51 research outputs found

    Sûreté de fonctionnement des convertisseurs - Nouvelles structures de redondances pour onduleurs sécurisés à tolérance de pannes

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    Au sein d'un convertisseur la défaillance d'un composant de puissance est un événement critique tant par le risque d'explosion du boitier et sa propagation au sein du système (forte énergie stockée dans l'alimentation) que par l'interruption de service qui en découle (systèmes embarqués, systèmes de production en flux tendu). Ce mémoire de thèse propose un ensemble de solutions nouvelles portant sur la problématique de l'isolement ultime de défauts "derniers secours" d'une part, et sur la connexion "automatique" et à faible "coût" d'un circuit en secours. L'objectif de cette approche globale est de concilier "sécurité électrique absolue" et "continuité de service" pour les systèmes de conversion sensibles devant être intégrés au coeur des applications critiques. Le premier chapitre et son annexe permettent de rappeler les causes et les conséquences des défauts internes au sein d'une structure de base d'onduleur à deux niveaux de tension, laquelle fait l'objet de nombreuses simulations de modes dégradés en configuration variateur de vitesse sur machine synchrone. De cette analyse il ressort qu'une structure d'isolement symétrique à deux voies couplées, placées sur les pôles du bus DC, à déclenchement spontané (fusible) et/ou commande (rupteur), est à même de sécuriser toutes les mailles du circuit, de façon modulaire et non intrusive. En exploitant la propriété du premier mode de défaillance d'une puce de puissance dans un état très faiblement ohmique, nous proposons une nouvelle structure de couplage à aiguillage à diodes permettant, à l'inverse des solutions actuelles, de réaliser un lien de connexion automatique "en série" et à travers la conduction même des composants défaillants. Nous montrons ainsi qu'une seule redondance passive parallèle peut être mutualisée et secourir indifféremment un nombre quelconque de phases. Ce concept est ensuite décliné en plusieurs variantes, avec auxiliaire de déclenchement, en version hacheur et onduleur à trois niveaux de tension. Le deuxième chapitre propose une démarche de conception et de test d'une série de prototypes de rupteurs – fusibles, réalisés et complètement intégrés par le biais des technologies de type PCB (Printed Circuit Board) et l'apport d'un matériau énergétique. Les conceptions mécanique, électrique et pyrotechnique sont présentées assorties de résultats de test intermédiaires. De cet ensemble de travaux il ressort que la technologie PCB1 prépreg combinée à l'insertion d'un matériau énergétique enfouis au sein d'une chambre de combustion et initié par des plateformes chauffantes CMS, semble prometteuse de par les résultats intermédiaires obtenus, son faible coût technologique et son fort potentiel d'intégrabilité sur carte de puissance. Le troisième chapitre présente des caractérisations de résistance apparente de puces défaillantes en régime de court-circuit, de manière comparée entre les technologies d’encapsulants époxy et gel silicone et dans des conditions de court-circuit de faible énergie, de faible I2Tp, par l'insertion de "dual-fuses" rapides conformément au concept propose. Des nombreux résultats expérimentaux nous retenons d'une part, les bénéfices d'un encapsulant massif et rigide permettant de durcir l'attache des pieds de bonding et ainsi de bénéficier d'une faible valeur de résistance de court-circuit stable dans le temps et d'autre part, la propriété de redondance parallèle des fils de bonding réalisée par le plan de métal et les pads équipotentiels. Des perspectives technologiques prometteuses sont également proposées au niveau de la structure et de la technologie des interconnexions visant à fonctionnaliser cette région à des fins de sécurité électrique. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre présente la mise en oeuvre des concepts, des dispositifs d'isolement et de connexion secours sur une maquette d'onduleur de tension DC 350V / AC 50A mettant en jeu différentes technologies d'isolement ("dual-fuses" miniaturises, CMS, PCB passive réalisé au laboratoire) et l'évaluation du dispositif de couplage – aiguillage à diodes d'un bras en redondance parallèle. Un détecteur local et rapide de défaut couple à un superviseur numérique permet d'ordonnancer les étapes d'isolement et de commutation du mode "normal – secours" en quelques dizaines de microsecondes. Les résultats obtenus, même sur un cas d'étude particulier, sont globalement très positifs et nous retiendrons entre autres la nécessité de développer une technologie de fusibles à forte dynamique d'isolement (régime de recouvrement rapide d'impédance postarc) permettant un mode de reprise à minimum de temps mort. ABSTRACT : In all these traditional industries, or in more sensitive sectors and high technology, it appears that the safe operation of power systems becomes a critical and strategic area essential. In the area of application that focuses, design dependability and now rests primarily on an approach to reliability of components used, the use of close protection, monitoring alarms and management stop / reset / recovery. In our view, this approach is incomplete quickly when electrical safety and absolute continuity of a permanent mission should be carried out simultaneously in the presence of an internal failure of sensitive functions for low and medium power (eg, orders and bodies actuation of vehicles) or highly critical (nuclear). In this area, topologies and failure modes are at the heart of the problem. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the inverters and choppers structures at two levels of voltage (single-cell arm, <1kV), with simple configuration and multiphase parallel, although the concepts are presented, as examples, partially extrapolated to the structures of three voltage levels (arms multicellular) and rectifier (low-frequency phase control and high-frequency switching PWM). We will highlight the need to limit the intensity of these failures and to electrically isolate the defective cell and symmetrically of this inverter by multipole devices, passive or spontaneous breaking mixed cut ordered in the form of fuses integrated and distributed of multi-channel passive isolators, to imagine and develop. We will show that this process of isolation of the last backup is needed to connect, form series or parallel to the defective cell, a cell rescue in passive redundancy. The cell structure backup connection pooled by spontaneous (automatic) is especially promising as detailed in our eyes because of its simplicity and its integrability. Next, we present the isolation technologies fuse (not included, miniatures, CMS and multilayer chip fuse), their characteristics, their current limitations and operating in a switching cell test. A methodology and design of symmetrical two-way fuse (dual-fuse) on FR4 PCB - Copper will be presented in Comsol ™ and evaluated initially in static thermal IR. A passive two-way switch, relatively original material for integrating energy embedded in FR4 substrate, will be presented and fully dimensioned plans on electrical, thermal and mechanical also using finite element simulations in Comsol ™. Another aspect of exploratory analysis, mainly experimental, or to characterize the failure modes of bullets and casings ultimate power compared between the technologies of encapsulation by epoxy resin (standard discrete case) and a silicone gel (module) is provided under conditions of stress controlled and reproducible. This step is necessary to characterize the resistive mode of a chip based on faulty stresses and stability over time of the residual strength according to the nature of the encapsulant, ie the very sustainability of this failure mode. A mixed-encapsulant resin - gel will be presented and characterized, providing an excellent compromise for medium power applications. Positive results and little known today, will allow us to exploit in the next chapter, this property of stable ohmic mode of the chip failed in a structure to aid automated connection series interesting. In the end, we will detail the demonstrator prototype and introduced to the context with which we will validate the isolation structures and prototypes fuses the property of stable ohmic mode highlighted in the aspect of technological analysis of selected devices. These results allow us to refine the solutions adopted for specifications and guide future management strategy of defects whether internal or external to the topology. Supervisor digital device - sensor for the detection and reconfiguration of internal control orders will be assessed

