flips of the electronic current in all the loops adjacent to a given node. Using an ultra-localized single particle basis adapted to this local Z_2 symmetry, we show that it is preserved by a large class of interaction potentials. As a main physical consequence, the only allowed tunneling processes in such networks are induced by electron-electron interactions and involve a simultaneous hop of two electrons. Using a mean-field picture and then a more systematic renormalization-group treatment, we show that these pair hopping processes do not generate a superconducting instability, but they destroy the Luttinger liquid behavior in the links, giving rise at low energy to a strongly correlated spin-density-wave state.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, v.2 section IV D added,accepted for publication in PR

    Breakdown of the Fermi Liquid picture in one dimensional fermion systems: connection with the energy level statistics

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    Using the adiabatic switching of interactions, we establish a condition for the existence of electronic quasiparticles in a Luttinger liquid. It involves a characteristic interaction strength proportional to the inverse square root of the system length. An investigation of the exact energy level separation probability distribution shows that this interaction scale also corresponds to a cross-over from the non interacting behaviour to a rather typical case for integrable systems, namely an exponential distribution. The level spacing statistics of a spin 1/21/2, one branch Luttinger model are also analyzed, as well as the level statistics of a two coupled chain model.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Nonadiabatic Josephson current pumping by microwave irradiation

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    Irradiating a Josephson junction with microwaves can operate not only on the amplitude but also on the phase of the Josephson current. This requires breaking time inversion symmetry, which is achieved by introducing a phase lapse between the microwave components acting on the two{\dag} sides of the junction. General symmetry arguments and the solution of a specific single level quantum dot model show that this induces chirality in the Cooper pair dynamics, due to the topology of the Andreev bound state wavefunction. Another essential condition is to break electron-hole symmetry within the junction. A shift of the current-phase relation is obtained, which is controllable in sign and amplitude with the microwave phase and an electrostatic gate, thus producing a "chiral" Josephson transistor. The dot model is solved in the infinite gap limit by Floquet theory and in the general case with Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's functions. The chiral current is nonadiabatic: it is extremal and changes sign close to resonant chiral transitions between the Andreev bound states.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, extended versio

    Strong disorder renormalization group on fractal lattices: Heisenberg models and magnetoresistive effects in tight binding models

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    We use a numerical implementation of the strong disorder renormalization group (RG) method to study the low-energy fixed points of random Heisenberg and tight-binding models on different types of fractal lattices. For the Heisenberg model new types of infinite disorder and strong disorder fixed points are found. For the tight-binding model we add an orbital magnetic field and use both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder. For this model besides the gap spectra we study also the fraction of frozen sites, the correlation function, the persistent current and the two-terminal current. The lattices with an even number of sites around each elementary plaquette show a dominant Ď•0=h/e\phi_0=h/e periodicity. The lattices with an odd number of sites around each elementary plaquette show a dominant Ď•0/2\phi_0/2 periodicity at vanishing diagonal disorder, with a positive weak localization-like magnetoconductance at infinite disorder fixed points. The magnetoconductance with both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder depends on the symmetry of the distribution of on-site energies.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Proposal for the observation of nonlocal multipair production: the biSQUID

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    We propose an all-superconducting three-terminal setup consisting in a carbon nanotube (or semiconducting nanowire) contacted to three superconducting leads. The resulting device, referred to as a "biSQUID", is made of four quantum dots arranged in two loops of different surface area. We show how this biSQUID can prove a useful tool to probe nonlocal quantum phenomena in an interferometry setup. We study the measured critical current as a function of the applied magnetic field, which shows peaks in its Fourier spectrum, providing clear signatures of multipair Josephson processes. The device does not require any specific fine-tuning as these features are observed for a wide range of microscopic parameters -- albeit with a non-trivial dependence. Competing effects which may play a significant role in actual experimental realizations are also explored.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Multipair DC-Josephson Resonances in a biased all-superconducting Bijunction

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    An all-superconducting bijunction consists of a central superconductor contacted to two lateral superconductors, such that non-local crossed Andreev reflection is operating. Then new correlated transport channels for the Cooper pairs appear in addition to those of separated conventional Joseph- son junctions. We study this system in a configuration where the superconductors are connected through gate-controllable quantum dots. Multipair phase-coherent resonances and phase-dependent multiple Andreev reflections are both obtained when the voltages of the lateral superconductors are commensurate, and they add to the usual local dissipative transport due to quasiparticles. The two-pair resonance (quartets) as well as some other higher order multipair resonances are {\pi}-shifted at low voltage. Dot control can be used to dramatically enhance the multipair current when the voltages are resonant with the dot levels.Comment: 6 page

    Semiclassical approach to quantum spin ice

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    We propose a semi-classical description of the low-energy properties of quantum spin ice in the strong Ising limit. Within the framework of a semiclassical, perturbative Villain expansion, that can be truncated at arbitrary order, we give an analytic and quantitative treatment of the deconfining phase. We find that photon-photon interactions significantly renormalise the speed of light and split the two transverse photon polarisations at intermediate wavevectors. We calculate the photon velocity and the ground state energy to first and second order in perturbation theory, respectively. The former is in good agreement with recent numerical simulations

    Weak localization in multiterminal networks of diffusive wires

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    We study the quantum transport through networks of diffusive wires connected to reservoirs in the Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism. The elements of the conductance matrix are computed by the diagrammatic method. We recover the combination of classical resistances and obtain the weak localization corrections. For arbitrary networks, we show how the cooperon must be properly weighted over the different wires. Its nonlocality is clearly analyzed. We predict a new geometrical effect that may change the sign of the weak localization correction in multiterminal geometries.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, 8 eps file

    Topological order in the insulating Josephson junction array

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    We propose a Josephson junction array which can be tuned into an unconventional insulating state by varying external magnetic field. This insulating state retains a gap to half vortices; as a consequence, such array with non-trivial global geometry exhibits a ground state degeneracy. This degeneracy is protected from the effects of external noise. We compute the gaps separating higher energy states from the degenerate ground state and we discuss experiments probing the unusual properties of this insulator.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex 4, 1 EPS figur

    Experimental demonstration of Aharonov-Casher interference in a Josephson junction circuit

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    A neutral quantum particle with magnetic moment encircling a static electric charge acquires a quantum mechanical phase (Aharonov-Casher effect). In superconducting electronics the neutral particle becomes a fluxon that moves around superconducting islands connected by Josephson junctions. The full understanding of this effect in systems of many junctions is crucial for the design of novel quantum circuits. Here we present measurements and quantitative analysis of fluxon interference patterns in a six Josephson junction chain. In this multi-junction circuit the fluxon can encircle any combination of charges on five superconducting islands, resulting in a complex pattern. We compare the experimental results with predictions of a simplified model that treats fluxons as independent excitations and with the results of the full diagonalization of the quantum problem. Our results demonstrate the accuracy of the fluxon interference description and the quantum coherence of these arrays
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