217 research outputs found

    Low-Voltage Circuit-Breaker Behavior under Overload Conditions

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    This article deals with temperature-rise of current path of modern low-voltage circuit-breaker with rotary contact system at overloads and subsequent experimental verification of selected model. The first part describes optimal setting of input conditions of simulation and mainly transient phenomena at contacts causing dynamic change of contact resistances due to change of total contact force, a new challenge to be solved in this contribution. The second part devotes laboratory measurement on prepared sample of the breaker for verification of transient simulation. These simulations are not only important for understanding of rotary system behavior under overloads, but forms an essential part of R & D process due to the speed-up of optimal current path design. In the end, both the financial costs and time effort could be decreased

    Diagnostics of Various Phenomena in LV Devices Under Real Switching Conditions

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    The article deals with issues to be tackled when performing experiments with low voltage devices under real switching conditions and subsequently discusses various phenomena in an experimental device. The first part describes optimum setting of diagnostic equipment - mainly for optical diagnostic methods. The second part describes some phenomena encountered during switching process under real switching conditions - arc roots movement (cathode and anode spots). These phenomena are not only important for experimental study itself but also form necessary input data for numerical models and their validation

    Rotating Gliding Arc: Innovative Source for VOC Remediation

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    The large-scale plasma treatment of waste gas in industrial or municipal conditions requires high efficiency of plasma conversion process at high processing speed, i.e., large volumetric flow. The integration of the plasma unit into existing systems puts demands on the pipe-system compatibility and minimal pressure drop due to adoption of plasma processing step. These conditions are met at the innovative rotating electrode gliding arc plasma unit described in this article. The system consists of propeller-shaped high voltage electrode inside grounded metallic tube. The design of HV electrode eliminates the pressure drop inside the air system, contrary the plasma unit itself is capable of driving the waste gas at volumetric flow up to 300 m3/hr for 20 cm pipe diameter. In the article the first results on pilot study of waste air treatment will be given for selected volatile organic compounds together with basic characteristic of the plasma unit used

    Permutation Entropy and Signal Energy Increase the Accuracy of Neuropathic Change Detection in Needle EMG

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    Background and Objective. Needle electromyography can be used to detect the number of changes and morphological changes in motor unit potentials of patients with axonal neuropathy. General mathematical methods of pattern recognition and signal analysis were applied to recognize neuropathic changes. This study validates the possibility of extending and refining turns-amplitude analysis using permutation entropy and signal energy. Methods. In this study, we examined needle electromyography in 40 neuropathic individuals and 40 controls. The number of turns, amplitude between turns, signal energy, and “permutation entropy” were used as features for support vector machine classification. Results. The obtained results proved the superior classification performance of the combinations of all of the above-mentioned features compared to the combinations of fewer features. The lowest accuracy from the tested combinations of features had peak-ratio analysis. Conclusion. Using the combination of permutation entropy with signal energy, number of turns and mean amplitude in SVM classification can be used to refine the diagnosis of polyneuropathies examined by needle electromyography

    Tubulin is actively exported from the nucleus through the Exportin1/CRM1 pathway

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    Microtubules of all eukaryotic cells are formed by α- and β-tubulin heterodimers. In addition to the well known cytoplasmic tubulins, a subpopulation of tubulin can occur in the nucleus. So far, the potential function of nuclear tubulin has remained elusive. In this work, we show that α- and β-tubulins of various organisms contain multiple conserved nuclear export sequences, which are potential targets of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. We demonstrate exemplarily that these NES motifs are sufficient to mediate export of GFP as model cargo and that this export can be inhibited by leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. Likewise, leptomycin B causes accumulation of GFP-tagged tubulin in interphase nuclei, in both plant and animal model cells. Our analysis of nuclear tubulin content supports the hypothesis that an important function of nuclear tubulin export is the exclusion of tubulin from interphase nuclei, after being trapped by nuclear envelope reassembly during telophase