    ContrasInver: Voxel-wise Contrastive Semi-supervised Learning for Seismic Inversion

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    Recent studies have shown that learning theories have been very successful in hydrocarbon exploration. Inversion of seismic into various attributes through the relationship of 1D well-logs and 3D seismic is an essential step in reservoir description, among which, acoustic impedance is one of the most critical attributes, and although current deep learningbased impedance inversion obtains promising results, it relies on a large number of logs (1D labels, typically more than 30 well-logs are required per inversion), which is unacceptable in many practical explorations. In this work, we define acoustic impedance inversion as a regression task for learning sparse 1D labels from 3D volume data and propose a voxel-wise semisupervised contrastive learning framework, ContrasInver, for regression tasks under sparse labels. ConstraInver consists of several key components, including a novel pre-training method for 3D seismic data inversion, a contrastive semi-supervised strategy for diffusing well-log information to the global, and a continuous-value vectorized characterization method for a contrastive learning-based regression task, and also designed the distance TopK sampling method for improving the training efficiency. We performed a complete ablation study on SEAM Phase I synthetic data to verify the effectiveness of each component and compared our approach with the current mainstream methods on this data, and our approach demonstrated very significant advantages. In this data we achieved an SSIM of 0.92 and an MSE of 0.079 with only four well-logs. ConstraInver is the first purely data-driven approach to invert two classic field data, F3 Netherlands (only four well-logs) and Delft (only three well-logs) and achieves very reasonable and reliable results.Comment: This work has been submitted to journal for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    CONSS: Contrastive Learning Approach for Semi-Supervised Seismic Facies Classification

