153 research outputs found

    Human factor in the aircraft operations

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá nehodami způsobenými typickým selháním lidského faktoru. Z vybraných leteckých nehod jsou vyzdviženy chyby způsobené letovou posádkou, jejich návaznost, vzrůst, hlavní příčina a vznik letecké nehody. Analýza lidských chyb a vliv fáze letu jsou zobrazeny pomocí statistik. V závěrečné části jsou možná řešení snížení chyb a zlepšení bezpečnosti v letovém provozu.This bachelor´s thesis examines air accidents which is caused by human error. From selected air accidents are pointed out mistakes, which is caused by flight crew, their continuation, increase, main causation and formation air accident. Study of human mistakes and influence phase of flight are shown in diagrams. The conclusion of the bachelor thesis includes possible solving to elimination human error and increasing air traffic safety.

    Construction RNAV instrument departures for runway 03C at the Kunovice airport

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhy RNAV-1 odletových tratí z dráhy 03C na letišti v Kunovicích. Navrhnuté trasy jsou navázány na nové RNAV-1 tratě v TMA Brno, v práci jsou dále vyhotoveny RNAV SID mapy a detailně popsána konstrukce jedné z odletových tras. Kromě samotných návrhů RNAV-1 tratí jsou v práci rozebrány také vlivy a faktory, jež konstrukci těchto tratí ovlivňují. Konstrukce RNAV SID tras vychází z poznatků a nedostatků konvenčních tras, které vyplynuly z analýzy současného stavu odletových tras na letišti v Kunovicích. V druhé části práce jsou předloženy 3 varianty odletových tratí z kunovického letiště.This master´s thesis deals with RNAV-1 departure routes for runway 03C at the Kunovice airport. Suggested routes are linked to the new RNAV-1 routes in TMA Brno. RNAV SID maps and construction of one of the departure track are also done and described in this master´s thesis. Beyond design of RNAV-1 routes are also analyzed influences and factors in the master´s thesis that affect the construction of these routes. Construction of RNAV SID routes are based on the knowledge and shortcomings conventional routes that are resulted from the analysis of the current departure routes at the Kunovice airport. In the second part of the thesis is submitted 3 variants of departure routes for Kunovice airport.

    Development of monitoring application for a production cell workspace with SICK scanners

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    Tato bakalářská práce obsahuje stručnou rešerši o skenerech od firmy SICK a metodách pro monitorování pracovního prostoru. Dále je zde popsána implementace monitorovacích metod v robotickém průmyslu. Cílem praktické části bylo navrhnout, implementovat a otestovat aplikaci pro monitorování pracovního prostoru v LabVIEW. Vytvořená aplikace obsahuje možnost využít sériové komunikace se skenerem SICK PLS 101-312 anebo vytvoření simulace monitorovaného prostoru. Na závěr jsou obě tyto možnosti otestovány a vyhodnoceny.This thesis is about scanners of SICK company and monitoring methods in workspaces. Next in this thesis is described implementation of monitoring methods in robotic industry. Objective of practical part was design, implementation and to test application created in LabVIEW for monitoring workspaces. Created application contains choice of use serial communication with scanner SICK PLS 101-312 or possibility to create simulation of monitoring workspace. In conclusion both choices are tested and evaluated.

    Project Financing by EU Funds

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na možnosti financování konkrétního projektu v podniku z fondů Evropské unie. Teoretická část popisuje jednotlivé fondy a politiky EU. V této části jsou rovněž definovány základy z oblasti projektového managementu. Cílem praktické části je vypracování studie proveditelnosti projektu, který bude spolufinancován z evropských fondů a následné zhodnocení celého procesu. V závěru práce je zpracován postup podání žádosti z operačního programu Podnikání a inovace prostřednictvím agentury CzechInvest.This Diploma thesis is focused on the possibilities of financing a specific project in the company from EU Funds. Theoretical part of this thesis describes an individual funds and policies of European Union. This part also defines the basic informations from Project management. The aim of the practical part is prepare a feasibility study of the project. This project will be co-financed from EU Funds. After that the whole process will be assessed. In the end of the thesis is processed the whole procedure of submission the request from the Business and Innovation Programme through the CzechInvest agency.

    Transfer of Vibrational Coherence Through Incoherent Energy Transfer Process in F\"{o}rster Limi

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    We study transfer of coherent nuclear oscillations between an excitation energy donor and an acceptor in a simple dimeric electronic system coupled to an unstructured thermodynamic bath and some pronounced vibrational intramolecular mode. Our focus is on the non-linear optical response of such a system, i.e. we study both excited state energy transfer and the compensation of the so-called ground state bleach signal. The response function formalism enables us to investigate a heterodimer with monomers coupled strongly to the bath and by a weak resonance coupling to each other (F\"{o}rster rate limit). Our work is motivated by recent observation of various vibrational signatures in 2D coherent spectra of energy transferring systems including large structures with a fast energy diffusion. We find that the vibrational coherence can be transferred from donor to acceptor molecules provided the transfer rate is sufficiently fast. The ground state bleach signal of the acceptor molecules does not show any oscillatory signatures, and oscillations in ground state bleaching signal of the donor prevail with the amplitude which is not decreasing with the relaxation rate.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The effect of rotor geometry on particle size characteristics for knife-milled wheat straw

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    The paper aimed to experimentally identify the effect of rotor blade geometry on particle size characteristics for the knife-milled wheat straw of 12.5 wt % moisture content. Biomass was systematically reduced in size using two-blade rotor geometries (linear and screw), varying the following conditions: rotor speeds of 10.2 - 20.4 m s - 1 and screen sieve sizes of 0.75 - 10 mm. It was identified that rotor blade geometry affected particle size. The higher the rotational rotor speed and the screen sieve size, the higher the difference in particle size characteristics. The original empiric model was derived and calibrated by studying the mutual relationships among process variables. The model allows predicting characteristic particle size D50 for individual rotor blade geometries, knowing rotor speed and screen sieve size. The accuracies of R2=0.94 for linear- and R2=0.92 for screw-blade rotor geometry were reached for particle size estimation using the derived model.This research was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under OP RDE grant number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000753 "Research centre for low-carbon energy technologies

    Fractional-Order Asymptotical Phase Shifter With Flat Magnitude Response

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    This work deals with design of fractional-order asymptotical phase shifter having constant magnitude response within almost three decades (100 Hz – 100 kHz) and frequency dependent phase difference going from 0 to 45 degrees. PSpice simulations employing macromodels of off-the-shelf active parts brought the results suitable for brief analysis of the complete solution of our phase shifter in both frequency and time domain. Magnitude flatness with only ±0.3 dB variation and maximal phase error in the middle of operational bandwidth 3.7 degrees prove very good performance of designed circuit