    Tubulin is actively exported from the nucleus through the Exportin1/CRM1 pathway

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    Microtubules of all eukaryotic cells are formed by α- and β-tubulin heterodimers. In addition to the well known cytoplasmic tubulins, a subpopulation of tubulin can occur in the nucleus. So far, the potential function of nuclear tubulin has remained elusive. In this work, we show that α- and β-tubulins of various organisms contain multiple conserved nuclear export sequences, which are potential targets of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. We demonstrate exemplarily that these NES motifs are sufficient to mediate export of GFP as model cargo and that this export can be inhibited by leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. Likewise, leptomycin B causes accumulation of GFP-tagged tubulin in interphase nuclei, in both plant and animal model cells. Our analysis of nuclear tubulin content supports the hypothesis that an important function of nuclear tubulin export is the exclusion of tubulin from interphase nuclei, after being trapped by nuclear envelope reassembly during telophase

    Predictive control of systems with fast dynamics using computational reduction based on feedback control information

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    Predictive control is a method, which is suitable for control of linear discrete dynamical systems. However, control of systems with fast dynamics could be problematic using predictive control. The calculation of a predictivecontrol algorithm can exceed the sampling period. This situation occurs in case with higher prediction horizons and many constraints on variables in the predictive control. In this contribution, an improving of the classical approach is presented. The reduction of the computational time is performed using an analysis of steady states in the control. The presented approach is based on utilization of information from the feedback control. Then this information is applied in the control algorithm. Finally, the classical method is compared to the presented modification using the time analyses. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Thermal Plasma of Electric Arc Discharge Between Composite Cu-Cr Electrsodes: Optical Emission and Electrode Surface Interaction

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    This work deals with investigations of thermal plasma of electric arc discharge between sintered composite Cu-Cr electrodes, which can be used in electrical contacts of vacuum circuit breakers. Breaking arcs between composite Cu-Cr as well as single-component copper electrodes were used to study the electrical properties, plasma optical emission and electrodes surface modification behavior. In particular, the temporal evolution of plasma emission spectra of electric breaking arcs in air atmosphere was investigated by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) were applied to analyze the cross-section of working layer of electrodes surface modified by the heat flux from the discharge

    Semiconductor Detectors for Observation of Multi-MeV Protons and Ions Produced by Lasers

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    The application of time-of-flight Faraday cups and SiC detectors for the measurement of currents of fast ions emitted by laser-produced plasmas is reported. Presented analysis of signals of ion detectors reflects the design and construction of the detector used. A similarity relation between output signals of ion collectors and semiconductor detectors is established. Optimization of the diagnostic system is discussed with respect to the emission time of electromagnetic pulses interfering with signals induced by the fastest ions accelerated up to velocities of 107 m/s. The experimental campaign on laser-driven ion acceleration was performed at the PALS facility in Prague

    Composite Cu-Cr materials under thermal action of electric arc discharge plasma

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    The results of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) investigation of plasma of electric arc discharges in steadystate mode between Cu-Cr composite electrodes, manufactured at different sintered temperatures: 750, 850, 950 or 1050 °C, is presented. In particular, the impact of sintering temperature on erosion resistanceof such composite materials, which was determined in indirect manner by estimation of metal vapours content in the midsection of discharge gaps, is studied by the analysis of plasma parameters. These contents were calculated in assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) on the base of experimentally obtained radial distributions of plasma temperature and electron density.Представлено результати дослідження плазми дугових розрядів у стаціонарному режимі методами оптичної емісійної спектроскопії (ОЕС) між електродами з Cu-Cr-композитних матеріалів, виготовлених при різних температурах спікання: 750, 850, 950 та 1050 °С. Зокрема, на основі аналізу параметрів плазми досліджено вплив температури спікання на ерозійну стійкість таких композиційних матеріалів, яка визначалась у непрямий спосіб – шляхом оцінки вмісту парів металів у середньому перерізі розрядних проміжків між електродами. Розподіли вмісту парів металів були розраховані в припущенні локальної термодинамічної рівноваги на основі експериментально одержаних радіальних розподілів температури плазми і електронної концентрації.Представлены результаты исследования плазмы дуговых разрядов в установившемся режиме методами оптической эмиссионной спектроскопии (ОЭС) между электродами из Cu-Cr-композитных материалов, изготовленных при различных температурах спекания: 750, 850, 950 и 1050 °С. В частности, на основе анализа параметров плазмы исследовано влияние температуры спекания на эрозионную стойкость таких композиционных материалов, которая определялась косвенным способом ‒ путем оценки содержания паров металлов в среднем сечении разрядных промежутков между электродами. Распределения содержания паров металлов были рассчитаны в предположении локального термодинамического равновесия на основе экспериментально полученных радиальных распределений температуры плазмы и электронной концентрации