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    Recently, seismic facies classification based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) has garnered significant research interest. However, existing CNN-based supervised learning approaches necessitate massive labeled data. Labeling is laborious and time-consuming, particularly for 3D seismic data volumes. To overcome this challenge, we propose a semi-supervised method based on pixel-level contrastive learning, termed CONSS, which can efficiently identify seismic facies using only 1% of the original annotations. Furthermore, the absence of a unified data division and standardized metrics hinders the fair comparison of various facies classification approaches. To this end, we develop an objective benchmark for the evaluation of semi-supervised methods, including self-training, consistency regularization, and the proposed CONSS. Our benchmark is publicly available to enable researchers to objectively compare different approaches. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the F3 survey

    Dual-frequency programmed harmonics modulation-based simultaneous wireless information and power transfer system via a common resonance link

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    Most simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) systems currently operate at a single frequency, where the power and information transmission affect the resonance state of each other. This paper proposes a structure using dual-frequency programmed harmonics modulation (DFPHM). The primary-side inverter outputs a dual-frequency (DF) wave containing the power transmission and information transmission frequencies, while the DF wave is coupled to the secondary side through a common inductive link. After the power and information are transmitted to the secondary side, they are demodulated in different branches. Wave trappers are designed on each branch to reduce the interference of information transmission on power transmission. There is no tight coupling transformer in the system to inject information, so the system order is not high. Experiments verified that the proposed structure based on DFPHM is effective.Web of Science1210art. no. 418

    Dependability of the converters : New structures for inverters redundancy secure fault-tolerant

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    Au sein d'un convertisseur la défaillance d'un composant de puissance est un événement critique tant par le risque d'explosion du boitier et sa propagation au sein du système (forte énergie stockée dans l'alimentation) que par l'interruption de service qui en découle (systèmes embarqués, systèmes de production en flux tendu). Ce mémoire de thèse propose un ensemble de solutions nouvelles portant sur la problématique de l'isolement ultime de défauts "derniers secours" d'une part, et sur la connexion "automatique" et à faible "coût" d'un circuit en secours. L'objectif de cette approche globale est de concilier "sécurité électrique absolue" et "continuité de service" pour les systèmes de conversion sensibles devant être intégrés au coeur des applications critiques. Le premier chapitre et son annexe permettent de rappeler les causes et les conséquences des défauts internes au sein d'une structure de base d'onduleur à deux niveaux de tension, laquelle fait l'objet de nombreuses simulations de modes dégradés en configuration variateur de vitesse sur machine synchrone. De cette analyse il ressort qu'une structure d'isolement symétrique à deux voies couplées, placées sur les pôles du bus DC, à déclenchement spontané (fusible) et/ou commande (rupteur), est à même de sécuriser toutes les mailles du circuit, de façon modulaire et non intrusive.In all these traditional industries, or in more sensitive sectors and high technology, it appears that the safe operation of power systems becomes a critical and strategic area essential. In the area of application that focuses, design dependability and now rests primarily on an approach to reliability of components used, the use of close protection, monitoring alarms and management stop / reset / recovery. In our view, this approach is incomplete quickly when electrical safety and absolute continuity of a permanent mission should be carried out simultaneously in the presence of an internal failure of sensitive functions for low and medium power (eg, orders and bodies actuation of vehicles) or highly critical (nuclear). In this area, topologies and failure modes are at the heart of the problem. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the inverters and choppers structures at two levels of voltage (single-cell arm, <1kV), with simple configuration and multiphase parallel, although the concepts are presented, as examples, partially extrapolated to the structures of three voltage levels (arms multicellular) and rectifier (low-frequency phase control and high-frequency switching PWM). We will highlight the need to limit the intensity of these failures and to electrically isolate the defective cell and symmetrically of this inverter by multipole devices, passive or spontaneous breaking mixed cut ordered in the form of fuses integrated and distributed of multi-channel passive isolators, to imagine and develop. We will show that this process of isolation of the last backup is needed to connect, form series or parallel to the defective cell, a cell rescue in passive redundancy. The cell structure backup connection pooled by spontaneous (automatic) is especially promising as detailed in our eyes because of its simplicity and its integrability. Next, we present the isolation technologies fuse (not included, miniatures, CMS and multilayer chip fuse), their characteristics, their current limitations and operating in a switching cell test. A methodology and design of symmetrical two-way fuse (dual-fuse) on FR4 PCB - Copper will be presented in Comsol ™ and evaluated initially in static thermal IR. A passive two-way switch, relatively original material for integrating energy embedded in FR4 substrate, will be presented and fully dimensioned plans on electrical, thermal and mechanical also using finite element simulations in Comsol ™. Another aspect of exploratory analysis, mainly experimental, or to characterize the failure modes of bullets and casings ultimate power compared between the technologies of encapsulation by epoxy resin (standard discrete case) and a silicone gel (module) is provided under conditions of stress controlled and reproducible. This step is necessary to characterize the resistive mode of a chip based on faulty stresses and stability over time of the residual strength according to the nature of the encapsulant, ie the very sustainability of this failure mode. A mixed-encapsulant resin - gel will be presented and characterized, providing an excellent compromise for medium power applications. Positive results and little known today, will allow us to exploit in the next chapter, this property of stable ohmic mode of the chip failed in a structure to aid automated connection series interesting. In the end, we will detail the demonstrator prototype and introduced to the context with which we will validate the isolation structures and prototypes fuses the property of stable ohmic mode highlighted in the aspect of technological analysis of selected devices. These results allow us to refine the solutions adopted for specifications and guide future management strategy of defects whether internal or external to the topology. Supervisor digital device - sensor for the detection and reconfiguration of internal control orders will be assessed

    Sûreté de fonctionnement des convertisseurs - Nouvelles structures de redondances pour onduleurs sécurisés à tolérance de pannes

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    Au sein d'un convertisseur la défaillance d'un composant de puissance est un événement critique tant par le risque d'explosion du boitier et sa propagation au sein du système (forte énergie stockée dans l'alimentation) que par l'interruption de service qui en découle (systèmes embarqués, systèmes de production en flux tendu). Ce mémoire de thèse propose un ensemble de solutions nouvelles portant sur la problématique de l'isolement ultime de défauts "derniers secours" d'une part, et sur la connexion "automatique" et à faible "coût" d'un circuit en secours. L'objectif de cette approche globale est de concilier "sécurité électrique absolue" et "continuité de service" pour les systèmes de conversion sensibles devant être intégrés au coeur des applications critiques. Le premier chapitre et son annexe permettent de rappeler les causes et les conséquences des défauts internes au sein d'une structure de base d'onduleur à deux niveaux de tension, laquelle fait l'objet de nombreuses simulations de modes dégradés en configuration variateur de vitesse sur machine synchrone. De cette analyse il ressort qu'une structure d'isolement symétrique à deux voies couplées, placées sur les pôles du bus DC, à déclenchement spontané (fusible) et/ou commande (rupteur), est à même de sécuriser toutes les mailles du circuit, de façon modulaire et non intrusive.In all these traditional industries, or in more sensitive sectors and high technology, it appears that the safe operation of power systems becomes a critical and strategic area essential. In the area of application that focuses, design dependability and now rests primarily on an approach to reliability of components used, the use of close protection, monitoring alarms and management stop / reset / recovery. In our view, this approach is incomplete quickly when electrical safety and absolute continuity of a permanent mission should be carried out simultaneously in the presence of an internal failure of sensitive functions for low and medium power (eg, orders and bodies actuation of vehicles) or highly critical (nuclear). In this area, topologies and failure modes are at the heart of the problem. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the inverters and choppers structures at two levels of voltage (single-cell arm, <1kV), with simple configuration and multiphase parallel, although the concepts are presented, as examples, partially extrapolated to the structures of three voltage levels (arms multicellular) and rectifier (low-frequency phase control and high-frequency switching PWM). We will highlight the need to limit the intensity of these failures and to electrically isolate the defective cell and symmetrically of this inverter by multipole devices, passive or spontaneous breaking mixed cut ordered in the form of fuses integrated and distributed of multi-channel passive isolators, to imagine and develop. We will show that this process of isolation of the last backup is needed to connect, form series or parallel to the defective cell, a cell rescue in passive redundancy. The cell structure backup connection pooled by spontaneous (automatic) is especially promising as detailed in our eyes because of its simplicity and its integrability. Next, we present the isolation technologies fuse (not included, miniatures, CMS and multilayer chip fuse), their characteristics, their current limitations and operating in a switching cell test. A methodology and design of symmetrical two-way fuse (dual-fuse) on FR4 PCB - Copper will be presented in Comsol and evaluated initially in static thermal IR. A passive two-way switch, relatively original material for integrating energy embedded in FR4 substrate, will be presented and fully dimensioned plans on electrical, thermal and mechanical also using finite element simulations in Comsol . Another aspect of exploratory analysis, mainly experimental, or to characterize the failure modes of bullets and casings ultimate power compared between the technologies of encapsulation by epoxy resin (standard discrete case) and a silicone gel (module) is provided under conditions of stress controlled and reproducible. This step is necessary to characterize the resistive mode of a chip based on faulty stresses and stability over time of the residual strength according to the nature of the encapsulant, ie the very sustainability of this failure mode. A mixed-encapsulant resin - gel will be presented and characterized, providing an excellent compromise for medium power applications. Positive results and little known today, will allow us to exploit in the next chapter, this property of stable ohmic mode of the chip failed in a structure to aid automated connection series interesting. In the end, we will detail the demonstrator prototype and introduced to the context with which we will validate the isolation structures and prototypes fuses the property of stable ohmic mode highlighted in the aspect of technological analysis of selected devices. These results allow us to refine the solutions adopted for specifications and guide future management strategy of defects whether internal or external to the topology. Supervisor digital device - sensor for the detection and reconfiguration of internal control orders will be assessed.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Urban Land Extraction Using VIIRS Nighttime Light Data: An Evaluation of Three Popular Methods

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    Timely and accurate extraction of urban land area using the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) nighttime light data is important for urban studies. However, a comprehensive assessment of the existing methods for extracting urban land using VIIRS nighttime light data remains inadequate. Therefore, we first reviewed the relevant methods and selected three popular methods for extracting urban land area using nighttime light data. These methods included local-optimized thresholding (LOT), vegetation-adjusted nighttime light urban index (VANUI), integrated nighttime lights, normalized difference vegetation index, and land surface temperature support vector machine classification (INNL-SVM). Then, we assessed the performance of these methods for extracting urban land area based on the VIIRS nighttime light data in seven evaluation areas with various natural and socioeconomic conditions in China. We found that INNL-SVM had the best performance with an average kappa of 0.80, which was 6.67% higher than the LOT and 2.56% higher than the VANUI. The superior performance of INNL-SVM was mainly attributed to the integration of information on nighttime light, vegetation cover, and land surface temperature. This integration effectively reduced the commission and omission errors arising from the overflow effect and low light brightness of the VIIRS nighttime light data. Additionally, INNL-SVM can extract urban land area more easily. Thus, we suggest that INNL-SVM has great potential for effectively extracting urban land with VIIRS nighttime light data at large scales

    How Did Urban Land Expand in China between 1992 and 2015? A Multi-Scale Landscape Analysis.

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    Effective and timely quantification of the spatiotemporal pattern of urban expansion in China is important for the assessment of its environmental effects. However, the dynamics of the most recent urban expansions in China since 2012 have not yet been adequately explained due to a lack of current information. In this paper, our objective was to quantify spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion in China between 1992 and 2015. First, we extracted information on urban expansion in China between 1992 and 2015 by integrating nighttime light data, vegetation index data, and land surface temperature data. Then we analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion at the national and regional scales, as well as at that of urban agglomerations. We found that China experienced a rapid and large-scale process of urban expansion between 1992 and 2015, with urban land increasing from 1.22 × 104 km2 to 7.29 × 104 km2, increasing in size nearly fivefold and with an average annual growth rate of 8.10%, almost 2.5 times as rapid as the global average. We also found that urban land in China expanded mainly by occupying 3.31 × 104 km2 of cropland, which comprised 54.67% of the total area of expanded urban land. Among the three modes of growth-infilling, edge expansion, and leapfrog-edge expansion was the main cause of cropland loss. Cropland loss resulting from edge expansion of urban land totalled 2.51 × 104 km2, accounting for over 75% of total cropland loss. We suggest that effective future management with respect to edge expansion of urban land is needed to protect cropland in China

    Comparison of IGBT short-circuit failure “ohmic mode”: Epoxy molded package versus silicone gel module for new fail-safe and interruptible power converters

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    International audienceAn epoxy molded package is compared with a silicone gel module with IGBTs chips in short-circuit failure modes with respect to critical energy, I2Tmelting and explosion energy capabilities. Special importance was attached to “ohmic mode” assessment and ageing of the failed chips. The molded technology yields a very low and stable Rsc (1000 h) also exhibit an acceptable drift of the Rsc property (sc value due to damage of the “free moving” wire-bonding on the chips. The authors show that the paralleled wires connections and the multiple parallel melting pits allow a sort of active redundancy and a possible on-state operation. All these results are used for the design of new and original failsafe converters. These topologies use only one paralleled safety leg that is spontaneously and directly connected in series with the failed devices, through the low Rsc value of the failed chips, without any additional complexity or extra cost